1 |
2 |
ayersg |
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
2 |
3 |
* File : MemControl.v
4 |
* Project : University of Utah, XUM Project MIPS32 core
5 |
* Creator(s) : Grant Ayers (ayers@cs.utah.edu)
6 |
7 |
* Modification History:
8 |
* Rev Date Initials Description of Change
9 |
* 1.0 24-Jun-2011 GEA Initial design.
10 |
* 2.0 28-Jun-2012 GEA Expanded from a simple byte/half/word unit to
11 |
* An advanced data memory controller capable of
12 |
* handling big/little endian, atomic and unaligned
13 |
* memory accesses.
14 |
15 |
* Standards/Formatting:
16 |
* Verilog 2001, 4 soft tab, wide column.
17 |
18 |
* Description:
19 |
* A Data Memory Controller which handles all read and write requests from the
20 |
* processor to data memory. All data accesses--whether big endian, little endian,
21 |
* byte, half, word, or unaligned transfers--are transformed into a simple read
22 |
* and write command to data memory over a 32-bit data bus, where the read command
23 |
* is one bit and the write command is 4 bits, one for each byte in the 32-bit word.
24 |
25 |
module MemControl(
26 |
input clock,
27 |
input reset,
28 |
input [31:0] DataIn, // Data from CPU
29 |
input [31:0] Address, // From CPU
30 |
input [31:0] MReadData, // Data from Memory
31 |
input MemRead, // Memory Read command from CPU
32 |
input MemWrite, // Memory Write command from CPU
33 |
input DataMem_Ready, // Ready signal from Memory
34 |
input Byte, // Load/Store is Byte (8-bit)
35 |
input Half, // Load/Store is Half (16-bit)
36 |
input SignExtend, // Sub-word load should be sign extended
37 |
input KernelMode, // (Exception logic)
38 |
input ReverseEndian, // Reverse Endian Memory for User Mode
39 |
input LLSC, // (LLSC logic)
40 |
input ERET, // (LLSC logic)
41 |
input Left, // Unaligned Load/Store Word Left
42 |
input Right, // Unaligned Load/Store Word Right
43 |
input M_Exception_Stall,
44 |
input IF_Stall, // XXX Clean this up between this module and HAZ/FWD
45 |
output reg [31:0] DataOut, // Data to CPU
46 |
output [31:0] MWriteData, // Data to Memory
47 |
output reg [3:0] WriteEnable, // Write Enable to Memory for each of 4 bytes of Memory
48 |
output ReadEnable, // Read Enable to Memory
49 |
output M_Stall,
50 |
output EXC_AdEL, // Load Exception
51 |
output EXC_AdES // Store Exception
52 |
53 |
54 |
`include "MIPS_Parameters.v"
55 |
56 |
/*** Reverse Endian Mode
57 |
Normal memory accesses in the processor are Big Endian. The endianness can be reversed
58 |
to Little Endian in User Mode only.
59 |
60 |
wire BE = KernelMode | ~ReverseEndian;
61 |
62 |
/*** Indicator that the current memory reference must be word-aligned ***/
63 |
wire Word = ~(Half | Byte | Left | Right);
64 |
65 |
// Exception Detection
66 |
wire EXC_KernelMem = ~KernelMode & (Address < UMem_Lower);
67 |
wire EXC_Word = Word & (Address[1] | Address[0]);
68 |
wire EXC_Half = Half & Address[0];
69 |
assign EXC_AdEL = MemRead & (EXC_KernelMem | EXC_Word | EXC_Half);
70 |
assign EXC_AdES = MemWrite & (EXC_KernelMem | EXC_Word | EXC_Half);
71 |
72 |
/*** Load Linked and Store Conditional logic ***
73 |
74 |
A 32-bit register keeps track of the address for atomic Load Linked / Store Conditional
75 |
operations. This register can be updated during stalls since it is not visible to
76 |
forward stages. It does not need to be flushed during exceptions, since ERET destroys
77 |
the atomicity condition and there are no detrimental effects in an exception handler.
78 |
79 |
The atomic condition is set with a Load Linked instruction, and cleared on an ERET
80 |
instruction or when any store instruction writes to one or more bytes covered by
81 |
the word address register. It does not update on a stall condition.
82 |
83 |
The MIPS32 spec states that an ERET instruction between LL and SC will cause the
84 |
atomicity condition to fail. This implementation uses the ERET signal from the ID
85 |
stage, which means instruction sequences such as "LL SC" could appear to have an
86 |
ERET instruction between them even though they don't. One way to fix this is to pass
87 |
the ERET signal through the pipeline to the MEM stage. However, because of the nature
88 |
of LL/SC operations (they occur in a loop which checks the result at each iteration),
89 |
an ERET will normally never be inserted into the pipeline programmatically until the
90 |
LL/SC sequence has completed (exceptions such as interrupts can still cause ERET, but
91 |
they can still cause them in the LL SC sequence as well). In other words, by not passing
92 |
ERET through the pipeline, the only possible effect is a performance penalty. Also this
93 |
may be irrelevant since currently ERET stalls for forward stages which can cause exceptions,
94 |
which includes LL and SC.
95 |
96 |
reg [29:0] LLSC_Address;
97 |
reg LLSC_Atomic;
98 |
wire LLSC_MemWrite_Mask;
99 |
100 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
101 |
LLSC_Address <= (reset) ? 30'b0 : (MemRead & LLSC) ? Address[31:2] : LLSC_Address;
102 |
103 |
104 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
105 |
if (reset) begin
106 |
LLSC_Atomic <= 0;
107 |
108 |
else if (MemRead) begin
109 |
LLSC_Atomic <= (LLSC) ? 1 : LLSC_Atomic;
110 |
111 |
// XXX GEA Bug for Ganesh: remove "& ~IF_Stall" from below, then SC will always fail:
112 |
else if (ERET | (~M_Stall & ~IF_Stall & MemWrite & (Address[31:2] == LLSC_Address))) begin
113 |
LLSC_Atomic <= 0;
114 |
115 |
else begin
116 |
LLSC_Atomic <= LLSC_Atomic;
117 |
118 |
119 |
assign LLSC_MemWrite_Mask = (LLSC & MemWrite & (~LLSC_Atomic | (Address[31:2] != LLSC_Address)));
120 |
121 |
wire WriteCondition = MemWrite & ~(EXC_KernelMem | EXC_Word | EXC_Half) & ~LLSC_MemWrite_Mask;
122 |
wire ReadCondition = MemRead & ~(EXC_KernelMem | EXC_Word | EXC_Half);
123 |
124 |
reg RW_Mask;
125 |
always @(posedge clock) begin
126 |
RW_Mask <= (reset) ? 0 : (((MemWrite | MemRead) & DataMem_Ready) ? 1 : ((~M_Stall & ~IF_Stall) ? 0 : RW_Mask));
127 |
128 |
assign M_Stall = ReadEnable | (WriteEnable != 4'b0000) | DataMem_Ready | M_Exception_Stall;
129 |
assign ReadEnable = ReadCondition & ~RW_Mask;
130 |
131 |
wire Half_Access_L = (Address[1] ^ BE);
132 |
wire Half_Access_R = (Address[1] ~^ BE);
133 |
wire Byte_Access_LL = Half_Access_L & (Address[1] ~^ Address[0]);
134 |
wire Byte_Access_LM = Half_Access_L & (Address[0] ~^ BE);
135 |
wire Byte_Access_RM = Half_Access_R & (Address[0] ^ BE);
136 |
wire Byte_Access_RR = Half_Access_R & (Address[1] ~^ Address[0]);
137 |
138 |
// Write-Enable Signals to Memory
139 |
always @(*) begin
140 |
if (WriteCondition & ~RW_Mask) begin
141 |
if (Byte) begin
142 |
WriteEnable[3] <= Byte_Access_LL;
143 |
WriteEnable[2] <= Byte_Access_LM;
144 |
WriteEnable[1] <= Byte_Access_RM;
145 |
WriteEnable[0] <= Byte_Access_RR;
146 |
147 |
else if (Half) begin
148 |
WriteEnable[3] <= Half_Access_L;
149 |
WriteEnable[2] <= Half_Access_L;
150 |
WriteEnable[1] <= Half_Access_R;
151 |
WriteEnable[0] <= Half_Access_R;
152 |
153 |
else if (Left) begin
154 |
case (Address[1:0])
155 |
2'b00 : WriteEnable <= (BE) ? 4'b1111 : 4'b0001;
156 |
2'b01 : WriteEnable <= (BE) ? 4'b0111 : 4'b0011;
157 |
2'b10 : WriteEnable <= (BE) ? 4'b0011 : 4'b0111;
158 |
2'b11 : WriteEnable <= (BE) ? 4'b0001 : 4'b1111;
159 |
160 |
161 |
else if (Right) begin
162 |
case (Address[1:0])
163 |
2'b00 : WriteEnable <= (BE) ? 4'b1000 : 4'b1111;
164 |
2'b01 : WriteEnable <= (BE) ? 4'b1100 : 4'b1110;
165 |
2'b10 : WriteEnable <= (BE) ? 4'b1110 : 4'b1100;
166 |
2'b11 : WriteEnable <= (BE) ? 4'b1111 : 4'b1000;
167 |
168 |
169 |
else begin
170 |
WriteEnable <= 4'b1111;
171 |
172 |
173 |
else begin
174 |
WriteEnable <= 4'b0000;
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
// Data Going to Memory
179 |
assign MWriteData[31:24] = (Byte) ? DataIn[7:0] : ((Half) ? DataIn[15:8] : DataIn[31:24]);
180 |
assign MWriteData[23:16] = (Byte | Half) ? DataIn[7:0] : DataIn[23:16];
181 |
assign MWriteData[15:8] = (Byte) ? DataIn[7:0] : DataIn[15:8];
182 |
assign MWriteData[7:0] = DataIn[7:0];
183 |
184 |
// Data Read from Memory
185 |
always @(*) begin
186 |
if (Byte) begin
187 |
if (Byte_Access_LL) begin
188 |
DataOut <= (SignExtend & MReadData[31]) ? {24'hFFFFFF, MReadData[31:24]} : {24'h000000, MReadData[31:24]};
189 |
190 |
else if (Byte_Access_LM) begin
191 |
DataOut <= (SignExtend & MReadData[23]) ? {24'hFFFFFF, MReadData[23:16]} : {24'h000000, MReadData[23:16]};
192 |
193 |
else if (Byte_Access_RM) begin
194 |
DataOut <= (SignExtend & MReadData[15]) ? {24'hFFFFFF, MReadData[15:8]} : {24'h000000, MReadData[15:8]};
195 |
196 |
else begin
197 |
DataOut <= (SignExtend & MReadData[7]) ? {24'hFFFFFF, MReadData[7:0]} : {24'h000000, MReadData[7:0]};
198 |
199 |
200 |
else if (Half) begin
201 |
if (Half_Access_L) begin
202 |
DataOut <= (SignExtend & MReadData[31]) ? {16'hFFFF, MReadData[31:16]} : {16'h0000, MReadData[31:16]};
203 |
204 |
else begin
205 |
DataOut <= (SignExtend & MReadData[15]) ? {16'hFFFF, MReadData[15:0]} : {16'h0000, MReadData[15:0]};
206 |
207 |
208 |
else if (LLSC & MemWrite) begin
209 |
DataOut <= (LLSC_Atomic & (Address[31:2] == LLSC_Address)) ? 32'h0000_0001 : 32'h0000_0000;
210 |
211 |
else if (Left) begin
212 |
case (Address[1:0])
213 |
2'b00 : DataOut <= (BE) ? MReadData : {MReadData[7:0], DataIn[23:0]};
214 |
2'b01 : DataOut <= (BE) ? {MReadData[23:0], DataIn[7:0]} : {MReadData[15:0], DataIn[15:0]};
215 |
2'b10 : DataOut <= (BE) ? {MReadData[15:0], DataIn[15:0]} : {MReadData[23:0], DataIn[7:0]};
216 |
2'b11 : DataOut <= (BE) ? {MReadData[7:0], DataIn[23:0]} : MReadData;
217 |
218 |
219 |
else if (Right) begin
220 |
case (Address[1:0])
221 |
2'b00 : DataOut <= (BE) ? {DataIn[31:8], MReadData[31:24]} : MReadData;
222 |
2'b01 : DataOut <= (BE) ? {DataIn[31:16], MReadData[31:16]} : {DataIn[31:24], MReadData[31:8]};
223 |
2'b10 : DataOut <= (BE) ? {DataIn[31:24], MReadData[31:8]} : {DataIn[31:16], MReadData[31:16]};
224 |
2'b11 : DataOut <= (BE) ? MReadData : {DataIn[31:8], MReadData[31:24]};
225 |
226 |
227 |
else begin
228 |
DataOut <= MReadData;
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |