1 |
2 |
idiolatrie |
2 |
-- MIPS™ I CPU --
3 |
4 |
-- --
5 |
6 |
-- --
7 |
-- o The upper 4bits of a branch/jump instruction depend on the PC of the --
8 |
-- branch delay slot. This special case has not been tested: --
9 |
-- --
10 |
11 |
-- +------------+-----------------+ --
12 |
-- | 0x0fffffff | some branch OP | --
13 |
-- | 0x10000000 | ADD $s1, $s1, 1 | --
14 |
-- +------------+-----------------+ --
15 |
-- --
16 |
-- Whenever the upper 4 PC bits of the jump instruction differs from the --
17 |
-- delay slot instruction address, there might be a chance of incorrect --
18 |
-- behavoir. --
19 |
-- --
20 |
-- o Interrupts are still experimental. --
21 |
-- --
22 |
23 |
-- Copyright (C)2011 Mathias Hörtnagl <mathias.hoertnagl@gmail.comt> --
24 |
-- --
25 |
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --
26 |
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --
27 |
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --
28 |
-- (at your option) any later version. --
29 |
-- --
30 |
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
31 |
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
32 |
33 |
-- GNU General Public License for more details. --
34 |
-- --
35 |
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --
36 |
-- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
37 |
38 |
library ieee;
39 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
40 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
41 |
42 |
library work;
43 |
use work.mips1.all;
44 |
use work.tcpu.all;
45 |
use work.icpu.all;
46 |
use work.fcpu.all;
47 |
48 |
49 |
entity cpu is
50 |
51 |
ci : in cpu_in_t;
52 |
co : out cpu_out_t
53 |
54 |
end cpu;
55 |
56 |
architecture rtl of cpu is
57 |
58 |
signal f, fin : fe_t; -- FE: [FETCH STAGE]
59 |
signal d, din : de_t; -- DE: [DECODE STAGE]
60 |
signal e, ein : ex_t; -- EX: [EXECUTION STAGE]
61 |
signal m, min : me_t; -- ME: [MEMORY STAGE]
62 |
signal cp, cpin : cp0_t; -- Coprocessor 0 registers
63 |
64 |
-- Interrupt related signals.
65 |
signal intr_bd : boolean; -- Branch delay flag.
66 |
signal intr_bdd : boolean; -- Branch delay delay flag.
67 |
signal intr_im : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Interrupt mask.
68 |
signal intr_iec : std_logic; -- IEc: Interrupt enable current.
69 |
signal intr_iep : std_logic; -- IEp: Interrupt enable previous.
70 |
signal intr_ieo : std_logic; -- IEo: Interrupt enable old.
71 |
72 |
-- Aliases for the instruction's GPR RS and RT addresses.
73 |
alias rs_a : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) is ci.ins(25 downto 21);
74 |
alias rt_a : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) is ci.ins(20 downto 16);
75 |
76 |
signal rs_o, rt_o : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- GPR output data.
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
fe : process(f.pc, ci.irq, e.f, d.cc, cp.epc, cp.sr, intr_bd, intr_im,
83 |
intr_iec, intr_iep, intr_ieo)
84 |
85 |
86 |
-- EPC Address --
87 |
88 |
-- SETTING: Interrupt handler routine address.
89 |
constant INTR_ADR : unsigned(31 downto 0) := x"200000c0";
90 |
91 |
variable v : fe_t;
92 |
variable c : cp0_t;
93 |
94 |
variable intr : boolean;
95 |
96 |
v := f;
97 |
c := cp;
98 |
99 |
-- Address of the next instruction to be fetched.
100 |
co.iadr <= std_logic_vector(f.pc) & "00";
101 |
102 |
-- Program Counter
103 |
-- if e.f.jmp = '1' then
104 |
-- v.pc := e.f.j;
105 |
-- else if d.f.jmp = '1' then
106 |
-- v.pc := d.f.j;
107 |
-- else
108 |
-- v.pc := f.pc + 1;
109 |
-- end if;
110 |
111 |
-- Program Counter
112 |
if e.f.jmp = '1' then v.pc := e.f.j; else v.pc := f.pc + 1; end if;
113 |
114 |
115 |
-- INTR Interrupt --
116 |
117 |
-- The interrupt mechanism consists of several tasks: --
118 |
-- o Push a '0' onto the IE stack to avoid further interrupt triggers. --
119 |
-- o Set the EPC to the instruction following the current instruction. --
120 |
-- o Jump to EPC_ADR, which is the hardcoded address of the interrupt --
121 |
-- dispatch routine. --
122 |
123 |
124 |
-- Restore from exception.
125 |
-- Do before interrupt handling, or else we might push the IE stack twice.
126 |
if d.cc.rfe then c := pop_ie(c); end if;
127 |
128 |
-- Set SR of CP0. [DE]
129 |
-- Set (Disable) SR before interrupt handling.
130 |
if d.cc.mtsr then
131 |
c.sr.im := intr_im;
132 |
c.sr.iec := intr_iec;
133 |
c.sr.iep := intr_iep;
134 |
c.sr.ieo := intr_ieo;
135 |
end if;
136 |
137 |
-- Delay interrupt if we are in one of the to delay slots.
138 |
-- Push the IE stack, Save return address and jump to the interrupt
139 |
-- handler.
140 |
intr := ( (cp.sr.im and ci.irq) /= x"00" ) and (cp.sr.iec = '1');
141 |
142 |
if (not intr_bd) and (not intr_bdd) and intr then
143 |
c := push_ie(c);
144 |
-- Save PC weather it is from a jump or just incremented.
145 |
c.epc := v.pc; -- e.f.j or f.pc + 1.
146 |
v.pc := INTR_ADR(31 downto 2);
147 |
end if;
148 |
149 |
fin <= v;
150 |
cpin <= c;
151 |
end process;
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
de : process(ci.ins, d, m, m.wc, d.cc, d.dc, d.ec, d.ec.alu, d.ec.alu.src,
159 |
d.ec.jmp, d.mc, d.mc.mem, d.wc)
160 |
161 |
variable v : de_t;
162 |
163 |
alias rgcp0 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) is ci.ins(15 downto 11);
164 |
165 |
v := d;
166 |
167 |
-- synthesis translate_off
168 |
co.op <= op(ci.ins);
169 |
co.alu <= aluop(ci.ins);
170 |
co.rimm <= rimmop(ci.ins);
171 |
co.cp0op <= cp0op(ci.ins);
172 |
co.cp0reg <= cp0reg(ci.ins(4 downto 0));
173 |
-- synthesis translate_on
174 |
175 |
176 |
-- Decode --
177 |
178 |
-- Default values emulate a NOP [SLL $0, $0, 0] operation.
179 |
180 |
v.cc.mtsr := false; -- Move To Status Register. [INTR]
181 |
v.cc.rfe := false; -- Restore from Exception. [INTR]
182 |
--v.f.jmp := '0';
183 |
--v.f.j := (others => '-');
184 |
v.ec.wbr := RD; -- Write back register.
185 |
v.ec.alu.op := SLL0; -- ALU operation. [ALU]
186 |
v.ec.alu.src.a := REG; -- Source for ALU input A. [ALU Source Choice]
187 |
v.ec.alu.src.b := REG; -- Source for ALU input B. [ALU Source Choice]
188 |
v.ec.jmp.src := REG; -- Jump source. [Branch/Jump]
189 |
v.ec.jmp.op := NOP; -- Jump type. [Branch/Jump]
190 |
v.mc.mem.we := '0'; -- Memory write enable.
191 |
v.mc.mem.ext := ZERO; -- Memory data extension. [Data Extension]
192 |
v.mc.mem.byt := NONE; -- Number of data bytes. [MEMORY STAGE]
193 |
v.mc.src := ALU; -- ALU or MEM to GPR. [MEMORY STAGE]
194 |
v.wc.we := '0'; -- GPR write enable.
195 |
196 |
intr_bd <= false; -- Marks a branch delay slot. [INTR]
197 |
198 |
case op(ci.ins) is
199 |
when AD =>
200 |
case aluop(ci.ins) is
201 |
when JALR =>
202 |
v := link(v);
203 |
v.ec.jmp.op := JMP;
204 |
intr_bd <= true;
205 |
when JR =>
206 |
v.ec.jmp.op := JMP;
207 |
intr_bd <= true;
208 |
when SLL0 | SRA0 | SRL0 =>
209 |
v.ec.alu.op := aluop(ci.ins);
210 |
v.ec.alu.src.a := SH_CONST;
211 |
v.wc.we := '1';
212 |
when others =>
213 |
v.ec.alu.op := aluop(ci.ins);
214 |
v.wc.we := '1';
215 |
end case;
216 |
217 |
218 |
-- Immediate Branches --
219 |
220 |
when RI =>
221 |
case rimmop(ci.ins) is
222 |
when BGEZ =>
223 |
v.ec.jmp.src := BRA;
224 |
v.ec.jmp.op := GEZ;
225 |
intr_bd <= true;
226 |
when BGEZAL =>
227 |
v := link(v);
228 |
v.ec.wbr := RA;
229 |
v.ec.jmp.src := BRA;
230 |
v.ec.jmp.op := GEZ;
231 |
intr_bd <= true;
232 |
when BLTZ =>
233 |
v.ec.jmp.src := BRA;
234 |
v.ec.jmp.op := LTZ;
235 |
intr_bd <= true;
236 |
when BLTZAL =>
237 |
v := link(v);
238 |
v.ec.wbr := RA;
239 |
v.ec.jmp.src := BRA;
240 |
v.ec.jmp.op := LTZ;
241 |
intr_bd <= true;
242 |
when ERR =>
243 |
end case;
244 |
245 |
246 |
-- Normal Jumps/Branches --
247 |
248 |
when J =>
249 |
-- v.f.jmp := '1';
250 |
-- v.f.j := f.pc(31 downto 28) & unsigned(ci.ins);
251 |
v.ec.jmp.src := JMP;
252 |
v.ec.jmp.op := JMP;
253 |
intr_bd <= true;
254 |
when JAL =>
255 |
v := link(v);
256 |
v.ec.wbr := RA;
257 |
-- v.f.jmp := '1';
258 |
-- v.f.j := f.pc(31 downto 28) & unsigned(ci.ins);
259 |
v.ec.jmp.src := JMP;
260 |
v.ec.jmp.op := JMP;
261 |
intr_bd <= true;
262 |
when BEQ =>
263 |
v.ec.jmp.src := BRA;
264 |
v.ec.jmp.op := EQ;
265 |
intr_bd <= true;
266 |
when BNE =>
267 |
v.ec.jmp.src := BRA;
268 |
v.ec.jmp.op := NEQ;
269 |
intr_bd <= true;
270 |
when BLEZ =>
271 |
v.ec.jmp.src := BRA;
272 |
v.ec.jmp.op := LEZ;
273 |
intr_bd <= true;
274 |
when BGTZ =>
275 |
v.ec.jmp.src := BRA;
276 |
v.ec.jmp.op := GTZ;
277 |
intr_bd <= true;
278 |
279 |
280 |
-- Immediate Operations --
281 |
282 |
when ADDI =>
283 |
v := simm(v);
284 |
v.ec.alu.op := ADD;
285 |
when ADDIU =>
286 |
v := simm(v);
287 |
v.ec.alu.op := ADDU;
288 |
when SLTI =>
289 |
v := simm(v);
290 |
v.ec.alu.op := SLT;
291 |
when SLTIU =>
292 |
v := simm(v);
293 |
v.ec.alu.op := SLTU;
294 |
when ANDI =>
295 |
v := zimm(v);
296 |
v.ec.alu.op := AND0;
297 |
when ORI =>
298 |
v := zimm(v);
299 |
v.ec.alu.op := OR0;
300 |
when XORI =>
301 |
v := zimm(v);
302 |
v.ec.alu.op := XOR0;
303 |
when LUI =>
304 |
v := zimm(v);
305 |
v.ec.alu.src.a := SH_16;
306 |
307 |
308 |
-- Load And Store Data --
309 |
310 |
when LB =>
311 |
v := load(v);
312 |
v.mc.mem.ext := SIGN;
313 |
v.mc.mem.byt := BYTE;
314 |
when LH =>
315 |
v := load(v);
316 |
v.mc.mem.ext := SIGN;
317 |
v.mc.mem.byt := HALF;
318 |
when LW =>
319 |
v := load(v);
320 |
v.mc.mem.byt := WORD;
321 |
when LBU =>
322 |
v := load(v);
323 |
v.mc.mem.byt := BYTE;
324 |
when LHU =>
325 |
v := load(v);
326 |
v.mc.mem.byt := HALF;
327 |
when SB =>
328 |
v := store(v);
329 |
v.mc.mem.byt := BYTE;
330 |
when SH =>
331 |
v := store(v);
332 |
v.mc.mem.byt := HALF;
333 |
when SW =>
334 |
v := store(v);
335 |
v.mc.mem.byt := WORD;
336 |
337 |
338 |
-- Co-Processor 0 --
339 |
340 |
when CP0 =>
341 |
case cp0op(ci.ins) is
342 |
when MFCP0 =>
343 |
v.ec.wbr := RT;
344 |
v.ec.alu.op := MFCP0;
345 |
v.wc.we := '1';
346 |
when MTCP0 =>
347 |
v.ec.alu.op := MTCP0;
348 |
if cp0reg(rgcp0) = SR then v.cc.mtsr := true; end if;
349 |
when RFE =>
350 |
v.ec.alu.op := RFE;
351 |
v.cc.rfe := true;
352 |
when ERR =>
353 |
end case;
354 |
when ERR =>
355 |
end case;
356 |
357 |
v.i := ci.ins(25 downto 0);
358 |
v.dc.we := m.wc.we; -- Forward write enable.
359 |
v.rd := m.rd; -- Forward destination register.
360 |
v.res := m.res; -- Forward data.
361 |
din <= v;
362 |
end process;
363 |
364 |
365 |
-- GPR General Purpose Registers --
366 |
367 |
gp : gpr port map(
368 |
clk_i => ci.clk, -- Clock.
369 |
hld_i => ci.hld, -- Hold register data.
370 |
rs_a => rs_a, -- RS register address.
371 |
rt_a => rt_a, -- RT register address.
372 |
rd_a => m.rd, -- Write back register address.
373 |
rd_we => m.wc.we, -- Write back enable.
374 |
rd_i => m.res, -- Write back register data.
375 |
rs_o => rs_o, -- RS register data.
376 |
rt_o => rt_o -- RT register data.
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
ex : process(ci.irq, rs_o, rt_o, cp, cp.sr, f, d, d.dc, d.ec, d.ec.alu,
385 |
d.ec.alu.src, d.ec.jmp, d.mc, d.mc.mem, d.wc, e, e.f, e.mc,
386 |
e.mc.mem, e.wc, m, m.wc)
387 |
388 |
variable v : ex_t;
389 |
variable a, b : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- ALU input.
390 |
variable fa, fb : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Forwarded data.
391 |
variable equ, eqz : std_logic; -- fa=fb, fa=0
392 |
variable atmp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Temporary result.
393 |
394 |
395 |
-- R-Type Register --
396 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------+ --
397 |
-- | | rgs | rgt | rgd | smt | | --
398 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------+ --
399 |
-- I-Type Register --
400 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------+ --
401 |
-- | | imm | --
402 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------+ --
403 |
404 |
alias rgs : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) is d.i(25 downto 21);
405 |
alias rgt : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) is d.i(20 downto 16);
406 |
alias rgd : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) is d.i(15 downto 11);
407 |
alias imm : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) is d.i(15 downto 0);
408 |
alias smt : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) is d.i(10 downto 6);
409 |
410 |
v := e;
411 |
412 |
-- Choose the write back register.
413 |
case d.ec.wbr is
414 |
when RD => v.rd := rgd;
415 |
when RT => v.rd := rgt;
416 |
when RA => v.rd := b"11111";
417 |
end case;
418 |
419 |
420 |
-- Forwarding --
421 |
422 |
-- In a pipeline there can be data that has not been written into the --
423 |
-- GPR registers yet. For example see: --
424 |
-- --
425 |
-- addu $t0, $t1, $t2 -+ --
426 |
-- sll $t3, $t0, 4 -+- $t0 --
427 |
-- --
428 |
-- Here GPR $t0 is not up to date, since the instruction addu --
429 |
-- manipulates $t0, but is available after EX, so we choose the newer --
430 |
-- data from after the EX stage instead of the GPR data. --
431 |
-- However, if we load data and use it in the next instruction, we get --
432 |
-- the wrong result. Loaded data is available two cycles after the load --
433 |
-- instruction. The compiler solves this problem, since it inserts an --
434 |
-- independend instruction or a NOP operation. --
435 |
-- Other problems arise when: --
436 |
-- --
437 |
-- ori $t0, $s1, 3 -+ --
438 |
-- sw $s2, 4($sp) | --
439 |
-- subu $s2, $t0, $s3 -+- $t0 --
440 |
-- --
441 |
-- In the second example, the updated data is available after the ME --
442 |
-- stage. Up untill now we considered the situation from the viewpoint --
443 |
-- of the EX stage. --
444 |
-- --
445 |
-- andi $t0, $t0, 1 -+ --
446 |
-- lui $s1, 0xf4 | --
447 |
-- lw $s2, 0($sp) | --
448 |
-- sra $t1, $t0, 3 -+- $t0 --
449 |
-- --
450 |
-- The third example shows a problem that arrises one cycle earlier. --
451 |
-- When we read the register contents. The data to be written is --
452 |
-- present as well but not available yet. One solution might be, to --
453 |
-- prefer write before read operations. the other way suggests to store --
454 |
-- the write back data, address and write enable flag one more cycle. --
455 |
-- We can then decide in the EX stage again if the data is more recent. --
456 |
457 |
fa := rs_o;
458 |
fb := rt_o;
459 |
460 |
-- Forward from Write Back Stage (Data stored in DE Stage).
461 |
if (d.rd /= "00000") and (d.dc.we = '1') then
462 |
if rgs = d.rd then fa := d.res; end if;
463 |
if rgt = d.rd then fb := d.res; end if;
464 |
end if;
465 |
466 |
-- Forward from Memory Stage.
467 |
if (m.rd /= "00000") and (m.wc.we = '1') then
468 |
if rgs = m.rd then fa := m.res; end if;
469 |
if rgt = m.rd then fb := m.res; end if;
470 |
end if;
471 |
472 |
-- Forward from Execution Stage.
473 |
if (e.rd /= "00000") and (e.wc.we = '1') then
474 |
if rgs = e.rd then fa := e.res; end if;
475 |
if rgt = e.rd then fb := e.res; end if;
476 |
end if;
477 |
478 |
479 |
-- ALU Source Choice --
480 |
481 |
-- SH_CONST: Constant shift amount (SLL, SRL, SRA). --
482 |
-- SH_16: Shift 16-bit (LUI). --
483 |
-- ADD_4: Plus 4. --
484 |
-- REG: Forwarded RS register value. [Forwarding] --
485 |
486 |
case d.ec.alu.src.a is
487 |
when SH_CONST => a := zext(smt, 32);
488 |
when SH_16 => a := zext(b"10000", 32);
489 |
when ADD_4 => a := zext(b"00100", 32);
490 |
when REG => a := fa;
491 |
end case;
492 |
493 |
494 |
-- SIGN: Sign extend 16-bit immediate value according to MSB. --
495 |
-- ZERO: Zero extend 16-bit immediate value. --
496 |
-- PC: Current PC value. --
497 |
-- REG: Forwarded RT register value. [Forwarding] --
498 |
499 |
case d.ec.alu.src.b is
500 |
when SIGN => b := sext(imm, 32);
501 |
when ZERO => b := zext(imm, 32);
502 |
when PC => b := std_logic_vector(f.pc) & "00";
503 |
when REG => b := fb;
504 |
end case;
505 |
506 |
507 |
-- ALU --
508 |
509 |
-- IMPROVE: optimze SLT,SLTU.
510 |
intr_iec <= b(0); -- IEc: Interrupt enable current. [INTR]
511 |
intr_iep <= b(2); -- IEp: Interrupt enable previous. [INTR]
512 |
intr_ieo <= b(4); -- IEo: Interrupt enable old. [INTR]
513 |
intr_im <= b(15 downto 8); -- Interrupt mask. [INTR]
514 |
515 |
atmp := addsub(a, b, d.ec.alu.op);
516 |
v.res := (others => '0');
517 |
518 |
case d.ec.alu.op is
519 |
when ADD | ADDU |
520 |
SUB | SUBU => v.res := atmp;
521 |
when SLT => v.res := fslt(a, b);
522 |
when SLTU => v.res := fsltu(a, b);
523 |
when SLL0 | SLLV => v.res := fsll(b, a(4 downto 0));
524 |
when SRA0 | SRAV => v.res := fsra(b, a(4 downto 0));
525 |
when SRL0 | SRLV => v.res := fsrl(b, a(4 downto 0));
526 |
when AND0 => v.res := a and b;
527 |
when OR0 => v.res := a or b;
528 |
when NOR0 => v.res := a nor b;
529 |
when XOR0 => v.res := a xor b;
530 |
when JALR | JR =>
531 |
when MFCP0 =>
532 |
case cp0reg(rgd) is
533 |
when SR => v.res := get_sr(cp);
534 |
when CAUSE => v.res(15 downto 8) := ci.irq;
535 |
when EPC => v.res := std_logic_vector(cp.epc) & "00";
536 |
when ERR =>
537 |
end case;
538 |
when MTCP0 => -- MTCP0 and RFE operations are handled at the
539 |
when RFE => -- IF stage.
540 |
when ERR =>
541 |
end case;
542 |
543 |
544 |
-- Branch/Jump --
545 |
546 |
-- IMPROVE: move jump to DE stage.
547 |
if fa = fb then equ := '1'; else equ := '0'; end if;
548 |
if fa = x"00000000" then eqz := '1'; else eqz := '0'; end if;
549 |
550 |
case d.ec.jmp.op is
551 |
when NOP => v.f.jmp := '0';
552 |
when JMP => v.f.jmp := '1';
553 |
when EQ => v.f.jmp := equ;
554 |
when NEQ => v.f.jmp := not equ;
555 |
when LTZ => v.f.jmp := fa(31);
556 |
when GTZ => v.f.jmp := not (fa(31) or eqz);
557 |
when LEZ => v.f.jmp := fa(31) or eqz;
558 |
when GEZ => v.f.jmp := not fa(31);
559 |
end case;
560 |
561 |
case d.ec.jmp.src is
562 |
when REG => v.f.j := unsigned(fa(31 downto 2));
563 |
when JMP => v.f.j := f.pc(31 downto 28) & unsigned(d.i);
564 |
when BRA => v.f.j := unsigned(to_integer(f.pc) + signed(sext(imm,30)));
565 |
end case;
566 |
567 |
v.mc := d.mc;
568 |
v.wc := d.wc;
569 |
v.str := fb;
570 |
ein <= v;
571 |
end process;
572 |
573 |
574 |
575 |
576 |
577 |
578 |
me : process(ci.dat, e, e.mc, e.mc.mem, e.wc, m, m.wc)
579 |
variable v : me_t;
580 |
variable dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Fetched memory data
581 |
582 |
v := m;
583 |
584 |
co.we <= e.mc.mem.we;
585 |
co.dadr <= e.res;
586 |
co.dat <= e.str;
587 |
588 |
589 |
-- Address Decode --
590 |
591 |
-- Translate lower address bits to Wishbone Bus selection scheme. --
592 |
593 |
case e.mc.mem.byt is
594 |
when NONE => co.sel <= "0000";
595 |
when BYTE =>
596 |
case e.res(1 downto 0) is
597 |
when "00" => co.sel <= "1000";
598 |
when "01" => co.sel <= "0100";
599 |
when "10" => co.sel <= "0010";
600 |
when "11" => co.sel <= "0001";
601 |
when others => co.sel <= "0000";
602 |
end case;
603 |
when HALF =>
604 |
case e.res(1) is
605 |
when '0' => co.sel <= "1100";
606 |
when '1' => co.sel <= "0011";
607 |
when others => co.sel <= "0000";
608 |
end case;
609 |
when WORD => co.sel <= "1111";
610 |
end case;
611 |
612 |
613 |
-- Data Extension --
614 |
615 |
-- Fetched data can be extended with zeros or according to its MSB. --
616 |
617 |
case e.mc.mem.byt is
618 |
when NONE => dat := (others => '0'); -- AREA: (others => '-');
619 |
when BYTE =>
620 |
case e.mc.mem.ext is
621 |
when ZERO => dat := zext(ci.dat(7 downto 0), 32);
622 |
when SIGN => dat := sext(ci.dat(7 downto 0), 32);
623 |
end case;
624 |
when HALF =>
625 |
case e.mc.mem.ext is
626 |
when ZERO => dat := zext(ci.dat(15 downto 0), 32);
627 |
when SIGN => dat := sext(ci.dat(15 downto 0), 32);
628 |
end case;
629 |
when WORD => dat := ci.dat;
630 |
end case;
631 |
632 |
case e.mc.src is
633 |
when ALU => v.res := e.res; -- Take either the result of the ALU
634 |
when MEM => v.res := dat; -- or the loaded data from memory.
635 |
end case;
636 |
637 |
v.wc := e.wc;
638 |
v.rd := e.rd;
639 |
min <= v;
640 |
end process;
641 |
642 |
643 |
644 |
645 |
646 |
647 |
reg : process(ci.clk)
648 |
649 |
if rising_edge(ci.clk) then
650 |
if ci.hld = '0' then
651 |
f <= fin; -- IF
652 |
d <= din; -- DE
653 |
e <= ein; -- EX
654 |
m <= min; -- ME
655 |
cp <= cpin; -- CP0
656 |
657 |
658 |
-- Branch Correction --
659 |
660 |
-- The simplest way one can think of, is to consider every branch --
661 |
-- or jump to be NOT taken and to load instructions in sequence. --
662 |
-- If we actually do jump, we already loaded an incorrect --
663 |
-- instruction in the IF stage. To anihilate the effects of this --
664 |
-- instruction, we will clear the DE stage one cycle later. --
665 |
-- [fcpu.clear(v_i : de_t)] --
666 |
667 |
if e.f.jmp = '1' then d <= clear(d); end if;
668 |
669 |
-- Set Branch Delay Delay slot flag.
670 |
intr_bdd <= intr_bd;
671 |
end if;
672 |
673 |
-- On reset clear all relevant control signals.
674 |
if ci.rst = '1' then
675 |
f <= clear(f); -- IF
676 |
d <= clear(d); -- DE
677 |
e <= clear(e); -- EX
678 |
m <= clear(m); -- ME
679 |
cp <= clear(cp); -- CP0
680 |
end if;
681 |
end if;
682 |
end process;
683 |
end rtl;