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mcafruni |
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-- --
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-- miniMIPS Superscalar Processor : Execution stage --
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-- based on miniMIPS Processor --
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-- --
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-- --
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-- Author : Miguel Cafruni --
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-- miguel_cafruni@hotmail.com --
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-- December 2018 --
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library IEEE;
14 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
15 |
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
16 |
17 |
library work;
18 |
use work.pack_mips.all;
19 |
use work.alu;
20 |
21 |
entity pps_ex is
22 |
23 |
clock : in std_logic;
24 |
clock2 : in std_logic;
25 |
reset : in std_logic;
26 |
stop_all : in std_logic; -- Unconditionnal locking of outputs
27 |
stop_all2 : in std_logic; -- 07-08-2018
28 |
clear : in std_logic; -- Clear the pipeline stage
29 |
30 |
-- Datas from DI stage
31 |
DI_bra : in std_logic; -- Branch instruction
32 |
DI_link : in std_logic; -- Branch with link
33 |
DI_op1 : in bus32; -- Operand 1 for alu
34 |
DI_op2 : in bus32; -- Operand 2 for alu
35 |
DI_code_ual : in alu_ctrl_type; -- Alu operation
36 |
DI_offset : in bus32; -- Offset for address calculation
37 |
DI_adr_reg_dest : in adr_reg_type; -- Destination register address for the result
38 |
DI_ecr_reg : in std_logic; -- Effective writing of the result
39 |
DI_mode : in std_logic; -- Address mode (relative to pc ou index by a register)
40 |
DI_op_mem : in std_logic; -- Memory operation
41 |
DI_r_w : in std_logic; -- Type of memory operation (read or write)
42 |
DI_adr : in bus32; -- Instruction address
43 |
DI_exc_cause : in bus32; -- Potential cause exception
44 |
DI_level : in level_type; -- Availability stage of the result for bypassing
45 |
DI_it_ok : in std_logic; -- Allow hardware interruptions
46 |
EX2_data_hilo : in bus64;--resultado da multiplicacao do pieline2
47 |
EX_data_hilo : out bus64;
48 |
-- Synchronous outputs to MEM stage
49 |
EX_adr : out bus32; -- Instruction address
50 |
EX_bra_confirm : out std_logic; -- Branch execution confirmation
51 |
EX_data_ual : out bus32; -- Ual result
52 |
EX_adresse : out bus32; -- Address calculation result
53 |
EX_adresse_p1p2 : out bus32; -- resultado do calculo do endereco do desvio + 4 para pipe 2
54 |
EX_adr_reg_dest : out adr_reg_type; -- Destination register for the result
55 |
EX_ecr_reg : out std_logic; -- Effective writing of the result
56 |
EX_op_mem : out std_logic; -- Memory operation needed
57 |
EX_r_w : out std_logic; -- Type of memory operation (read or write)
58 |
EX_exc_cause : out bus32; -- Potential cause exception
59 |
EX_level : out level_type; -- Availability stage of result for bypassing
60 |
EX_it_ok : out std_logic -- Allow hardware interruptions
61 |
62 |
end entity;
63 |
64 |
65 |
architecture rtl of pps_ex is
66 |
67 |
component alu
68 |
port (
69 |
clock : in bus1;
70 |
reset : in bus1;
71 |
op1 : in bus32; -- Operand 1
72 |
op2 : in bus32; -- Operand 2
73 |
ctrl : in alu_ctrl_type; -- Operation
74 |
hilo_p2 : in bus64;
75 |
hilo_p1p2 : out bus64;
76 |
res : out bus32; -- Result
77 |
overflow : out bus1 -- Overflow
78 |
79 |
end component;
80 |
81 |
signal res_ual : bus32; -- Alu result output
82 |
signal base_adr : bus32; -- Output of the address mode mux selection
83 |
signal pre_ecr_reg : std_logic; -- Output of mux selection for writing command to register
84 |
signal pre_data_ual : bus32; -- Mux selection of the data to write
85 |
signal pre_bra_confirm : std_logic; -- Result of the test in alu when branch instruction
86 |
signal pre_exc_cause : bus32; -- Preparation of the exception detection signal
87 |
signal overflow_ual : std_logic; -- Dectection of the alu overflow
88 |
signal ex_address_p1p2 : bus32;
89 |
signal hilo_p1p2_s : bus64;
90 |
91 |
92 |
-- Alu instantiation
93 |
U1_alu : alu port map (clock => clock, reset => reset, op1=>DI_op1, op2=>DI_op2, ctrl=>DI_code_ual,
94 |
res=>res_ual, overflow=>overflow_ual, hilo_p2=>EX2_data_hilo, hilo_p1p2=>hilo_p1p2_s);
95 |
96 |
-- Calculation of the future outputs
97 |
base_adr <= DI_op1 when DI_mode='0' else DI_adr; -- *** base_adr = DI_op1 = 0 na instrucao JAL ***
98 |
pre_ecr_reg <= DI_ecr_reg when DI_link='0' else pre_bra_confirm;
99 |
pre_data_ual <= res_ual when DI_link='0' else bus32(unsigned(DI_adr) + 8); --***Endereco de retorno (link address) gravado pela instrucao JAL no registrador D_31, que depois sera usado pela intrucao de retorno da rotina, JR.***
100 |
pre_bra_confirm <= DI_bra and res_ual(0);
101 |
pre_exc_cause <= DI_exc_cause when DI_exc_cause/=IT_NOEXC else
102 |
IT_OVERF when overflow_ual='1' else
103 |
104 |
105 |
-- Set the synchronous outputs
106 |
process(clock) is
107 |
108 |
if rising_edge(clock) then
109 |
if reset='1' then
110 |
EX_adr <= (others => '0');
111 |
EX_bra_confirm <= '0';
112 |
EX_data_ual <= (others => '0');
113 |
EX_adresse <= (others => '0');
114 |
EX_adr_reg_dest <= (others => '0');
115 |
EX_ecr_reg <= '0';
116 |
EX_op_mem <= '0';
117 |
EX_r_w <= '0';
118 |
EX_exc_cause <= IT_NOEXC;
119 |
EX_level <= LVL_DI;
120 |
EX_it_ok <= '0';
121 |
elsif stop_all = '0' then
122 |
if clear = '1' then -- Clear the stage
123 |
EX_adr <= DI_adr;
124 |
EX_bra_confirm <= '0';
125 |
EX_data_ual <= (others => '0');
126 |
EX_adresse <= (others => '0');
127 |
EX_adr_reg_dest <= (others => '0');
128 |
EX_ecr_reg <= '0';
129 |
EX_op_mem <= '0';
130 |
EX_r_w <= '0';
131 |
EX_exc_cause <= IT_NOEXC;
132 |
EX_level <= LVL_DI;
133 |
EX_it_ok <= '0';
134 |
else -- Normal evolution
135 |
EX_adr <= DI_adr;
136 |
EX_bra_confirm <= pre_bra_confirm;
137 |
EX_data_ual <= pre_data_ual;
138 |
EX_adr_reg_dest <= DI_adr_reg_dest;
139 |
EX_ecr_reg <= pre_ecr_reg;
140 |
EX_op_mem <= DI_op_mem;
141 |
EX_r_w <= DI_r_w;
142 |
EX_exc_cause <= pre_exc_cause;
143 |
EX_level <= DI_level;
144 |
EX_it_ok <= DI_it_ok;
145 |
EX_adresse <= bus32(unsigned(DI_offset) + unsigned(base_adr)); --*** base_adr = DI_op1 = 0 na instrucao JAL, para calcular o endereco alvo ***
146 |
ex_address_p1p2 <= bus32(unsigned(DI_offset) + unsigned(base_adr));
147 |
end if;
148 |
end if;
149 |
end if;
150 |
151 |
if falling_edge(clock2) then
152 |
if reset = '1' then
153 |
EX_adresse_p1p2 <= (others => '0');
154 |
EX_data_hilo <= (others => '0');
155 |
elsif stop_all2 = '0' then -- sinal stop_all do pipe 2
156 |
EX_data_hilo <= hilo_p1p2_s;
157 |
EX_adresse_p1p2 <= bus32(unsigned(ex_address_p1p2) + 4); --*** endereco alvo para o pipe 2 ***
158 |
end if;
159 |
end if;
160 |
161 |
end process;
162 |
163 |
end architecture;