1 |
74 |
ja_rd |
0001 0000 ;*******************************************************************************
2 |
0002 0000 ; soc_tb.asm -- light8080 SoC basic test bench.
3 |
0003 0000 ;*******************************************************************************
4 |
0004 0000 ; Should be used with SoC core test bench entity vhdl\test\l80soc_tb.vhdl.
5 |
0005 0000 ; Assembler format compatible with TASM for DOS and Linux.
6 |
0006 0000 ;*******************************************************************************
7 |
0007 0000 ; This program will send a few bytes over a looped-back UART, using the UART
8 |
0008 0000 ; interrupt capability and verifying that received and transmitted data match.
9 |
0009 0000 ; It will then try one of the external interrupts, connected to one of the
10 |
0010 0000 ; general purpose outputs.
11 |
0011 0000 ; This minimal test bench relies on an already tested CPU core to do a
12 |
0012 0000 ; This program does not deserve to even be called a 'test' but if if works it
13 |
0013 0000 ; will at least rule out many obvious bug in the SoC core.
14 |
0014 0000 ;*******************************************************************************
15 |
0015 0000
16 |
0016 0000 ; DS pseudo-directive; reserve space in bytes, without initializing it
17 |
0017 0000 #define ds(n) \.org $+n
18 |
0018 0000
19 |
0019 0000 MASK_RX_IRQ: .equ 20h
20 |
0020 0000 MASK_TX_IRQ: .equ 10h
21 |
0021 0000 MASK_RX_RDY: .equ 02h
22 |
0022 0000 MASK_TX_RDY: .equ 01h
23 |
0023 0000
24 |
0024 0000 UART_DATA: .equ 80h
25 |
0025 0000 UART_STATUS: .equ 81h
26 |
0026 0000 UART_BAUDL: .equ 82h
27 |
0027 0000 UART_BAUDH: .equ 83h
28 |
0028 0000 IRQ_ENABLE: .equ 88h
29 |
0029 0000
30 |
0030 0000 P1IN: .equ 84h
31 |
0031 0000 P2OUT: .equ 86h
32 |
0032 0000
33 |
0033 0000
34 |
0034 0000 ;*******************************************************************************
35 |
0035 0000
36 |
0036 0000 .org 0H ; Reset entry point
37 |
0037 0000 C3 60 00 jmp start ; Skip the rst address area
38 |
0038 0003
39 |
0039 0003 ;***** Interrupt vectors in area 0008h-0038h *****************
40 |
0040 0003
41 |
0041 0008 .org 0h+(1*8) ; interrupt vector 1 (IRQ0)
42 |
0042 0008 C3 12 01 jmp isr0
43 |
0043 0010 .org 0h+(2*8) ; interrupt vector 2
44 |
0044 0010 FB ei
45 |
0045 0011 C9 ret
46 |
0046 0018 .org 0h+(3*8) ; interrupt vector 3 (IRQ1)
47 |
0047 0018 C3 1E 01 jmp isr1
48 |
0048 0020 .org 0h+(4*8) ; interrupt vector 4
49 |
0049 0020 FB ei
50 |
0050 0021 C9 ret
51 |
0051 0028 .org 0h+(5*8) ; interrupt vector 5 (IRQ2)
52 |
0052 0028 FB ei
53 |
0053 0029 C9 ret
54 |
0054 0030 .org 0h+(6*8) ; interrupt vector 6
55 |
0055 0030 FB ei
56 |
0056 0031 C9 ret
57 |
0057 0032
58 |
0058 0038 .org 0h+(7*8) ; interrupt vector 7 (IRQ3, UART)
59 |
0059 0038 C3 2A 01 int38h: jmp irq_uart ; UART interrupt
60 |
0060 003B
61 |
0061 003B ;***** program entry point *******************************************
62 |
0062 003B
63 |
0063 0060 start: .org 60H
64 |
0064 0060 31 DA 01 lxi sp,stack
65 |
0065 0063
66 |
0066 0063 ; Initialize UART RX and TX buffers
67 |
0067 0063 21 74 01 lxi h,void_buffer
68 |
0068 0066 22 75 01 shld ptr_tx
69 |
0069 0069 21 7A 01 lxi h,rx_buffer
70 |
0070 006C 22 77 01 shld ptr_rx
71 |
0071 006F 3E 00 mvi a,00h
72 |
0072 0071 32 79 01 sta len_rx
73 |
0073 0074
74 |
0074 0074 ; Clear all P2 output lines (used to simulate external interrupts)
75 |
0075 0074 3E 00 mvi a,00h
76 |
0076 0076 D3 86 out P2OUT
77 |
0077 0078
78 |
0078 0078 ; Set up interrupts
79 |
0079 0078 3E 0B mvi a,0bh ; Enable UART irq plus IRQ0 and IRQ1...
80 |
0080 007A D3 88 out IRQ_ENABLE
81 |
0081 007C FB ei ; ...and enable interrupts in the CPU
82 |
0082 007D
83 |
0083 007D ; print hello message to console
84 |
0084 007D 21 02 01 lxi h,msg_hello
85 |
0085 0080 CD 66 01 call print_string
86 |
0086 0083 ; Ok, now the message is being transferred through the looped back
87 |
0087 0083 ; UART, using the UART interrupts, which have the lowest priority.
88 |
0088 0083 ; We have plenty of time to make a few tests on the external interrupt
89 |
0089 0083 ; lines before the message transmission is finished.
90 |
0090 0083
91 |
0091 0083 ; The irq routines will leave some data at 'irq_data, each routine a
92 |
0092 0083 ; different value and all non-zero. This is how we know what irq
93 |
0093 0083 ; routines have executed and in which order.
94 |
0094 0083
95 |
0095 0083 ; Test IRQ0 alone
96 |
0096 0083 3E 01 mvi a,01h ; Initialize irq data
97 |
0097 0085 32 73 01 sta irq_data
98 |
0098 0088 3E 01 mvi a,01h ; Trigger IRQ0
99 |
0099 008A D3 86 out P2OUT
100 |
0100 008C test_irq0:
101 |
0101 008C 3A 73 01 lda irq_data
102 |
0102 008F FE 04 cpi 004h ; Do we see the IRQ test data?
103 |
0103 0091 CA 9C 00 jz done_irq0 ; If we do, proceed to next test
104 |
0104 0094 FE 01 cpi 001h ; Do we see some other IRQ test data instead?
105 |
0105 0096 C2 FB 00 jnz test_fail ; If we do, there's trouble with the irqs
106 |
0106 0099 C3 8C 00 jmp test_irq0 ; Keep waiting for some IRQ test data
107 |
0107 009C done_irq0:
108 |
0108 009C 3E 00 mvi a,00h ; Deassert all interrupt lines
109 |
0109 009E D3 86 out P2OUT
110 |
0110 00A0
111 |
0111 00A0 ; Test IRQ1 alone
112 |
0112 00A0 3E 01 mvi a,01h ; Initialize irq data
113 |
0113 00A2 32 73 01 sta irq_data
114 |
0114 00A5 3E 02 mvi a,02h ; Trigger IRQ1
115 |
0115 00A7 D3 86 out P2OUT
116 |
0116 00A9 test_irq1:
117 |
0117 00A9 3A 73 01 lda irq_data
118 |
0118 00AC FE 02 cpi 002h ; Do we see the IRQ test data?
119 |
0119 00AE CA B9 00 jz done_irq1 ; If we do, proceed to next test
120 |
0120 00B1 FE 01 cpi 001h ; Do we see some other IRQ test data instead?
121 |
0121 00B3 C2 FB 00 jnz test_fail ; If we do, there's trouble with the irqs
122 |
0122 00B6 C3 A9 00 jmp test_irq1 ; Keep waiting for some IRQ test data
123 |
0123 00B9 done_irq1:
124 |
0124 00B9 AF xra a ; Deassert all interrupt lines
125 |
0125 00BA D3 86 out P2OUT
126 |
0126 00BC
127 |
0127 00BC ; Test IRQ0 and IRQ1 simultaneously
128 |
0128 00BC 3E 01 mvi a,01h ; Initialize irq data
129 |
0129 00BE 32 73 01 sta irq_data
130 |
0130 00C1 3E 03 mvi a,03h ; Trigger IRQ0 and IRQ1
131 |
0131 00C3 D3 86 out P2OUT
132 |
0132 00C5
133 |
0133 00C5 ; Sequence IRQ0->IRQ1 will result in (1 << 2) + 1 = 5
134 |
0134 00C5 ; Sequence IRQ1->IRQ0 would result in (1 + 1) << 2 = 6
135 |
0135 00C5 ; We expect IRQ0->IRQ1, since IRQ0 has higher priority
136 |
0136 00C5 test_irq01:
137 |
0137 00C5 3A 73 01 lda irq_data
138 |
0138 00C8 FE 05 cpi 005h ; Do we see the IRQ0->IRQ1 test data?
139 |
0139 00CA CA D5 00 jz done_irq01 ; If we do, proceed to next test
140 |
0140 00CD FE 01 cpi 001h ; Do we see some other IRQ test data instead?
141 |
0141 00CF C2 FB 00 jnz test_fail ; If we do, there's trouble with the irqs
142 |
0142 00D2 C3 C5 00 jmp test_irq01 ; Keep waiting for some IRQ test data
143 |
0143 00D5 done_irq01:
144 |
0144 00D5 AF xra a ; Deassert all interrupt lines
145 |
0145 00D6 D3 86 out P2OUT
146 |
0146 00D8
147 |
0147 00D8 ; Ok, the external interrupts have been tested (well, 'tested'). Now
148 |
0148 00D8 ; wait for the UART looped-back transmission to end and compare
149 |
0149 00D8 ; the data.
150 |
0150 00D8
151 |
0151 00D8 ; Wait until the number of UART received characters equals the length
152 |
0152 00D8 ; of the test message.
153 |
0153 00D8 wait_for_message:
154 |
0154 00D8 3A 79 01 lda len_rx
155 |
0155 00DB FE 0F cpi msg_len
156 |
0156 00DD C2 D8 00 jnz wait_for_message
157 |
0157 00E0
158 |
0158 00E0 ; Compare the TX and RX strings
159 |
0159 00E0 21 7A 01 lxi h,rx_buffer
160 |
0160 00E3 11 02 01 lxi d,msg_hello
161 |
0161 00E6 compare_loop:
162 |
0162 00E6 1A ldax d
163 |
0163 00E7 FE 24 cpi '$'
164 |
0164 00E9 CA F5 00 jz test_ok
165 |
0165 00EC BE cmp m
166 |
0166 00ED C2 FB 00 jnz test_fail
167 |
0167 00F0 23 inx h
168 |
0168 00F1 13 inx d
169 |
0169 00F2 C3 E6 00 jmp compare_loop
170 |
0170 00F5
171 |
0171 00F5
172 |
0172 00F5
173 |
0173 00F5
174 |
0174 00F5
175 |
0175 00F5 test_ok:
176 |
0176 00F5 3E 80 mvi a,80h ; Raise 'success' output flag...
177 |
0177 00F7 D3 86 out P2OUT
178 |
0178 00F9 F3 done: di ; ...and block here.
179 |
0179 00FA 76 hlt
180 |
0180 00FB
181 |
0181 00FB test_fail:
182 |
0182 00FB 3E 40 mvi a,40h ; Raise 'failure' flag...
183 |
0183 00FD D3 86 out P2OUT
184 |
0184 00FF C3 F9 00 jmp done ; ...and block.
185 |
0185 0102
186 |
0186 0102
187 |
0187 0102
188 |
0188 0102 0A 0D 0A 48 msg_hello: .text "\n\r\nHello World!$"
189 |
0188 0106 65 6C 6C 6F
190 |
0188 010A 20 57 6F 72
191 |
0188 010E 6C 64 21 24
192 |
0189 0112 msg_end: .equ $
193 |
0190 0112 msg_len: .equ msg_end - msg_hello - 1
194 |
0191 0112
195 |
0192 0112 F5 isr0: push psw
196 |
0193 0113 3A 73 01 lda irq_data
197 |
0194 0116 07 rlc
198 |
0195 0117 07 rlc
199 |
0196 0118 32 73 01 sta irq_data
200 |
0197 011B F1 pop psw
201 |
0198 011C FB ei
202 |
0199 011D C9 ret
203 |
0200 011E
204 |
0201 011E F5 isr1: push psw
205 |
0202 011F 3A 73 01 lda irq_data
206 |
0203 0122 C6 01 adi 1
207 |
0204 0124 32 73 01 sta irq_data
208 |
0205 0127 F1 pop psw
209 |
0206 0128 FB ei
210 |
0207 0129 C9 ret
211 |
0208 012A
212 |
0209 012A ;irq_uart: UART interrupt processing
213 |
0210 012A irq_uart:
214 |
0211 012A E5 push h
215 |
0212 012B F5 push psw
216 |
0213 012C
217 |
0214 012C ; Deal with RX interrupt (if any) first and then the TX interrupt.
218 |
0215 012C DB 81 in UART_STATUS ; Is there new data in the RX register?
219 |
0216 012E E6 20 ani MASK_RX_IRQ
220 |
0217 0130 CA 48 01 jz irq_uart_rx_done ; If there isn't, process TX interrupt.
221 |
0218 0133
222 |
0219 0133 ; Process UART RX interrupt
223 |
0220 0133 irq_uart_rx:
224 |
0221 0133 3E 20 mvi a,MASK_RX_IRQ ; Clear IRQ flag.
225 |
0222 0135 D3 81 out UART_STATUS
226 |
0223 0137 DB 80 in UART_DATA ; Get RX byte...
227 |
0224 0139 2A 77 01 lhld ptr_rx ; ...and store it in the rx buffer.
228 |
0225 013C 77 mov m,a
229 |
0226 013D 23 inx h
230 |
0227 013E 22 77 01 shld ptr_rx ; Update the rx buffer pointer.
231 |
0228 0141 3A 79 01 lda len_rx ; Update RX buffer length
232 |
0229 0144 3C inr a
233 |
0230 0145 32 79 01 sta len_rx
234 |
0231 0148
235 |
0232 0148 ; Note there's no check for RX buffer overrun! we shouldn't need it
236 |
0233 0148 ; here, a runaway condition would be readily apparent in the
237 |
0234 0148 ; simulation, anyway.
238 |
0235 0148
239 |
0236 0148 irq_uart_rx_done:
240 |
0237 0148 ; Ok, RX is done. Now deal with TX irq, if any
241 |
0238 0148 DB 81 in UART_STATUS ; Is the TX buffer re new data in the RX register?
242 |
0239 014A E6 10 ani MASK_TX_IRQ
243 |
0240 014C CA 62 01 jz irq_uart_end ; If there isn't, we're done.
244 |
0241 014F
245 |
0242 014F ; process UART TX interrupt
246 |
0243 014F irq_uart_tx:
247 |
0244 014F 3E 10 mvi a,MASK_TX_IRQ ; Clear IRQ flag.
248 |
0245 0151 D3 81 out UART_STATUS
249 |
0246 0153 2A 75 01 lhld ptr_tx ; Get next byte from the TX buffer
250 |
0247 0156 7E mov a,m
251 |
0248 0157 FE 24 cpi '$' ; Did we reach the end of the buffer?
252 |
0249 0159 CA 62 01 jz irq_uart_tx_done ; If we did, we're done here...
253 |
0250 015C 23 inx h ; ...otherwise increment the TX pointer...
254 |
0251 015D 22 75 01 shld ptr_tx
255 |
0252 0160 D3 80 out UART_DATA ; ...and transmit the data byte.
256 |
0253 0162
257 |
0254 0162 irq_uart_tx_done:
258 |
0255 0162
259 |
0256 0162 irq_uart_end:
260 |
0257 0162 F1 pop psw ; Done, quit.
261 |
0258 0163 E1 pop h
262 |
0259 0164 FB ei
263 |
0260 0165 C9 ret
264 |
0261 0166
265 |
0262 0166 ;print_string: print $-terminated string at HL
266 |
0263 0166 print_string:
267 |
0264 0166 ; We don't check if there's a transmission going on
268 |
0265 0166 7E mov a,m ; Get first character from string...
269 |
0266 0167 23 inx h ; ...and move updated string pointer to TX
270 |
0267 0168 22 75 01 shld ptr_tx ; buffer pointer.
271 |
0268 016B FE 24 cpi '$' ; Kickstart transmission by sending 1st byte...
272 |
0269 016D CA 72 01 jz print_string_end; ...unless its the end of string marker.
273 |
0270 0170 D3 80 out UART_DATA ;
274 |
0271 0172 print_string_end:
275 |
0272 0172 C9 ret
276 |
0273 0173
277 |
0274 0173
278 |
0275 0173 ; data space, placed immediately after object code in memory
279 |
0276 0173 irq_data: ds(1)
280 |
0276 0174
281 |
0277 0174 24 void_buffer: .text "$"
282 |
0278 0175 ptr_tx: ds(2)
283 |
0278 0177
284 |
0279 0177 ptr_rx: ds(2)
285 |
0279 0179
286 |
0280 0179 len_rx: ds(1)
287 |
0280 017A
288 |
0281 017A rx_buffer: ds(32)
289 |
0281 019A
290 |
0282 019A ds(64)
291 |
0282 01DA
292 |
0283 01DA stack: ds(2)
293 |
0283 01DC
294 |
0284 01DC .end
295 |
0285 01DC tasm: Number of errors = 0