1 |
2 |
ja_rd |
2 |
-- light52_cpu.vhdl -- light52 MCS51-compatible CPU core.
3 |
4 |
-- This is a 'naive' implementation of the MCS51 architecture that trades area
5 |
-- for speed.
6 |
7 |
-- At the bottom of the file there are some design notes referenced throughout
8 |
-- the code ('@note1' etc.).
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
-- IMPLEMENT_BCD_INSTRUCTIONS -- Whether or not to implement BCD instructions.
14 |
-- When true, instructions DA and XCHD will work as in the original MCS51.
15 |
-- When false, those instructions will work as NOP, saving some logic.
16 |
17 |
-- SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER -- Sequential vs. combinational multiplier.
18 |
-- When true, a sequential implementation will be used for the multiplier,
19 |
-- which will usually save a lot of logic or a dedicated multiplier.
20 |
-- When false, a combinational registered multiplier will be used.
21 |
-- (NOT IMPLEMENTED -- setting it to true will raise an assertion failure).
22 |
23 |
-- USE_BRAM_FOR_XRAM -- Use extra space in IRAM/uCode RAM as XRAM.
24 |
-- When true, extra logic will be generated so that the extra space in the
25 |
-- RAM block used for IRAM/uCode can be used as XRAM.
26 |
-- This prevents RAM waste at some cost in area and clock rate.
27 |
-- When false, any extra space in the IRAM physical block will be wasted.
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
-- clk : Clock, active rising edge.
33 |
-- reset : Synchronous reset, hold for at least 1 cycle.
34 |
35 |
-- XCODE is assumed to be a synchronous ROM:
36 |
37 |
-- code_addr : XCODE space address.
38 |
-- code_rd : XCODE read data. Must be valid at all times with 1
39 |
-- cycle of latency (synchronous memory):
40 |
-- code_rd[n] := XCODE(code_addr[n-1])
41 |
42 |
-- Interrupts are
43 |
44 |
-- irq_source : Interrupt inputs.
45 |
-- 0 is for vector 03h, 4 is for vector 23h.
46 |
-- Not registsred; must be synchronous and remain high
47 |
-- through a fetch_1 state in order to be acknowledged.
48 |
-- Priorities are fixed: 0 highest, 4 lowest.
49 |
50 |
-- XDATA is expected to be a synchronous 1-port RAM:
51 |
52 |
-- xdata_addr : XDATA space address, valid when xdata_vma is '1'.
53 |
-- xdata_vma : Asserted high when an XDATA rd/wr cycle is being done.
54 |
-- xdata_rd : Read data. Must be valid the cycle after xdata_vma is
55 |
-- asserted with xdata_we='0'.
56 |
-- xdata_wr : Write data. Valid when xdata_vma is asserted with
57 |
-- xdata_we='1';
58 |
-- xdata_we : '1' for XDATA write cycles, '0' for read cycles.
59 |
60 |
-- SFRs external to the CPU are accessed as synchonous RAM:
61 |
62 |
-- sfr_addr : SFR space address, valid when sfr_vma='1'.
63 |
-- sfr_vma : Asserted high when an SFR rd/wr cycle is being done.
64 |
-- sfr_rd : Read data. Must be valid the cycle after sfr_vma is
65 |
-- asserted with sfr_we='0'.
66 |
-- sfr_wr : Write data. Valid when sfr_vma is asserted with
67 |
-- sfr_we='1';
68 |
-- sfr_we : '1' for SFR write cycles, '0' for read cycles.
69 |
70 |
-- Note there's no code_vma. Even if there was one, see limitation #1 below.
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
-- 1.- Harvard architecture only.
75 |
-- The core does not support non-Harvard, unified memory space (i.e. XCODE
76 |
-- and XDATA on the same blocks). Signal sfr_vma is asserted the cycle
77 |
-- before a fetch_1 state, when a code byte needs to be present at code_rd.
78 |
-- In other words, XCODE and XDATA accesses are always simultaneous.
79 |
-- Until the core supports wait states it only supports Harvard memory
80 |
-- or a dual-port XCODE/XDATA memory.
81 |
82 |
-- 2.- No support yet for sequential multiplier, only combinational.
83 |
-- Setting SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER to true will result in a synthesis
84 |
-- or simulation failure.
85 |
-- The core will use a dedicated multiplier block if the architecture &
86 |
-- synthesis options allow for it (e.d. DSP48).
87 |
88 |
-- 3.- Wasted space in RAM block used for IRAM.
89 |
-- Setting USE_BRAM_FOR_XRAM to true will result in a synthesis
90 |
-- or simulation failure.
91 |
-- Architectures with BRAM blocks larger than 512 bytes (e.g. Xilinx
92 |
-- Spartan) will have a lot of wasted space in the IRAM/uCode RAM block.
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
-- 1.- States fetch_1 and decode_0 might be overlapped with some other states
97 |
-- for a noticeable gain in performance.
98 |
-- 2.- Brief description of architecture is missing.
99 |
-- 3.- Add optional 2nd DPTR register and implicit INC DPTR feature.
100 |
-- 4.- Everything coming straight from a _reg should be named _reg too.
101 |
102 |
103 |
-- [1] Tips for vendor-agnostic BRAM inference:
104 |
-- http://www.danstrother.com/2010/09/11/inferring-rams-in-fpgas/
105 |
106 |
-- Copyright (C) 2012 Jose A. Ruiz
107 |
108 |
-- This source file may be used and distributed without
109 |
-- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not
110 |
-- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains
111 |
-- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.
112 |
113 |
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it
114 |
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
115 |
-- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
116 |
-- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
117 |
-- later version.
118 |
119 |
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
120 |
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
121 |
122 |
-- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
123 |
-- details.
124 |
125 |
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
126 |
-- Public License along with this source; if not, download it
127 |
-- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml
128 |
129 |
130 |
library ieee;
131 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
132 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
133 |
134 |
use work.light52_pkg.all;
135 |
use work.light52_ucode_pkg.all;
136 |
137 |
entity light52_cpu is
138 |
generic (
139 |
USE_BRAM_FOR_XRAM : boolean := false;
140 |
141 |
SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER : boolean := false
142 |
143 |
144 |
clk : in std_logic;
145 |
reset : in std_logic;
146 |
147 |
code_addr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
148 |
code_rd : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
149 |
150 |
irq_source : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
151 |
152 |
xdata_addr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
153 |
xdata_rd : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
154 |
xdata_wr : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
155 |
xdata_vma : out std_logic;
156 |
xdata_we : out std_logic;
157 |
158 |
sfr_addr : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
159 |
sfr_rd : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
160 |
sfr_wr : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
161 |
sfr_vma : out std_logic;
162 |
sfr_we : out std_logic
163 |
164 |
end entity light52_cpu;
165 |
166 |
167 |
architecture microcoded of light52_cpu is
168 |
169 |
---- Microcode table & instruction decoding ------------------------------------
170 |
171 |
signal ucode : unsigned(15 downto 0); -- uC word
172 |
signal ucode_1st_half : unsigned(15 downto 0); -- uC if 1st-half opcode
173 |
signal ucode_2nd_half : unsigned(15 downto 0); -- uC if 2nd-half opcode
174 |
signal ucode_2nd_half_reg : unsigned(15 downto 0); --
175 |
signal ucode_is_2nd_half : std_logic; -- opcode is 2-nd half
176 |
signal ucode_pattern : unsigned(2 downto 0); -- table row to replicate
177 |
signal ucode_index : unsigned(6 downto 0); -- index into uC table
178 |
signal do_fetch : std_logic; -- opcode is in code_rd
179 |
180 |
-- uC class (t_class), only valid in state decode_0
181 |
signal uc_class_decode_0 : t_class;
182 |
-- ALU instruction class (t_alu_class), only valid in state decode_0
183 |
signal uc_alu_class_decode_0 : t_alu_class;
184 |
-- registered uc_alu_class_decode_0, used in state machine
185 |
signal uc_alu_class_reg : t_alu_class;
186 |
-- ALU control, valid only in state decode_0
187 |
signal uc_alu_fn_decode_0 : t_alu_fns;
188 |
-- uc_alu_fn_decode_0 registered
189 |
signal alu_fn_reg : t_alu_fns;
190 |
-- Controls ALU/bitfield mux in the datapath.
191 |
signal dpath_mux0_reg : std_logic;
192 |
-- Flag mask for ALU instructions
193 |
signal uc_alu_flag_mask : t_flag_mask;
194 |
-- Flag mask for all instructions; valid in state decode_0 only
195 |
signal flag_mask_decode_0 : t_flag_mask;
196 |
-- Flag mask register for ALL instructions
197 |
signal flag_mask_reg : t_flag_mask;
198 |
-- Index of Rn register, valid for Rn addressing instructions only
199 |
signal rn_index : unsigned(2 downto 0);
200 |
201 |
202 |
---- Datapath ------------------------------------------------------------------
203 |
204 |
-- Operand selection for ALU class instructions
205 |
signal alu_class_op_sel_reg: t_alu_op_sel;
206 |
signal alu_class_op_sel : t_alu_op_sel;
207 |
-- ALU result valid for non-bit operations -- faster as it skips one mux
208 |
signal nobit_alu_result : t_byte;
209 |
-- ALU result
210 |
signal alu_result : t_byte;
211 |
signal alu_result_is_zero : std_logic; -- ALU result is zero
212 |
signal acc_is_zero : std_logic; -- ACC is zero
213 |
214 |
signal alu_cy : std_logic; -- ALU CY output
215 |
signal alu_ov : std_logic; -- ALU OV output
216 |
signal alu_ac : std_logic; -- ALU AC (aux cy) output
217 |
signal bit_input : std_logic; -- Value of ALU bit operand
218 |
219 |
signal load_b_sfr : std_logic; -- B register load enable
220 |
signal mul_ready : std_logic; -- Multiplier is finished
221 |
signal div_ready : std_logic; -- Divider is finished
222 |
signal div_ov : std_logic; -- OV flag from divider
223 |
224 |
---- State machine -------------------------------------------------------------
225 |
226 |
-- Present state register and Next state
227 |
signal ps, ns : t_cpu_state;
228 |
229 |
---- Interrupt handling --------------------------------------------------------
230 |
231 |
-- IRQ inputs ANDed to IE mask bits
232 |
signal irq_masked_inputs : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
233 |
-- Level of highest-level active IRQ input. 0 is highest, 4 lowest, 7 is none.
234 |
signal irq_level_inputs : unsigned(2 downto 0);
235 |
-- Level of IRQ being serviced. 7 if none. Set by IRQ, reset to 7 by RETI.
236 |
signal irq_level_current : unsigned(2 downto 0);
237 |
-- Low 6 bits of IRQ service address.
238 |
signal irq_vector : unsigned(5 downto 0);
239 |
signal irq_active : std_logic; -- IRQ pending service
240 |
signal load_ie : std_logic; -- IE register load enable
241 |
signal irq_restore_level : std_logic; -- Restore irq_level_current to 7 (RETI)
242 |
243 |
---- CPU programmer's model registers ------------------------------------------
244 |
245 |
signal PC_reg : t_address; -- PC
246 |
signal pc_incremented : t_address; -- PC + 1 | PC, controlled by...
247 |
signal increment_pc : std_logic; -- ...PC increment enable
248 |
signal A_reg : t_byte; -- ACC
249 |
signal B_reg : t_byte; -- B
250 |
signal PSW_reg : unsigned(7 downto 1); -- PSW excluding P flag
251 |
signal PSW : t_byte; -- PSW, full (P is combinational)
252 |
signal SP_reg : t_byte; -- SP
253 |
signal SP_next : t_byte; -- Next value for SP
254 |
signal IE_reg : t_byte; -- IE
255 |
256 |
signal alu_p : std_logic; -- P flag (from ALU)
257 |
signal DPTR_reg : t_address; -- DPTR
258 |
259 |
signal next_pc : t_address; -- Next value for PC
260 |
signal jump_target : t_address; -- Addr to jump to
261 |
signal jump_is_ljmp : std_logic; -- When doing jump, long jump
262 |
signal instr_jump_is_ljmp : std_logic; -- For jump opcodes, long jump
263 |
signal rel_jump_target : t_address; -- Address of a short jump
264 |
signal rel_jump_delta : t_address; -- Offset of short jump
265 |
-- 2K block index for AJMP/ACALL. Straight from the opcode.
266 |
signal block_reg : unsigned(2 downto 0);
267 |
signal code_byte : t_byte; -- Byte from XCODE (transient)
268 |
signal ri_addr : t_byte; -- IRAM address of Ri register
269 |
signal rn_addr : t_byte; -- IRAM address of Rn register
270 |
-- The current ALU instruction CLASS uses Ri, not Rn
271 |
signal alu_use_ri_by_class : std_logic;
272 |
-- The current ALU instruction uses Ri and not Rn.
273 |
signal alu_use_ri : std_logic;
274 |
-- The current instruction is not an ALU instruction and uses Ri, not Rn
275 |
signal non_alu_use_ri : std_logic;
276 |
-- The current instruction uses Ri and not Rn
277 |
signal use_ri : std_logic;
278 |
-- Registered use_ri, controls the Ri/Rn mux.
279 |
signal use_ri_reg : std_logic;
280 |
signal rx_addr : t_byte; -- Output of Ri/Rx address selection mux
281 |
signal bit_addr : t_byte; -- Byte address of bit operand
282 |
-- Index of bit operand within its byte.
283 |
signal bit_index : unsigned(2 downto 0);
284 |
-- bit_index_registered in state decode_0
285 |
signal bit_index_reg : unsigned(2 downto 0);
286 |
signal addr0_reg : t_byte; -- Aux address register 0...
287 |
signal addr0_reg_input : t_byte; -- ...and its input mux
288 |
signal addr1_reg : t_byte; -- Aux addr reg 1
289 |
290 |
-- Asserted when the PSW flags are implicitly updated by any instruction
291 |
signal update_psw_flags : std_logic;
292 |
signal load_psw : std_logic; -- PSW explicit (SFR) load enable
293 |
signal load_acc_sfr : std_logic; -- ACC explicit (SFR) load enable
294 |
signal load_addr0 : std_logic; -- Addr0 load enable
295 |
signal load_sp : std_logic; -- SP explicit (SFR) load enable
296 |
signal load_sp_implicit : std_logic; -- SP implicit load enable
297 |
signal update_sp : std_logic; -- SP combined load enable
298 |
299 |
---- SFR interface -------------------------------------------------------------
300 |
301 |
signal sfr_addr_internal : unsigned(7 downto 0); -- SFR address
302 |
signal sfr_vma_internal : std_logic; -- SFR access enable
303 |
signal sfr_we_internal : std_logic; -- SFR write enable
304 |
signal sfr_wr_internal : t_byte; -- SFR write data bus
305 |
signal sfr_rd_internal : t_byte; -- SFR read data bus
306 |
signal sfr_rd_internal_reg :t_byte; -- Registered SFR read data
307 |
308 |
---- Conditional jumps ---------------------------------------------------------
309 |
310 |
signal jump_cond_sel_decode_0 : t_cc; -- Jump condition code...
311 |
signal jump_cond_sel_reg : t_cc; -- ...registered to control mux
312 |
signal jump_condition : std_logic; -- Value of jump condition
313 |
signal cjne_condition : std_logic; -- Value of CJNE jump condition
314 |
315 |
---- BRAM used for IRAM and uCode table ----------------------------------------
316 |
-- The BRAM is a 512 byte table: 256 bytes for the decoding table and 256 bytes
317 |
-- for the 8052 IRAM.
318 |
-- FIXME handle Xilinx and arbitrary size FPGA BRAMs.
319 |
constant BRAM_ADDR_LEN : integer := log2(BRAM_SIZE);
320 |
subtype t_bram_addr is unsigned(BRAM_ADDR_LEN-1 downto 0);
321 |
signal bram_addr_p0 : t_bram_addr;
322 |
signal bram_addr_p1 : t_bram_addr;
323 |
signal bram_data_p0 : t_byte;
324 |
signal bram_data_p1 : t_byte;
325 |
signal bram_we : std_logic;
326 |
signal bram_wr_data_p0 : t_byte;
327 |
328 |
-- Part of the BRAM inference template -- see [1]
329 |
-- The BRAM is initializzed with the decoding table.
330 |
shared variable bram : t_ucode_bram :=
331 |
332 |
333 |
-- IRAM/SFR address; lowest 8 bits of actual BRAM address.
334 |
signal iram_sfr_addr : t_byte;
335 |
-- IRAM/SFR read data
336 |
signal iram_sfr_rd : t_byte;
337 |
-- '1' when using direct addressing mode, '0' otherwise.
338 |
signal direct_addressing : std_logic;
339 |
-- '1' when using direct addressing to address range 80h..ffh, '0' otherwise.
340 |
signal sfr_addressing : std_logic;
341 |
signal sfr_addressing_reg : std_logic;
342 |
343 |
-- Kind of addressing the current instruction is using
344 |
signal direct_addressing_alu_reg : std_logic;
345 |
signal alu_using_direct_addressing : std_logic;
346 |
signal alu_using_indirect_addressing : std_logic;
347 |
348 |
-- XRAM/MOVC interface and DPTR control logic ----------------------------------
349 |
350 |
signal load_dph : std_logic; -- DPTR(h) load enable
351 |
signal load_dpl : std_logic; -- DPTR(l) load enable
352 |
signal inc_dptr : std_logic; -- DPTR increment enable
353 |
354 |
signal acc_ext16 : t_address; -- Accumulator zero-extended to 16 bits
355 |
signal movc_base : t_address; -- Base for MOVC address
356 |
signal movc_addr : t_address; -- MOVC address
357 |
signal dptr_plus_a_reg : t_address; -- Registered DPTR+ACC adder
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
--## 1.- State machine #########################################################
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
368 |
if reset='1' then
369 |
ps <= reset_0;
370 |
371 |
ps <= ns;
372 |
end if;
373 |
end if;
374 |
end process cpu_state_machine_reg;
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
process(ps, uc_class_decode_0, uc_alu_class_decode_0,
379 |
uc_alu_class_reg, jump_condition, alu_fn_reg,
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
case ps is
384 |
when reset_0 =>
385 |
ns <= fetch_1;
386 |
387 |
when fetch_0 =>
388 |
ns <= fetch_1;
389 |
390 |
when fetch_1 =>
391 |
-- Here's where we sample the pending interrupt flags...
392 |
if irq_active='1' then
393 |
-- ...and trigger interrupt response if necessary.
394 |
ns <= irq_1;
395 |
396 |
ns <= decode_0;
397 |
end if;
398 |
399 |
when decode_0 =>
400 |
if uc_class_decode_0(5 downto 4) = "00" then
401 |
case uc_alu_class_decode_0 is
402 |
when AC_RI_to_A => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
403 |
when AC_A_RI_to_A => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
404 |
when AC_RI_to_RI => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
405 |
when AC_RI_to_D => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
406 |
407 |
when AC_D_to_A => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
408 |
when AC_D1_to_D => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
409 |
when AC_D_to_RI => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
410 |
when AC_D_to_D => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
411 |
412 |
when AC_A_RN_to_A => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
413 |
when AC_RN_to_RN => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
414 |
when AC_RN_to_A => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
415 |
when AC_D_to_RN => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
416 |
when AC_RN_to_D => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
417 |
when AC_I_to_D => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
418 |
419 |
when AC_I_D_to_D => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
420 |
when AC_I_to_RI => ns <= alu_code_to_t_rx_to_ab;
421 |
when AC_I_to_RN => ns <= alu_code_to_t_rx_to_ab;
422 |
when AC_I_to_A => ns <= alu_code_to_t;
423 |
when AC_A_to_RI => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
424 |
when AC_A_to_D => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
425 |
when AC_A_D_to_A => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
426 |
when AC_A_D_to_D => ns <= alu_code_to_ab;
427 |
when AC_A_to_RN => ns <= alu_rx_to_ab;
428 |
when AC_A_I_to_A => ns <= alu_code_to_t;
429 |
when AC_A_to_A => ns <= alu_res_to_a;
430 |
431 |
when AC_DIV => ns <= alu_div_0;
432 |
when AC_MUL => ns <= alu_mul_0;
433 |
when AC_DA => ns <= alu_daa_0;
434 |
when others => ns <= bug_bad_opcode_class;
435 |
end case;
436 |
437 |
case uc_class_decode_0 is
438 |
when F_JRB =>
439 |
ns <= jrb_bit_0;
440 |
when F_LJMP =>
441 |
ns <= fetch_addr_1;
442 |
when F_AJMP =>
443 |
ns <= fetch_addr_0_ajmp;
444 |
when F_LCALL =>
445 |
ns <= lcall_0;
446 |
when F_ACALL =>
447 |
ns <= acall_0;
448 |
when F_JR =>
449 |
ns <= load_rel;
450 |
when F_CJNE_A_IMM =>
451 |
ns <= cjne_a_imm_0;
452 |
when F_CJNE_A_DIR =>
453 |
ns <= cjne_a_dir_0;
454 |
when F_CJNE_RI_IMM =>
455 |
ns <= cjne_ri_imm_0;
456 |
when F_CJNE_RN_IMM =>
457 |
ns <= cjne_rn_imm_0;
458 |
when F_DJNZ_DIR =>
459 |
ns <= djnz_dir_0;
460 |
when F_DJNZ_RN =>
461 |
ns <= djnz_rn_0;
462 |
when F_OPC =>
463 |
ns <= bit_res_to_c;
464 |
when F_BIT =>
465 |
ns <= bit_op_0;
466 |
when F_SPECIAL =>
467 |
ns <= special_0;
468 |
when F_PUSH =>
469 |
ns <= push_0;
470 |
when F_POP =>
471 |
ns <= pop_0;
472 |
when F_MOV_DPTR =>
473 |
ns <= mov_dptr_0;
474 |
when F_MOVX_DPTR_A =>
475 |
ns <= movx_dptr_a_0;
476 |
when F_MOVX_A_DPTR =>
477 |
ns <= movx_a_dptr_0;
478 |
when F_MOVX_A_RI =>
479 |
ns <= movx_a_ri_0;
480 |
when F_MOVX_RI_A =>
481 |
ns <= movx_ri_a_0;
482 |
when F_MOVC_PC =>
483 |
ns <= movc_pc_0;
484 |
when F_MOVC_DPTR =>
485 |
ns <= movc_dptr_0;
486 |
when F_XCH_DIR =>
487 |
ns <= xch_dir_0;
488 |
when F_XCH_RI =>
489 |
ns <= xch_rx_0;
490 |
when F_XCH_RN =>
491 |
ns <= xch_rn_0;
492 |
when F_XCHD =>
493 |
ns <= alu_xchd_0;
494 |
when F_JMP_ADPTR =>
495 |
ns <= jmp_adptr_0;
496 |
when F_RET =>
497 |
ns <= ret_0;
498 |
when F_NOP =>
499 |
ns <= fetch_1;
500 |
when others =>
501 |
ns <= bug_bad_opcode_class;
502 |
end case;
503 |
end if;
504 |
505 |
-- Interrupt processing ------------------------------------------
506 |
when irq_1 =>
507 |
ns <= irq_2;
508 |
when irq_2 =>
509 |
ns <= irq_3;
510 |
when irq_3 =>
511 |
ns <= irq_4;
512 |
when irq_4 =>
513 |
ns <= fetch_0;
514 |
515 |
-- Call/Ret instructions -----------------------------------------
516 |
when acall_0 =>
517 |
ns <= acall_1;
518 |
when acall_1 =>
519 |
ns <= acall_2;
520 |
when acall_2 =>
521 |
ns <= long_jump;
522 |
523 |
when lcall_0 =>
524 |
ns <= lcall_1;
525 |
when lcall_1 =>
526 |
ns <= lcall_2;
527 |
when lcall_2 =>
528 |
ns <= lcall_3;
529 |
when lcall_3 =>
530 |
ns <= lcall_4;
531 |
when lcall_4 =>
532 |
ns <= fetch_0;
533 |
534 |
when ret_0 =>
535 |
ns <= ret_1;
536 |
when ret_1 =>
537 |
ns <= ret_2;
538 |
when ret_2 =>
539 |
ns <= ret_3;
540 |
when ret_3 =>
541 |
ns <= fetch_0;
542 |
543 |
-- Special instructions ------------------------------------------
544 |
when special_0 =>
545 |
ns <= fetch_1;
546 |
547 |
when push_0 =>
548 |
ns <= push_1;
549 |
when push_1 =>
550 |
ns <= push_2;
551 |
when push_2 =>
552 |
ns <= fetch_1;
553 |
554 |
when pop_0 =>
555 |
ns <= pop_1;
556 |
when pop_1 =>
557 |
ns <= pop_2;
558 |
when pop_2 =>
559 |
ns <= fetch_1;
560 |
561 |
when mov_dptr_0 =>
562 |
ns <= mov_dptr_1;
563 |
when mov_dptr_1 =>
564 |
ns <= mov_dptr_2;
565 |
when mov_dptr_2 =>
566 |
ns <= fetch_1;
567 |
568 |
-- MOVC instructions ---------------------------------------------
569 |
when movc_pc_0 =>
570 |
ns <= movc_1;
571 |
when movc_dptr_0 =>
572 |
ns <= movc_1;
573 |
when movc_1 =>
574 |
ns <= fetch_1;
575 |
576 |
-- MOVX instructions ---------------------------------------------
577 |
when movx_a_dptr_0 =>
578 |
ns <= fetch_1;
579 |
when movx_dptr_a_0 =>
580 |
ns <= fetch_1;
581 |
582 |
when movx_a_ri_0 =>
583 |
ns <= movx_a_ri_1;
584 |
when movx_a_ri_1 =>
585 |
ns <= movx_a_ri_2;
586 |
when movx_a_ri_2 =>
587 |
ns <= movx_a_ri_3;
588 |
when movx_a_ri_3 =>
589 |
ns <= fetch_1;
590 |
591 |
when movx_ri_a_0 =>
592 |
ns <= movx_ri_a_1;
593 |
when movx_ri_a_1 =>
594 |
ns <= movx_ri_a_2;
595 |
when movx_ri_a_2 =>
596 |
ns <= fetch_1;
597 |
598 |
-- XCH instructions ----------------------------------------------
599 |
when xch_dir_0 =>
600 |
ns <= xch_1;
601 |
when xch_rn_0 =>
602 |
ns <= xch_1;
603 |
when xch_rx_0 =>
604 |
ns <= xch_rx_1;
605 |
when xch_rx_1 =>
606 |
ns <= xch_1;
607 |
when xch_1 =>
608 |
ns <= xch_2;
609 |
when xch_2 =>
610 |
ns <= xch_3;
611 |
when xch_3 =>
612 |
ns <= fetch_1;
613 |
614 |
-- BIT instructions ----------------------------------------------
615 |
when bit_res_to_c => -- SETB C, CPL C and CLR C only
616 |
ns <= fetch_1;
617 |
618 |
when bit_op_0 =>
619 |
ns <= bit_op_1;
620 |
when bit_op_1 =>
621 |
if uc_alu_class_reg(0)='0' then
622 |
ns <= bit_op_2;
623 |
624 |
ns <= bit_res_to_c;
625 |
end if;
626 |
when bit_op_2 =>
627 |
ns <= fetch_1;
628 |
629 |
630 |
-- BIT-testing relative jumps ------------------------------------
631 |
when jrb_bit_0 =>
632 |
ns <= jrb_bit_1;
633 |
when jrb_bit_1 =>
634 |
if alu_fn_reg(1 downto 0)="11" then
635 |
-- This is JBC; state jrb_bit_2 is where the bit is clear.
636 |
ns <= jrb_bit_2;
637 |
638 |
ns <= jrb_bit_3;
639 |
end if;
640 |
when jrb_bit_2 =>
641 |
ns <= jrb_bit_3;
642 |
when jrb_bit_3 =>
643 |
if jump_condition='1' then
644 |
ns <= jrb_bit_4;
645 |
646 |
ns <= fetch_0;
647 |
end if;
648 |
649 |
when jrb_bit_4 =>
650 |
ns <= fetch_0;
651 |
652 |
-- MUL/DIV instructions ------------------------------------------
653 |
when alu_div_0 =>
654 |
if div_ready='1' then
655 |
ns <= fetch_1;
656 |
657 |
ns <= ps;
658 |
end if;
659 |
660 |
when alu_mul_0 =>
661 |
if mul_ready='1' then
662 |
ns <= fetch_1;
663 |
664 |
ns <= ps;
665 |
end if;
666 |
667 |
-- BCD instructions ----------------------------------------------
668 |
when alu_daa_0 =>
669 |
ns <= alu_daa_1;
670 |
671 |
when alu_daa_1 =>
672 |
ns <= fetch_1;
673 |
674 |
when alu_xchd_0 =>
675 |
ns <= alu_xchd_1;
676 |
677 |
when alu_xchd_1 =>
678 |
ns <= alu_xchd_2;
679 |
680 |
when alu_xchd_2 =>
681 |
ns <= alu_xchd_3;
682 |
683 |
when alu_xchd_3 =>
684 |
ns <= alu_xchd_4;
685 |
686 |
when alu_xchd_4 =>
687 |
ns <= alu_xchd_5;
688 |
689 |
when alu_xchd_5 =>
690 |
ns <= fetch_1;
691 |
692 |
-- ALU instructions (other than MUL/DIV) -------------------------
693 |
when alu_rx_to_ab =>
694 |
case uc_alu_class_reg is
695 |
when AC_RI_to_A | AC_A_RI_to_A | AC_RI_to_D | AC_RI_to_RI =>
696 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_ar;
697 |
when AC_RN_to_D =>
698 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_t_code_to_ab;
699 |
when AC_A_to_RI =>
700 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_ar_2;
701 |
when others =>
702 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_t;
703 |
end case;
704 |
705 |
when alu_ram_to_ar_2 =>
706 |
ns <= alu_res_to_ram_ar_to_ab;
707 |
708 |
when alu_ram_to_ar =>
709 |
ns <= alu_ar_to_ab;
710 |
711 |
when alu_ar_to_ab =>
712 |
if uc_alu_class_reg = AC_RI_to_D then
713 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_t_code_to_ab;
714 |
715 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_t;
716 |
end if;
717 |
718 |
when alu_ram_to_t =>
719 |
if uc_alu_class_reg = AC_D_to_A or
720 |
uc_alu_class_reg = AC_A_D_to_A or
721 |
uc_alu_class_reg = AC_RN_to_A or
722 |
uc_alu_class_reg = AC_A_RN_to_A or
723 |
uc_alu_class_reg = AC_RI_to_A or
724 |
uc_alu_class_reg = AC_A_RI_to_A
725 |
726 |
ns <= alu_res_to_a;
727 |
elsif uc_alu_class_reg = AC_D1_to_D then
728 |
ns <= alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab;
729 |
730 |
ns <= alu_res_to_ram;
731 |
end if;
732 |
733 |
when alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab =>
734 |
ns <= fetch_1;
735 |
736 |
when alu_res_to_a =>
737 |
ns <= fetch_1;
738 |
739 |
when alu_ram_to_t_code_to_ab =>
740 |
ns <= alu_res_to_ram;
741 |
742 |
when alu_res_to_ram =>
743 |
ns <= fetch_1;
744 |
745 |
when alu_code_to_ab =>
746 |
case uc_alu_class_reg is
747 |
when AC_I_to_D =>
748 |
ns <= alu_code_to_t;
749 |
when AC_I_D_to_D =>
750 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_v_code_to_t;
751 |
when AC_D_to_RI | AC_D_to_RN =>
752 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_t_rx_to_ab;
753 |
when AC_A_to_D =>
754 |
ns <= alu_res_to_ram;
755 |
when others =>
756 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_t;
757 |
end case;
758 |
759 |
when alu_ram_to_t_rx_to_ab =>
760 |
if uc_alu_class_reg = AC_D_to_RI then
761 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_ar_2;
762 |
763 |
ns <= alu_res_to_ram;
764 |
end if;
765 |
766 |
when alu_res_to_ram_ar_to_ab =>
767 |
ns <= fetch_1;
768 |
769 |
when alu_code_to_t =>
770 |
if uc_alu_class_reg = AC_I_to_D then
771 |
ns <= alu_res_to_ram;
772 |
773 |
ns <= alu_res_to_a;
774 |
end if;
775 |
776 |
when alu_ram_to_v_code_to_t =>
777 |
ns <= alu_res_to_ram;
778 |
779 |
when alu_code_to_t_rx_to_ab =>
780 |
if uc_alu_class_reg = AC_I_to_RI then
781 |
ns <= alu_ram_to_ar_2;
782 |
783 |
ns <= alu_res_to_ram;
784 |
end if;
785 |
786 |
-- DJNZ Rn -------------------------------------------------------
787 |
when djnz_rn_0 =>
788 |
ns <= djnz_dir_1;
789 |
790 |
-- DJNZ dir ------------------------------------------------------
791 |
when djnz_dir_0 =>
792 |
ns <= djnz_dir_1;
793 |
when djnz_dir_1 =>
794 |
ns <= djnz_dir_2;
795 |
when djnz_dir_2 =>
796 |
ns <= djnz_dir_3;
797 |
when djnz_dir_3 =>
798 |
if jump_condition='1' then
799 |
ns <= djnz_dir_4;
800 |
801 |
ns <= fetch_0;
802 |
end if;
803 |
when djnz_dir_4 =>
804 |
ns <= fetch_0;
805 |
806 |
-- CJNE A, dir --------------------------------------------------
807 |
when cjne_a_dir_0 =>
808 |
ns <= cjne_a_dir_1;
809 |
when cjne_a_dir_1 =>
810 |
ns <= cjne_a_dir_2;
811 |
when cjne_a_dir_2 =>
812 |
if jump_condition='1' then
813 |
ns <= cjne_a_dir_3;
814 |
815 |
ns <= fetch_0;
816 |
end if;
817 |
when cjne_a_dir_3 =>
818 |
ns <= fetch_0;
819 |
820 |
-- CJNE Rn, #imm ------------------------------------------------
821 |
when cjne_rn_imm_0 =>
822 |
ns <= cjne_rn_imm_1;
823 |
when cjne_rn_imm_1 =>
824 |
ns <= cjne_rn_imm_2;
825 |
when cjne_rn_imm_2 =>
826 |
if jump_condition='1' then
827 |
ns <= cjne_rn_imm_3;
828 |
829 |
ns <= fetch_0;
830 |
end if;
831 |
when cjne_rn_imm_3 =>
832 |
ns <= fetch_0;
833 |
834 |
-- CJNE @Ri, #imm ------------------------------------------------
835 |
when cjne_ri_imm_0 =>
836 |
ns <= cjne_ri_imm_1;
837 |
when cjne_ri_imm_1 =>
838 |
ns <= cjne_ri_imm_2;
839 |
when cjne_ri_imm_2 =>
840 |
ns <= cjne_ri_imm_3;
841 |
when cjne_ri_imm_3 =>
842 |
ns <= cjne_ri_imm_4;
843 |
when cjne_ri_imm_4 =>
844 |
if jump_condition='1' then
845 |
ns <= cjne_ri_imm_5;
846 |
847 |
ns <= fetch_0;
848 |
end if;
849 |
when cjne_ri_imm_5 =>
850 |
ns <= fetch_0;
851 |
852 |
853 |
-- CJNE A, #imm -------------------------------------------------
854 |
when cjne_a_imm_0 =>
855 |
ns <= cjne_a_imm_1;
856 |
when cjne_a_imm_1 =>
857 |
if jump_condition='1' then
858 |
ns <= cjne_a_imm_2;
859 |
860 |
ns <= fetch_0;
861 |
end if;
862 |
when cjne_a_imm_2 =>
863 |
ns <= fetch_0;
864 |
865 |
-- Relative and long jumps --------------------------------------
866 |
when load_rel =>
867 |
if jump_condition='1' then
868 |
ns <= rel_jump;
869 |
870 |
ns <= fetch_1;
871 |
end if;
872 |
when rel_jump =>
873 |
ns <= fetch_0;
874 |
875 |
when fetch_addr_1 =>
876 |
ns <= fetch_addr_0;
877 |
when fetch_addr_0 =>
878 |
ns <= long_jump;
879 |
when fetch_addr_0_ajmp =>
880 |
ns <= long_jump;
881 |
when long_jump =>
882 |
ns <= fetch_0;
883 |
884 |
when jmp_adptr_0 =>
885 |
ns <= fetch_0;
886 |
887 |
888 |
-- Derailed state machine should end here -----------------------
889 |
-- NOTE: This applies to undecoded or unimplemented instructions,
890 |
-- not to a state machine derailed by EM event, etc.
891 |
892 |
when others =>
893 |
ns <= bug_bad_opcode_class;
894 |
end case;
895 |
end process cpu_state_machine_transitions;
896 |
897 |
898 |
--## 2.- Interrupt handling ####################################################
899 |
900 |
load_ie <= '1' when sfr_addr_internal=SFR_ADDR_IE and sfr_we_internal='1'
901 |
else '0';
902 |
903 |
904 |
905 |
906 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
907 |
if reset='1' then
908 |
IE_reg <= (others => '0');
909 |
910 |
if load_ie='1' then
911 |
IE_reg <= alu_result;
912 |
end if;
913 |
end if;
914 |
end if;
915 |
end process IE_register;
916 |
917 |
-- RETI restores the IRQ level to 7 (idle value). No interrupt will be serviced
918 |
-- if its level is below this. Remember 0 is top, 4 is bottom and 7 is idle.
919 |
irq_restore_level <= '1' when ps=ret_0 and alu_fn_reg(0)='1' else '0';
920 |
921 |
-- Mask the irq inputs with IE register bits...
922 |
irq_masked_inputs <= irq_source and std_logic_vector(IE_reg(4 downto 0));
923 |
-- ...and encode the highest priority active input
924 |
irq_level_inputs <=
925 |
"000" when irq_masked_inputs(0)='1' else
926 |
"001" when irq_masked_inputs(1)='1' else
927 |
"010" when irq_masked_inputs(2)='1' else
928 |
"011" when irq_masked_inputs(3)='1' else
929 |
"100" when irq_masked_inputs(4)='1' else
930 |
931 |
932 |
-- We have a pending irq if interrupts are enabled...
933 |
irq_active <= '1' when IE_reg(7)='1' and
934 |
-- ...and the active irq has higher priority than any
935 |
-- ongoing irq routine.
936 |
(irq_level_inputs < irq_level_current)
937 |
else '0';
938 |
939 |
940 |
941 |
942 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
943 |
if reset='1' or irq_restore_level='1' then
944 |
-- After reset, irq level is 7, which means all irqs are accepted.
945 |
-- Note that valid levels are 0 to 4 and the lower the number,
946 |
-- the higher the priority.
947 |
-- The level is restored to 7 by the RETI instruction too.
948 |
irq_level_current <= "111";
949 |
950 |
-- Evaluate and register the interrupt priority in the same state
951 |
-- the irq is to be acknowledged.
952 |
if ps=fetch_1 and irq_active='1' then
953 |
irq_level_current <= irq_level_inputs;
954 |
end if;
955 |
end if;
956 |
end if;
957 |
end process irq_registered_priority_encoder;
958 |
959 |
-- This irq vector is going to be used in state irq_2.
960 |
irq_vector <= irq_level_current & "011";
961 |
962 |
963 |
--## 3.- Combined register bank & decoding table ###############################
964 |
965 |
-- No support yet for XRAM on this RAM block
966 |
assert not USE_BRAM_FOR_XRAM
967 |
report "This version of the core does not support using the IRAM/uCode "&
968 |
"RAM block wasted space for XRAM"
969 |
severity failure;
970 |
971 |
972 |
-- This is the row of the opcode table that will be replicated for the 2nd half
973 |
-- of the table. We always replicate row 7 (opcode X7h) except for 'DNJZ Rn'
974 |
-- (opcodes d8h..dfh) where we replicate row 5 -- opcode d7h is not a DJNZ and
975 |
-- breaks the pattern (see @note1).
976 |
ucode_pattern <= "101" when code_rd(7 downto 4)="1101" else "111";
977 |
978 |
with code_rd(3) select ucode_index <=
979 |
ucode_pattern & unsigned(code_rd(7 downto 4)) when '1',
980 |
unsigned(code_rd(2 downto 0)) &
981 |
unsigned(code_rd(7 downto 4)) when others;
982 |
983 |
-- IRAM/SFR address source mux; controlled by current state
984 |
with ps select iram_sfr_addr <=
985 |
rx_addr when alu_rx_to_ab,
986 |
rx_addr when alu_code_to_t_rx_to_ab,
987 |
rx_addr when alu_ram_to_t_rx_to_ab,
988 |
rx_addr when cjne_rn_imm_0,
989 |
rx_addr when cjne_ri_imm_0,
990 |
rx_addr when alu_xchd_0,
991 |
rx_addr when movx_a_ri_0,
992 |
rx_addr when movx_ri_a_0,
993 |
rx_addr when xch_rx_0,
994 |
rx_addr when xch_rn_0,
995 |
addr0_reg when alu_res_to_ram_ar_to_ab,
996 |
bit_addr when jrb_bit_0,
997 |
bit_addr when bit_op_0,
998 |
SP_reg when push_2, -- Write dir data to [sp]
999 |
SP_reg when pop_0 | ret_0 | ret_1 | ret_2,
1000 |
SP_reg when acall_1 | acall_2 | lcall_2 | lcall_3,
1001 |
SP_reg when irq_2 | irq_3,
1002 |
addr0_reg when djnz_dir_1 | djnz_dir_2,
1003 |
addr0_reg when push_1, -- Read dir data for PUSH
1004 |
code_byte when cjne_a_imm_1,
1005 |
code_byte when cjne_a_dir_0,
1006 |
code_byte when cjne_a_dir_2,
1007 |
code_byte when cjne_rn_imm_1,
1008 |
code_byte when cjne_rn_imm_2,
1009 |
code_byte when cjne_ri_imm_4,
1010 |
code_byte when djnz_dir_0, -- DIR addr
1011 |
code_byte when djnz_dir_3, -- REL offset
1012 |
rx_addr when djnz_rn_0,
1013 |
addr0_reg when jrb_bit_2,
1014 |
code_byte when jrb_bit_3,
1015 |
addr0_reg when bit_op_2,
1016 |
code_byte when fetch_addr_0,
1017 |
code_byte when fetch_addr_0_ajmp,
1018 |
code_byte when alu_code_to_ab, -- DIRECT addressing
1019 |
code_byte when push_0, -- read dir address
1020 |
code_byte when pop_1,
1021 |
code_byte when acall_0 | lcall_0 | lcall_1,
1022 |
code_byte when alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab,
1023 |
code_byte when alu_ram_to_t_code_to_ab,
1024 |
code_byte when load_rel,
1025 |
SFR_ADDR_DPH when mov_dptr_1,
1026 |
SFR_ADDR_DPL when mov_dptr_2,
1027 |
code_byte when xch_dir_0,
1028 |
addr0_reg when others;
1029 |
1030 |
-- Assert this when an ALU instruction is about to use direct addressing.
1031 |
with ps select alu_using_direct_addressing <=
1032 |
'1' when alu_code_to_ab,
1033 |
'1' when xch_dir_0,
1034 |
'1' when alu_ram_to_t_code_to_ab,
1035 |
'0' when others;
1036 |
1037 |
-- Assert this when an ALU instruction is using direct addressing.
1038 |
with ps select alu_using_indirect_addressing <=
1039 |
'1' when alu_ar_to_ab,
1040 |
'1' when alu_rx_to_ab,
1041 |
'1' when xch_rx_0,
1042 |
'1' when movx_a_ri_0,
1043 |
'1' when movx_ri_a_0,
1044 |
'1' when alu_ram_to_t_rx_to_ab,
1045 |
'1' when alu_res_to_ram_ar_to_ab,
1046 |
'1' when alu_code_to_t_rx_to_ab,
1047 |
'0' when others;
1048 |
1049 |
-- This register remembers what kind of addressing the current ALU instruction
1050 |
-- is using.
1051 |
-- This is necessary because the ALU instruction states are shared by many
1052 |
-- different instructions with different addressing modes.
1053 |
1054 |
1055 |
1056 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1057 |
if reset = '1' then
1058 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg <= '0';
1059 |
1060 |
if alu_using_direct_addressing = '1' then
1061 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg <= '1';
1062 |
elsif alu_using_indirect_addressing = '1' then
1063 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg <= '0';
1064 |
end if;
1065 |
end if;
1066 |
end if;
1067 |
end process alu_addressing_mode_flipflop;
1068 |
1069 |
-- This signal controls the T reg input mux. it should be valid in the cycle
1070 |
-- the read/write is performed AND in the cycle after a read.
1071 |
-- FIXME these should be asserted in READ or WRITE states; many are not! review!
1072 |
with ps select direct_addressing <=
1073 |
-- For most instructions all we need to know is the current state...
1074 |
'0' when alu_rx_to_ab,
1075 |
'0' when cjne_a_imm_0,
1076 |
'0' when cjne_a_imm_1,
1077 |
'0' when cjne_ri_imm_4,
1078 |
'0' when cjne_ri_imm_3,
1079 |
'0' when fetch_addr_0,
1080 |
'0' when load_rel,
1081 |
'0' when cjne_rn_imm_1,
1082 |
'0' when cjne_rn_imm_2,
1083 |
'1' when jrb_bit_0 | jrb_bit_1 | jrb_bit_2,
1084 |
'1' when bit_op_0 | bit_op_1 | bit_op_2,
1085 |
-- FIXME these below have been verified and corrected
1086 |
'1' when djnz_dir_1,
1087 |
'1' when djnz_dir_2,
1088 |
'1' when push_0,
1089 |
'1' when pop_1 | pop_2,
1090 |
'0' when movx_a_ri_0,
1091 |
'0' when movx_ri_a_0,
1092 |
'1' when xch_dir_0,
1093 |
'1' when cjne_a_dir_0,
1094 |
'1' when cjne_a_dir_1,
1095 |
'0' when alu_xchd_2 | alu_xchd_3,
1096 |
-- ... and for ALU instructions we use info recorded while decoding.
1097 |
'1' when alu_code_to_ab,
1098 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg when xch_1,
1099 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg when xch_2,
1100 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg when alu_ar_to_ab,
1101 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg when alu_ram_to_t,
1102 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg when alu_ram_to_t_code_to_ab,
1103 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg when alu_ram_to_t_rx_to_ab,
1104 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg when alu_ram_to_v_code_to_t,
1105 |
direct_addressing_alu_reg when alu_res_to_ram,
1106 |
'1' when alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab, -- D1 -> D only
1107 |
'0' when alu_res_to_ram_ar_to_ab,
1108 |
'0' when others;
1109 |
1110 |
-- SFRs are only ever accessed by direct addresing to area 80h..ffh
1111 |
sfr_addressing <= direct_addressing and iram_sfr_addr(7);
1112 |
1113 |
-- In 'fetch' states (including the last state of all instructions) the BRAM
1114 |
-- is used as a decode table indexed by the opcode -- both ports!
1115 |
-- The decode table is in the lowest 256 bytes and the actual IRAM data is
1116 |
-- in the highest 256 bytes, thus the address MSB.
1117 |
with do_fetch select bram_addr_p0 <=
1118 |
-- 'fetch' states
1119 |
'0' & ucode_index & '0' when '1',
1120 |
'1' & iram_sfr_addr when others;
1121 |
1122 |
with do_fetch select bram_addr_p1 <=
1123 |
-- 'fetch' states
1124 |
'0' & ucode_index & '1' when '1',
1125 |
'1' & iram_sfr_addr when others;
1126 |
1127 |
-- FIXME SFR/RAM selection bit: make sure it checks
1128 |
with ps select bram_we <=
1129 |
not sfr_addressing when alu_res_to_ram,
1130 |
not sfr_addressing when alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab,
1131 |
'1' when alu_res_to_ram_ar_to_ab,
1132 |
not sfr_addressing when djnz_dir_2,
1133 |
not sfr_addressing when bit_op_2,
1134 |
not sfr_addressing when jrb_bit_2,
1135 |
not sfr_addressing when push_2, -- FIXME verify
1136 |
not sfr_addressing when pop_2, -- FIXME verify
1137 |
not sfr_addressing when xch_2,
1138 |
'1' when alu_xchd_4,
1139 |
'1' when acall_1 | acall_2 | lcall_2 | lcall_3,
1140 |
'1' when irq_2 | irq_3,
1141 |
'0' when others;
1142 |
1143 |
-- The datapath result is what's written back to the IRAM/SFR, except when
1144 |
-- pushing the PC in a xCALL instruction.
1145 |
with ps select bram_wr_data_p0 <=
1146 |
PC_reg(7 downto 0) when acall_1 | lcall_2 | irq_2,
1147 |
PC_reg(15 downto 8) when acall_2 | lcall_3 | irq_3,
1148 |
alu_result when others;
1149 |
1150 |
1151 |
-- IMPORTANT: the 2-port BRAM is inferred using a template which is valid for
1152 |
-- both Altera and Xilinx. Otherwise, the synth tools would infer TWO BRAMs
1153 |
-- instead of one.
1154 |
-- This template is FRAGILE: for example, changing the order of assignments in
1155 |
-- process *_port0 will break the synthesis (i.e. 2 BRAMs again).
1156 |
-- See a more detailed explaination in [3].
1157 |
1158 |
-- BRAM port 0 is read/write (i.e. same address for read and write)
1159 |
1160 |
1161 |
1162 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1163 |
if bram_we='1' then
1164 |
bram(to_integer(bram_addr_p0)) := bram_wr_data_p0;
1165 |
end if;
1166 |
bram_data_p0 <= bram(to_integer(bram_addr_p0));
1167 |
end if;
1168 |
end process register_bank_bram_port0;
1169 |
1170 |
-- Port 1 is read only
1171 |
1172 |
1173 |
1174 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1175 |
bram_data_p1 <= bram(to_integer(bram_addr_p1));
1176 |
end if;
1177 |
end process register_bank_bram_port1;
1178 |
1179 |
-- End of BRAM inference template
1180 |
1181 |
--## 4.- Instruction decode logic ##############################################
1182 |
1183 |
-- Assert do_fetch on the states when the *opcode* is present in code_rd.
1184 |
-- (not asserted for other instruction bytes, only the opcode).
1185 |
with ps select do_fetch <=
1186 |
'1' when fetch_1,
1187 |
'0' when others;
1188 |
1189 |
-- The main decode word is the synchrous BRAM output. Which means it is only
1190 |
-- valid for 1 clock cycle (state decode_0). Most state machine decisions are
1191 |
-- taken in that state. All information which is needed at a later state, like
1192 |
-- ALU control signals, is registered.
1193 |
-- Note that the BRAM is used for the 1st half of the decode table (@note1)...
1194 |
ucode_1st_half <= bram_data_p0 & bram_data_p1;
1195 |
1196 |
-- ...the 2nd hald of the table is done combinationally and then registered.
1197 |
ucode_2nd_half(8 downto 0) <= ucode_1st_half(8 downto 0);
1198 |
-- We take advantage of the opcode table layout: the 2nd half columns are always
1199 |
-- identical to the 1st half column, 7th or 5th row opcode (see ucode_pattern),
1200 |
-- except for the addressing mode:
1201 |
with code_rd(7 downto 4) select ucode_2nd_half(15 downto 9) <=
1202 |
"00" & AC_RN_to_RN when "0000",
1203 |
"00" & AC_RN_to_RN when "0001",
1204 |
"00" & AC_A_RN_to_A when "0010",
1205 |
"00" & AC_A_RN_to_A when "0011",
1206 |
1207 |
"00" & AC_A_RN_to_A when "0100",
1208 |
"00" & AC_A_RN_to_A when "0101",
1209 |
"00" & AC_A_RN_to_A when "0110",
1210 |
"00" & AC_I_to_RN when "0111",
1211 |
1212 |
"00" & AC_RN_to_D when "1000",
1213 |
"00" & AC_A_RN_to_A when "1001",
1214 |
"00" & AC_D_to_RN when "1010",
1215 |
F_CJNE_RN_IMM & CC_CJNE(3 downto 3) when "1011",
1216 |
1217 |
F_XCH_RN & "0" when "1100",
1218 |
F_DJNZ_RN & CC_NZ(3 downto 3) when "1101",
1219 |
"00" & AC_RN_to_A when "1110",
1220 |
"00" & AC_A_to_RN when others;
1221 |
1222 |
1223 |
-- Register the combinational half of the uCode table so its timing is the same
1224 |
-- as the BRAM (so that both halves have the same timing).
1225 |
1226 |
1227 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1228 |
-- Register the information as soon as it is available: get opcode bits
1229 |
-- when the opcode is in code_rd...
1230 |
if do_fetch='1' then
1231 |
ucode_is_2nd_half <= code_rd(3);
1232 |
rn_index <= unsigned(code_rd(2 downto 0));
1233 |
end if;
1234 |
-- ...and get the ucode word when it is valid: the lowest half of the
1235 |
-- ucode word comes from the ucode BRAM and is valid in decode_0.
1236 |
if ps = decode_0 then
1237 |
ucode_2nd_half_reg <= ucode_2nd_half;
1238 |
end if;
1239 |
end if;
1240 |
end process;
1241 |
1242 |
-- uCode may come from the BRAM (1st half of the table) or from combinational
1243 |
-- logic (2nd half). This is the multiplexor.
1244 |
ucode <= ucode_1st_half when ucode_is_2nd_half='0' else ucode_2nd_half_reg;
1245 |
1246 |
-- Extract uCode fields for convenience.
1247 |
1248 |
-- For ALU instructions, we have the flag mask in the uCode word...
1249 |
uc_alu_flag_mask <= ucode_1st_half(8 downto 7);
1250 |
-- ...and all other instructions only update the C flag, if any.
1251 |
with uc_class_decode_0(5 downto 4) select flag_mask_decode_0 <=
1252 |
uc_alu_flag_mask when "00",
1253 |
FM_C when others; -- Will only be used in a few states.
1254 |
1255 |
-- The mux for signal ucode operates after state decode_0, because its input
1256 |
-- ucode_2nd_half_reg ir registered in that state. These following signals
1257 |
-- depend on the ucode but need to be valid IN state decode_0 so they are muxed
1258 |
-- separately directly on the opcode bit.
1259 |
-- Valid only in state decode_0, all of these are registered too for later use.
1260 |
1261 |
with ucode_is_2nd_half select jump_cond_sel_decode_0 <=
1262 |
ucode_1st_half(9 downto 6) when '0',
1263 |
ucode_2nd_half(9 downto 6) when others;
1264 |
1265 |
with ucode_is_2nd_half select uc_alu_fn_decode_0 <=
1266 |
ucode_1st_half(5 downto 0) when '0',
1267 |
ucode_2nd_half(5 downto 0) when others;
1268 |
1269 |
with ucode_is_2nd_half select uc_class_decode_0 <=
1270 |
ucode_1st_half(15 downto 10) when '0',
1271 |
ucode_2nd_half(15 downto 10) when others;
1272 |
1273 |
with ucode_is_2nd_half select uc_alu_class_decode_0 <= -- ALU opc. addrng. mode
1274 |
ucode_1st_half(13 downto 9) when '0',
1275 |
ucode_2nd_half(13 downto 9) when others;
1276 |
1277 |
1278 |
-- Register ALU & conditional jump control signals for use in states
1279 |
-- after decode_0.
1280 |
1281 |
1282 |
1283 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1284 |
if ps=decode_0 then
1285 |
uc_alu_class_reg <= uc_alu_class_decode_0;
1286 |
alu_class_op_sel_reg <= alu_class_op_sel;
1287 |
use_ri_reg <= use_ri;
1288 |
flag_mask_reg <= flag_mask_decode_0;
1289 |
alu_fn_reg <= uc_alu_fn_decode_0;
1290 |
dpath_mux0_reg <= uc_alu_fn_decode_0(1) and uc_alu_fn_decode_0(0);
1291 |
jump_cond_sel_reg <= jump_cond_sel_decode_0;
1292 |
instr_jump_is_ljmp <= ucode(10);
1293 |
end if;
1294 |
end if;
1295 |
end process alu_control_registers;
1296 |
1297 |
--## 5.- PC and code address generation ########################################
1298 |
1299 |
rel_jump_delta(15 downto 8) <= (others => addr0_reg(7));
1300 |
rel_jump_delta(7 downto 0) <= addr0_reg;
1301 |
rel_jump_target <= PC_reg + rel_jump_delta;
1302 |
1303 |
-- A jump is LONG when running LJMP/LCALL OR acknowledging an interrupt.
1304 |
jump_is_ljmp <= '1' when ps=irq_4 else instr_jump_is_ljmp;
1305 |
1306 |
-- Mux for two kinds of jump target, AJMP/LJMP (jumps and calls)
1307 |
with jump_is_ljmp select jump_target <=
1308 |
PC_reg(15 downto 11) & block_reg & addr0_reg when '0', -- AJMP
1309 |
addr1_reg & addr0_reg when others; -- LJMP
1310 |
1311 |
-- Decide whether or not to increment the PC by looking at the NEXT state, not
1312 |
-- the present one. See @note5.
1313 |
with ns select increment_pc <=
1314 |
'1' when decode_0, -- See @note6.
1315 |
'1' when alu_ram_to_t_code_to_ab,
1316 |
'1' when alu_code_to_ab,
1317 |
'1' when alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab,
1318 |
'1' when alu_ram_to_v_code_to_t,
1319 |
'1' when alu_code_to_t_rx_to_ab,
1320 |
'1' when alu_code_to_t,
1321 |
'1' when jrb_bit_0,
1322 |
'1' when jrb_bit_3,
1323 |
'1' when bit_op_0,
1324 |
'1' when cjne_a_imm_0,
1325 |
'1' when cjne_a_imm_1,
1326 |
'1' when cjne_a_dir_0,
1327 |
'1' when cjne_a_dir_2,
1328 |
'1' when cjne_ri_imm_3,
1329 |
'1' when cjne_ri_imm_4,
1330 |
'1' when cjne_rn_imm_1,
1331 |
'1' when cjne_rn_imm_2,
1332 |
'1' when fetch_addr_0,
1333 |
'1' when fetch_addr_1,
1334 |
'1' when fetch_addr_0_ajmp,
1335 |
'1' when acall_0 | lcall_0 | lcall_1,
1336 |
'1' when load_rel,
1337 |
'1' when djnz_dir_0,
1338 |
'1' when djnz_dir_3,
1339 |
'1' when push_0,
1340 |
'1' when pop_1,
1341 |
'1' when mov_dptr_0,
1342 |
'1' when mov_dptr_1,
1343 |
'1' when xch_dir_0,
1344 |
'0' when others;
1345 |
1346 |
with increment_pc select pc_incremented <=
1347 |
PC_reg + 1 when '1',
1348 |
PC_reg when others;
1349 |
1350 |
1351 |
with ps select next_pc <=
1352 |
X"0000" when reset_0,
1353 |
jump_target when long_jump | lcall_4 | ret_3 | irq_4,
1354 |
dptr_plus_a_reg when jmp_adptr_0,
1355 |
rel_jump_target when rel_jump,
1356 |
rel_jump_target when cjne_a_imm_2,
1357 |
rel_jump_target when cjne_a_dir_3,
1358 |
rel_jump_target when cjne_ri_imm_5,
1359 |
rel_jump_target when cjne_rn_imm_3,
1360 |
rel_jump_target when djnz_dir_4,
1361 |
rel_jump_target when jrb_bit_4,
1362 |
pc_incremented when others;
1363 |
1364 |
1365 |
1366 |
1367 |
1368 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1369 |
if reset='1' then
1370 |
PC_reg <= (others => '0');
1371 |
1372 |
PC_reg <= next_pc;
1373 |
end if;
1374 |
end if;
1375 |
end process program_counter;
1376 |
1377 |
with ps select code_addr <=
1378 |
std_logic_vector(movc_addr) when movc_pc_0 | movc_dptr_0,
1379 |
std_logic_vector(PC_reg) when others;
1380 |
1381 |
1382 |
---- MOVC logic ----------------------------------------------------------------
1383 |
acc_ext16 <= (X"00") & A_reg;
1384 |
1385 |
with ps select movc_base <=
1386 |
PC_reg when movc_pc_0,
1387 |
DPTR_reg when others;
1388 |
1389 |
movc_addr <= movc_base + acc_ext16;
1390 |
1391 |
-- This register will not always hold DPTR+A, at times it will hold PC+A. In the
1392 |
-- state in which it will be used, it will be DPTR+A.
1393 |
1394 |
1395 |
1396 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1397 |
dptr_plus_a_reg <= movc_addr;
1398 |
end if;
1399 |
end process registered_dptr_plus_a;
1400 |
1401 |
1402 |
--## 6.- Conditional jump logic ################################################
1403 |
1404 |
cjne_condition <= not alu_result_is_zero; -- FIXME redundant, remove
1405 |
1406 |
with jump_cond_sel_reg select jump_condition <=
1407 |
'1' when CC_ALWAYS,
1408 |
not alu_result_is_zero when CC_NZ,
1409 |
alu_result_is_zero when CC_Z,
1410 |
not acc_is_zero when CC_ACCNZ,
1411 |
acc_is_zero when CC_ACCZ,
1412 |
cjne_condition when CC_CJNE,
1413 |
PSW(7) when CC_C,
1414 |
not PSW(7) when CC_NC,
1415 |
bit_input when CC_BIT,
1416 |
not bit_input when CC_NOBIT,
1417 |
'0' when others;
1418 |
1419 |
1420 |
--## 7.- Address registers #####################################################
1421 |
1422 |
---- Address 0 and 1 registers -------------------------------------------------
1423 |
1424 |
-- addr0_reg is the most frequent source of IRAM/SFR addresses and is used as
1425 |
-- an aux reg in jumps and rets.
1426 |
1427 |
-- Decide when to load the address register...
1428 |
with ps select load_addr0 <=
1429 |
'1' when fetch_addr_0,
1430 |
'1' when fetch_addr_0_ajmp,
1431 |
'1' when irq_2,
1432 |
'1' when acall_0 | lcall_1,
1433 |
'1' when load_rel,
1434 |
'1' when cjne_a_imm_1,
1435 |
'1' when cjne_a_dir_0,
1436 |
'1' when cjne_a_dir_2,
1437 |
'1' when cjne_ri_imm_1,
1438 |
'1' when cjne_ri_imm_4,
1439 |
'1' when cjne_rn_imm_2,
1440 |
'1' when alu_xchd_1,
1441 |
'1' when djnz_dir_0,
1442 |
'1' when djnz_dir_3,
1443 |
'1' when djnz_rn_0,
1444 |
'1' when jrb_bit_0,
1445 |
'1' when jrb_bit_3,
1446 |
'1' when bit_op_0,
1447 |
'1' when pop_1,
1448 |
'1' when ret_2,
1449 |
'1' when alu_rx_to_ab,
1450 |
'1' when movx_a_ri_1,
1451 |
'1' when movx_ri_a_1,
1452 |
'1' when xch_dir_0,
1453 |
'1' when xch_rx_0,
1454 |
'1' when xch_rn_0,
1455 |
'1' when xch_rx_1,
1456 |
'1' when alu_ram_to_ar,
1457 |
'1' when alu_ram_to_t_code_to_ab,
1458 |
'1' when alu_code_to_ab,
1459 |
'1' when alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab,
1460 |
'1' when alu_ram_to_t_rx_to_ab,
1461 |
--'1' when alu_res_to_ram_ram_to_ab,
1462 |
'1' when alu_ram_to_ar_2,
1463 |
'1' when alu_code_to_t_rx_to_ab,
1464 |
'0' when others;
1465 |
1466 |
-- ...and decide what to load into it.
1467 |
with ps select addr0_reg_input <=
1468 |
iram_sfr_rd when alu_ram_to_ar,
1469 |
iram_sfr_rd when alu_ram_to_ar_2,
1470 |
iram_sfr_rd when cjne_ri_imm_1,
1471 |
iram_sfr_rd when alu_xchd_1,
1472 |
iram_sfr_rd when movx_a_ri_1,
1473 |
iram_sfr_rd when movx_ri_a_1,
1474 |
iram_sfr_rd when xch_rx_0,
1475 |
iram_sfr_rd when xch_rx_1,
1476 |
iram_sfr_rd when ret_2,
1477 |
"00" & irq_vector when irq_2,
1478 |
iram_sfr_addr when others;
1479 |
1480 |
-- Auxiliary address registers 0 and 1 plus flag bit_index_reg
1481 |
1482 |
1483 |
1484 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1485 |
if load_addr0='1' then
1486 |
-- Used to address IRAM/SCR and XRAM
1487 |
addr0_reg <= addr0_reg_input;
1488 |
-- The bit index is registered at the same time for use by bit ops.
1489 |
-- Signal bit_index is valid at the same time as addr0_reg_input.
1490 |
bit_index_reg <= bit_index;
1491 |
end if;
1492 |
if ps = lcall_0 or ps = fetch_addr_1 then
1493 |
addr1_reg <= unsigned(code_rd);
1494 |
elsif ps = irq_2 then
1495 |
addr1_reg <= (others => '0');
1496 |
elsif ps = ret_1 then
1497 |
addr1_reg <= iram_sfr_rd;
1498 |
end if;
1499 |
end if;
1500 |
end process address_registers;
1501 |
1502 |
---- Opcode register(s) and signals directly derived from the opcode -----------
1503 |
1504 |
-- These register holds the instruction opcode byte.
1505 |
1506 |
1507 |
1508 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1509 |
if ps=decode_0 then
1510 |
block_reg <= unsigned(code_rd(7 downto 5));
1511 |
end if;
1512 |
end if;
1513 |
end process absolute_jump_block_register;
1514 |
1515 |
-- Unregistered dir address; straight from code memory.
1516 |
code_byte <= unsigned(code_rd);
1517 |
1518 |
-- Index of bit within byte. Will be registered along with bit_addr.
1519 |
bit_index <= unsigned(code_rd(2 downto 0));
1520 |
1521 |
-- Address of the byte containing the operand bit, if any.
1522 |
with code_rd(7) select bit_addr <=
1523 |
"0010" & unsigned(code_rd(6 downto 3)) when '0',
1524 |
"1" & unsigned(code_rd(6 downto 3)) & "000" when others;
1525 |
1526 |
1527 |
---- Rn and @Ri addresses and multiplexor --------------------------------------
1528 |
ri_addr <= "000" & PSW_reg(4 downto 3) & "00" & rn_index(0);
1529 |
rn_addr <= "000" & PSW_reg(4 downto 3) & rn_index;
1530 |
1531 |
1532 |
-- This logic only gets evaluated in state decode_0; and it needs to be valid
1533 |
-- only for Rn and @Ri instructions, otherwise it is not evaluated.
1534 |
-- Does the ALU instruction, if any, use @Ri?
1535 |
with uc_alu_class_decode_0 select alu_use_ri_by_class <=
1536 |
'1' when AC_A_RI_to_A,
1537 |
'1' when AC_RI_to_A,
1538 |
'1' when AC_RI_to_RI,
1539 |
'1' when AC_RI_to_D,
1540 |
'1' when AC_D_to_RI,
1541 |
'1' when AC_I_to_RI,
1542 |
'1' when AC_A_to_RI,
1543 |
'0' when others;
1544 |
1545 |
-- The instruction uses @Ri unless it uses Rn.
1546 |
-- This signal gets registered as use_ri_reg in state decode_0.
1547 |
alu_use_ri <= '0' when code_rd(3)='1' else alu_use_ri_by_class;
1548 |
1549 |
non_alu_use_ri <= '1' when ucode(11 downto 10)="10" else '0';
1550 |
1551 |
use_ri <= alu_use_ri when ucode(15 downto 14)="00" else non_alu_use_ri;
1552 |
1553 |
-- This is the actual Rn/Ri multiplexor.
1554 |
rx_addr <= ri_addr when use_ri_reg='1' else rn_addr;
1555 |
1556 |
1557 |
--## 8.- SFR interface #########################################################
1558 |
1559 |
-- Assert sfr_vma when a SFR read or write cycle is going on (address valid).
1560 |
-- FIXME some of these are not read cycles but the cycle after!
1561 |
with ps select sfr_vma_internal <=
1562 |
sfr_addressing when alu_ar_to_ab,
1563 |
sfr_addressing when alu_ram_to_t,
1564 |
sfr_addressing when alu_ram_to_t_code_to_ab,
1565 |
sfr_addressing when alu_ram_to_v_code_to_t,
1566 |
sfr_addressing when alu_res_to_ram,
1567 |
sfr_addressing when alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab,
1568 |
sfr_addressing when alu_res_to_ram_ar_to_ab,
1569 |
sfr_addressing when djnz_dir_1,
1570 |
sfr_addressing when djnz_dir_2,
1571 |
sfr_addressing when cjne_ri_imm_3,
1572 |
sfr_addressing when cjne_ri_imm_2,
1573 |
-- FIXME these are corrected states, the above may be bad
1574 |
sfr_addressing when cjne_a_dir_0,
1575 |
sfr_addressing when jrb_bit_0,
1576 |
sfr_addressing when bit_op_0,
1577 |
sfr_addressing when bit_op_2,
1578 |
sfr_addressing when xch_1,
1579 |
sfr_addressing when xch_2,
1580 |
sfr_addressing when alu_xchd_2,
1581 |
-- FIXME some other states missing
1582 |
'0' when others;
1583 |
1584 |
-- Assert sfr_we_internal when a SFR write cycle is done.
1585 |
-- FIXME there should be a direct_we, not separate decoding for iram/sfr
1586 |
with ps select sfr_we_internal <=
1587 |
sfr_addressing when alu_res_to_ram,
1588 |
sfr_addressing when alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab,
1589 |
sfr_addressing when alu_res_to_ram_ar_to_ab,
1590 |
sfr_addressing when djnz_dir_2,
1591 |
sfr_addressing when bit_op_2,
1592 |
sfr_addressing when jrb_bit_2,
1593 |
sfr_addressing when pop_2,
1594 |
'1' when mov_dptr_1,
1595 |
'1' when mov_dptr_2,
1596 |
sfr_addressing when xch_2,
1597 |
'0' when others;
1598 |
1599 |
-- The SFR address is the full 8 address bits; even if we know there are no
1600 |
-- SFRs in the 00h..7fh range.
1601 |
sfr_addr_internal <= iram_sfr_addr;
1602 |
sfr_addr <= std_logic_vector(sfr_addr_internal);
1603 |
-- Data written into the internal or externa SFR is the IRAM input data.
1604 |
sfr_wr_internal <= bram_wr_data_p0;
1605 |
sfr_wr <= std_logic_vector(sfr_wr_internal);
1606 |
-- Internal and external SFR bus is identical.
1607 |
sfr_we <= sfr_we_internal;
1608 |
sfr_vma <= sfr_vma_internal;
1609 |
1610 |
-- Internal SFR read multiplexor. Will be registered.
1611 |
with sfr_addr_internal select sfr_rd_internal <=
1612 |
1613 |
SP_reg when SFR_ADDR_SP,
1614 |
A_reg when SFR_ADDR_ACC,
1615 |
B_reg when SFR_ADDR_B,
1616 |
DPTR_reg(15 downto 8) when SFR_ADDR_DPH,
1617 |
DPTR_reg( 7 downto 0) when SFR_ADDR_DPL,
1618 |
IE_reg when SFR_ADDR_IE,
1619 |
unsigned(sfr_rd) when others;
1620 |
1621 |
-- Registering the SFR read mux gives the SFR block the same timing behavior as
1622 |
-- the IRAM block, and improves clock rate a lot.
1623 |
1624 |
1625 |
1626 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1627 |
sfr_rd_internal_reg <= sfr_rd_internal;
1628 |
sfr_addressing_reg <= sfr_addressing;
1629 |
end if;
1630 |
end process SFR_mux_register;
1631 |
1632 |
-- Data read from the IRAM/SFR: this is the IRAM vs. SFR multiplexor.
1633 |
-- Note it is controlled with sfr_addressing_reg, which is in sync with both
1634 |
-- sfr_rd_internal_reg and bram_data_p0 because of the 1-cycle data latency
1635 |
-- of the BRAM and the SFR interface.
1636 |
iram_sfr_rd <= sfr_rd_internal_reg when sfr_addressing_reg='1' else bram_data_p0;
1637 |
1638 |
1639 |
--## 9.- PSW register and flag logic ###########################################
1640 |
1641 |
1642 |
-- PSW flag update enable.
1643 |
with ps select update_psw_flags <=
1644 |
-- Flags are updated at the same time ACC/RAM/SFR is loaded...
1645 |
'1' when alu_res_to_a,
1646 |
'1' when alu_res_to_ram,
1647 |
'1' when alu_res_to_ram_code_to_ab,
1648 |
'1' when alu_res_to_ram_ar_to_ab,
1649 |
'1' when alu_daa_1,
1650 |
-- (XCHD states included for generality only; they never
1651 |
-- update any flags (FM_NONE)).
1652 |
'1' when alu_xchd_4 | alu_xchd_5,
1653 |
-- ...when the CJNE magnitude comparison is made...
1654 |
'1' when cjne_a_imm_1,
1655 |
'1' when cjne_a_dir_2,
1656 |
'1' when cjne_ri_imm_4,
1657 |
'1' when cjne_rn_imm_2,
1658 |
-- ...when C is updated due by bit operation...
1659 |
'1' when bit_res_to_c,
1660 |
-- ...and when a mul/div is done.
1661 |
mul_ready when alu_mul_0,
1662 |
div_ready when alu_div_0,
1663 |
-- Note some
1664 |
'0' when others;
1665 |
1666 |
-- PSW write enable for SFR accesses.
1667 |
load_psw <= '1' when sfr_addr_internal=SFR_ADDR_PSW and sfr_we_internal='1'
1668 |
else '0';
1669 |
1670 |
1671 |
1672 |
1673 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1674 |
if reset='1' then
1675 |
PSW_reg <= (others => '0');
1676 |
elsif load_psw = '1' then
1677 |
PSW_reg <= alu_result(7 downto 1);
1678 |
elsif update_psw_flags = '1' then
1679 |
1680 |
-- C flag
1681 |
if flag_mask_reg /= FM_NONE then
1682 |
PSW_reg(7) <= alu_cy;
1683 |
end if;
1684 |
-- OV flag
1685 |
if flag_mask_reg = FM_C_OV or flag_mask_reg = FM_ALL then
1686 |
PSW_reg(2) <= alu_ov;
1687 |
end if;
1688 |
-- AC flag
1689 |
if flag_mask_reg = FM_ALL then
1690 |
PSW_reg(6) <= alu_ac;
1691 |
end if;
1692 |
end if;
1693 |
end if;
1694 |
end process PSW_register;
1695 |
1696 |
-- Note that P flag (bit 0) is registered separately. Join flags up here.
1697 |
PSW <= PSW_reg(7 downto 1) & alu_p;
1698 |
1699 |
1700 |
--## 10.- Stack logic ##########################################################
1701 |
1702 |
-- SP write enable for SFR accesses.
1703 |
load_sp <= '1' when sfr_addr_internal=SFR_ADDR_SP and sfr_we_internal='1'
1704 |
else '0';
1705 |
1706 |
with ps select load_sp_implicit <=
1707 |
'1' when push_1 | pop_1,
1708 |
'1' when ret_0 | ret_1,
1709 |
'1' when acall_0 | acall_1 | lcall_1 | lcall_2,
1710 |
'1' when irq_1 | irq_2,
1711 |
'0' when others;
1712 |
1713 |
update_sp <= load_sp or load_sp_implicit;
1714 |
1715 |
with ps select SP_next <=
1716 |
SP_reg + 1 when push_1 | acall_0 | acall_1 |
1717 |
lcall_1 | lcall_2 |
1718 |
irq_1 | irq_2,
1719 |
SP_reg - 1 when pop_1 | ret_0 | ret_1,
1720 |
nobit_alu_result when others;
1721 |
1722 |
1723 |
1724 |
1725 |
1726 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1727 |
if reset = '1' then
1728 |
SP_reg <= X"07";
1729 |
1730 |
if update_sp = '1' then
1731 |
SP_reg <= SP_next;
1732 |
end if;
1733 |
end if;
1734 |
end if;
1735 |
end process stack_pointer;
1736 |
1737 |
1738 |
--## 11.- Datapath: ALU and ALU operand multiplexors ###########################
1739 |
1740 |
-- ALU input operand mux control for ALU class instructions. Other instructions
1741 |
-- that use the ALU (CJNE, DJNZ...) will need to control those muxes. That logic
1742 |
-- is within the ALU module.
1743 |
-- Note that this signal gets registered for speed before being used.
1744 |
with uc_alu_class_decode_0 select alu_class_op_sel <=
1745 |
AI_A_T when AC_A_RI_to_A,
1746 |
AI_A_T when AC_A_RN_to_A,
1747 |
AI_A_T when AC_A_I_to_A,
1748 |
AI_A_T when AC_A_D_to_A,
1749 |
AI_A_T when AC_A_D_to_D,
1750 |
AI_V_T when AC_I_D_to_D,
1751 |
AI_A_0 when AC_A_to_RI,
1752 |
AI_A_0 when AC_A_to_D,
1753 |
AI_A_0 when AC_A_to_RN,
1754 |
AI_A_0 when AC_A_to_A,
1755 |
AI_T_0 when others;
1756 |
1757 |
1758 |
alu : entity work.light52_alu
1759 |
generic map (
1760 |
1761 |
1762 |
1763 |
port map (
1764 |
clk => clk,
1765 |
reset => reset,
1766 |
1767 |
-- Data outputs
1768 |
result => alu_result,
1769 |
nobit_result => nobit_alu_result,
1770 |
bit_input_out => bit_input,
1771 |
1772 |
-- Access to internal stuff
1773 |
ACC => A_reg,
1774 |
B => B_reg,
1775 |
1776 |
-- XRAM, IRAM and CODE data interface
1777 |
xdata_wr => xdata_wr,
1778 |
xdata_rd => xdata_rd,
1779 |
code_rd => code_rd,
1780 |
iram_sfr_rd => iram_sfr_rd,
1781 |
1782 |
-- Input and output flags
1783 |
cy_in => PSW_reg(7),
1784 |
ac_in => PSW_reg(6),
1785 |
cy_out => alu_cy,
1786 |
ov_out => alu_ov,
1787 |
ac_out => alu_ac,
1788 |
p_out => alu_p,
1789 |
acc_is_zero => acc_is_zero,
1790 |
result_is_zero => alu_result_is_zero,
1791 |
1792 |
-- Control inputs
1793 |
use_bitfield => dpath_mux0_reg,
1794 |
alu_fn_reg => alu_fn_reg,
1795 |
bit_index_reg => bit_index_reg,
1796 |
op_sel => alu_class_op_sel_reg,
1797 |
load_acc_sfr => load_acc_sfr,
1798 |
1799 |
load_b_sfr => load_b_sfr,
1800 |
mul_ready => mul_ready,
1801 |
div_ready => div_ready,
1802 |
1803 |
ps => ps
1804 |
1805 |
1806 |
1807 |
load_b_sfr <= '1' when (sfr_addr_internal=SFR_ADDR_B and
1808 |
1809 |
else '0';
1810 |
1811 |
load_acc_sfr <= '1' when (sfr_addr_internal=SFR_ADDR_ACC and
1812 |
1813 |
else '0';
1814 |
1815 |
--## 12.- DPTR and XDATA address generation ####################################
1816 |
1817 |
-- FIXME this should be encapsulated so that a 2nd DPTR can be easily added.
1818 |
1819 |
load_dph <= '1' when sfr_addr_internal=SFR_ADDR_DPH and sfr_we_internal='1'
1820 |
else '0';
1821 |
load_dpl <= '1' when sfr_addr_internal=SFR_ADDR_DPL and sfr_we_internal='1'
1822 |
else '0';
1823 |
inc_dptr <= '1' when ps=special_0 else '0';
1824 |
1825 |
1826 |
1827 |
1828 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
1829 |
if inc_dptr='1' then
1830 |
DPTR_reg <= DPTR_reg + 1;
1831 |
1832 |
if load_dph='1' then
1833 |
DPTR_reg(15 downto 8) <= nobit_alu_result;
1834 |
end if;
1835 |
if load_dpl='1' then
1836 |
DPTR_reg(7 downto 0) <= nobit_alu_result;
1837 |
end if;
1838 |
end if;
1839 |
end if;
1840 |
end process DPTR_register;
1841 |
1842 |
with ps select xdata_addr <=
1843 |
X"00" & std_logic_vector(addr0_reg) when movx_ri_a_2,
1844 |
X"00" & std_logic_vector(addr0_reg) when movx_a_ri_2,
1845 |
std_logic_vector(DPTR_reg) when others;
1846 |
1847 |
with ps select xdata_vma <=
1848 |
'1' when movx_dptr_a_0 | movx_a_dptr_0,
1849 |
'1' when movx_a_ri_2 | movx_ri_a_2,
1850 |
'0' when others;
1851 |
1852 |
with ps select xdata_we <=
1853 |
'1' when movx_dptr_a_0,
1854 |
'1' when movx_ri_a_2,
1855 |
'0' when others;
1856 |
1857 |
1858 |
end architecture microcoded;
1859 |
1860 |
1861 |
1862 |
1863 |
-- @note1: Decoding of '2nd half' opcodes.
1864 |
-- The top half of the opcode table is decoded using the BRAM initialized
1865 |
-- as a decoding table.
1866 |
-- The bottom half of the table (Rn opcodes, rows 8 to 15) is very
1867 |
-- symmetric: you only need to decode the columns, and the opcode of each
1868 |
-- column is the same as that of row 7 (with a couple exceptions).
1869 |
-- This means we can replace the entire bottom half of the decoding table
1870 |
-- with some logic, combined with row 7 (or 5). Logic marked with @note1
1871 |
-- has this purpose.
1872 |
1873 |
-- @note2: Unnecessary reset values for data registers.
1874 |
-- Reset values are strictly unnecessary for data registers such as ACC (as
1875 |
-- opposed to control registers). They have been given a reset value only
1876 |
-- so that the simulations logs are identical to those of B51 software
1877 |
-- simulator.
1878 |
1879 |
-- @note3: Adder/subtractor.
1880 |
-- The adder/subtractor is coded as a simple adder in which the subtrahend
1881 |
-- is optionally negated -- this is for portability across synth tools.
1882 |
1883 |
-- @note4: End states of the instructions.
1884 |
-- All instructions end in either fetch_0 or fetch_1. State fetch_1 can be
1885 |
-- thus considered the first state all instructions have in common. It is
1886 |
-- this state that does the the interrupt check.
1887 |
-- In a future revision, many instructions may overlap fetch_0 and fetch_1
1888 |
-- with their last states and the irq check will change.
1889 |
1890 |
-- @note5: Use of ns (instead of ps) in pc_incremented.
1891 |
-- This is done because several states are 'shared' by more than one
1892 |
-- instruction (i.e. they belong to more than one state machine paths) so
1893 |
-- looking at the present state is not enough (Note that the *complete*
1894 |
-- state in fact includes ps and uc_class_decode_0).
1895 |
-- This hack simplifies the logic but hurts speed A LOT (like 10% or more).
1896 |
-- We should use a *cleaner* state machine; it'd be much larger but also
1897 |
-- simpler.
1898 |
1899 |
-- @note6: State on which PC is incremented.
1900 |
-- PC is incremented in state decode_0 and not fetch_1 so that it is still
1901 |
-- valid in fetch_1 in case we have to push it for an interrupt response.
1902 |