1 |
30 |
jwdonal |
@echo off
2 |
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 |
REM Author: Jonathon W. Donaldson
4 |
REM Rev-Mod: $Id: implement.bat,v 1.1 2008-11-07 00:52:52 jwdonal Exp $
5 |
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 |
7 |
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 |
REM Script to synthesize and implement the lq057q3dc02 solution
9 |
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 |
11 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Setting up required CVS environment variables...
12 |
set CVS_RSH="C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\TortoisePlink.exe"
13 |
14 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Switching to results directory...
15 |
16 |
ECHO 0 - lq057q3dc02
17 |
ECHO 1 - Do not use
18 |
ECHO 2 - Do not use
19 |
set /p choice=Choice:
20 |
if '%choice%'=='0' goto FAKEDLF
21 |
REM if '%choice%'=='1' goto REALDLF
22 |
REM if '%choice%'=='2' goto ALL
23 |
ECHO "%choice%" is not valid please try again
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
cd results
29 |
copy ..\..\design\xupv2p.ucf board.ucf
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
cd results_dlf
34 |
copy ..\..\design\lq057q3dc02_top.ucf+..\..\design\lq057q3dc02_top_tlkcl_off.ucf board.ucf
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
cd results_all
39 |
copy ..\..\design\lq057q3dc02_top.ucf+..\..\design\lq057q3dc02_top_tlkcl_on.ucf board.ucf
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Cleaning up past compilation results...
44 |
rd /s /q xst
45 |
46 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Cleaning up past synthesis results...
47 |
del *.ngc *.lst *.lso *.ncd *.pad *.ngd *.ngm *.xml *.unroutes *.xpi *.drc *.log *.pcf *.csv *.txt timing.twr
48 |
49 |
REM Run `cvs edit' on appropriate output files so that Xilinx can write to them and then we can compare later.
50 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Attempting to retrieve edit priveleges from CVS repository server...
51 |
REM cvs ediit -z *.bgn *.par *.twr *.map *.mrp *.blc *.bld *.bit *.srp *.nlf
52 |
53 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Synthesizing design with XST...
54 |
xst -ifn ..\xst.scr -ofn lq057q3dc02_top_part.srp
55 |
56 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Running NGCbuild (combining all netlists)...
57 |
REM The -sd option adds the specified Source Directory to the list of directories to search when looking for netlists.
58 |
ngcbuild -sd ..\..\netlists -uc board.ucf lq057q3dc02_top_part.ngc lq057q3dc02_top.ngc
59 |
60 |
REM Get rid of temporary UCF file
61 |
del board.ucf
62 |
63 |
REM Generate VHDL simulation netlist for use in ModelSim
64 |
REM -w = overwrite existing file VHD output file
65 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Running NetGen (generating HDL simulation model for ModelSim)...
66 |
netgen -ofmt vhdl -w lq057q3dc02_top.ngc
67 |
68 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Running NGDbuild (Translate)...
69 |
ngdbuild lq057q3dc02_top.ngc lq057q3dc02_top.ngd
70 |
71 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Running Map...
72 |
REM "-pr b" = Pack both inputs and outputs into IOBs (do NOT use this option when doing TMR)
73 |
map -ol high -timing -pr b lq057q3dc02_top.ngd -o lq057q3dc02_top.ncd lq057q3dc02_top.pcf
74 |
75 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Running Post-MAP Trace...
76 |
trce -e 10 lq057q3dc02_top.ncd -o lq057q3dc02_top_map.twr lq057q3dc02_top.pcf
77 |
78 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Running Place and Route...
79 |
par -ol high -w lq057q3dc02_top.ncd lq057q3dc02_top.ncd lq057q3dc02_top.pcf
80 |
81 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Running Post-PAR Trace...
82 |
trce -e 10 lq057q3dc02_top.ncd -o lq057q3dc02_top.twr lq057q3dc02_top.pcf
83 |
84 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Running design through Bitgen...
85 |
bitgen -f ..\bitgen.ut -w lq057q3dc02_top
86 |
87 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Removing useless, auto-generated ISE project files created by ISE v10.1 and later...
88 |
del *.xrpt *.ptwx *.twx *.ise
89 |
rd /s /q xlnx_auto_0_xdb
90 |
91 |
ECHO SCRIPT: Returning to parent directory...
92 |
cd ..