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--| Modular Oscilloscope
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--| UNSL - Argentine
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--| File: ctrl_channel_selector.vhd
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--| Version: 0.3
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--| Tested in: Actel A3PE1500
8 |
--| Board: RVI Prototype Board + LP Data Conversion Daughter Board
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--| Description:
11 |
--| CONTROL - Channel Selector
12 |
--| This controls the comunication with the daq module.
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--| File history:
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--| 0.1 | jul-2009 | First testing
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--| 0.2 | jul-2009 | Added generic number of channel
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--| 0.3 | jul-2009 | Added signal indicating when it's selecting the first channel
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--| Copyright © 2009, Facundo Aguilera.
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--| This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or
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--| modify it and/or implement it after contacting the author.
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-- · Speed up...
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-- · Generic width in channel_number_O
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library ieee;
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use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
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38 |
use ieee.math_real.all;
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entity ctrl_channel_selector is
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CHANNEL_WIDTH: integer := 4 -- number of channels 2**CHANNEL_WIDTH, max. 4
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channels_I: in std_logic_vector(integer(2**real(CHANNEL_WIDTH))-1 downto 0);
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channel_number_O: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
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first_channel_O: out std_logic;
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clk_I: in std_logic;
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enable_I: in std_logic;
53 |
reset_I: in std_logic
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55 |
end entity channel_selector;
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architecture ARCH01 of ctrl_channel_selector is
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constant N_CHANNELS: integer := integer(2**real(CHANNEL_WIDTH));
62 |
-- signal channel: unsigned(CHANNEL_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
63 |
-- signal next_channel: unsigned(CHANNEL_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
64 |
-- signal next_is_first_channel: std_logic;
65 |
signal channel: unsigned(CHANNEL_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
66 |
signal next_channel: unsigned(CHANNEL_WIDTH downto 0);
67 |
signal next_is_first_channel: std_logic;
68 |
signal rotated: unsigned(N_CHANNELS-1 downto 0);
69 |
signal plus: unsigned(CHANNEL_WIDTH downto 0);
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-- Output
74 |
channel_number_O <= (3 downto CHANNEL_WIDTH => '0') & std_logic_vector(channel);
75 |
--channel_number_O <= std_logic_vector(channel);
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-- Combinational selection of next channel
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-- P_comb: process(channel,channels_I)
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-- variable j : integer range 0 to N_CHANNELS-1;
81 |
-- variable index: integer range 0 to N_CHANNELS-1;
82 |
-- begin
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-- for j in 0 to N_CHANNELS-1 loop
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-- if (j + to_integer(channel) + 1) > (N_CHANNELS - 1) then
87 |
-- index := j + to_integer(channel) + 1 - N_CHANNELS;
88 |
-- next_is_first_channel <= '1';
89 |
-- else
90 |
-- index := j + to_integer(channel) + 1;
91 |
-- next_is_first_channel <= '0';
92 |
-- end if;
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-- if channels_I(index) = '1' then
95 |
-- next_channel <= to_unsigned(index, CHANNEL_WIDTH);
96 |
-- exit;
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-- else
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-- next_channel <= channel;
99 |
-- end if;
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-- end loop;
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-- end process;
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--100.0 MHz 67.1 MHz (N_CHANNELS = 16)
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-- 271 of 38400 (1%)
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rotated <= unsigned(channels_I) ror (to_integer(channel));
110 |
next_channel <= ('0' & channel) + plus;
111 |
--next_channel <= channel + plus;
112 |
next_is_first_channel <= next_channel (CHANNEL_WIDTH);
113 |
P_coder: process(rotated)
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variable i: integer range 1 to N_CHANNELS-1;
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116 |
for i in 1 to N_CHANNELS-1 loop
117 |
if rotated(i) = '1' then
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plus <= to_unsigned(i, CHANNEL_WIDTH+1);
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121 |
plus <= (CHANNEL_WIDTH =>'1') & (CHANNEL_WIDTH - 1 downto 0 => '0');
122 |
end if;
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end loop;
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end process;
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--100.0 MHz 70.6 MHz (N_CHANNELS = 16)
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-- 137 of 38400 (0%)
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-- Clocked selection of actual channel
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-- P_clock: process(enable_I, reset_I, next_channel, clk_I)
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-- begin
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-- if clk_I'event and clk_I = '1' then
135 |
-- if reset_I = '1' then
136 |
-- channel <= (others => '0');
137 |
-- first_channel_O <= '1';
138 |
-- elsif enable_I = '1' then
139 |
-- channel <= next_channel;
140 |
-- first_channel_O <= next_is_first_channel;
141 |
-- end if;
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-- end if;
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-- end process;
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P_clock: process(enable_I, reset_I, next_channel, clk_I)
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if clk_I'event and clk_I = '1' then
148 |
if reset_I = '1' then
149 |
channel <= (others => '0');
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first_channel_O <= '1';
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elsif enable_I = '1' then
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channel <= next_channel(CHANNEL_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
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first_channel_O <= next_is_first_channel;
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end if;
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end if;
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end process;
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end architecture;