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ayersg |
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
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* File : Hazard_Detection.v
4 |
* Project : University of Utah, XUM Project MIPS32 core
5 |
* Creator(s) : Grant Ayers (ayers@cs.utah.edu)
6 |
7 |
* Modification History:
8 |
* Rev Date Initials Description of Change
9 |
* 1.0 23-Jul-2011 GEA Initial design.
10 |
* 2.0 26-May-2012 GEA Release version with CP0.
11 |
12 |
* Standards/Formatting:
13 |
* Verilog 2001, 4 soft tab, wide column.
14 |
15 |
* Description:
16 |
* Hazard Detection and Forward Control. This is the glue that allows a
17 |
* pipelined processor to operate efficiently and correctly in the presence
18 |
* of data, structural, and control hazards. For each pipeline stage, it
19 |
* detects whether that stage requires data that is still in the pipeline,
20 |
* and whether that data may be forwarded or if the pipeline must be stalled.
21 |
22 |
* This module is heavily commented. Read below for more information.
23 |
24 |
module Hazard_Detection(
25 |
input [7:0] DP_Hazards,
26 |
input [4:0] ID_Rs,
27 |
input [4:0] ID_Rt,
28 |
input [4:0] EX_Rs,
29 |
input [4:0] EX_Rt,
30 |
input [4:0] EX_RtRd,
31 |
input [4:0] MEM_RtRd,
32 |
input [4:0] WB_RtRd,
33 |
input ID_Link,
34 |
input EX_Link,
35 |
input EX_RegWrite,
36 |
input MEM_RegWrite,
37 |
input WB_RegWrite,
38 |
input MEM_MemRead,
39 |
input MEM_MemWrite, // Needed for Store Conditional which writes to a register
40 |
input InstMem_Read,
41 |
input InstMem_Ready,
42 |
input Mfc0, // Using fwd mux; not part of haz/fwd.
43 |
input IF_Exception_Stall,
44 |
input ID_Exception_Stall,
45 |
input EX_Exception_Stall,
46 |
input M_Stall_Controller, // Determined by data memory controller
47 |
output IF_Stall,
48 |
output ID_Stall,
49 |
output EX_Stall,
50 |
output M_Stall,
51 |
output WB_Stall,
52 |
output [1:0] ID_RsFwdSel,
53 |
output [1:0] ID_RtFwdSel,
54 |
output [1:0] EX_RsFwdSel,
55 |
output [1:0] EX_RtFwdSel,
56 |
output M_WriteDataFwdSel
57 |
58 |
59 |
/* Hazard and Forward Detection
60 |
61 |
* Most instructions read from one or more registers. Normally this occurs in
62 |
* the ID stage. However, frequently the register file in the ID stage is stale
63 |
* when one or more forward stages in the pipeline (EX, MEM, or WB) contains
64 |
* an instruction which will eventually update it but has not yet done so.
65 |
66 |
* A hazard condition is created when a forward pipeline stage is set to write
67 |
* the same register that a current pipeline stage (e.g. in ID) needs to read.
68 |
* The solution is to stall the current stage (and effectively all stages behind
69 |
* it) or bypass (forward) the data from forward stages. Fortunately forwarding
70 |
* works for most combinations of instructions.
71 |
72 |
* Hazard and Forward conditions are handled based on two simple rules:
73 |
* "Wants" and "Needs." If an instruction "wants" data in a certain pipeline
74 |
* stage, and that data is available further along in the pipeline, it will
75 |
* be forwarded. If it "needs" data and the data is not yet available for forwarding,
76 |
* the pipeline stage stalls. If it does not want or need data in a certain
77 |
* stage, forwarding is disabled and a stall will not occur. This is important
78 |
* for instructions which insert custom data, such as jal or movz.
79 |
80 |
* Currently, "Want" and "Need" conditions are defined for both Rs data and Rt
81 |
* data (the two read registers in MIPS), and these conditions exist in the
82 |
* ID and EX pipeline stages. This is a total of eight condition bits.
83 |
84 |
* A unique exception exists with Store instructions, which don't need the
85 |
* "Rt" data until the MEM stage. Because data doesn't change in WB, and WB
86 |
* is the only stage following MEM, forwarding is *always* possible from
87 |
* WB to Mem. This unit handles this situation, and a condition bit is not
88 |
* needed.
89 |
90 |
* When data is needed from the MEM stage by a previous stage (ID or EX), the
91 |
* decision to forward or stall is based on whether MEM is accessing memory
92 |
* (stall) or not (forward). Normally store instructions don't write to registers
93 |
* and thus are never needed for a data dependence, so the signal 'MEM_MemRead'
94 |
* is sufficient to determine. Because of the Store Conditional instruction,
95 |
* however, 'MEM_MemWrite' must also be considered because it writes to a register.
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
wire WantRsByID, NeedRsByID, WantRtByID, NeedRtByID, WantRsByEX, NeedRsByEX, WantRtByEX, NeedRtByEX;
100 |
assign WantRsByID = DP_Hazards[7];
101 |
assign NeedRsByID = DP_Hazards[6];
102 |
assign WantRtByID = DP_Hazards[5];
103 |
assign NeedRtByID = DP_Hazards[4];
104 |
assign WantRsByEX = DP_Hazards[3];
105 |
assign NeedRsByEX = DP_Hazards[2];
106 |
assign WantRtByEX = DP_Hazards[1];
107 |
assign NeedRtByEX = DP_Hazards[0];
108 |
109 |
// Trick allowed by RegDst = 0 which gives Rt. MEM_Rt is only used on
110 |
// Data Memory write operations (stores), and RegWrite is always 0 in this case.
111 |
wire [4:0] MEM_Rt = MEM_RtRd;
112 |
113 |
// Forwarding should not happen when the src/dst register is $zero
114 |
wire EX_RtRd_NZ = (EX_RtRd != 5'b00000);
115 |
wire MEM_RtRd_NZ = (MEM_RtRd != 5'b00000);
116 |
wire WB_RtRd_NZ = (WB_RtRd != 5'b00000);
117 |
118 |
// ID Dependencies
119 |
wire Rs_IDEX_Match = (ID_Rs == EX_RtRd) & EX_RtRd_NZ & (WantRsByID | NeedRsByID) & EX_RegWrite;
120 |
wire Rt_IDEX_Match = (ID_Rt == EX_RtRd) & EX_RtRd_NZ & (WantRtByID | NeedRtByID) & EX_RegWrite;
121 |
wire Rs_IDMEM_Match = (ID_Rs == MEM_RtRd) & MEM_RtRd_NZ & (WantRsByID | NeedRsByID) & MEM_RegWrite;
122 |
wire Rt_IDMEM_Match = (ID_Rt == MEM_RtRd) & MEM_RtRd_NZ & (WantRtByID | NeedRtByID) & MEM_RegWrite;
123 |
wire Rs_IDWB_Match = (ID_Rs == WB_RtRd) & WB_RtRd_NZ & (WantRsByID | NeedRsByID) & WB_RegWrite;
124 |
wire Rt_IDWB_Match = (ID_Rt == WB_RtRd) & WB_RtRd_NZ & (WantRtByID | NeedRtByID) & WB_RegWrite;
125 |
// EX Dependencies
126 |
wire Rs_EXMEM_Match = (EX_Rs == MEM_RtRd) & MEM_RtRd_NZ & (WantRsByEX | NeedRsByEX) & MEM_RegWrite;
127 |
wire Rt_EXMEM_Match = (EX_Rt == MEM_RtRd) & MEM_RtRd_NZ & (WantRtByEX | NeedRtByEX) & MEM_RegWrite;
128 |
wire Rs_EXWB_Match = (EX_Rs == WB_RtRd) & WB_RtRd_NZ & (WantRsByEX | NeedRsByEX) & WB_RegWrite;
129 |
wire Rt_EXWB_Match = (EX_Rt == WB_RtRd) & WB_RtRd_NZ & (WantRtByEX | NeedRtByEX) & WB_RegWrite;
130 |
// MEM Dependencies
131 |
wire Rt_MEMWB_Match = (MEM_Rt == WB_RtRd) & WB_RtRd_NZ & WB_RegWrite;
132 |
133 |
134 |
// ID needs data from EX : Stall
135 |
wire ID_Stall_1 = (Rs_IDEX_Match & NeedRsByID);
136 |
wire ID_Stall_2 = (Rt_IDEX_Match & NeedRtByID);
137 |
// ID needs data from MEM : Stall if mem access
138 |
wire ID_Stall_3 = (Rs_IDMEM_Match & (MEM_MemRead | MEM_MemWrite) & NeedRsByID);
139 |
wire ID_Stall_4 = (Rt_IDMEM_Match & (MEM_MemRead | MEM_MemWrite) & NeedRtByID);
140 |
// ID wants data from MEM : Forward if not mem access
141 |
wire ID_Fwd_1 = (Rs_IDMEM_Match & ~(MEM_MemRead | MEM_MemWrite));
142 |
wire ID_Fwd_2 = (Rt_IDMEM_Match & ~(MEM_MemRead | MEM_MemWrite));
143 |
// ID wants/needs data from WB : Forward
144 |
wire ID_Fwd_3 = (Rs_IDWB_Match);
145 |
wire ID_Fwd_4 = (Rt_IDWB_Match);
146 |
// EX needs data from MEM : Stall if mem access
147 |
wire EX_Stall_1 = (Rs_EXMEM_Match & (MEM_MemRead | MEM_MemWrite) & NeedRsByEX);
148 |
wire EX_Stall_2 = (Rt_EXMEM_Match & (MEM_MemRead | MEM_MemWrite) & NeedRtByEX);
149 |
// EX wants data from MEM : Forward if not mem access
150 |
wire EX_Fwd_1 = (Rs_EXMEM_Match & ~(MEM_MemRead | MEM_MemWrite));
151 |
wire EX_Fwd_2 = (Rt_EXMEM_Match & ~(MEM_MemRead | MEM_MemWrite));
152 |
// EX wants/needs data from WB : Forward
153 |
wire EX_Fwd_3 = (Rs_EXWB_Match);
154 |
wire EX_Fwd_4 = (Rt_EXWB_Match);
155 |
// MEM needs data from WB : Forward
156 |
wire MEM_Fwd_1 = (Rt_MEMWB_Match);
157 |
158 |
159 |
// Stalls and Control Flow Final Assignments
160 |
assign WB_Stall = M_Stall;
161 |
assign M_Stall = IF_Stall | M_Stall_Controller;
162 |
assign EX_Stall = (EX_Stall_1 | EX_Stall_2 | EX_Exception_Stall) | M_Stall;
163 |
assign ID_Stall = (ID_Stall_1 | ID_Stall_2 | ID_Stall_3 | ID_Stall_4 | ID_Exception_Stall) | EX_Stall;
164 |
assign IF_Stall = InstMem_Read | InstMem_Ready | IF_Exception_Stall;
165 |
166 |
// Forwarding Control Final Assignments
167 |
assign ID_RsFwdSel = (ID_Link) ? 2'b11 : ((ID_Fwd_1) ? 2'b01 : ((ID_Fwd_3) ? 2'b10 : 2'b00));
168 |
assign ID_RtFwdSel = (Mfc0) ? 2'b11 : ((ID_Fwd_2) ? 2'b01 : ((ID_Fwd_4) ? 2'b10 : 2'b00));
169 |
assign EX_RsFwdSel = (EX_Fwd_1) ? 2'b01 : ((EX_Fwd_3) ? 2'b10 : 2'b00);
170 |
assign EX_RtFwdSel = (EX_Link) ? 2'b11 : ((EX_Fwd_2) ? 2'b01 : ((EX_Fwd_4) ? 2'b10 : 2'b00));
171 |
assign M_WriteDataFwdSel = MEM_Fwd_1;
172 |
173 |