1 |
259 |
rhoads |
2 |
-- TITLE: DDR SDRAM Interface
3 |
-- AUTHORS: Steve Rhoads (rhoadss@yahoo.com)
4 |
-- DATE CREATED: 7/26/07
5 |
-- FILENAME: ddr_ctrl.vhd
6 |
-- PROJECT: Plasma CPU core
7 |
-- COPYRIGHT: Software placed into the public domain by the author.
8 |
-- Software 'as is' without warranty. Author liable for nothing.
9 |
10 |
-- Double Data Rate Sychronous Dynamic Random Access Memory Interface
11 |
-- ROW = address(25 downto 13)
12 |
-- BANK = address(12 downto 11)
13 |
-- COL = address(10 downto 2)
14 |
-- Requires CAS latency=2; burst size=2.
15 |
-- Requires clk changes on rising_edge(clk_2x).
16 |
-- Requires active, address, byte_we, data_w stable throughout transfer.
17 |
-- DLL mode requires 77MHz. Non-DLL mode runs at 25 MHz.
18 |
19 |
-- cycle_cnt 777777770000111122223333444455556666777777777777
20 |
-- clk_2x --__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__
21 |
-- clk ____----____----____----____----____----____----
22 |
-- SD_CLK ----____----____----____----____----____----____
23 |
-- cmd ____write+++WRITE+++____________________________
24 |
-- SD_DQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uuuullllUUUULLLL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
25 |
26 |
-- cycle_cnt 777777770000111122223333444455556666777777777777
27 |
-- clk_2x --__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__
28 |
-- clk ____----____----____----____----____----____----
29 |
-- SD_CLK ----____----____----____----____----____----____
30 |
-- cmd ____read++++________________________read++++____
31 |
-- SD_DQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uuuullll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
32 |
-- SD_DQnDLL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uuuullll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
33 |
-- pause ____------------------------________------------
34 |
35 |
-- Must run DdrInit() to initialize DDR chip.
36 |
-- Read Micron DDR SDRAM MT46V32M16 data sheet for more details.
37 |
38 |
library ieee;
39 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
40 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
41 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
42 |
use work.mlite_pack.all;
43 |
44 |
entity ddr_ctrl is
45 |
46 |
clk : in std_logic;
47 |
clk_2x : in std_logic;
48 |
reset_in : in std_logic;
49 |
50 |
address : in std_logic_vector(25 downto 2);
51 |
byte_we : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
52 |
data_w : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
53 |
data_r : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
54 |
active : in std_logic;
55 |
346 |
rhoads |
no_start : in std_logic;
56 |
no_stop : in std_logic;
57 |
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pause : out std_logic;
58 |
59 |
SD_CK_P : out std_logic; --clock_positive
60 |
SD_CK_N : out std_logic; --clock_negative
61 |
SD_CKE : out std_logic; --clock_enable
62 |
63 |
SD_BA : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --bank_address
64 |
SD_A : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); --address(row or col)
65 |
SD_CS : out std_logic; --chip_select
66 |
SD_RAS : out std_logic; --row_address_strobe
67 |
SD_CAS : out std_logic; --column_address_strobe
68 |
SD_WE : out std_logic; --write_enable
69 |
70 |
SD_DQ : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --data
71 |
SD_UDM : out std_logic; --upper_byte_enable
72 |
SD_UDQS : inout std_logic; --upper_data_strobe
73 |
SD_LDM : out std_logic; --low_byte_enable
74 |
SD_LDQS : inout std_logic); --low_data_strobe
75 |
end; --entity ddr
76 |
77 |
architecture logic of ddr_ctrl is
78 |
79 |
--Commands for bits RAS & CAS & WE
80 |
subtype command_type is std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
81 |
constant COMMAND_LMR : command_type := "000";
82 |
constant COMMAND_AUTO_REFRESH : command_type := "001";
83 |
constant COMMAND_PRECHARGE : command_type := "010";
84 |
constant COMMAND_ACTIVE : command_type := "011";
85 |
constant COMMAND_WRITE : command_type := "100";
86 |
constant COMMAND_READ : command_type := "101";
87 |
constant COMMAND_TERMINATE : command_type := "110";
88 |
constant COMMAND_NOP : command_type := "111";
89 |
90 |
subtype ddr_state_type is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
91 |
constant STATE_POWER_ON : ddr_state_type := "0000";
92 |
constant STATE_IDLE : ddr_state_type := "0001";
93 |
constant STATE_ROW_ACTIVATE : ddr_state_type := "0010";
94 |
constant STATE_ROW_ACTIVE : ddr_state_type := "0011";
95 |
constant STATE_READ : ddr_state_type := "0100";
96 |
constant STATE_READ2 : ddr_state_type := "0101";
97 |
constant STATE_READ3 : ddr_state_type := "0110";
98 |
constant STATE_PRECHARGE : ddr_state_type := "0111";
99 |
constant STATE_PRECHARGE2 : ddr_state_type := "1000";
100 |
101 |
signal state_prev : ddr_state_type;
102 |
signal refresh_cnt : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
103 |
signal data_write2 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0); --write pipeline
104 |
signal byte_we_reg2 : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); --write pipeline
105 |
signal write_active : std_logic;
106 |
signal write_prev : std_logic;
107 |
signal cycle_count : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --half clocks since op
108 |
signal cycle_count2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --delayed by quarter clock
109 |
signal cke_reg : std_logic;
110 |
signal clk_p : std_logic;
111 |
signal bank_open : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
112 |
signal data_read : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
113 |
114 |
115 |
ddr_proc: process(clk, clk_p, clk_2x, reset_in,
116 |
346 |
rhoads |
address, byte_we, data_w, active, no_start, no_stop,
117 |
259 |
rhoads |
118 |
state_prev, refresh_cnt,
119 |
byte_we_reg2, data_write2,
120 |
cycle_count, cycle_count2, write_prev,
121 |
write_active, cke_reg, bank_open,
122 |
123 |
type address_array_type is array(3 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
124 |
variable address_row : address_array_type;
125 |
variable command : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --RAS & CAS & WE
126 |
variable bank_index : integer;
127 |
variable state_current : ddr_state_type;
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
command := COMMAND_NOP;
132 |
bank_index := conv_integer(address(12 downto 11));
133 |
state_current := state_prev;
134 |
135 |
--DDR state machine to determine state_current and command
136 |
case state_prev is
137 |
138 |
if active = '1' then
139 |
if byte_we /= "0000" then
140 |
command := address(6 downto 4); --LMR="000"
141 |
142 |
state_current := STATE_IDLE; --read transistions to STATE_IDLE
143 |
end if;
144 |
end if;
145 |
146 |
when STATE_IDLE =>
147 |
if refresh_cnt(7) = '1' then
148 |
278 |
rhoads |
state_current := STATE_PRECHARGE;
149 |
150 |
346 |
rhoads |
elsif active = '1' and no_start = '0' then
151 |
259 |
rhoads |
state_current := STATE_ROW_ACTIVATE;
152 |
command := COMMAND_ACTIVE;
153 |
end if;
154 |
155 |
156 |
state_current := STATE_ROW_ACTIVE;
157 |
158 |
159 |
if refresh_cnt(7) = '1' then
160 |
if write_prev = '0' then
161 |
state_current := STATE_PRECHARGE;
162 |
163 |
end if;
164 |
346 |
rhoads |
elsif active = '1' and no_start = '0' then
165 |
259 |
rhoads |
if bank_open(bank_index) = '0' then
166 |
state_current := STATE_ROW_ACTIVATE;
167 |
command := COMMAND_ACTIVE;
168 |
elsif address(25 downto 13) /= address_row(bank_index) then
169 |
if write_prev = '0' then
170 |
state_current := STATE_PRECHARGE;
171 |
172 |
end if;
173 |
174 |
if byte_we /= "0000" then
175 |
command := COMMAND_WRITE;
176 |
elsif write_prev = '0' then
177 |
state_current := STATE_READ;
178 |
command := COMMAND_READ;
179 |
end if;
180 |
end if;
181 |
end if;
182 |
183 |
when STATE_READ =>
184 |
state_current := STATE_READ2;
185 |
186 |
when STATE_READ2 =>
187 |
state_current := STATE_READ3;
188 |
189 |
when STATE_READ3 =>
190 |
346 |
rhoads |
if no_stop = '0' then
191 |
state_current := STATE_ROW_ACTIVE;
192 |
end if;
193 |
259 |
rhoads |
194 |
195 |
state_current := STATE_PRECHARGE2;
196 |
197 |
198 |
state_current := STATE_IDLE;
199 |
200 |
when others =>
201 |
state_current := STATE_IDLE;
202 |
end case; --state_prev
203 |
204 |
--rising_edge(clk) domain registers
205 |
if reset_in = '1' then
206 |
state_prev <= STATE_POWER_ON;
207 |
cke_reg <= '0';
208 |
refresh_cnt <= ZERO(7 downto 0);
209 |
write_prev <= '0';
210 |
write_active <= '0';
211 |
bank_open <= "0000";
212 |
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
213 |
214 |
if active = '1' then
215 |
cke_reg <= '1';
216 |
end if;
217 |
218 |
if command = COMMAND_WRITE then
219 |
write_prev <= '1';
220 |
elsif cycle_count2(2 downto 1) = "11" then
221 |
write_prev <= '0';
222 |
end if;
223 |
224 |
if command = COMMAND_WRITE then
225 |
write_active <= '1';
226 |
elsif cycle_count2 = "100" then
227 |
write_active <= '0';
228 |
end if;
229 |
230 |
278 |
rhoads |
if command = COMMAND_ACTIVE then
231 |
259 |
rhoads |
bank_open(bank_index) <= '1';
232 |
address_row(bank_index) := address(25 downto 13);
233 |
end if;
234 |
235 |
278 |
rhoads |
if command = COMMAND_PRECHARGE then
236 |
259 |
rhoads |
bank_open <= "0000";
237 |
278 |
rhoads |
end if;
238 |
239 |
if command = COMMAND_AUTO_REFRESH then
240 |
259 |
rhoads |
refresh_cnt <= ZERO(7 downto 0);
241 |
242 |
refresh_cnt <= refresh_cnt + 1;
243 |
end if;
244 |
245 |
state_prev <= state_current;
246 |
247 |
end if; --rising_edge(clk)
248 |
249 |
--rising_edge(clk_2x) domain registers
250 |
if reset_in = '1' then
251 |
cycle_count <= "000";
252 |
elsif rising_edge(clk_2x) then
253 |
254 |
if (command = COMMAND_READ or command = COMMAND_WRITE) and clk = '1' then
255 |
cycle_count <= "000";
256 |
elsif cycle_count /= "111" then
257 |
cycle_count <= cycle_count + 1;
258 |
end if;
259 |
260 |
clk_p <= clk; --earlier version of not clk
261 |
262 |
--Read data (DLL disabled)
263 |
if cycle_count = "100" then
264 |
data_read(31 downto 16) <= SD_DQ; --data
265 |
elsif cycle_count = "101" then
266 |
data_read(15 downto 0) <= SD_DQ;
267 |
end if;
268 |
end if;
269 |
270 |
--falling_edge(clk_2x) domain registers
271 |
if reset_in = '1' then
272 |
cycle_count2 <= "000";
273 |
data_write2 <= ZERO(15 downto 0) & ZERO;
274 |
byte_we_reg2 <= "000000";
275 |
elsif falling_edge(clk_2x) then
276 |
cycle_count2 <= cycle_count;
277 |
278 |
--Write pipeline
279 |
if clk = '0' then
280 |
data_write2 <= data_write2(31 downto 16) & data_w;
281 |
byte_we_reg2 <= byte_we_reg2(3 downto 2) & byte_we;
282 |
283 |
data_write2(47 downto 16) <= data_write2(31 downto 0);
284 |
byte_we_reg2(5 downto 2) <= byte_we_reg2(3 downto 0);
285 |
end if;
286 |
287 |
--Read data (DLL enabled)
288 |
--if cycle_count = "100" then
289 |
-- data_read(31 downto 16) <= SD_DQ; --data
290 |
--elsif cycle_count = "101" then
291 |
-- data_read(15 downto 0) <= SD_DQ;
292 |
--end if;
293 |
end if;
294 |
295 |
data_r <= data_read;
296 |
297 |
--Write data
298 |
if write_active = '1' then
299 |
SD_UDQS <= clk_p; --upper_data_strobe
300 |
SD_LDQS <= clk_p; --low_data_strobe
301 |
SD_DQ <= data_write2(47 downto 32); --data
302 |
SD_UDM <= not byte_we_reg2(5); --upper_byte_enable
303 |
SD_LDM <= not byte_we_reg2(4); --low_byte_enable
304 |
305 |
SD_UDQS <= 'Z'; --upper_data_strobe
306 |
SD_LDQS <= 'Z'; --low_data_strobe
307 |
308 |
SD_UDM <= 'Z';
309 |
SD_LDM <= 'Z';
310 |
end if;
311 |
312 |
--DDR control signals
313 |
SD_CK_P <= clk_p; --clock_positive
314 |
SD_CK_N <= not clk_p; --clock_negative
315 |
SD_CKE <= cke_reg; --clock_enable
316 |
317 |
SD_BA <= address(12 downto 11); --bank_address
318 |
if command = COMMAND_ACTIVE or state_current = STATE_POWER_ON then
319 |
SD_A <= address(25 downto 13); --address row
320 |
elsif command = COMMAND_READ or command = COMMAND_WRITE then
321 |
SD_A <= "000" & address(10 downto 2) & "0"; --address col
322 |
323 |
SD_A <= "0010000000000"; --PERCHARGE all banks
324 |
end if;
325 |
326 |
SD_CS <= not cke_reg; --chip_select
327 |
SD_RAS <= command(2); --row_address_strobe
328 |
SD_CAS <= command(1); --column_address_strobe
329 |
SD_WE <= command(0); --write_enable
330 |
331 |
if active = '1' and state_current /= STATE_POWER_ON and
332 |
command /= COMMAND_WRITE and state_prev /= STATE_READ3 then
333 |
pause <= '1';
334 |
335 |
pause <= '0';
336 |
end if;
337 |
338 |
end process; --ddr_proc
339 |
340 |
end; --architecture logic
341 |