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jguarin200 |
-- Author : Julian Andres Guarin Reyes.
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-- Project : JART, Just Another Ray Tracer.
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-- email : jguarin2002 at gmail.com, j.guarin at javeriana.edu.co
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-- This code was entirely written by Julian Andres Guarin Reyes.
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-- The following code is licensed under GNU Public License
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-- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
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-- This file is part of JART (Just Another Ray Tracer).
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-- JART (Just Another Ray Tracer) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 |
-- (at your option) any later version.
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-- JART (Just Another Ray Tracer) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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-- GNU General Public License for more details.
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-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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-- along with JART (Just Another Ray Tracer). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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-- This file is an instantiation of a minimun distance comparers row. The number of dot cells used is parameterizable.
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library ieee;
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use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
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use work.powerGrid.all;
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entity floor2Row is
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generic (
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viw : integer := 32; -- Vector input Width
34 |
idColW : integer := 2; -- ID Column width
35 |
col : integer := 4; -- Number of Colums
36 |
37 |
port (
38 |
-- Input Control Signal
39 |
-- Clk, Rst, the usual control signals.
40 |
clk, rst, pipeOn: in std_logic;
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42 |
-- Input Values
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refvd : in std_logic_vector (viw-1 downto 0);
44 |
selvd : out std_logic_vector (viw-1 downto 0);
45 |
colvd : in std_logic_vector (viw*col-1 downto 0);
46 |
colid : out std_logic_vector (idColW-1 downto 0);
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inter : out std_logic_vector
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end entity;
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architecture rtl of floor2Row is
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signal srefvd : std_logic_vector ((col+1)*viw - 1 downto 0); -- The minimun vd difussion nets.
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signal scolid : std_logic_vector ((col+1)*idColW-1 downto 0); -- The column id difussion nets.
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signal sinter : std_logic_vector ((col+1) - 1 downto 0); -- The intersection on set, difussion net.
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-- Conexiones hacia afuera!.
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scol(idColW-1 downto 0) <= (others=>'0');
62 |
selvd <= srefvd ((col+1)*viw - 1 downto col*viw);
63 |
colid <= scolid ((col+1)*idColW-1 downto col*idColW);
64 |
inter <= sinter(col);
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-- Comparadores.
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compStages : for i in 0 to col-1 generate
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compCell : dComparisonCell
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generic map ( W = viw, idColW = idColW, idCol=i )
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port map (
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clk => clk,
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rst => rst,
75 |
ena => pipeOn,
76 |
intd => sinter(i),
77 |
intq => sinter(i+1),
78 |
cIdd => scolid((i+1)*idColW - 1 downto i*idColW),
79 |
cIdq => scolid((i+2)*idColW - 1 downto (i+1)*idColW),
80 |
refvd => srefvd((i+1)*viw - 1 downto i*viw),
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colvd => colvd((i+1)*viw - 1 downto i*viw),
82 |
selvd => srefvd((i+2)*viw - 1 downto (i+1)*viw)
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end generate;
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end rtl;
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