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// Copyright 2013 by Michael A. Morris, dba M. A. Morris & Associates
// All rights reserved. The source code contained herein is publicly released
// under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser Public License. No part of
// this source code may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
// means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any
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// The source code contained herein is free; it may be redistributed and/or
// modified in accordance with the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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// The source code contained herein is freely released WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
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// A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License should have been received
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// Further, no use of this source code is permitted in any form or means
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// Michael A. Morris
// Huntsville, AL
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company: M. A. Morris & Associates
// Engineer: Michael A. Morris
// Create Date: 19:30:58 06/15/2013
// Design Name: Microcomputer Implementation using P16C5x Processor Core
// Module Name: M16C5x.v
// Project Name: C;\XProjects\ISE10.1i\M16C5x
// Target Devices: RAM-based FPGA
// Tool versions: Xilinx ISE 10.1i SP3
// Description:
// This module is a microcomputer implementation using an FPGA-based processor
// core based on the P16C5x module. The P16C5x is derived from the released
// PIC16C5x core found on GitHUB. The P16C5x differs from that core in that the
// TRISA..TRISC registers, and the IO Ports A..C have been removed and replaced
// by a number of WE and RE strobes and an IO data bus.
// This modification has been done to demonstrate how the PIC16C5x core can be
// adapted to interface to a UART or an SPI Master. By using the P16C5x core,
// a microcomputer implementation can be generated for a small FPGA that pro-
// vides significant processing capabilities. By using a core like the P16C5x,
// standard programming languages and support tools can be used to ease the
// development of sophisticated FPGA-based products.
// Dependencies: M16C5x_ClkGen.v
// ClkGen.xaw
// fedet.v
// P16C5x.v
// P16C5x_IDec.v
// P16C5x_ALU.v
// M16C5x_SPI.v
// DPSFmnCE.v
// SPIxIF.v
// M16C5x_UART.v
// SSPx_Slv.v
// re1ce.v
// DPSFmnCE.v
// redet.v
// fedet.v
// Revision:
// 0.01 13F15 MAM Initial creation of the M16C5x module.
// 2.20 13G14 MAM Updated all of the module instantiations and the top
// module to support the parameterization of the soft-
// core microcontroller from the top level: M16C5x. Up-
// dated Dependencies section, and set revision to
// match the release number on GitHUB.
// 2.30 13G21 MAM Changed UART Clk to operate from the Clk2x output of
// DCM. Gives a fixed value for the UART Clk regardless
// of the ClkFX output frequency. Adjusted default PS,
// Div values to produce 9600 bps as the default.
// Additional Comments:
module M16C5x #(
// P16C5x Module Parameter Settings
parameter pWDT_Size = 20, // 20 - synthesis; 10 - Simulation
parameter pRstVector = 12'h7FF, // Reset Vector Location (PIC16F59)
parameter pUserProg = "Src/M16C5x_Tst4.coe", // Tst Pgm file: 4096 x 12
parameter pRAMA_Init = "Src/RAMA.coe", // RAM A initial value file ( 8x8)
parameter pRAMB_Init = "Src/RAMB.coe", // RAM B initial value file (64x8)
// M16C5x_SPI Module Parameter Settings
parameter pSPI_CR_Default = 8'b0_110_00_0_0, // SPI Interface Defaults
parameter pSPI_TF_Depth = 4, // Tx FIFO Depth: 2**pTF_Depth
parameter pSPI_RF_Depth = 4, // Rx FIFO Depth: 2**pRF_Depth
parameter pSPI_TF_Init = "Src/TF_Init.coe", // Tx FIFO Memory Init
parameter pSPI_RF_Init = "Src/RF_Init.coe", // Rx FIFO Memory Init
// SSP_UART Module Parameter Settings
parameter pPS_Default = 4'h0, // see baud rate tables SSP_UART
parameter pDiv_Default = 8'hBF, // BR = 9600 @UART_Clk = 29.4912 MHz
parameter pRTOChrDlyCnt = 3, // Rcv Time Out Character Dly Count
parameter pUART_TF_Depth = 0, // Tx FIFO Depth: 2**(pTF_Depth + 4)
parameter pUART_RF_Depth = 3, // Rx FIFO Depth: 2**(pRF_Depth + 4)
parameter pUART_TF_Init = "Src/UART_TF.coe", // Tx FIFO Memory Init
parameter pUART_RF_Init = "Src/UART_RF.coe" // Rx FIFO Memory Init
input ClkIn, // External Clk - drives 4x DCM
input nMCLR, // Master Clear Input
input nT0CKI, // Timer 0 Clk Input
input nWDTE, // Watch Dog Timer Enable
input PROM_WE, // Temporary Signal to Force Block RAM
output TD, // UART TD Output
input RD, // UART RD Input
output nRTS, // UART Request To Send (active low) Out
input nCTS, // UART Clear to Send (active low) Input
output DE, // UART RS-485 Driver Enable
output [2:0] nCS, // SPI Chip Select (active low) Output
output SCK, // SPI Serial Clock
output MOSI, // SPI Master Out/Slave In Output
input MISO, // SPI Master In/Slave Out Input
// Test Signals
output [2:0] nCSO,
output nWait
// Declarations
reg ClkEn;
reg [11:0] PROM [4095:0]; // User Program ROM (3x Block RAMs)
wire [11:0] PROM_Addrs; // Program Counter from CPU
reg [11:0] PROM_DO; // Instruction Register to CPU
reg nWDTE_IFD, nT0CKI_IFD; // IOB FFs for external inputs
wire WDTE, T0CKI;
wire [7:0] IO_DO; // IO Data Output bus
reg [7:0] IO_DI; // IO Data Input bus
reg [7:0] TRISA, TRISB; // IO Ports
reg [7:0] PORTA, PORTB;
wire [1:0] CS; // Chip select outputs of the SPI Mstr
wire SPI_SCK; // SPI SCK for internal components
wire [7:0] SPI_DO; // Output Data Bus of SPI Master module
wire TF_EF, TF_FF, RF_EF, RF_FF; // SPI Module Status Signals
wire SSP_MISO; // SSP UART MISO signal
wire RTS, CTS; // SSP UART Modem Control Signals
wire IRQ; // SSP UART Interrupt Request Signal
// Implementation
// Instantiate the Clk and Reset Generator Module
M16C5x_ClkGen ClkGen (
.Clk(Clk), // Clk <= (M/D) x ClkIn
.Clk_UART(Clk_UART), // Clk_UART <= 2x ClkIn
.BufClkIn(), // RefClk <= Buffered ClkIn
// Generate Clock Enable (Clk/2)
always @(posedge Clk or posedge Rst) ClkEn <= #1 ((Rst) ? 0 : ~ClkEn);
// Register Inputs and connect to CPU
always @(posedge Clk) nWDTE_IFD <= #1 ((Rst) ? 1 : nWDTE );
always @(posedge Clk) nT0CKI_IFD <= #1 ((Rst) ? 1 : nT0CKI);
assign WDTE = ~nWDTE_IFD;
assign T0CKI = ~nT0CKI_IFD;
// Instantiate the P16C5x module
P16C5x #(
) CPU (
// User Program ROM
$readmemh(pUserProg, PROM, 0, 4095);
assign WE_PROM = ClkEn & WE_PORTA & PROM_WE;
always @(posedge Clk)
PROM_DO <= #1 0;
else if(WE_PROM)
PROM[{PORTB[7:0], TRISB[7:4]}] <= #1 {TRISB[3:0], TRISA[7:0]};
PROM_DO <= #1 PROM[PROM_Addrs];
//always @(posedge ) begin
// if () begin
// if ()
// [] <= ;
// <= [];
// end
// if ()
// <= [];
// M16C5x I/O
always @(posedge Clk)
if(Rst) begin
TRISA <= #1 ~0;
TRISB <= #1 ~0;
PORTA <= #1 ~0;
PORTB <= #1 ~0;
end else if(ClkEn) begin
always @(*)
3'b1xx : IO_DI <= {IRQ, CTS, RTS, DE, RF_FF, RF_EF, TF_FF, TF_EF};
3'b01x : IO_DI <= PORTB;
3'b001 : IO_DI <= SPI_DO;
default : IO_DI <= 0;
//assign TD = ~PORTA[7];
//assign nRTS = ~PORTA[6];
assign nCSO[2] = 1;
assign nCSO[1] = 1;
assign nCSO[0] = ~CS[0];
assign nWait = ~CS[1];
// Instantiate the M16C5x SPI Interface module
assign SPI_MISO = ((CS[1]) ? SSP_MISO : MISO);
M16C5x_SPI #(
) SPI (
assign nCS[0] = ~CS[0];
assign nCS[1] = ~CS[1];
assign nCS[2] = 1'b1;
assign MOSI = SPI_MOSI;
// Instantiate Global Clock Buffer for driving the SPI Clock to internal nodes
// Instantiate UART with an NXP LPC213x/LPC214x SSP-compatible interface
assign CTS = ~nCTS;
M16C5x_UART #(
) UART (
assign nRTS = ~RTS;