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mcafruni |
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-- --
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-- --
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-- miniMIPS Superscalar Processor : Bypass unit --
5 |
-- based on miniMIPS Processor --
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-- --
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-- --
8 |
-- Author : Miguel Cafruni --
9 |
-- miguel_cafruni@hotmail.com --
10 |
-- December 2018 --
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13 |
library IEEE;
14 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
15 |
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
16 |
17 |
library work;
18 |
use work.pack_mips.all;
19 |
20 |
entity renvoi is
21 |
port (
22 |
-- Register access signals
23 |
adr1 : in adr_reg_type; -- Operand 1 address (end. a ser lido asssincronamente pelo DI)
24 |
adr2 : in adr_reg_type; -- Operand 2 address (end. a ser lido asssincronamente pelo DI)
25 |
use1 : in std_logic; -- Operand 1 utilisation
26 |
use2 : in std_logic; -- Operand 2 utilisation
27 |
data1 : out bus32; -- First register value (para DI OP1)
28 |
data2 : out bus32; -- Second register value (para DI OP2)
29 |
alea : out std_logic; -- Unresolved hazards detected
30 |
31 |
-- Bypass signals of the intermediary datas (Sinais de retorno dos dados intermediários)
32 |
DI_level : in level_type; -- Availability level of the data (Nível de disponibilidade dos dados)
33 |
DI_adr : in adr_reg_type; -- Register destination of the result
34 |
DI_ecr : in std_logic; -- Writing register request
35 |
DI_data : in bus32; -- Data to used (op2 do DI)
36 |
37 |
EX_level : in level_type; -- Availability level of the data
38 |
EX_adr : in adr_reg_type; -- Register destination of the result
39 |
EX_ecr : in std_logic; -- Writing register request
40 |
EX_data : in bus32; -- Data to used
41 |
42 |
MEM_level : in level_type; -- Availability level of the data
43 |
MEM_adr : in adr_reg_type; -- Register destination of the result
44 |
MEM_ecr : in std_logic; -- Writing register request
45 |
MEM_data : in bus32; -- Data to used
46 |
47 |
interrupt : in std_logic; -- Exceptions or interruptions
48 |
49 |
-- Connexion to the differents bank of register
50 |
51 |
-- Writing commands for writing in the registers
52 |
write_data : out bus32; -- Data to write
53 |
write_adr : out bus5; -- Address of the register to write
54 |
write_GPR : out std_logic; -- Selection in the internal registers
55 |
write_SCP : out std_logic; -- Selection in the coprocessor system registers
56 |
57 |
-- Reading commands for Reading in the registers
58 |
read_adr1 : out bus5; -- Address of the first register to read
59 |
read_adr2 : out bus5; -- Address of the second register to read
60 |
read_data1_GPR : in bus32; -- Value of operand 1 from the internal registers
61 |
read_data2_GPR : in bus32; -- Value of operand 2 from the internal registers
62 |
read_data1_SCP : in bus32; -- Value of operand 1 from the coprocessor system registers
63 |
read_data2_SCP : in bus32; -- Value of operand 2 from the coprocessor system registers
64 |
65 |
--modificacao duplicacao
66 |
-- Register access signals
67 |
adr3 : in adr_reg_type; -- Operand 3 address (end. a ser lido asssincronamente pelo DI2)
68 |
adr4 : in adr_reg_type; -- Operand 4 address (end. a ser lido asssincronamente pelo DI2)
69 |
use12 : in std_logic; -- Operand 3 utilisation
70 |
use22 : in std_logic; -- Operand 4 utilisation
71 |
72 |
data3 : out bus32; -- First register value
73 |
data4 : out bus32; -- Second register value
74 |
alea2 : out std_logic; -- Unresolved hazards detected
75 |
76 |
-- Bypass signals of the intermediary datas
77 |
DI_level2 : in level_type; -- Availability level of the data
78 |
DI_adr2 : in adr_reg_type; -- Register destination of the result
79 |
DI_ecr2 : in std_logic; -- Writing register request
80 |
DI_data2 : in bus32; -- Data to used (op2 do DI2)
81 |
82 |
EX_level2 : in level_type; -- Availability level of the data
83 |
EX_adr2 : in adr_reg_type; -- Register destination of the result
84 |
EX_ecr2 : in std_logic; -- Writing register request
85 |
EX_data2 : in bus32; -- Data to used
86 |
87 |
MEM_level2 : in level_type; -- Availability level of the data
88 |
MEM_adr2 : in adr_reg_type; -- Register destination of the result
89 |
MEM_ecr2 : in std_logic; -- Writing register request
90 |
MEM_data2 : in bus32; -- Data to used
91 |
92 |
93 |
-- Connexion to the differents bank of register
94 |
95 |
-- Writing commands for writing in the registers
96 |
write_data2 : out bus32; -- Data to write
97 |
write_adr2 : out bus5; -- Address of the register to write
98 |
write_GPR2 : out std_logic; -- Selection in the internal registers
99 |
--sem necessidade--write_SCP : out std_logic; -- Selection in the coprocessor system registers
100 |
101 |
-- Reading commands for Reading in the registers
102 |
read_adr3 : out bus5; -- Address of the first register to read
103 |
read_adr4 : out bus5; -- Address of the second register to read
104 |
read_data3_GPR : in bus32; -- Value of operand 1 from the internal registers
105 |
read_data4_GPR : in bus32; -- Value of operand 2 from the internal registers
106 |
read_data3_SCP : in bus32; -- Value of operand 1 from the coprocessor system registers
107 |
read_data4_SCP : in bus32 -- Value of operand 2 from the coprocessor system registers
108 |
109 |
end renvoi;
110 |
111 |
architecture rtl of renvoi is
112 |
signal dep_r1 : level_type; -- Dependency level for operand 1
113 |
signal dep_r2 : level_type; -- Dependency level for operand 2
114 |
signal read_data1 : bus32; -- Data contained in the register asked by operand 1
115 |
signal read_data2 : bus32; -- Data contained in the register asked by operand 2
116 |
signal res_reg, res_mem, res_ex, res_di, res_mem2, res_ex2, res_di2 : std_logic;
117 |
signal resolution : bus7; -- Verification of the resolved hazards
118 |
signal idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4 : integer range 0 to 6;
119 |
--duplicação dos sinais para o segundo pipe
120 |
signal dep_r3 : level_type; -- Dependency level for operand 1
121 |
signal dep_r4 : level_type; -- Dependency level for operand 2
122 |
signal read_data3 : bus32; -- Data contained in the register asked by operand 1
123 |
signal read_data4 : bus32; -- Data contained in the register asked by operand 2
124 |
125 |
126 |
-- Connexion of the writing command signals
127 |
write_data <= MEM_data;
128 |
write_adr <= MEM_adr(4 downto 0);
129 |
write_GPR <= not MEM_adr(5) and MEM_ecr when interrupt = '0' else -- The high bit to 0 selects the internal registers
130 |
131 |
write_SCP <= MEM_adr(5) and MEM_ecr; -- The high bit to 1 selects the coprocessor system registers
132 |
-- Connexion of the writing command signals
133 |
read_adr1 <= adr1(4 downto 0); -- Connexion of the significative address bits (end. source 1 a ser lido no banco assincronamente pelo DI)
134 |
read_adr2 <= adr2(4 downto 0); -- Connexion of the significative address bits (end. source 2 a ser lido no banco assincronamente PELO DI)
135 |
-- Evaluation of the level of dependencies
136 |
dep_r1 <= LVL_REG when adr1(4 downto 0)="00000" or use1='0' else -- No dependency with register 0, se use1 for igual a '0' aqui, significa que op1 = imm ou shamt
137 |
LVL_DI when adr1=DI_adr and DI_ecr ='1' else -- Dependency with DI stage (reg. fonte = reg.destino no momento da escrita, (DI_ecr ='1'))
138 |
LVL_EX when adr1=EX_adr and EX_ecr ='1' else -- Dependency with EX stage
139 |
LVL_MEM when adr1=MEM_adr and MEM_ecr='1' else -- Dependency with MEM stage
140 |
LVL_DI2 when adr1=DI_adr2 and DI_ecr2 = '1' else -- Dependency with DI stage (reg. fonte = reg.destino no momento da escrita, (DI_ecr ='1'))
141 |
LVL_EX2 when adr1=EX_adr2 and EX_ecr2 = '1' else -- Dependency with EX stage
142 |
LVL_MEM2 when adr1=MEM_adr2 and MEM_ecr2 ='1' else -- Dependency with MEM stage
143 |
LVL_REG; -- No dependency detected
144 |
dep_r2 <= LVL_REG when adr2(4 downto 0)="00000" or use2='0' else -- No dependency with register 0
145 |
LVL_DI when adr2=DI_adr and DI_ecr ='1' else -- Dependency with DI stage
146 |
LVL_EX when adr2=EX_adr and EX_ecr ='1' else -- Dependency with EX stage
147 |
LVL_MEM when adr2=MEM_adr and MEM_ecr='1' else -- Dependency with MEM stage
148 |
LVL_DI2 when adr2=DI_adr2 and DI_ecr2 = '1' else -- Dependency with DI2 stage (reg. fonte = reg.destino no momento da escrita, (DI_ecr ='1'))
149 |
LVL_EX2 when adr2=EX_adr2 and EX_ecr2 = '1' else -- Dependency with EX2 stage
150 |
LVL_MEM2 when adr2=MEM_adr2 and MEM_ecr2 ='1' else -- Dependency with MEM stage
151 |
LVL_REG; -- No dependency detected
152 |
153 |
-- Elaboration of the signals with the datas form the bank registers
154 |
read_data1 <= read_data1_GPR when adr1(5)='0' else -- Selection of the internal registers
155 |
read_data1_SCP when adr1(5)='1' else -- Selection of the coprocessor registers
156 |
(others => '0');
157 |
read_data2 <= read_data2_GPR when adr2(5)='0' else -- Selection of the internal registers
158 |
read_data2_SCP when adr2(5)='1' else -- Selection of the coprocessor registers
159 |
(others => '0');
160 |
-- Bypass the datas (the validity is tested later when detecting the hazards)
161 |
data1 <= read_data1 when dep_r1=LVL_REG else -- DI recebe dado direto dos registradores
162 |
MEM_data when dep_r1=LVL_MEM else -- DI recebe dado direto do MEM2 (MEM no original )
163 |
MEM_data2 when dep_r1=LVL_MEM2 else -- DI recebe dado direto do MEM2 (MEM no original )
164 |
EX_data when dep_r1=LVL_EX else -- DI recebe dado direto do EX2 (EX no original )
165 |
EX_data2 when dep_r1=LVL_EX2 else -- DI recebe dado direto do EX2 (EX no original )
166 |
DI_data when dep_r1=LVL_DI else
167 |
DI_data2; -- DI recebe dado direto do DI2 (DI no original )
168 |
data2 <= read_data2 when dep_r2=LVL_REG else
169 |
MEM_data when dep_r2=LVL_MEM else
170 |
MEM_data2 when dep_r2=LVL_MEM2 else
171 |
EX_data when dep_r2=LVL_EX else
172 |
EX_data2 when dep_r2=LVL_EX2 else
173 |
DI_data when dep_r2=LVL_DI else
174 |
175 |
176 |
-- duplicação para o segundo pipe
177 |
178 |
-- Connexion of the writing command signals
179 |
write_data2 <= MEM_data2;
180 |
write_adr2 <= MEM_adr2(4 downto 0);
181 |
write_GPR2 <= not MEM_adr2(5) and MEM_ecr2 when interrupt = '0' else -- The high bit to 0 selects the internal registers
182 |
183 |
--write_SCP <= MEM_adr(5) and MEM_ecr; -- The high bit to 1 selects the coprocessor system registers
184 |
185 |
-- Connexion of the writing command signals
186 |
read_adr3 <= adr3(4 downto 0); -- Connexion of the significative address bits (lido assincronamente pelo DI2)
187 |
read_adr4 <= adr4(4 downto 0); -- Connexion of the significative address bits (lido assincronamente pelo DI2)
188 |
189 |
-- Evaluation of the level of dependencies
190 |
dep_r3 <= LVL_REG when adr3(4 downto 0)="00000" or use12='0' else -- No dependency with register 0, se use1 for igual a '0' aqui, significa que op1 = imm ou shamt
191 |
LVL_DI when adr3=DI_adr and DI_ecr ='1' else -- Dependency with DI stage (reg. fonte = reg.destino no momento da escrita, (DI_ecr ='1'))
192 |
LVL_EX when adr3=EX_adr and EX_ecr ='1' else -- Dependency with EX stage
193 |
LVL_MEM when adr3=MEM_adr and MEM_ecr='1' else -- Dependency with MEM stage
194 |
LVL_DI2 when adr3=DI_adr2 and DI_ecr2 = '1' else -- Dependency with DI stage (reg. fonte = reg.destino no momento da escrita, (DI_ecr ='1'))
195 |
LVL_EX2 when adr3=EX_adr2 and EX_ecr2 = '1' else -- Dependency with EX stage
196 |
LVL_MEM2 when adr3=MEM_adr2 and MEM_ecr2 ='1' else -- Dependency with MEM stage
197 |
LVL_REG; -- No dependency detected
198 |
dep_r4 <= LVL_REG when adr4(4 downto 0)="00000" or use22='0' else -- No dependency with register 0
199 |
LVL_DI when adr4=DI_adr and DI_ecr ='1' else -- Dependency with DI stage
200 |
LVL_EX when adr4=EX_adr and EX_ecr ='1' else -- Dependency with EX stage
201 |
LVL_MEM when adr4=MEM_adr and MEM_ecr='1' else -- Dependency with MEM stage
202 |
LVL_DI2 when adr4=DI_adr2 and DI_ecr2 = '1' else -- Dependency with DI2 stage (reg. fonte = reg.destino no momento da escrita, (DI_ecr ='1'))
203 |
LVL_EX2 when adr4=EX_adr2 and EX_ecr2 = '1' else -- Dependency with EX2 stage
204 |
LVL_MEM2 when adr4=MEM_adr2 and MEM_ecr2 ='1' else -- Dependency with MEM stage
205 |
LVL_REG; -- No dependency detected
206 |
-- Elaboration of the signals with the datas form the bank registers
207 |
read_data3 <= read_data3_GPR when adr3(5)='0' else -- Selection of the internal registers
208 |
read_data3_SCP when adr3(5)='1' else -- Selection of the coprocessor registers
209 |
(others => '0');
210 |
211 |
read_data4 <= read_data4_GPR when adr4(5)='0' else -- Selection of the internal registers
212 |
read_data4_SCP when adr4(5)='1' else -- Selection of the coprocessor registers
213 |
(others => '0');
214 |
215 |
-- Bypass the datas (the validity is tested later when detecting the hazards) Dar a volta dos dados(a validade é testada posteriormente ao detectar os hazards)
216 |
data3 <= read_data3 when dep_r3=LVL_REG else -- DI recebe dado direto dos registradores
217 |
MEM_data when dep_r3=LVL_MEM else -- DI recebe dado direto do MEM2 (MEM no original )
218 |
MEM_data2 when dep_r3=LVL_MEM2 else -- DI recebe dado direto do MEM2 (MEM no original )
219 |
EX_data when dep_r3=LVL_EX else -- DI recebe dado direto do EX2 (EX no original )
220 |
EX_data2 when dep_r3=LVL_EX2 else -- DI recebe dado direto do EX2 (EX no original )
221 |
DI_data when dep_r3=LVL_DI else
222 |
DI_data2; -- DI recebe dado direto do DI2 (DI no original )
223 |
data4 <= read_data4 when dep_r4=LVL_REG else
224 |
MEM_data when dep_r4=LVL_MEM else
225 |
MEM_data2 when dep_r4=LVL_MEM2 else
226 |
EX_data when dep_r4=LVL_EX else
227 |
EX_data2 when dep_r4=LVL_EX2 else
228 |
DI_data when dep_r4=LVL_DI else
229 |
230 |
231 |
-- Detection of a potential unresolved hazard
232 |
-- '1' significa que os dados estao atualizados,
233 |
-- '0' nao, os dados ainda serao escritos <<< dep neste sentido nao eh hazard <<< dados repassado por forwarding ou bypassing para o DI/DI2
234 |
res_reg <= '1'; --This hazard is always resolved LVL_REG=0 ________ _______ _______ _______
235 |
res_mem <= '1' when MEM_level>=LVL_MEM else '0'; -- >= 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
236 |
res_ex <= '1' when EX_level >=LVL_EX else '0'; -- >= 2 | DI | EX | MEM | REG |
237 |
res_di <= '1' when DI_level >=LVL_DI else '0'; -- >= 3 |________|_______|_______|_______|___
238 |
res_mem2 <= '1' when MEM_level2>=LVL_MEM2 else '0'; -- >= 4 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 0 |
239 |
res_ex2 <= '1' when EX_level2 >=LVL_EX2 else '0'; -- >= 5 | DI2 | EX2 | MEM2 | REG |
240 |
res_di2 <= '1' when DI_level2 >=LVL_DI2 else '0'; -- >= 6 |________|_______|_______|_______|
241 |
-- -- >>> dep neste sentido eh hazard >>> espera o proximo ciclo para entrar novamente no DI/DI2
242 |
-- Table defining the resolved hazard for each stage
243 |
resolution <= res_di2 & res_ex2 & res_mem2 & res_di & res_ex & res_mem & res_reg; -- '1111111', se nao ocorrer hazard
244 |
-- Verification of the validity of the transmitted datas (test the good resolution of the hazards)
245 |
idx1 <= to_integer(unsigned(dep_r1(2 downto 0)));
246 |
idx2 <= to_integer(unsigned(dep_r2(2 downto 0)));
247 |
idx3 <= to_integer(unsigned(dep_r3(2 downto 0)));
248 |
idx4 <= to_integer(unsigned(dep_r4(2 downto 0)));
249 |
250 |
alea <= (not resolution(idx1) or not resolution(idx2));
251 |
alea2 <= (not resolution(idx3) or not resolution(idx4));
252 |
253 |
end rtl;