1 |
70 |
ja_rd |
2 |
-- uart.vhdl -- Basic, hardwired RS232 UART.
3 |
4 |
-- Most operational parameters are hardcoded: 8 bit words, no parity, 1 stop
5 |
-- bit. The only parameter that can be configured in run time is the baud rate.
6 |
7 |
-- The receiver logic is a simplified copy of the 8051 UART. The bit period is
8 |
-- split in 16 sampling periods, and 3 samples are taken at the center of each
9 |
-- bit period. The bit value is decided by majority. The receiver logic has some
10 |
-- error recovery capability that should make this core reliable enough for
11 |
-- actual application use -- yet, the core does not have a format test bench.
12 |
13 |
-- See usage notes below.
14 |
15 |
16 |
-- This file is free software (See COPYING.TXT)
17 |
18 |
19 |
library ieee;
20 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
21 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
22 |
23 |
24 |
-- UART programmer model
25 |
26 |
27 |
-- The UART has a number of configuration registers addressable with input
28 |
-- signal addr_i:
29 |
30 |
-- [00] => Data buffer, both transmission and reception.
31 |
-- [01] => Status/control register (r/w).
32 |
-- [10] => Bit period register, low byte.
33 |
-- [11] => Bit period register, high byte.
34 |
35 |
36 |
-- Data buffers:
37 |
38 |
39 |
-- The same address [00b] is used for both the receive buffer and the
40 |
-- transmision buffer.
41 |
42 |
-- Writing to the data buffer when flag TxRdy is high will trigger a
43 |
-- transmission and clear flag TxRdy.
44 |
-- Writing to the data buffer when flag TxRdy is clear will have no effect.
45 |
46 |
-- Reading the data register when flag RxRdy is high will return the last
47 |
-- received data byte, and will clear flag RxRdy but NOT RxIrq.
48 |
-- Reading the register when flag RxRdy is clear will return indeterminate data,
49 |
-- which in practice will usually be the last byte received.
50 |
51 |
-- Interrupts:
52 |
53 |
54 |
-- The core has two interrupt sources tied to a single external irq line. The
55 |
-- sources are these:
56 |
57 |
-- -# Receiver interrupt: Raised when the stop bit is sampled and determined
58 |
-- to be valid (about the middle of the bit period).
59 |
-- If the stop bit is not valid (not high) then the interrupt is not
60 |
-- triggered. If a start bit is determined to be spurious (i.e. the falling
61 |
-- edge is detected but the bit value when sampled is not 0) then the
62 |
77 |
ja_rd |
-- interrupt is not triggered.
63 |
70 |
ja_rd |
-- This interrupt sets flag RxIrw in the status register.
64 |
-- -# Transmitter interrupt: Raised at the end of the transmission of the stop
65 |
-- bit.
66 |
-- This interrupt sets flag TxIrq in the status register 1 clock cycle after
67 |
-- the interrupt is raised.
68 |
69 |
-- The core does not have any interrupt enable mask. If any interrupt source
70 |
-- triggers, the output irq_o is asserted for one cycle. This is all the extent
71 |
-- of the interrupt processing done by this module: this UART needs a separate
72 |
-- interrupt controller to interface the light8080 core.
73 |
74 |
-- Error detection:
75 |
76 |
77 |
-- The core is capable of detecting and recovering from these error conditions:
78 |
79 |
-- -# When a start bit is determined to be spurious (i.e. the falling edge is
80 |
-- detected but the bit value when sampled is not 0) then the core returns to
81 |
-- its idle state (waiting for a new start bit).
82 |
-- -# If a stop bit is determined to be invalid (not 1 when sampled), the
83 |
-- reception interrupt is not triggered and the received byte is discarded.
84 |
-- -# When the 3 samples taken from the center of a bit period are not equal,
85 |
-- the bit value is decided by majority.
86 |
87 |
-- In none of the 3 cases does the core raise any error flag. It would be very
88 |
-- easy to include those flags in the core, but it would take a lot more time
89 |
-- to test them minimally and that's why they haven't been included.
90 |
91 |
-- Status register flags:
92 |
93 |
94 |
-- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
95 |
-- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
96 |
-- | 0 | 0 | RxIrq | TxIrq | 0 | 0 | RxRdy | TxRdy |
97 |
-- +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
98 |
-- h h W1C W1C h h r r
99 |
100 |
-- Bits marked 'h' are hardwired and can't be modified.
101 |
-- Bits marked 'r' are read only; they are set and clear by the core.
102 |
-- Bits marked W1C ('Write 1 Clear') are set by the core when an interrupt
103 |
-- has been triggered and must be cleared by the software by writing a '1'.
104 |
105 |
-- -# Status bit TxRdy is high when there isn't any transmission in progress.
106 |
-- It is cleared when data is written to the transmission buffer and is
107 |
-- raised at the same time the transmission interrupt is triggered.
108 |
-- -# Status bit RxRdy is raised at the same time the receive interrupt is
109 |
-- triggered and is cleared when the data register is read.
110 |
-- -# Status bit TxIrq is raised when the transmission interrupt is triggered
111 |
-- and is cleared when a 1 is written to it.
112 |
-- -# Status bit RxIrq is raised when the reception interrupt is triggered
113 |
-- and is cleared when a 1 is written to it.
114 |
115 |
-- When writing to the status/control registers, only flags TxIrq and RxIrq are
116 |
-- affected, and only when writing a '1' as explained above. All other flags
117 |
-- are read-only.
118 |
119 |
-- Baud rate configuration:
120 |
121 |
122 |
-- The baud rate is determined by the value of 14-bit register 'bit_period_reg'.
123 |
-- This register holds the length of the bit period in clock cycles and its
124 |
-- value may be hardcoded or configured at run time.
125 |
126 |
-- When generic HARDWIRED is true, bit_period_reg is hardwired with a value
127 |
-- computed from the value of generic BAUD_RATE. The bit period computation
128 |
-- needs to know the master clock rate, which should be given in generic
129 |
130 |
-- Writes to the baud registers when HARDWIRED is true will be ignored.
131 |
132 |
-- When generic HARDWIRED is false, generics BAUD_RATE and CLOCK_RATE determine
133 |
-- the reset value of bit_period_reg, but the register can be changed at run
134 |
-- time by writing at addresses [10b] and [11b], which access the low and high
135 |
-- bytes of the register, respectively.
136 |
-- Reading from those register addresses returns the value of the status
137 |
-- register (a LUT saving measure) so the registers are effectively write-only.
138 |
139 |
140 |
-- Core interface signals:
141 |
142 |
-- clk_i: Clock input, active rising edge.
143 |
-- reset_i: Synchronous reset.
144 |
-- txd_o: TxD UART output.
145 |
-- rxd_i: RxD UART input -- synchronization logic included.
146 |
-- irq_o: Interrupt output, asserted for 1 cycle when triggered.
147 |
-- data_i: Data bus, input.
148 |
-- data_o: Data bus, output.
149 |
-- addr_i: Register selection address (see above).
150 |
-- wr_i: Write enable input.
151 |
-- rd_i: Read enable input.
152 |
-- ce_i: Chip enable, must be active at the same time as wr_i or rd_i.
153 |
154 |
155 |
-- A detailed explanation of the interface timing will not be given. The core
156 |
-- reads and writes like a synchronous memory. There's usage examples in other
157 |
-- project files.
158 |
159 |
160 |
entity uart is
161 |
generic (
162 |
HARDWIRED : boolean := true; -- Baud rate hardwired to constant value
163 |
BAUD_RATE : integer := 19200; -- Default (or hardwired) baud rate
164 |
CLOCK_FREQ : integer := 50E6); -- Clock rate
165 |
port (
166 |
rxd_i : in std_logic;
167 |
txd_o : out std_logic;
168 |
169 |
irq_o : out std_logic;
170 |
171 |
data_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
172 |
data_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
173 |
174 |
addr_i : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
175 |
wr_i : in std_logic;
176 |
rd_i : in std_logic;
177 |
ce_i : in std_logic;
178 |
179 |
clk_i : in std_logic;
180 |
reset_i : in std_logic);
181 |
end uart;
182 |
183 |
architecture hardwired of uart is
184 |
185 |
-- Bit period expressed in master clock cycles
186 |
constant DEFAULT_BIT_PERIOD : integer := (CLOCK_FREQ / BAUD_RATE);
187 |
188 |
-- Bit sampling period is 1/16 of the baud rate.
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
-- Common signals
196 |
197 |
signal reset : std_logic;
198 |
signal clk : std_logic;
199 |
200 |
201 |
signal bit_period_reg : unsigned(13 downto 0);
202 |
signal sampling_period : unsigned(9 downto 0);
203 |
204 |
205 |
-- Interrupt & status register signals
206 |
207 |
signal tx_irq_flag : std_logic;
208 |
signal rx_irq_flag : std_logic;
209 |
signal load_stat_reg : std_logic;
210 |
signal load_tx_reg : std_logic;
211 |
212 |
-- Receiver signals
213 |
signal rxd_q : std_logic;
214 |
signal tick_ctr : unsigned(3 downto 0);
215 |
signal state : unsigned(3 downto 0);
216 |
signal next_state : unsigned(3 downto 0);
217 |
signal start_bit_detected : std_logic;
218 |
signal reset_tick_ctr : std_logic;
219 |
signal stop_bit_sampled : std_logic;
220 |
signal load_rx_buffer : std_logic;
221 |
signal stop_error : std_logic;
222 |
signal samples : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
223 |
signal sampled_bit : std_logic;
224 |
signal do_shift : std_logic;
225 |
signal rx_buffer : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
226 |
signal rx_shift_reg : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
227 |
signal tick_ctr_enable : std_logic;
228 |
signal tick_baud_ctr : unsigned(10 downto 0);
229 |
230 |
signal rx_rdy_flag : std_logic;
231 |
signal rx_irq : std_logic;
232 |
signal set_rx_rdy_flag : std_logic;
233 |
signal rxd : std_logic;
234 |
235 |
signal read_rx : std_logic;
236 |
signal status : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
237 |
238 |
-- Transmitter signals
239 |
240 |
signal tx_counter : unsigned(13 downto 0);
241 |
signal tx_data : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
242 |
signal tx_ctr_bit : unsigned(3 downto 0);
243 |
signal tx_busy : std_logic;
244 |
signal tx_irq : std_logic;
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
-- Rename the most commonly used inputs to get rid of the i/o suffix
251 |
clk <= clk_i;
252 |
reset <= reset_i;
253 |
rxd <= rxd_i;
254 |
255 |
256 |
-- Serial port status byte -- only 2 status flags
257 |
status <=
258 |
"00" & rx_irq_flag & tx_irq_flag & -- Interrupt flags
259 |
"00" & rx_rdy_flag & (not tx_busy); -- State flags
260 |
261 |
-- Read register multiplexor
262 |
with addr_i select data_o <=
263 |
rx_buffer when "00",
264 |
status when others;
265 |
266 |
267 |
load_tx_reg <= '1' when wr_i = '1' and ce_i = '1' and addr_i = "00" else '0';
268 |
load_stat_reg <= '1' when wr_i = '1' and ce_i = '1' and addr_i = "01" else '0';
269 |
read_rx <= '1' when rd_i = '1' and ce_i = '1' else '0';
270 |
271 |
rx_irq <= set_rx_rdy_flag;
272 |
273 |
irq_o <= rx_irq or tx_irq;
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
279 |
if reset = '1' then
280 |
rx_irq_flag <= '0';
281 |
tx_irq_flag <= '0';
282 |
283 |
if set_rx_rdy_flag='1' then
284 |
rx_irq_flag <= '1';
285 |
elsif load_stat_reg='1' and data_i(5)='1' then
286 |
rx_irq_flag <= '0';
287 |
end if;
288 |
if tx_irq='1' then
289 |
tx_irq_flag <= '1';
290 |
elsif load_stat_reg='1' and data_i(4)='1' then
291 |
tx_irq_flag <= '0';
292 |
end if;
293 |
end if;
294 |
end if;
295 |
end process interrupt_flags;
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
302 |
if reset = '1' then
303 |
bit_period_reg <= to_unsigned(DEFAULT_BIT_PERIOD,14);
304 |
305 |
if wr_i = '1' and ce_i = '1' then
306 |
if addr_i = "10" then
307 |
bit_period_reg(7 downto 0) <= unsigned(data_i);
308 |
elsif addr_i = "11" then
309 |
bit_period_reg(13 downto 8) <= unsigned(data_i(5 downto 0));
310 |
end if;
311 |
end if;
312 |
end if;
313 |
end if;
314 |
end process baud_rate_registers;
315 |
316 |
sampling_period <= bit_period_reg(13 downto 4);
317 |
318 |
319 |
-- Receiver --------------------------------------------------------------------
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
325 |
if reset='1' then
326 |
tick_baud_ctr <= (others => '0');
327 |
328 |
if tick_baud_ctr=sampling_period then
329 |
tick_baud_ctr <= (others => '0');
330 |
331 |
tick_baud_ctr <= tick_baud_ctr + 1;
332 |
end if;
333 |
end if;
334 |
end if;
335 |
end process baud_counter;
336 |
337 |
tick_ctr_enable<= '1' when tick_baud_ctr=sampling_period else '0';
338 |
339 |
-- Register RxD at the bit sampling rate -- 16 times the baud rate.
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
344 |
if reset='1' then
345 |
rxd_q <= '0';
346 |
347 |
if tick_ctr_enable='1' then
348 |
rxd_q <= rxd;
349 |
end if;
350 |
end if;
351 |
end if;
352 |
end process rxd_input_register;
353 |
354 |
-- We detect the start bit when...
355 |
start_bit_detected <= '1' when
356 |
state="0000" and -- ...we're waiting for the start bit...
357 |
rxd_q='1' and rxd='0' -- ...and we see RxD going 1-to-0
358 |
else '0';
359 |
360 |
-- As soon as we detect the start bit we synchronize the bit sampler to
361 |
-- the start bit's falling edge.
362 |
reset_tick_ctr <= '1' when start_bit_detected='1' else '0';
363 |
364 |
-- We have seen the end of the stop bit when...
365 |
stop_bit_sampled <= '1' when
366 |
state="1010" and -- ...we're in the stop bit period...
367 |
tick_ctr="1011" -- ...and we get the 11th sample in the bit period
368 |
else '0';
369 |
370 |
-- Load the RX buffer with the shift register when...
371 |
load_rx_buffer <= '1' when
372 |
stop_bit_sampled='1' and -- ...we've just seen the end of the stop bit...
373 |
sampled_bit='1' -- ...and its value is correct (1)
374 |
else '0';
375 |
376 |
-- Conversely, we detect a stop bit error when...
377 |
stop_error <= '1' when
378 |
stop_bit_sampled='1' and -- ...we've just seen the end of the stop bit...
379 |
sampled_bit='0' -- ...and its value is incorrect (0)
380 |
else '0';
381 |
382 |
-- tick_ctr is a counter 16 times faster than the baud rate that is aligned to
383 |
-- the falling edge of the start bit, so that when tick_ctr=0 we're close to
384 |
-- the start of a bit period.
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
389 |
if reset='1' then
390 |
tick_ctr <= "0000";
391 |
392 |
if tick_ctr_enable='1' then
393 |
-- Restart counter when it reaches 15 OR when the falling edge
394 |
-- of the start bit is detected; this is how we synchronize to the
395 |
-- start bit.
396 |
if tick_ctr="1111" or reset_tick_ctr='1' then
397 |
tick_ctr <= "0000";
398 |
399 |
tick_ctr <= tick_ctr + 1;
400 |
end if;
401 |
end if;
402 |
end if;
403 |
end if;
404 |
end process bit_sample_counter;
405 |
406 |
-- Main RX state machine:
407 |
-- 0 -> waiting for start bit
408 |
-- 1 -> sampling start bit
409 |
-- 2..9 -> sampling data bit 0 to 7
410 |
-- 10 -> sampling stop bit
411 |
next_state <=
412 |
-- Start sampling the start bit when we detect the falling edge
413 |
"0001" when state="0000" and start_bit_detected='1' else
414 |
-- Return to idle state if the start bit is not a clean 0
415 |
"0000" when state="0001" and tick_ctr="1010" and sampled_bit='1' else
416 |
-- Return to idle state at the end of the stop bit period
417 |
"0000" when state="1010" and tick_ctr="1111" else
418 |
-- Otherwise, proceed to next bit period at the end of each period
419 |
state + 1 when tick_ctr="1111" and do_shift='1' else
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
426 |
if reset='1' then
427 |
state <= "0000";
428 |
429 |
if tick_ctr_enable='1' then
430 |
state <= next_state;
431 |
end if;
432 |
end if;
433 |
end if;
434 |
end process rx_state_machine_register;
435 |
436 |
-- Collect 3 RxD samples from the 3 central sampling periods of the bit period.
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
441 |
if reset='1' then
442 |
samples <= "000";
443 |
444 |
if tick_ctr_enable='1' then
445 |
if tick_ctr="0111" then
446 |
samples(0) <= rxd;
447 |
end if;
448 |
if tick_ctr="1000" then
449 |
samples(1) <= rxd;
450 |
end if;
451 |
if tick_ctr="1001" then
452 |
samples(2) <= rxd;
453 |
end if;
454 |
end if;
455 |
end if;
456 |
end if;
457 |
end process rx_sampler;
458 |
459 |
-- Decide the value of the RxD bit by majority
460 |
with samples select
461 |
sampled_bit <= '0' when "000",
462 |
'0' when "001",
463 |
'0' when "010",
464 |
'1' when "011",
465 |
'0' when "100",
466 |
'1' when "101",
467 |
'1' when "110",
468 |
'1' when others;
469 |
470 |
471 |
472 |
473 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
474 |
if reset='1' then
475 |
rx_buffer <= "00000000";
476 |
set_rx_rdy_flag <= '0';
477 |
478 |
if tick_ctr_enable='1' and load_rx_buffer='1' and rx_rdy_flag='0' then
479 |
rx_buffer <= rx_shift_reg(8 downto 1);
480 |
set_rx_rdy_flag <= '1';
481 |
482 |
set_rx_rdy_flag <= '0';
483 |
end if;
484 |
end if;
485 |
end if;
486 |
end process rx_buffer_register;
487 |
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
492 |
if reset='1' then
493 |
rx_rdy_flag <= '0';
494 |
495 |
if set_rx_rdy_flag='1' then
496 |
rx_rdy_flag <= '1';
497 |
498 |
if read_rx = '1' then
499 |
rx_rdy_flag <= '0';
500 |
end if;
501 |
end if;
502 |
end if;
503 |
end if;
504 |
end process rx_flag;
505 |
506 |
-- RX shifter control: shift in any state other than idle state (0)
507 |
do_shift <= state(0) or state(1) or state(2) or state(3);
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
513 |
if reset='1' then
514 |
rx_shift_reg <= "1111111111";
515 |
516 |
if tick_ctr_enable='1' then
517 |
if tick_ctr="1010" and do_shift='1' then
518 |
rx_shift_reg(9) <= sampled_bit;
519 |
rx_shift_reg(8 downto 0) <= rx_shift_reg(9 downto 1);
520 |
end if;
521 |
end if;
522 |
end if;
523 |
end if;
524 |
end process rx_shift_register;
525 |
526 |
527 |
-- Transmitter -----------------------------------------------------------------
528 |
529 |
530 |
531 |
532 |
533 |
if clk'event and clk='1' then
534 |
535 |
if reset='1' then
536 |
tx_data <= "10111111111";
537 |
tx_busy <= '0';
538 |
tx_irq <= '0';
539 |
tx_ctr_bit <= "0000";
540 |
tx_counter <= (others => '0');
541 |
elsif load_tx_reg='1' and tx_busy='0' then
542 |
tx_data <= "1"&data_i&"01";
543 |
tx_busy <= '1';
544 |
545 |
if tx_busy='1' then
546 |
if tx_counter = bit_period_reg then
547 |
tx_counter <= (others => '0');
548 |
tx_data(9 downto 0) <= tx_data(10 downto 1);
549 |
tx_data(10) <= '1';
550 |
if tx_ctr_bit = "1010" then
551 |
tx_busy <= '0';
552 |
tx_irq <= '1';
553 |
tx_ctr_bit <= "0000";
554 |
555 |
tx_ctr_bit <= tx_ctr_bit + 1;
556 |
end if;
557 |
558 |
tx_counter <= tx_counter + 1;
559 |
end if;
560 |
561 |
tx_irq <= '0';
562 |
end if;
563 |
end if;
564 |
end if;
565 |
end process main_tx_process;
566 |
567 |
txd_o <= tx_data(0);
568 |
569 |
end hardwired;