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-- --
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-- Copyright (c) 2004, Hangouet Samuel --
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-- , Jan Sebastien --
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-- , Mouton Louis-Marie --
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-- , Schneider Olivier all rights reserved --
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-- This file is part of miniMIPS. --
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-- --
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-- miniMIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
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-- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --
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-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --
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-- (at your option) any later version. --
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-- --
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-- miniMIPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
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-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
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-- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. --
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-- --
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-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License --
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-- along with miniMIPS; if not, write to the Free Software --
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-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA --
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-- --
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-- If you encountered any problem, please contact :
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-- lmouton@enserg.fr
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-- oschneid@enserg.fr
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-- shangoue@enserg.fr
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-- --
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-- miniMIPS Processor : Arithmetical and logical unit --
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-- Authors : Hangouet Samuel --
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-- Jan Sébastien --
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-- Mouton Louis-Marie --
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-- Schneider Olivier --
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-- --
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-- june 2003 --
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library IEEE;
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use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
53 |
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
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library work;
56 |
use work.pack_mips.all;
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entity alu is
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60 |
61 |
clock : in bus1;
62 |
reset : in bus1;
63 |
op1 : in bus32; -- Operand 1
64 |
op2 : in bus32; -- Operand 2
65 |
ctrl : in alu_ctrl_type; -- Opearator control
66 |
67 |
res : out bus32; -- The result is 32 bit long
68 |
overflow : out bus1 -- Overflow of the result
69 |
70 |
end alu;
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72 |
73 |
architecture rtl of alu is
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-- Signals to pre-process the operands
76 |
signal efct_op1, efct_op2 : bus33; -- Effective operands of the adder (33 bits)
77 |
signal comp_op2 : bus1; -- Select the opposite of operand 2
78 |
signal igno_op2 : bus1; -- Ignore op 2 (put zeros)
79 |
signal sign_op1 : bus1; -- High bit of op 1
80 |
signal sign_op2 : bus1; -- High bit of op 2
81 |
signal signe : bus1; -- Signed operation (bit sign extension)
82 |
signal shift_val : natural range 0 to 31; -- Value of the shift
83 |
84 |
-- Signals for internal results
85 |
signal res_shl, res_shr : bus32; -- Results of left and right shifter
86 |
signal res_lui : bus32; -- Result of Load Upper Immediate
87 |
signal res_add : bus33; -- Result of the adder
88 |
signal carry : bus33; -- Carry for the adder
89 |
signal nul : bus1; -- Check if the adder result is zero
90 |
signal hilo : bus64; -- Internal registers to store the multiplication operation
91 |
signal tmp_hilo : bus64; -- Internal registers to store the multiplication operation (synchronised)
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93 |
94 |
95 |
-- Process if the operation is signed compliant
96 |
signe <= '1' when (ctrl=OP_ADD or ctrl=OP_SUB or ctrl=OP_SLT or ctrl=OP_SNEG or ctrl=OP_SPOS or ctrl=OP_LNEG or ctrl=OP_LPOS)
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
sign_op1 <= signe and op1(31);
101 |
sign_op2 <= signe and op2(31);
102 |
103 |
-- Selection of the value of the second operand : op2 or -op2 (ie not op2 + 1)
104 |
comp_op2 <= '1' when -- The opposite of op2 is used
105 |
(ctrl=OP_SUB or ctrl=OP_SUBU) -- Opposite of the operand 2 to obtain a substraction
106 |
or (ctrl=OP_SLT or ctrl=OP_SLTU) -- Process the difference to check the lesser than operation for the operands
107 |
or (ctrl=OP_EQU or ctrl=OP_NEQU) -- Process the difference to check the equality of the operands
108 |
109 |
'0'; -- by default, op2 is used
110 |
111 |
igno_op2 <= '1' when -- Op 2 will be zero (when comp_op2='0')
112 |
(ctrl=OP_SPOS or ctrl=OP_LNEG) -- Process if the op1 is nul with op1+0
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
-- Effective signals for the adder
117 |
efct_op2 <= not (sign_op2 & op2) when (comp_op2='1') else -- We take the opposite of op2 to get -op2 (we will add 1 with the carry)
118 |
(others => '0') when (igno_op2='1') else -- Op2 is zero
119 |
(sign_op2 & op2); -- by default we use op2 (33 bits long)
120 |
121 |
efct_op1 <= sign_op1 & op1;
122 |
123 |
-- Execution of the addition
124 |
carry <= X"00000000" & comp_op2; -- Carry to one when -op2 is needed
125 |
res_add <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(efct_op1) + unsigned(efct_op2) + unsigned(carry));
126 |
127 |
nul <= '1' when (res_add(31 downto 0)=X"00000000") else '0'; -- Check the nullity of the result
128 |
129 |
-- Value of the shift for the programmable shifter
130 |
shift_val <= to_integer(unsigned(op1(4 downto 0)));
131 |
132 |
res_shl <= bus32(shift_left(unsigned(op2), shift_val));
133 |
res_shr <= not bus32(shift_right(unsigned(not op2) , shift_val)) when (ctrl=OP_SRA and op2(31)='1') else
134 |
bus32(shift_right(unsigned(op2), shift_val));
135 |
res_lui <= op2(15 downto 0) & X"0000";
136 |
137 |
-- Affectation of the hilo register if necessary
138 |
tmp_hilo <= std_logic_vector(signed(op1)*signed(op2)) when (ctrl=OP_MULT) else
139 |
std_logic_vector(unsigned(op1)*unsigned(op2)) when (ctrl=OP_MULTU) else
140 |
op1 & hilo(31 downto 0) when (ctrl=OP_MTHI) else
141 |
hilo(63 downto 32) & op1 when (ctrl=OP_MTLO) else
142 |
(others => '0');
143 |
144 |
-- Check the overflows
145 |
overflow <= '1' when ((ctrl=OP_ADD and op1(31)=efct_op2(31) and op1(31)/=res_add(31))
146 |
or (ctrl=OP_SUB and op1(31)/=op2(31) and op1(31)/=res_add(31))) else
147 |
'0'; -- Only ADD and SUB can overflow
148 |
149 |
-- Result affectation
150 |
res <=
151 |
-- Arithmetical operations
152 |
res_add(31 downto 0) when (ctrl=OP_ADD or ctrl=OP_ADDU or ctrl=OP_SUB or ctrl=OP_SUBU) else
153 |
-- Logical operations
154 |
op1 and op2 when (ctrl=OP_AND) else
155 |
op1 or op2 when (ctrl=OP_OR) else
156 |
op1 nor op2 when (ctrl=OP_NOR) else
157 |
op1 xor op2 when (ctrl=OP_XOR) else
158 |
-- Different tests : the result is one when the test is succesful
159 |
(0 => res_add(32), others=>'0') when (ctrl=OP_SLTU or ctrl=OP_SLT) else
160 |
(0 => nul, others=>'0') when (ctrl=OP_EQU) else
161 |
(0 => not nul, others=>'0') when (ctrl=OP_NEQU) else
162 |
(0 => op1(31), others=>'0') when (ctrl=OP_SNEG) else
163 |
(0 => not (op1(31) or nul), others=>'0') when (ctrl=OP_SPOS) else
164 |
(0 => (op1(31) or nul), others=>'0') when (ctrl=OP_LNEG) else
165 |
(0 => not op1(31), others=>'0') when (ctrl=OP_LPOS) else
166 |
-- Shifts
167 |
res_shl when (ctrl=OP_SLL) else
168 |
res_shr when (ctrl=OP_SRL or ctrl=OP_SRA) else
169 |
res_lui when (ctrl=OP_LUI) else
170 |
-- Internal registers
171 |
hilo(63 downto 32) when (ctrl=OP_MFHI) else
172 |
hilo(31 downto 0) when (ctrl=OP_MFLO or ctrl=OP_MULT or ctrl=OP_MULTU) else
173 |
op1 when (ctrl=OP_MTHI or ctrl=OP_MTLO) else
174 |
op2 when (ctrl=OP_OP2) else
175 |
-- Always true
176 |
X"00000001" when (ctrl=OP_OUI) else
177 |
-- Unknown operation or nul result desired
178 |
(others => '0');
179 |
180 |
-- Save the hilo register
181 |
process (clock)
182 |
183 |
if clock = '1' and clock'event then
184 |
if reset = '1' then
185 |
hilo <= (others => '0');
186 |
elsif (ctrl = OP_MULT) or (ctrl = OP_MULTU) or (ctrl = OP_MTLO) or (ctrl = OP_MTHI) then
187 |
hilo <= tmp_hilo;
188 |
end if;
189 |
end if;
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end process;
191 |
end rtl;