1 |
39 |
rhoads |
2 |
43 |
rhoads |
-- TITLE: Plasma CPU core
3 |
39 |
rhoads |
-- AUTHOR: Steve Rhoads (rhoadss@yahoo.com)
4 |
-- DATE CREATED: 2/15/01
5 |
-- FILENAME: mlite_cpu.vhd
6 |
43 |
rhoads |
-- PROJECT: Plasma CPU core
7 |
39 |
rhoads |
-- COPYRIGHT: Software placed into the public domain by the author.
8 |
-- Software 'as is' without warranty. Author liable for nothing.
9 |
-- NOTE: MIPS(tm) and MIPS I(tm) are registered trademarks of MIPS
10 |
-- Technologies. MIPS Technologies does not endorse and is not
11 |
-- associated with this project.
12 |
13 |
-- Top level VHDL document that ties the eight other entities together.
14 |
43 |
rhoads |
-- Executes most MIPS I(tm) opcodes. Based on information found in:
15 |
39 |
rhoads |
-- "MIPS RISC Architecture" by Gerry Kane and Joe Heinrich
16 |
-- and "The Designer's Guide to VHDL" by Peter J. Ashenden
17 |
-- An add instruction would take the following steps (see cpu.gif):
18 |
-- 1. The "pc_next" entity would have previously passed the program
19 |
-- counter (PC) to the "mem_ctrl" entity.
20 |
-- 2. "Mem_ctrl" passes the opcode to the "control" entity.
21 |
-- 3. "Control" converts the 32-bit opcode to a 60-bit VLWI opcode
22 |
-- and sends control signals to the other entities.
23 |
-- 4. Based on the rs_index and rt_index control signals, "reg_bank"
24 |
-- sends the 32-bit reg_source and reg_target to "bus_mux".
25 |
-- 5. Based on the a_source and b_source control signals, "bus_mux"
26 |
-- multiplexes reg_source onto a_bus and reg_target onto b_bus.
27 |
-- 6. Based on the alu_func control signals, "alu" adds the values
28 |
-- from a_bus and b_bus and places the result on c_bus.
29 |
-- 7. Based on the c_source control signals, "bus_bux" multiplexes
30 |
-- c_bus onto reg_dest.
31 |
-- 8. Based on the rd_index control signal, "reg_bank" saves
32 |
-- reg_dest into the correct register.
33 |
73 |
rhoads |
-- The CPU is implemented as a two/three stage pipeline with step #1 in
34 |
-- the first stage and steps #2-#8 occuring the second stage. When
35 |
-- operating with a three stage pipeline, steps #6-#8 occur in the
36 |
-- third stage.
37 |
39 |
rhoads |
38 |
73 |
rhoads |
-- Writing to high memory where a(31)='1' takes four cycles to meet RAM
39 |
-- address hold times.
40 |
-- Addresses with a(31)='0' are assumed to be clocked and take two cycles.
41 |
39 |
rhoads |
-- Here are the signals for writing a character to address 0xffff:
42 |
43 |
-- mem_write
44 |
-- interrupt mem_byte_sel
45 |
-- reset mem_pause
46 |
-- ns mem_address m_data_w m_data_r
47 |
-- ===========================================
48 |
-- 6700 0 0 0 000002A4 ZZZZZZZZ A0AE0000 0 0 ( fetch write opcode)
49 |
-- 6800 0 0 0 000002B0 ZZZZZZZZ 0443FFF6 0 0 (1 fetch NEXT opcode)
50 |
73 |
rhoads |
-- 6900 0 0 1 0000FFFF 31313131 ZZZZZZZZ 0 1 (2 write the low byte)
51 |
-- 7000 0 0 0 000002B4 ZZZZZZZZ 00441806 0 0 ( execute NEXT opcode)
52 |
39 |
rhoads |
53 |
library ieee;
54 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
55 |
73 |
rhoads |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
56 |
39 |
rhoads |
use work.mlite_pack.all;
57 |
58 |
entity mlite_cpu is
59 |
73 |
rhoads |
generic(memory_type : string := "ALTERA";
60 |
pipeline_stages : natural := 3;
61 |
accurate_timing : boolean := false);
62 |
39 |
rhoads |
port(clk : in std_logic;
63 |
reset_in : in std_logic;
64 |
intr_in : in std_logic;
65 |
66 |
mem_address : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
67 |
mem_data_w : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
68 |
mem_data_r : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
69 |
mem_byte_sel: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
70 |
mem_write : out std_logic;
71 |
mem_pause : in std_logic);
72 |
end; --entity mlite_cpu
73 |
74 |
architecture logic of mlite_cpu is
75 |
73 |
rhoads |
--When using a two stage pipeline "sigD <= sig".
76 |
--When using a three stage pipeline "sigD <= sig when rising_edge(clk)",
77 |
-- so sigD is delayed by one clock cycle.
78 |
39 |
rhoads |
signal opcode : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
79 |
73 |
rhoads |
signal rs_index : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
80 |
signal rt_index : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
81 |
signal rd_index : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
82 |
signal rd_indexD : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
83 |
signal reg_source : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
84 |
signal reg_target : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
85 |
signal reg_dest : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
86 |
signal reg_destD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
87 |
signal a_bus : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
88 |
signal a_busD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
89 |
signal b_bus : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
90 |
signal b_busD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
91 |
signal c_bus : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
92 |
signal c_alu : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
93 |
signal c_shift : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
94 |
signal c_mult : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
95 |
signal c_memory : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
96 |
39 |
rhoads |
signal imm : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
97 |
signal pc : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
98 |
signal pc_plus4 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
99 |
73 |
rhoads |
signal alu_func : alu_function_type;
100 |
signal alu_funcD : alu_function_type;
101 |
signal shift_func : shift_function_type;
102 |
signal shift_funcD : shift_function_type;
103 |
signal mult_func : mult_function_type;
104 |
signal mult_funcD : mult_function_type;
105 |
signal branch_func : branch_function_type;
106 |
39 |
rhoads |
signal take_branch : std_logic;
107 |
73 |
rhoads |
signal take_branchD : std_logic;
108 |
39 |
rhoads |
signal a_source : a_source_type;
109 |
signal b_source : b_source_type;
110 |
signal c_source : c_source_type;
111 |
signal pc_source : pc_source_type;
112 |
signal mem_source : mem_source_type;
113 |
signal pause_mult : std_logic;
114 |
73 |
rhoads |
signal pause_ctrl : std_logic;
115 |
signal pause_pipeline : std_logic;
116 |
signal pause_any : std_logic;
117 |
signal pause_non_ctrl : std_logic;
118 |
signal pause_bank : std_logic;
119 |
39 |
rhoads |
signal nullify_op : std_logic;
120 |
signal intr_enable : std_logic;
121 |
signal intr_signal : std_logic;
122 |
73 |
rhoads |
signal reset_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
123 |
60 |
rhoads |
signal reset : std_logic;
124 |
39 |
rhoads |
begin --architecture
125 |
126 |
73 |
rhoads |
pause_any <= (mem_pause or pause_ctrl) or (pause_mult or pause_pipeline);
127 |
pause_non_ctrl <= (mem_pause or pause_mult) or pause_pipeline;
128 |
pause_bank <= (mem_pause or pause_ctrl or pause_mult) and not pause_pipeline;
129 |
39 |
rhoads |
nullify_op <= '1' when pc_source = from_lbranch and
130 |
73 |
rhoads |
(take_branchD = '0' or branch_func = branch_yes) else
131 |
39 |
rhoads |
132 |
c_bus <= c_alu or c_shift or c_mult;
133 |
73 |
rhoads |
reset <= '1' when reset_in = '1' or reset_reg /= "1111" else '0';
134 |
39 |
rhoads |
135 |
73 |
rhoads |
--synchronize reset and interrupt pins
136 |
intr_proc: process(clk, reset_in, intr_in, intr_enable, pc_source, pc, pause_any)
137 |
138 |
if reset_in = '1' then
139 |
reset_reg <= "0000";
140 |
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
141 |
if reset_reg /= "1111" then
142 |
reset_reg <= reset_reg + 1;
143 |
end if;
144 |
39 |
rhoads |
end if;
145 |
73 |
rhoads |
if rising_edge(clk) then
146 |
--don't try to interrupt a multi-cycle instruction
147 |
if intr_in = '1' and intr_enable = '1' and
148 |
pc_source = from_inc4 and pc(2) = '0' and
149 |
pause_any = '0' then
150 |
--the epc will be backed up one opcode (pc-4)
151 |
intr_signal <= '1';
152 |
153 |
intr_signal <= '0';
154 |
end if;
155 |
end if;
156 |
end process;
157 |
39 |
rhoads |
158 |
u1_pc_next: pc_next PORT MAP (
159 |
clk => clk,
160 |
60 |
rhoads |
reset_in => reset,
161 |
73 |
rhoads |
take_branch => take_branchD,
162 |
pause_in => pause_any,
163 |
pc_new => c_bus(31 downto 2),
164 |
39 |
rhoads |
opcode25_0 => opcode(25 downto 0),
165 |
pc_source => pc_source,
166 |
pc_out => pc,
167 |
pc_out_plus4 => pc_plus4);
168 |
169 |
73 |
rhoads |
u2_mem_ctrl: mem_ctrl
170 |
generic map (ACCURATE_TIMING => accurate_timing)
171 |
172 |
39 |
rhoads |
clk => clk,
173 |
60 |
rhoads |
reset_in => reset,
174 |
73 |
rhoads |
pause_in => pause_non_ctrl,
175 |
39 |
rhoads |
nullify_op => nullify_op,
176 |
address_pc => pc,
177 |
opcode_out => opcode,
178 |
179 |
73 |
rhoads |
address_data => c_bus,
180 |
39 |
rhoads |
mem_source => mem_source,
181 |
data_write => reg_target,
182 |
data_read => c_memory,
183 |
73 |
rhoads |
pause_out => pause_ctrl,
184 |
39 |
rhoads |
185 |
mem_address => mem_address,
186 |
mem_data_w => mem_data_w,
187 |
mem_data_r => mem_data_r,
188 |
mem_byte_sel => mem_byte_sel,
189 |
73 |
rhoads |
mem_write => mem_write);
190 |
39 |
rhoads |
191 |
u3_control: control PORT MAP (
192 |
opcode => opcode,
193 |
intr_signal => intr_signal,
194 |
rs_index => rs_index,
195 |
rt_index => rt_index,
196 |
rd_index => rd_index,
197 |
imm_out => imm,
198 |
73 |
rhoads |
alu_func => alu_func,
199 |
shift_func => shift_func,
200 |
mult_func => mult_func,
201 |
branch_func => branch_func,
202 |
39 |
rhoads |
a_source_out => a_source,
203 |
b_source_out => b_source,
204 |
c_source_out => c_source,
205 |
pc_source_out=> pc_source,
206 |
mem_source_out=> mem_source);
207 |
208 |
47 |
rhoads |
u4_reg_bank: reg_bank
209 |
generic map(memory_type => memory_type)
210 |
port map (
211 |
39 |
rhoads |
clk => clk,
212 |
60 |
rhoads |
reset_in => reset,
213 |
73 |
rhoads |
pause => pause_bank,
214 |
39 |
rhoads |
rs_index => rs_index,
215 |
rt_index => rt_index,
216 |
73 |
rhoads |
rd_index => rd_indexD,
217 |
39 |
rhoads |
reg_source_out => reg_source,
218 |
reg_target_out => reg_target,
219 |
73 |
rhoads |
reg_dest_new => reg_destD,
220 |
39 |
rhoads |
intr_enable => intr_enable);
221 |
222 |
u5_bus_mux: bus_mux port map (
223 |
imm_in => imm,
224 |
reg_source => reg_source,
225 |
a_mux => a_source,
226 |
a_out => a_bus,
227 |
228 |
reg_target => reg_target,
229 |
b_mux => b_source,
230 |
b_out => b_bus,
231 |
232 |
c_bus => c_bus,
233 |
c_memory => c_memory,
234 |
c_pc => pc,
235 |
c_pc_plus4 => pc_plus4,
236 |
c_mux => c_source,
237 |
reg_dest_out => reg_dest,
238 |
239 |
73 |
rhoads |
branch_func => branch_func,
240 |
39 |
rhoads |
take_branch => take_branch);
241 |
242 |
47 |
rhoads |
u6_alu: alu
243 |
generic map (adder_type => memory_type)
244 |
port map (
245 |
73 |
rhoads |
a_in => a_busD,
246 |
b_in => b_busD,
247 |
alu_function => alu_funcD,
248 |
39 |
rhoads |
c_alu => c_alu);
249 |
250 |
u7_shifter: shifter port map (
251 |
73 |
rhoads |
value => b_busD,
252 |
shift_amount => a_busD(4 downto 0),
253 |
shift_func => shift_funcD,
254 |
39 |
rhoads |
c_shift => c_shift);
255 |
256 |
47 |
rhoads |
u8_mult: mult
257 |
generic map (adder_type => memory_type)
258 |
port map (
259 |
39 |
rhoads |
clk => clk,
260 |
73 |
rhoads |
a => a_busD,
261 |
b => b_busD,
262 |
mult_func => mult_funcD,
263 |
39 |
rhoads |
c_mult => c_mult,
264 |
pause_out => pause_mult);
265 |
266 |
73 |
rhoads |
pipeline2: if pipeline_stages <= 2 generate
267 |
a_busD <= a_bus;
268 |
b_busD <= b_bus;
269 |
alu_funcD <= alu_func;
270 |
shift_funcD <= shift_func;
271 |
mult_funcD <= mult_func;
272 |
rd_indexD <= rd_index;
273 |
274 |
reg_destD <= reg_dest;
275 |
take_branchD <= take_branch;
276 |
pause_pipeline <= '0';
277 |
end generate; --pipeline2
278 |
279 |
pipeline3: if pipeline_stages >= 3 generate
280 |
--When operating in three stage pipeline mode, the following signals
281 |
--are delayed by one clock cycle: a_bus, b_bus, alu/shift/mult_func,
282 |
--c_source, and rd_index.
283 |
u9_pipeline: pipeline port map (
284 |
clk => clk,
285 |
reset => reset,
286 |
a_bus => a_bus,
287 |
a_busD => a_busD,
288 |
b_bus => b_bus,
289 |
b_busD => b_busD,
290 |
alu_func => alu_func,
291 |
alu_funcD => alu_funcD,
292 |
shift_func => shift_func,
293 |
shift_funcD => shift_funcD,
294 |
mult_func => mult_func,
295 |
mult_funcD => mult_funcD,
296 |
reg_dest => reg_dest,
297 |
reg_destD => reg_destD,
298 |
rd_index => rd_index,
299 |
rd_indexD => rd_indexD,
300 |
301 |
rs_index => rs_index,
302 |
rt_index => rt_index,
303 |
pc_source => pc_source,
304 |
mem_source => mem_source,
305 |
a_source => a_source,
306 |
b_source => b_source,
307 |
c_source => c_source,
308 |
c_bus => c_bus,
309 |
take_branch => take_branch,
310 |
take_branchD => take_branchD,
311 |
pause_any => pause_any,
312 |
pause_pipeline => pause_pipeline);
313 |
end generate; --pipeline3
314 |
315 |
39 |
rhoads |
end; --architecture logic
316 |