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MichaelA |
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// Copyright 2012-2013 by Michael A. Morris, dba M. A. Morris & Associates
4 |
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// All rights reserved. The source code contained herein is publicly released
6 |
// under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser Public License. No part of
7 |
// this source code may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
8 |
// means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any
9 |
// information storage and retrieval system in violation of the license under
10 |
// which the source code is released.
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12 |
// The source code contained herein is free; it may be redistributed and/or
13 |
// modified in accordance with the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 |
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
15 |
// the GNU Lesser General Public License, or any later version.
16 |
17 |
// The source code contained herein is freely released WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
18 |
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
19 |
// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. (Refer to the GNU Lesser General Public License for
20 |
// more details.)
21 |
22 |
// A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License should have been received
23 |
// along with the source code contained herein; if not, a copy can be obtained
24 |
// by writing to:
25 |
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// Free Software Foundation, Inc.
27 |
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
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// Further, no use of this source code is permitted in any form or means
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// without inclusion of this banner prominently in any derived works.
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// Michael A. Morris
34 |
// Huntsville, AL
35 |
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`timescale 1ns / 1ps
39 |
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41 |
// Company: M. A. Morris & Associates
42 |
// Engineer: Michael A. Morris
43 |
44 |
// Create Date: 06:49:56 02/03/2012
45 |
// Design Name: WDC W65C02 Microprocessor Re-Implementation
46 |
// Module Name: M65C02_Core
47 |
// Project Name: C:\XProjects\ISE10.1i\M65C02
48 |
// Target Devices: Generic SRAM-based FPGA
49 |
// Tool versions: Xilinx ISE10.1i SP3
50 |
51 |
// Description: (See additional comments section below)
52 |
53 |
// Dependencies: M65C02_MPCv3.v
54 |
// M65C02_uPgm_V3a.coe (M65C02_uPgm_V3a.txt)
55 |
// M65C02_Decoder_ROM.coe (M65C02_Decoder_ROM.txt)
56 |
// M65C02_ALU.v
57 |
// M65C02_Bin.v
58 |
// M65C02_BCD.v
59 |
60 |
// Revision:
61 |
62 |
// 0.00 12B03 MAM Initial File Creation
63 |
64 |
// 0.10 12B04 MAM Synthesized. All synthesis errors removed. All un-
65 |
// used signals, except those related to the uPgm and
66 |
// Instruction Decode ROMs, removed. Next Address and
67 |
// Program Counter functions optimized.
68 |
69 |
// 1.00 12B05 MAM Completed changes to the control structure to in-
70 |
// clude an instruction in the IDEC ROM. Changed basic
71 |
// operation to deal with a RAM, using LUT RAM, having
72 |
// single cycle read/write operations.
73 |
74 |
// 1.10 12B18 MAM Added ISR input to ALU and connected to unused bits
75 |
// in the MPC microword. Used to clear D and set I in
76 |
// the PSW after it is pushed onto the stack when an
77 |
// NMI or unmasked IRQ interrupts are being processed.
78 |
79 |
// 1.11 12B19 MAM Renamed all source files in a consistent manner.
80 |
// Corrected the equation for interrupt mask output.
81 |
// All modules and parameter files renamed M65C02_xxx.
82 |
// Module renamed: MAM6502_Core => M65C02_Core.
83 |
84 |
// 1.20 12B19 MAM Decoded BRV2 MPC instuction. BRV2 added as a load
85 |
// signal to {OP2, OP1} to capture Vector[15:0] during
86 |
// NMI/IRQ interrupt and BRK trap handling.
87 |
88 |
// 1.30 12B19 MAM Significantly changed the PSW implementation. Chan-
89 |
// ges implemented to allow the implementation of a
90 |
// better register write mechanism. Microword organi-
91 |
// zation changed to delete separate fields for DI and
92 |
// DO. Fields reorganized and the two bits from DO_Op
93 |
// combined with a third bit to form a 3-bit Reg_WE
94 |
// field. A single bit ISR field was retained. The
95 |
// field width remains 32, but explicit control of the
96 |
// register write enable allows solution to be imple-
97 |
// mented for separately controlling updates to P and
98 |
// capturing the return address in the same temporary
99 |
// working register, OP1. BRK and RTI now operate as
100 |
// expected, and the common register numbering between
101 |
// the various register control field in the microcode
102 |
// and the fixed control word, allow a ROM-like struc-
103 |
// ture to be used for explicitly controlling writes
104 |
// to the various registers (especially P). The new
105 |
// scheme improves the decode speed, and the new form
106 |
// of the P (PSW) provides a cleaner structure for
107 |
// future updates/changes. Also requires WSel field
108 |
// in the fixed control word to be updated so that all
109 |
// instructions, which modify memory (and not A, X, or
110 |
// Y) and require a change in a PSW bit, include P as
111 |
// as a write destination. Writes to A, X, or Y are
112 |
// also set to automatically generate a write enable
113 |
// for P. (See M65C02_ALU for explicit changes to de-
114 |
// code logic for register write enables and PSW chan-
115 |
// ges.)
116 |
117 |
// Also changed the PC multiplexer and next PC adder
118 |
// logic so that a case statement is used to better
119 |
// define the next PC. This changed was required by a
120 |
// problem detected during the BRK instruction testing
121 |
// which indicated that the pipeline delay in the jmp
122 |
// address path was causing the next PC computation to
123 |
// operate on an invalid PCH value. Thus, the PCH of
124 |
// the RTI return address was wrong because it was
125 |
// delayed one cycle. These two changes result in the
126 |
// 100 MHz target clock speed being maitained.
127 |
128 |
// Synthesis indicated that SC (Single Cycle) and Done
129 |
// were being trimmed. Thus added Done and SC to the
130 |
// module port list to avoid the reported trimming of
131 |
// these two signals from the module after the modifi-
132 |
// cations to P and register write enable logic were
133 |
// completed.
134 |
135 |
// 1.31 12B22 MAM Modified BA multiplexer to support unconditional
136 |
// instruction decode using BRV1, or conditional
137 |
// decode using BRV3. BRV3 is used by the microprogram
138 |
// to decode the next instruction after a single cycle
139 |
// instruction, or to branch to the interrupt handler.
140 |
// Modified the test inputs to connect Valid to T1,
141 |
// and PSW Decimal mode flag, P.3, to T0. Expect to
142 |
// use this test input, T0, for ADC/SBC instructions
143 |
// to use different microroutines (for all addressing
144 |
// modes) ((problem may arise for ADC/SBC #imm)).
145 |
146 |
// 1.32 12B23 MAM Backed out changed to T[3:0] implemented in 1.31.
147 |
// A different method will be used.
148 |
149 |
// 1.40 12B24 MAM Solved issue regarding cycle stretch required to
150 |
// perform BCD arithmetic (ADC and SBC only) during an
151 |
// instruction fetch. Normally, all ALU operations
152 |
// complete during the instruction fetch cycle, thus
153 |
// the registers and PSW are appropriately updated so
154 |
// that a branch instruction can immediately perform a
155 |
// condition code test. The solution is to provide a
156 |
// separate ready signal to the ALU, which then uses
157 |
// the ready signal to gate the register write enables
158 |
// separately from the ALU function enable which acti-
159 |
// vates the various functional units in the ALU. At
160 |
// the core level, the external ready is gated by Wait
161 |
// and an internal ready signal is generated that will
162 |
// stretch the ALU execution cycle only when a BCD add
163 |
// or subtract is performed. Since the only BCD opera-
164 |
// tions to be concerned about are the ADC/SBC opera-
165 |
// tions, only the Accumulator and the PSW are affect-
166 |
// ed. This means that only the RO_?? addressing modes
167 |
// microroutines are involved in these operations. All
168 |
// of the other addressing modes, WO_?? and RMW_??, do
169 |
// not have any BCD mode instructions with which to be
170 |
// concerned.
171 |
172 |
// To implement the solution, a RDY port was added to
173 |
// ALU, all of the core level registers (PC, MAR, OP1,
174 |
// and OP2) write enable instructions were modified to
175 |
// use only Rdy instead of the previous multiplexed
176 |
// signal. That multiplexer was moved to the begining
177 |
// of the module, and then combined with a ROM-based
178 |
// decoder to form the core-level Rdy signal that is
179 |
// distributed to all registers and modules. The ex-
180 |
// ternal Rdy port on the core was renamed to Ack_In
181 |
// in order to maintain Rdy as the signal name within
182 |
// the core.
183 |
184 |
// 1.41 12B24 MAM Simple cleanup of comments and conversion of con-
185 |
// stants used for DO multiplexer control into the
186 |
// local parameters specifically defined for the pur-
187 |
// pose of decoding that microprogram control field.
188 |
189 |
// 1.50 12B25 MAM Completed support for interrupt handling. Added a
190 |
// register to capture the last value of the PC of an
191 |
// instruction being interrupted. The automatic adjust
192 |
// provided by RTS/RTI of the return address means
193 |
// the PC pushed on the stack is not the address of
194 |
// the next instruction, but the last byte of the in-
195 |
// struction being completed before vectoring to the
196 |
// interrupt service routine. Added a FF to that is
197 |
// set when an interrupt has been accepted and clear-
198 |
// ed as the first instruction of the interrupt ser-
199 |
// vice routine is fetched. It is used to multiplex
200 |
// {PCH, PCL} or {dPCH, dPCL} onto the output bus. The
201 |
// delayed PC values are pushed onto the stack for in-
202 |
// terrupts, the the normal PC is pushed onto the
203 |
// stack for subroutine calls. Thus, the output data
204 |
// multiplexer was modified to include an additional
205 |
// multiplexer for the delayed or the non-delayed PC.
206 |
207 |
// Also modified the write enables for the IR, OP1,
208 |
// and OP2 registers. As an interrupt is being taken,
209 |
// the instruction being fetched should not loaded
210 |
// into the IR. As a consequence, BRV1 and BRV3 are
211 |
// used to update the IR, but only if Int is not
212 |
// asserted during a BRV3 MPC operation.
213 |
214 |
// 1.60 12C04 MAM Made change to the internal Rdy signal equations.
215 |
// Added |Reg_WE term to the |Op term. This corrects
216 |
// an issue with RMW instructions where the cycle is
217 |
// complete and ALU Valid deasserts during the fetch
218 |
// of the next instruction. Rdy deasserts as a result
219 |
// and the microprogram stops. Not an issue for all
220 |
// other instructions since the fetch and execute
221 |
// cycles are overlapped. With RMW instructions this
222 |
// is not the case because Reg_WE is asserted one cy-
223 |
// cle before the fetch of the next instruction.
224 |
225 |
// 1.61 12C06 MAM Added internal ready, Rdy, to the port list for
226 |
// easier access to the signal by the testbench.
227 |
228 |
// 2.0 12C30 MAM Replaced the address generator functions, including
229 |
// the MAR and PC registers and associated logic with
230 |
// a single module that captures all of the address
231 |
// generation. This is done in preparation of changing
232 |
// the address generation to support synchronous Block
233 |
// RAM for use with the M65C02_Core instead of asyn-
234 |
// chronous LUT-based RAM presently used.
235 |
236 |
// 2.10 12D29 MAM Per Windfall@forum.6502.org, the DP,X and DP,Y
237 |
// address modes did not wrap at the zero page bounda-
238 |
// ry. Adjusted the AO equation to wrap the address as
239 |
// required.
240 |
241 |
// 2.20 12K03 MAM Cut out the address generator section and created a
242 |
// module, M65C02_AddrGen.
243 |
244 |
// 2.30 12K03 MAM Integrated version 3 of the MPC which includes a
245 |
// built-in microcycle length controller.
246 |
247 |
// 2.40 12K12 MAM Cleaned up, and replaced Wait signal in variable
248 |
// microcode with a ZP control signal. When asserted,
249 |
// ZP forces a % 256 address calculation. Applies to
250 |
// zp,X; zp,Y; (zp,X); and (zp),Y addressing modes. In
251 |
// zp,X and zp,Y addressing modes, the indexed zp value
252 |
// must wrap araund the 256 boundary. In (zp,X), both
253 |
// the low and the high byte of the 16-bit pointer are
254 |
// in page 0. The 8-bit index operation must be wrapp-
255 |
// ed on page 0, and so must the second, the high byte
256 |
// of the address. In (zp),Y, the index operation is
257 |
// allowed to cross a page boundary, i.e. not % 256.
258 |
// But both bytes of the pointer must be fetched from
259 |
// page 0. Therefore, the increment operation to get
260 |
// the second byte must be wrapped to page 0.
261 |
262 |
// 3.00 12K20 MAM Renamed signal Last to Rdy. Rdy is asserted
263 |
// on the last cycle of a multi-cycle microcycle. Added
264 |
// (Rdy | Rst) as a ROM enable for the microprogram
265 |
// ROM to ensure that the microprogram word is constant
266 |
// during a multi-cycle microcycle. Rst is included to
267 |
// allow the first microword to be fetched during Rst
268 |
// in support of the MPC's pipelined operation. (For
269 |
// additional clarification refer to comment 1.6 of the
270 |
// M65C02_ALU module.)
271 |
272 |
// 3.10 12L09 MAM Added capability to support WAI instruction. Needed
273 |
// signal, xIRQ, that indicates an active low external
274 |
// interrupt request is asserted but the interrupt mask
275 |
// is set so the processor will not take the interrupt.
276 |
// Under these conditions, the WAI continues with the
277 |
// next sequential instruction. In addition to adding
278 |
// xIRQ to the input ports of the core, the multi-way
279 |
// branch multiplexer required a change to support a
280 |
// 4-way branch table when WAI is executing, and a
281 |
// 2-way for all other instructions. To support the
282 |
// detection of the WAI instruction, changed the Mode
283 |
// vector to identify the WAI and STP instructions.
284 |
285 |
// 3.20 12L13 MAM Renamed, previously unused and reserved fixed micro-
286 |
// word Opcode field to Msk, and ported into the ALU.
287 |
// The new field provides the bit mask needed for the
288 |
// implementation of the Rockwell instructions.
289 |
290 |
// 3.21 13B16 MAM Added ISR signal to port list to easily allow the
291 |
// external logic to generate the vector pull signal.
292 |
293 |
// 3.30 13C02 MAM Changed MPC from M65C02_MPCv3 to M65C02_MPCv4. V4
294 |
// includes a wait state generator to maintain a cons-
295 |
// tant external Phi1O/Phi2O duty cycle. Because of new
296 |
// wait state generator, the BUFGMUX instantiated and
297 |
// used for clock stretching is removed.
298 |
299 |
// 3.40 13H04 MAM Removed unused code. Changed DO bus to simple OR
300 |
// gate instead of multiplxer. Added decode ROM to sup-
301 |
// port one-hot select of various DO bus sources. Used
302 |
// microcycle control signal in place of internal Rdy
303 |
// signal. Changed MPC_En to Rdy, and deleted internal
304 |
// ready 16:1 decoder.
305 |
306 |
// Additional Comments:
307 |
308 |
// This module is derived from the first implementation which assummed it was
309 |
// the top level implementation, i.e. its ports would be connected to IO pins.
310 |
// The pipelining of the control signals, instruction and operand addresses,
311 |
// and the data proved a bit cumbersome to deal with. The intention was to al-
312 |
// ways have that first implementation function as a core around which other
313 |
// components and capabilities could be added. With the incorporation of the
314 |
// memory interface directly in the core, interactions between the memory in-
315 |
// terface and the core logic hindered the development of the microprogram.
316 |
317 |
// Thus, the decision was made to sever the core functions from that of the
318 |
// memory interface. A single signal, Ack, would force the core logic to wait
319 |
// in the event that the required read data was unavailable or the write
320 |
// buffers were full. This design decision allows the memory interface and its
321 |
// interaction with the core logic to be separated at a clean boundary. The
322 |
// result is that timing on the core's external address and data busses can be
323 |
// treated as single cycle operations. That is, memory read and memory write
324 |
// transactions are completed in the same cycle, i.e no (pipeline) delays.
325 |
326 |
// This simplified core architecture must be coupled to an external memory
327 |
// controller at the next higher level that implements the required memory
328 |
// transactions and provides the Ack signal to control the execution of the
329 |
// core logic state machine. With the core's memory interface, it would be
330 |
// easy to add a simple cache memory module to provide data at a rate high to
331 |
// the core to achieve as high a clocks per instruction (CPI) metric as possi-
332 |
// ble for the complex addressing of the 6502 core.
333 |
334 |
// Furthermore, the core must be coupled to logic to handle the edge-sensitive
335 |
// NMI, and level sensitive IRQ interrupts. The core, as currently iplemented,
336 |
// accepts a vector from this external module for Rst, NMI, IRQ, and/or BRK.
337 |
// (In some implementations of the 6502, notably the WDC W65C802, the IRQ vec-
338 |
// tor is not shared with the BRK interrupt. In that implementation, a sepa-
339 |
// rate BRK vector is allowed. This core indicates to external logic that a
340 |
// BRK instruction is being processed, so it is possible for the BRK vector to
341 |
// be separated from the IRQ vector. In addition, the vector supplied is not
342 |
// the vector address through which the W65C02 perform an indirect jump. In-
343 |
// stead, the vector supplied is the content of the indirect jump address.)
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
module M65C02_Core #(
348 |
parameter pStkPtr_Rst = 8'hFF, // Stk Ptr Value after Reset
349 |
parameter pInt_Hndlr = 0, // _Int microroutine address, Reset default
350 |
parameter pM65C02_uPgm = "M65C02_uPgm_V3a.coe",
351 |
parameter pM65C02_IDec = "M65C02_Decoder_ROM.coe"
352 |
353 |
input Rst, // System Reset Input
354 |
input Clk, // System Clock Input
355 |
356 |
// Processor Core Interrupt Interface
357 |
358 |
output IRQ_Msk, // Interrupt mask from P to Interrupt Handler
359 |
input xIRQ, // External Maskable Interrupt Request Input
360 |
input Int, // Interrupt input from Interrupt Handler
361 |
input [15:0] Vector, // ISR Vector from Interrupt Handler
362 |
363 |
// Processor Core Status Interface
364 |
365 |
output Done, // Instruction Complete/Fetch Strobe
366 |
output SC, // Single Cycle Instruction
367 |
output [2:0] Mode, // Mode - Instruction Type/Mode
368 |
output RMW, // Read-Modify-Write Operation
369 |
output reg IntSvc, // Interrupt Service Start Indicator
370 |
output ISR, // Interrupt Vector Pull Start Flag
371 |
372 |
// Processor Core Memory Controller Interface
373 |
374 |
output [2:0] MC, // Microcycle state: 2-C1; 3-C4; 1-C3; 0-C4;
375 |
output [1:0] MemTyp, // Memory access Type: 0-Pgm Memory; 1-Page 0;
376 |
// 2-Page 1; 3-Data Memory;
377 |
input Wait, // Wait Input (in C3, adds wait state sequence)
378 |
output Rdy, // Internal Ready
379 |
380 |
// Processor Core Memory Cycle Interface
381 |
382 |
output [ 1:0] IO_Op, // Instruction Fetch Strobe
383 |
output [15:0] AO, // External Address
384 |
input [ 7:0] DI, // External Data In
385 |
output reg [7:0] DO, // External Data Out
386 |
387 |
// Processor Core Internal Registers
388 |
389 |
output [ 7:0] A, // Accumulator
390 |
output [ 7:0] X, // Index Register X
391 |
output [ 7:0] Y, // Index Register Y
392 |
output [ 7:0] S, // Stack Pointer
393 |
output [ 7:0] P, // Processor Status Word
394 |
output [15:0] PC, // Program Counter
395 |
396 |
output reg [7:0] IR, // Instruction Register
397 |
output reg [7:0] OP1, // Operand Register 1
398 |
output reg [7:0] OP2 // Operand Register 2
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
// Local Parameter Declarations
404 |
405 |
406 |
localparam pROM_AddrWidth = 8'd9;
407 |
localparam pROM_Width = 8'd32;
408 |
localparam pROM_Depth = (2**pROM_AddrWidth);
409 |
410 |
localparam pDEC_AddrWidth = 8'd8;
411 |
localparam pDEC_Width = 8'd32;
412 |
localparam pDEC_Depth = (2**pDEC_AddrWidth);
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
localparam pBA_Fill = (pROM_AddrWidth - pDEC_AddrWidth);
417 |
418 |
localparam pBRV1 = 2'b01; // MPC Via[1:0] code for BRV1 instruction
419 |
localparam pBRV2 = 2'b10; // MPC Via[1:0] code for BRV2 instruction
420 |
localparam pBRV3 = 2'b11; // MPC Via[1:0] code for BRV3 instruction
421 |
localparam pBMW = 4'b0011; // MPC I[3:0] code for BMW instruction
422 |
423 |
localparam pNOP = 8'hEA; // NOP opcode
424 |
425 |
localparam pPC_Pls = 2'b01; // PC Increment
426 |
localparam pPC_Jmp = 2'b10; // PC Absolute Jump
427 |
localparam pPC_Rel = 2'b11; // PC Conditional Branch
428 |
429 |
localparam pIO_IF = 2'b11; // Instruction Fetch
430 |
localparam pIO_RD = 2'b10; // Memory Read
431 |
localparam pIO_WR = 2'b01; // Memory Write
432 |
433 |
localparam pDO_ALU = 2'b00; // DO <= ALU_Out
434 |
localparam pDO_PCH = 2'b01; // DO <= PC[15:8]
435 |
localparam pDO_PCL = 2'b10; // DO <= PC[ 7:0]
436 |
localparam pDO_PSW = 2'b11; // DO <= P (also available on ALU_Out)
437 |
438 |
localparam pDI_Mem = 2'b00; // ALU_M <= DI
439 |
localparam pDI_OP2 = 2'b01; // OP2 <= DI
440 |
localparam pDI_OP1 = 2'b10; // OP1 <= DI
441 |
localparam pDI_IR = 2'b11; // IR <= DI
442 |
443 |
localparam pStk_Psh = 2'b10; // StkPtr <= S;
444 |
localparam pStk_Pop = 2'b11; // StkPtr <= S + 1;
445 |
446 |
localparam pNA_Inc = 4'h1; // NA <= PC + 1
447 |
localparam pNA_MAR = 4'h2; // NA <= MAR + 0
448 |
localparam pNA_Nxt = 4'h3; // NA <= MAR + 1
449 |
localparam pNA_Stk = 4'h4; // NA <= SP + 0
450 |
localparam pNA_DPN = 4'h5; // NA <= {0, OP1} + 0
451 |
localparam pNA_DPX = 4'h6; // NA <= {0, OP1} + {0, X}
452 |
localparam pNA_DPY = 4'h7; // NA <= {0, OP1} + {0, Y}
453 |
localparam pNA_LDA = 4'h8; // NA <= {OP2, OP1} + 0
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 |
458 |
459 |
localparam pNA_LDAX = 4'hE; // NA <= {OP2, OP1} + {0, X}
460 |
localparam pNA_LDAY = 4'hF; // NA <= {OP2, OP1} + {0, Y}
461 |
462 |
localparam pBCD = 3; // Bit number of BCD Mode bit in P
463 |
localparam pIntMsk = 2; // Bit number of Interrupt mask bit in P
464 |
465 |
localparam pADC = 4; // ALU Operation Add w/ Carry
466 |
localparam pSBC = 5; // ALU Operation Subtract w/ Carry
467 |
468 |
469 |
470 |
// Local Signal Declarations
471 |
472 |
473 |
wire WAI; // Instruction Mode Decode for WAI
474 |
475 |
wire BRV1; // MPC BRV1 Instruction Decode
476 |
wire BRV2; // MPC BRV2 Instruction Decode
477 |
wire BRV3; // MPC BRV3 Instruction Decode
478 |
wire BMW; // MPC BMW Instruction Decode
479 |
480 |
reg [(pROM_Width - 1):0] uP_ROM [(pROM_Depth - 1):0]; // Microprogram ROM
481 |
482 |
wire [3:0] I; // MPC Instruction Input
483 |
wire [3:0] T; // MPC Test Inputs
484 |
wire [2:0] MW; // MPC Multi-way Branch Select
485 |
reg [(pROM_AddrWidth - 1):0] BA; // MPC Branch Address Input
486 |
wire [1:0] Via; // MPC Via Mux Control Output
487 |
wire [(pROM_AddrWidth - 1):0] MA; // MPC uP ROM Address Output
488 |
489 |
reg [(pROM_Width - 1):0] uPL; // MPC uP ROM Pipeline Register
490 |
491 |
wire [(pROM_AddrWidth - 1):0] uP_BA; // uP Branch Address Field
492 |
wire ZP; // Zero Page Addressing Control Field
493 |
wire [3:0] NA_Op; // Memory Address Register Control Fld
494 |
wire [1:0] PC_Op; // Program Counter Control Field
495 |
wire [1:0] DI_Op; // Memory Data Input Control Field
496 |
wire [1:0] DO_Op; // Memory Data Output Control Field
497 |
wire [1:0] Stk_Op; // Stack Pointer Control Field
498 |
wire [2:0] Reg_WE; // Register Write Enable Control Field
499 |
500 |
reg En; // ALU Enable Control Field
501 |
502 |
// Instruction Decoder ROM
503 |
504 |
reg [(pDEC_Width - 1):0] ID_ROM [(pDEC_Depth - 1):0]; // Inst. Decode ROM
505 |
506 |
// Instruction Decoder Pipeline Register (Asynchronous Distributed ROM)
507 |
508 |
reg [(pDEC_Width - 1):0] IDEC; // Instruction Decode ROM Pipeline Reg.
509 |
510 |
// Instruction Decoder (Fixed) Output
511 |
512 |
wire [3:0] Op; // M65C02 ALU Operation Select Field
513 |
wire [1:0] QSel; // M65C02 ALU Q Operand Select Field
514 |
wire RSel; // M65C02 ALU R Operand Select Field
515 |
wire Sub; // M65C02 ALU Adder Control Field
516 |
wire CSel; // M65C02 ALU Adder Carry In Select Field
517 |
wire [2:0] WSel; // M65C02 ALU Register Write Select Field
518 |
wire [2:0] OSel; // M65C02 ALU Output Select Field
519 |
wire [4:0] CCSel; // M65C02 ALU Condition Code Control Field
520 |
wire [7:0] Msk; // M65C02 Rockwell Instruction Mask Field
521 |
522 |
wire [7:0] Out; // M65C02 ALU Data Output Bus
523 |
wire Valid; // M65C02 ALU Output Valid Signal
524 |
wire [7:0] StkPtr; // M65C02 ALU Stack Pointer Logic Output
525 |
wire CC; // ALU Condition Code Output
526 |
527 |
wire [15:0] dPC; // Pipeline Compensation Register for PC
528 |
529 |
wire CE_IR, CE_OP1, CE_OP2; // Clock Enables: IR, OP1, and OP2
530 |
531 |
reg [5:0] DO_Sel; // Data Output Multiplexer Decode ROM
532 |
533 |
534 |
535 |
// Start Implementation
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 |
// Define Microcycle and Instruction Cycle Status Signals
540 |
541 |
assign Done = (|Via); // Instruction Complete (1) - ~BRV0
542 |
assign SC = (&Via); // Single Cycle Instruction (1) - BRV3
543 |
assign Rdy = (MC == 4); // Microcycle Complete Signal
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
// Microprogram Controller Interface
548 |
549 |
// Decode MPC Instructions being used for strobes
550 |
551 |
assign BRV1 = (Via == pBRV1);
552 |
assign BRV2 = (Via == pBRV2);
553 |
assign BRV3 = (Via == pBRV3);
554 |
assign BMW = (I == pBMW );
555 |
556 |
// Define the Multi-Way Input Signals
557 |
// Implement a 4-way branch when executing WAI, and a 2-way otherwise
558 |
559 |
assign MW = ((WAI) ? {uP_BA[2], xIRQ, Int} : {uP_BA[2:1], Int});
560 |
561 |
// Implement the Branch Address Field Multiplexer for Instruction Decode
562 |
563 |
always @(*)
564 |
565 |
566 |
pBRV1 : BA <= {{pBA_Fill{1'b1}}, DI[3:0], DI[7:4]};
567 |
pBRV3 : BA <= ((Int) ? pInt_Hndlr
568 |
: {{pBA_Fill{1'b1}}, DI[3:0], DI[7:4]});
569 |
default : BA <= uP_BA;
570 |
571 |
572 |
573 |
// Assign Test Input Signals
574 |
575 |
assign T = {3'b000, Valid};
576 |
577 |
// Instantiate Microprogram Controller/Sequencer - modified F9408A MPC
578 |
579 |
M65C02_MPCv4 #(
580 |
581 |
) MPCv4 (
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 |
.Wait(Wait), // Microcycle Wait state request
586 |
.MC(MC), // Microcycle State
587 |
588 |
.I(I), // Instruction
589 |
.T(T), // Test signal input
590 |
.MW(MW), // Multi-way branch inputs
591 |
.BA(BA), // Branch address input
592 |
.Via(Via), // BRVx multiplexer control output
593 |
594 |
.MA(MA) // Microprogram ROM address output
595 |
596 |
597 |
// Infer Microprogram ROM and initialize with file created by MCP_Tool
598 |
599 |
600 |
$readmemb(pM65C02_uPgm, uP_ROM, 0, (pROM_Depth - 1));
601 |
602 |
always @(posedge Clk)
603 |
604 |
if(Rdy | Rst)
605 |
uPL <= #1 uP_ROM[MA];
606 |
607 |
608 |
// Assign uPL fields
609 |
610 |
assign I = uPL[31:28]; // MPC Instruction Field (4)
611 |
assign uP_BA = uPL[27:19]; // MPC Branch Address Field (9)
612 |
assign ZP = uPL[18]; // When Set, ZP % 256 addressing required (1)
613 |
assign MemTyp = uPL[17:16]; // Memory Type (2)
614 |
assign NA_Op = uPL[15:12]; // Next Address Operation (4)
615 |
assign PC_Op = uPL[11:10]; // Program Counter Control (2)
616 |
assign IO_Op = uPL[9:8]; // IO Operation Control (2)
617 |
assign DI_Op = uPL[7:6]; // DI Demultiplexer Control (2)
618 |
assign DO_Op = uPL[7:6]; // DO Multiplexer Control (2) (same as DI_Op)
619 |
assign Stk_Op = uPL[5:4]; // Stack Pointer Control Field (2)
620 |
assign Reg_WE = uPL[3:1]; // Register Write Enable Field (3)
621 |
assign ISR = uPL[0]; // Set to clear D and set I on interrupts (1)
622 |
623 |
// Decode DI_Op Control Field
624 |
625 |
assign Ld_OP2 = IO_Op[1] & (DI_Op == pDI_OP2);
626 |
assign Ld_OP1 = IO_Op[1] & (DI_Op == pDI_OP1);
627 |
628 |
// Operand Register 2
629 |
630 |
assign CE_OP2 = Ld_OP2 & Rdy & ~CE_IR;
631 |
632 |
always @(posedge Clk)
633 |
634 |
635 |
OP2 <= #1 0;
636 |
else if(BRV2)
637 |
OP2 <= #1 Vector[15:8];
638 |
else if(CE_OP2)
639 |
OP2 <= #1 DI; // Load OP2 from DI
640 |
641 |
642 |
// Operand Register 1
643 |
644 |
assign CE_OP1 = Ld_OP1 & Rdy & ~CE_IR;
645 |
646 |
always @(posedge Clk)
647 |
648 |
649 |
OP1 <= #1 0;
650 |
else if(BRV2)
651 |
OP1 <= #1 Vector[7:0];
652 |
else if(CE_OP1)
653 |
OP1 <= #1 DI; // Load OP1 from DI
654 |
655 |
656 |
// Instruction Register
657 |
658 |
assign CE_IR = (BRV1 | (BRV3 & ~Int)) & Rdy; // Load IR from DI
659 |
660 |
always @(posedge Clk)
661 |
662 |
663 |
IR <= #1 pNOP;
664 |
else if(CE_IR)
665 |
IR <= #1 DI;
666 |
667 |
668 |
// Infer Instruction Decode ROM and initialize with file created by MCP_Tool
669 |
670 |
671 |
$readmemb(pM65C02_IDec, ID_ROM, 0, (pDEC_Depth - 1));
672 |
673 |
always @(posedge Clk)
674 |
675 |
676 |
IDEC <= #1 ID_ROM[pNOP];
677 |
else if(CE_IR)
678 |
IDEC <= #1 ID_ROM[DI];
679 |
680 |
681 |
// Decode Fixed Microcode Word
682 |
683 |
assign Mode = IDEC[31:29]; // M65C02 Instruction Type/Mode
684 |
assign RMW = IDEC[28]; // M65C02 Read-Modify-Write Instruction
685 |
assign Op = IDEC[27:24]; // M65C02 ALU Operation Select Field
686 |
assign QSel = IDEC[23:22]; // M65C02 ALU AU Q Bus Mux Select Field
687 |
assign RSel = IDEC[21]; // M65C02 ALU AU/SU R Bus Mux Select Field
688 |
assign Sub = IDEC[20]; // M65C02 ALU AU Mode Select Field
689 |
assign CSel = IDEC[19]; // M65C02 ALU AU/SU Carry Mux Select Field
690 |
assign WSel = IDEC[18:16]; // M65C02 ALU Register Write Select Field
691 |
assign OSel = IDEC[15:13]; // M65C02 ALU Register Output Select Field
692 |
assign CCSel = IDEC[12: 8]; // M65C02 ALU Condition Code Control Field
693 |
assign Msk = IDEC[ 7: 0]; // M65C02 Rockwell Instruction Mask Field
694 |
695 |
// Decode Mode for internal signals
696 |
697 |
assign WAI = &Mode; // Current Instruction is WAI
698 |
699 |
// Next Address Generator
700 |
701 |
M65C02_AddrGen AddrGen (
702 |
703 |
704 |
705 |
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
710 |
711 |
712 |
713 |
714 |
715 |
716 |
717 |
718 |
719 |
720 |
721 |
722 |
723 |
724 |
725 |
726 |
727 |
728 |
729 |
730 |
731 |
732 |
733 |
734 |
735 |
736 |
737 |
// Interrupt Service Flag
738 |
739 |
assign CE_IntSvc = ( (Int & (BRV3 | BMW))
740 |
| ((IO_Op == pIO_WR) & (DO_Op == pDO_PSW)));
741 |
742 |
always @(posedge Clk)
743 |
744 |
745 |
IntSvc <= #1 0;
746 |
else if(CE_IntSvc)
747 |
IntSvc <= #1 (Int & (BRV3 | BMW));
748 |
749 |
750 |
// Instantiate the M65C02 ALU Module
751 |
752 |
always @(*) En <= (|Reg_WE);
753 |
754 |
M65C02_ALU #(
755 |
756 |
) ALU (
757 |
.Rst(Rst), // System Reset
758 |
.Clk(Clk), // System Clock
759 |
760 |
.Rdy(Rdy), // Ready
761 |
762 |
.En(En), // M65C02 ALU Enable Strobe Input
763 |
.Reg_WE(Reg_WE), // M65C02 ALU Register Write Enable
764 |
.ISR(ISR), // M65C02 ALU Interrupt Service Rtn Strb
765 |
766 |
.Op(Op), // M65C02 ALU Operation Select Input
767 |
.QSel(QSel), // M65C02 ALU Q Data Mux Select Input
768 |
.RSel(RSel), // M65C02 ALU R Data Mux Select Input
769 |
.Sub(Sub), // M65C02 ALU Adder Function Select Input
770 |
.CSel(CSel), // M65C02 ALU Adder Carry Select Input
771 |
.WSel(WSel), // M65C02 ALU Register Write Select Input
772 |
.OSel(OSel), // M65C02 ALU Output Register Select Input
773 |
.CCSel(CCSel), // M65C02 ALU Condition Code Select Input
774 |
.Msk(Msk), // M65C02 ALU Rockwell Instructions Mask
775 |
776 |
.M(OP1), // M65C02 ALU Memory Operand Input
777 |
.Out(Out), // M65C02 ALU Output Multiplexer
778 |
.Valid(Valid), // M65C02 ALU Output Valid Strobe
779 |
780 |
.CC_Out(CC), // M65C02 ALU Condition Code Mux Output
781 |
782 |
.StkOp(Stk_Op), // M65C02 ALU Stack Pointer Operation
783 |
.StkPtr(StkPtr), // M65C02 ALU Stack Pointer Multiplexer
784 |
785 |
.A(A), // M65C02 ALU Accumulator Register
786 |
.X(X), // M65C02 ALU Pre-Index Register
787 |
.Y(Y), // M65C02 ALU Post-Index Register
788 |
.S(S), // M65C02 ALU Stack Pointer Register
789 |
790 |
.P(P) // M65C02 Processor Status Word Register
791 |
792 |
793 |
// Decode P
794 |
795 |
assign IRQ_Msk = P[pIntMsk]; // Interrupt Mask Bit
796 |
797 |
// External Bus Data Output
798 |
799 |
always @(*) // P ddPP O
800 |
begin // S PPCC u
801 |
case({IntSvc, DO_Op}) // W HLHL t
802 |
3'b000 : DO_Sel <= 6'b0_0000_1;
803 |
3'b001 : DO_Sel <= 6'b0_0010_0;
804 |
3'b010 : DO_Sel <= 6'b0_0001_0;
805 |
3'b011 : DO_Sel <= 6'b1_0000_0;
806 |
3'b100 : DO_Sel <= 6'b0_0000_1;
807 |
3'b101 : DO_Sel <= 6'b0_1000_0;
808 |
3'b110 : DO_Sel <= 6'b0_0100_0;
809 |
3'b111 : DO_Sel <= 6'b1_0000_0;
810 |
811 |
812 |
813 |
always @(*) DO <= ( ((DO_Sel[5]) ? P : 0)
814 |
| ((DO_Sel[4]) ? dPC[15:8] : 0)
815 |
| ((DO_Sel[3]) ? dPC[ 7:0] : 0)
816 |
| ((DO_Sel[2]) ? PC[15:8] : 0)
817 |
| ((DO_Sel[1]) ? PC[ 7:0] : 0)
818 |
| ((DO_Sel[0]) ? Out : 0));
819 |
820 |
821 |
822 |
// End Implementation
823 |
824 |
825 |
826 |