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\section{Block diagram}
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The architecture for the full IP core is shown in the Figure~\ref{blockdiagram}. It consists of 2 major parts, the actual
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exponentiation core (\verb|mod_sim_exp_core| entity) with a bus interface wrapped around it. In the following sections these
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different blocks are described in detail.\\
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\includegraphics[trim=1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm, width=10cm]{pictures/block_diagram.pdf}
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\caption{Block diagram of the Modular Simultaneous Exponentiation IP core}
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\section{Exponentiation core}
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The exponentiation core (\verb|mod_sim_exp_core| entity) is the top level of the modular simultaneous exponentiation
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core. It is made up by 4 main blocks (Figure~\ref{msec_structure}):\\
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\item a pipelined Montgomery multiplier as the main processing unit
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\item RAM to store the operands and the modulus
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\item a FIFO to store the exponents
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\item a control unit which controls the multiplier for the exponentiation and multiplication operations
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\includegraphics[trim=1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm, width=10cm]{pictures/mod_sim_exp_core.pdf}
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\cprotect\caption{\verb|mod_sim_exp_core| structure}
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The kernel of this design is a pipelined Montgomery multiplier. A Montgomery multiplication\cite{MontModMul} allows efficient implementation of a
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modular multiplication without explicitly carrying out the classical modular reduction step. Right-shift operations ensure that the length of the (intermediate) results does not exceed $n+1$ bits. The result of a Montgomery multiplication is given by~(\ref{eq:mont}):
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r = x \cdot y \cdot R^{-1} \bmod m \hspace{1.5cm}\text{with } R = 2^{n}
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For the structure of the multiplier, the work of \textit{Nedjah and Mourelle}\cite{NedMour} is used as a basis. They show that for large operands ($>$512 bits) the $time\times area$ product is minimal when a systolic implementation is used. This construction is composed of cells that each compute a bit of the (intermediate) result.
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Because a fully unrolled two-dimensional systolic implementation would require too many resources, a systolic array (one-dimensional) implementation is chosen. This implies that the intermediate results are fed back to the same same array of cells through a register. A shift register will shift-in a bit of the $x$ operand for every step in the calculation (figure~\ref{mult_structure}). When multiplication is completed, a final check is made to ensure the result is smaller than the modulus. If not, a final reduction with $m$ is necessary.
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\textbf{Note:} For this implementation the modulus $m$ has to be uneven to obtain a correct result. However, we can assume that for cryptographic applications, this is the case.
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\includegraphics[trim=1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm, width=15cm]{pictures/mult_structure.pdf}
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\caption{Multiplier structure. For clarification the $my$ adder and reduction logic are depicted separately, whereas in practice they are internal parts of the stages. (See Figure~\ref{stage_structure})}
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\subsubsection{Stage and pipeline structure}
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The Montgomery algorithm uses a series of additions and right shifts to obtain the desired result. The main disadvantage
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is the carry propagation in the adder, and therefore a pipelined version is used. The length of the operands ($n$) and
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the number of pipeline stages can be chosen before synthesis. The user has the option to split the pipeline into 2
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smaller parts so there are 3 operand lengths available during runtime\footnote{e.g. a total pipeline length of 1536 bit
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split into a part of 512 bit and a part of 1024 bit}.
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The stages and first and last cell logic design are presented in Figure~\ref{stage_structure}. Each stage takes in a
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part of the modulus $m$ and $y$ operand and for each step of the multiplication, a bit of the $x$ operand is fed to the
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pipeline (together with the generated $q$ signal), starting with the Least Significant Bit. The systolic array cells
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need the modulus $m$, the operand $y$ and the sum $m+y$ as an input. The result from the cells is latched into a
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register, and then passed back to the systolic cells for the next bit of $x$. During this pass the right shift operation
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is implemented. Each stage thus needs the least significant bit from the next stage to calculate the next step. Final
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reduction logic is also present in the stages for when the multiplication is complete.
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An example of the standard pipeline structure is presented in Figure~\ref{pipeline_structure}. It is constructed using
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stages with a predefined width. The first cell logic processes the first bit of the $m$ and $y$ operand and generates
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the $q$ signal. The last cell logic finishes the reduction and selects the correct result. For operation of this
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pipeline, it is clear that each stage can only compute a step every 2 clock cycles. This is because the stages rely on
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the result of the next stage.
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In Figure~\ref{pipeline_structure_split} an example pipeline design is drawn for a split pipeline. All multiplexers on
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this figure are controlled by the pipeline select signal (\verb|p_sel|). During runtime the user can choose which part
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of the pipeline is used, the lower or higher part or the full pipeline.
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\includegraphics[trim=1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm, width=25cm, angle=90]{pictures/sys_stage.pdf}
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\caption{Pipeline stage and first and last cell logic}
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\includegraphics[trim=1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm, width=25cm, angle=90]{pictures/sys_pipeline_notsplit.pdf}
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\caption{Example of the pipeline structure (3 stages)}
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\includegraphics[trim=1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm, width=22cm, angle=90]{pictures/sys_pipeline.pdf}
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\caption{Example of a split pipeline (1+2 stages)}
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\subsection{Operand RAM and exponent FIFO} \label{subsec:RAM_and_FIFO}
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The core's RAM is designed to store 4 operands and a modulus. \footnote{This is the default configuration. The number of operands can be increased, but the control logic is only designed to work with the default configuration.} Three (3) options are available for the implementation of the RAM. Setting the parameter \verb|C_MEM_STYLE|, will change the implementation style. All styles try to use the RAM resources available on the FPGA.
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If the FPGA supports asymmetric RAMs, i.e. with a different read and write width, we suggest that the option \verb|"asym"| is selected. Since the (device specific) RAM blocks are inferred through code, it is imperative to select the right device (\verb|C_DEVICE|), as this inference is different between manufacturers. Currently, only Altera and Xilinx are supported.
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If there's no asymmetric RAM support, the option \verb|"generic"| should be selected. This option will work for most FPGAs, but the disadvantage is that it will use more resources than the \verb|"asym"| option. This is because a significant number of LUTs will be used to construct an asymmetric RAM.
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For both options the size of the RAM adapts dynamically to the chosen pipeline width (\verb|C_NR_BITS_TOTAL|).
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Finally, the option \verb|"xil_prim"| is targeted specifically to Xilinx devices. It uses blocks of RAM generated with CoreGen. These blocks are of a fixed width and this results in a fixed RAM of 4x1536 bit for the operands and 1536 bit for the modulus. This option is deprecated in favor of \verb|"asym"|.
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Reading and writing (from the bus side) to the operands and modulus is done one 32-bit word at a time. If using a split pipeline, it is important that operands for the higher part of the pipeline are loaded into the RAM with preceding zero's for the lower bits of the pipeline. As a rule of thumb, the number of FPGA RAM blocks that will be used is given by (\ref{eq:ramblocks}):
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2 \cdot \mathtt{C\_NR\_BITS\_TOTAL} / 32\label{eq:ramblocks}
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To store the exponents, there is a FIFO of 32 bit wide. Every 32 bit entry has to be formatted as 16 bit of $e_0$ for the
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lower part [15:0] and 16 bit of $e_1$ for the higher part [31:16]. Entries have to be pushed in the FIFO starting with the least significant word and ending with the most significant word of the exponents.
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For the FIFO there are 2 styles available. The implementation style depends on the style of the operand memory and it can not be set directly. When the RAM option \verb|"xil_prim"| is chosen, the resulting FIFO will use the FIFO18E1 primitive. It is able to store 512 entries, meaning 2 exponents of each 8192 bit long.
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When the RAM options \verb|"generic"| or \verb|"asym"| are chosen, a generic FIFO will be implemented. This consist of a symmetric RAM with the control logic for a FIFO. The depth of this generic FIFO is adjustable with the parameter \verb|C_FIFO_DEPTH|.
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The number of RAM blocks for the FIFO is given by (\ref{eq:fifoblocks}), where \verb|RAMBLOCK_SIZE| is the size [bits] of the FPGA's RAM primitive.
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\left[\left(\mathtt{C\_FIFO\_DEPTH}+1\right) \cdot 32 \right]/ \mathtt{RAMBLOCK\_SIZE} \label{eq:fifoblocks}
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\subsection{Control unit}
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The control unit loads in the operands and has full control over the multiplier. For single multiplications, it latches in
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the $x$ operand, then places the $y$ operand on the bus and starts the multiplier. In case of an exponentiation, the FIFO is
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emptied while the necessary single multiplications are performed. When the computation is done, the ready signal is
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asserted to notify the system.
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\subsection{IO ports and memory map}
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The \verb|mod_sim_exp_core| IO ports\\
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% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX
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\textbf{Port} & \textbf{Width} & \textbf{Direction} & \textbf{Description} \bigstrut\\
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\verb|clk| & 1 & in & core clock input \bigstrut\\
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\verb|reset| & 1 & in & reset signal (active high) resets the pipeline, fifo and control logic \bigstrut\\
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\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{\textbf{\textit{operand memory interface}}} \bigstrut\\
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\verb|rw_address| & 9 & in & operand memory read/write address (structure descibed below) \bigstrut\\
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\verb|data_out| & 32 & out & operand data out (0 is lsb) \bigstrut\\
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\verb|data_in| & 32 & in & operand data in (0 is lsb) \bigstrut\\
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\verb|write_enable| & 1 & in & write enable signal, latches \verb|data_in| to operand RAM \bigstrut\\
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\verb|collision| & 1 & out & collision output, asserts on a write error \bigstrut\\
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\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{\textbf{\textit{exponent FIFO interface}}} \bigstrut\\
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\verb|fifo_din| & 32 & in & FIFO data in, bits [31:16] for $e_1$ operand and bits [15:0] for $e_0$ operand \bigstrut\\
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\verb|fifo_push| & 1 & in & push \verb|fifo_din| into the FIFO \bigstrut\\
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\verb|fifo_nopush| & 1 & out & flag to indicate if there was an error pushing the word to the FIFO \bigstrut\\
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\verb|fifo_full| & 1 & out & flag to indicate the FIFO is full \bigstrut\\
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\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{\textbf{\textit{control signals}}} \bigstrut\\
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\verb|x_sel_single| & 2 & in & selection for x operand source during single multiplication \bigstrut\\
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\verb|y_sel_single| & 2 & in & selection for y operand source during single multiplication \bigstrut\\
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\verb|dest_op_single| & 2 & in & selection for the result destination operand for single multiplication \bigstrut\\
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\verb|p_sel| & 2 & in & specifies which pipeline part to use for exponentiation / multiplication. \bigstrut[t]\\
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& & & ``01'' : use lower pipeline part \\
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& & & ``10'' : use higher pipeline part \\
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& & & ``11'' : use full pipeline \bigstrut[b]\\
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\verb|modulus_sel| & 1 & in & selection for which modulus to use for the calculations (only available if \verb|C_MEM_STYLE| = \verb|"generic"| or \verb|"asym"|). Otherwise set to 0 \bigstrut\\
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\verb|exp_m| & 1 & in & core operation mode. ``0'' for single multiplications and ``1'' for exponentiations \bigstrut\\
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\verb|start| & 1 & in & start the calculation for current mode \bigstrut\\
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\verb|ready| & 1 & out & indicates the multiplication/exponentiation is done \bigstrut\\
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\verb|calc_time| & 1 & out & is high during a multiplication, indicator for used calculation time \bigstrut\\
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The \verb|mod_sim_exp_core| parameters\\
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\textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{VHDL Type} &\textbf{Default Value} \bigstrut\\
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\verb|C_NR_BITS_TOTAL| & total width of the multiplier in bits & integer & 1536\bigstrut\\
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\verb|C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL| & total number of stages in the pipeline & integer & 96\bigstrut\\
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\verb|C_NR_STAGES_LOW| & number of lower stages in the pipeline, defines the bit-width of the lower pipeline part & integer & 32 \bigstrut\\
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\verb|C_SPLIT_PIPELINE| & option to split the pipeline in 2 parts & boolean & true \bigstrut\\
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\verb|C_FIFO_DEPTH| & depth of the generic FIFO, only applicable if \verb|C_MEM_STYLE| = \verb|"generic"| or \verb|"asym"| & integer & 32 \bigstrut\\
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\verb|C_MEM_STYLE| & select the RAM memory style (3 options): & string & \verb|"generic"| \bigstrut\\
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& \verb|"generic"| : use general 32-bit RAMs & & \\
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& \verb|"asym"| : use asymmetric RAMs & & \\
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& (For more information see \ref{subsec:RAM_and_FIFO}) & & \\
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& \verb|"xil_prim"| : use xilinx primitives & &\\
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& (deprecated) & & \bigstrut[b] \\
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\verb|C_DEVICE| & device manufacturer: & & \\
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& \verb|"xilinx"| or \verb|"altera"| & string & \verb|"xilinx"| \bigstrut\\
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The following figure describes the structure of the Operand RAM memory, for every operand there is a space of 2048 bits
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reserved. So operand widths up to 2048 bits are supported.\\
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\newline \\
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\includegraphics[trim=1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm 1.2cm, width=15cm]{pictures/msec_memory.pdf}
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\caption{Address structure of the exponentiation core}
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\section{Bus interface}
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The bus interface implements the register necessary for the control unit inputs to the \verb|mod_sim_exp_core| entity.
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It also maps the memory to the required bus and connects the interrupt signals. The embedded processor then has full control
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over the core.