1 |
19 |
budinero |
2 |
-- Title : Single port RAM
3 |
-- Project : Memory Cores
4 |
5 |
-- File : spmem.vhd
6 |
-- Author : Jamil Khatib (khatib@ieee.org)
7 |
-- Organization: OpenIPCore Project
8 |
-- Created : 1999/5/14
9 |
-- Last update : 2000/12/19
10 |
-- Platform :
11 |
-- Simulators : Modelsim 5.3XE/Windows98
12 |
-- Synthesizers: Leonardo/WindowsNT
13 |
-- Target :
14 |
-- Dependency : ieee.std_logic_1164,ieee.std_logic_unsigned
15 |
16 |
-- Description: Single Port memory
17 |
18 |
-- Copyright (c) 2000 Jamil Khatib
19 |
20 |
-- This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or
21 |
-- modify it and/or implement it after contacting the author
22 |
-- You can check the draft license at
23 |
-- http://www.opencores.org/OIPC/license.shtml
24 |
25 |
26 |
-- Revisions :
27 |
-- Revision Number : 1
28 |
-- Version : 0.1
29 |
-- Date : 12 May 1999
30 |
-- Modifier : Jamil Khatib (khatib@ieee.org)
31 |
-- Desccription : Created
32 |
-- Known bugs :
33 |
-- To Optimze :
34 |
35 |
-- Revisions :
36 |
-- Revision Number : 2
37 |
-- Version : 0.2
38 |
-- Date : 19 Dec 2000
39 |
-- Modifier : Jamil Khatib (khatib@ieee.org)
40 |
-- Desccription : General review
41 |
-- Two versions are now available with reset and without
42 |
-- Default output can can be defined
43 |
-- Known bugs :
44 |
-- To Optimze :
45 |
46 |
-- Revisions :
47 |
-- Revision Number : 3
48 |
-- Version : 0.3
49 |
-- Date : 5 Jan 2001
50 |
-- Modifier : Jamil Khatib (khatib@ieee.org)
51 |
-- Desccription : Registered Read Address feature is added to make use of
52 |
-- Altera's FPGAs memory bits
53 |
-- This feature was added from Richard Herveille's
54 |
-- contribution and his memory core
55 |
-- Known bugs :
56 |
-- To Optimze :
57 |
58 |
59 |
-- (!)
60 |
-- Original file modified to reduce code and make WR and reset signals
61 |
-- positive, make Reset sincronous, make data transfer asinc.
62 |
63 |
64 |
library ieee;
65 |
66 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
67 |
68 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
69 |
70 |
71 |
-- Single port Memory core with reset
72 |
-- To make use of on FPGA memory bits do not use the RESET option
73 |
-- For Altera's FPGA you have to use also OPTION := 1
74 |
75 |
entity mem_8bit_reset is
76 |
77 |
generic ( --USE_RESET : boolean := false; -- use system reset
78 |
79 |
--USE_CS : boolean := false; -- use chip select signal
80 |
81 |
DEFAULT_OUT : std_logic := '0'; -- Default output
82 |
--OPTION : integer := 1; -- 1: Registered read Address(suitable
83 |
-- for Altera's FPGAs
84 |
-- 0: non registered read address
85 |
ADD_WIDTH : integer := 8;
86 |
WIDTH : integer := 8);
87 |
88 |
port (
89 |
cs : in std_logic; -- chip select
90 |
clk : in std_logic; -- write clock
91 |
reset : in std_logic; -- System Reset
92 |
add : in std_logic_vector(add_width -1 downto 0); -- Address
93 |
Data_In : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- input data
94 |
Data_Out : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- Output Data
95 |
WR : in std_logic); -- Read Write Enable
96 |
end mem_8bit_reset;
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
architecture spmem_beh of mem_8bit_reset is
101 |
102 |
type data_array is array (integer range <>) of std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
103 |
-- signal s_reset: std_logic;
104 |
-- Memory Type
105 |
signal data : data_array(0 to (2** add_width-1) ); -- Local data
106 |
107 |
108 |
-- FLEX/APEX devices require address to be registered with inclock for read operations
109 |
-- This signal is used only when OPTION = 1
110 |
-- signal regA : std_logic_vector( (add_width -1) downto 0);
111 |
112 |
procedure init_mem(signal memory_cell : inout data_array ) is
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
for i in 0 to (2** add_width-1) loop
117 |
memory_cell(i) <= (others => '0');
118 |
end loop;
119 |
120 |
end init_mem;
121 |
122 |
begin -- spmem_beh
123 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 |
-- -- Non Registered Read Address
125 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 |
-- NON_REG : if OPTION = 0 generate
127 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 |
-- -- Clocked Process with Reset
129 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 |
-- Reset_ENABLED : if USE_RESET = true generate
131 |
132 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 |
-- CS_ENABLED : if USE_CS = true generate
134 |
135 |
process (clk, reset,CS,WR, add)
136 |
137 |
begin -- PROCESS
138 |
-- activities triggered by asynchronous reset (active low)
139 |
140 |
-- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
141 |
142 |
data_out <= data(conv_integer(add));
143 |
144 |
145 |
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
146 |
if reset = '1' then
147 |
init_mem (data);
148 |
elsif CS = '1' then
149 |
if WR = '1' then
150 |
data(conv_integer(add)) <= Data_In;
151 |
end if;
152 |
end if;
153 |
end if;
154 |
155 |
156 |
end process;
157 |
-- end generate CS_ENABLED;
158 |
159 |
160 |
-- CS_DISABLED : if USE_CS = false generate
161 |
162 |
-- process (clk, reset)
163 |
164 |
165 |
-- begin -- PROCESS
166 |
-- -- activities triggered by asynchronous reset (active low)
167 |
168 |
-- if reset = '0' then
169 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
170 |
-- init_mem ( data);
171 |
172 |
-- -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
173 |
-- elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
174 |
-- if WR = '0' then
175 |
-- data(conv_integer(add)) <= data_in;
176 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
177 |
-- else
178 |
-- data_out <= data(conv_integer(add));
179 |
-- end if;
180 |
181 |
-- end if;
182 |
183 |
-- end process;
184 |
-- end generate CS_DISABLED;
185 |
186 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 |
-- end generate Reset_ENABLED;
189 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 |
-- -- Clocked Process without Reset
193 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 |
-- Reset_DISABLED : if USE_RESET = false generate
195 |
196 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
197 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 |
-- CS_ENABLED : if USE_CS = true generate
199 |
200 |
-- process (clk)
201 |
-- begin -- PROCESS
202 |
203 |
-- -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
204 |
-- if clk'event and clk = '1' then
205 |
-- if cs = '1' then
206 |
-- if WR = '0' then
207 |
-- data(conv_integer(add)) <= data_in;
208 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
209 |
-- else
210 |
-- data_out <= data(conv_integer(add));
211 |
-- end if;
212 |
-- else
213 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
214 |
-- end if;
215 |
216 |
217 |
-- end if;
218 |
219 |
-- end process;
220 |
-- end generate CS_ENABLED;
221 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
223 |
-- CS_DISABLED : if USE_CS = false generate
224 |
225 |
-- process (clk)
226 |
-- begin -- PROCESS
227 |
228 |
-- -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
229 |
-- if clk'event and clk = '1' then
230 |
-- if WR = '0' then
231 |
-- data(conv_integer(add)) <= data_in;
232 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
233 |
-- else
234 |
-- data_out <= data(conv_integer(add));
235 |
-- end if;
236 |
237 |
-- end if;
238 |
239 |
-- end process;
240 |
-- end generate CS_DISABLED;
241 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 |
-- end generate Reset_DISABLED;
244 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
246 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
247 |
-- end generate NON_REG;
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
-- REG: if OPTION = 1 generate
253 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 |
-- -- Clocked Process with Reset
255 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 |
-- Reset_ENABLED : if USE_RESET = true generate
257 |
258 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 |
-- CS_ENABLED : if USE_CS = true generate
260 |
261 |
-- process (clk, reset)
262 |
263 |
-- begin -- PROCESS
264 |
-- -- activities triggered by asynchronous reset (active low)
265 |
266 |
-- if reset = '0' then
267 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
268 |
-- init_mem ( data);
269 |
270 |
-- -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
271 |
-- elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
272 |
273 |
-- regA <= add;
274 |
275 |
-- if CS = '1' then
276 |
-- if WR = '0' then
277 |
-- data(conv_integer(add)) <= data_in;
278 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
279 |
-- else
280 |
-- data_out <= data(conv_integer(regA));
281 |
-- end if;
282 |
-- else
283 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
284 |
-- end if;
285 |
286 |
-- end if;
287 |
288 |
-- end process;
289 |
-- end generate CS_ENABLED;
290 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
292 |
-- CS_DISABLED : if USE_CS = false generate
293 |
294 |
-- process (clk, reset)
295 |
296 |
297 |
-- begin -- PROCESS
298 |
-- -- activities triggered by asynchronous reset (active low)
299 |
300 |
-- if reset = '0' then
301 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
302 |
-- init_mem ( data);
303 |
304 |
-- -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
305 |
-- elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
306 |
-- regA <= add;
307 |
308 |
-- if WR = '0' then
309 |
-- data(conv_integer(add)) <= data_in;
310 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
311 |
-- else
312 |
-- data_out <= data(conv_integer(regA));
313 |
-- end if;
314 |
315 |
-- end if;
316 |
317 |
-- end process;
318 |
-- end generate CS_DISABLED;
319 |
320 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
322 |
-- end generate Reset_ENABLED;
323 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
324 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
326 |
-- -- Clocked Process without Reset
327 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
328 |
-- Reset_DISABLED : if USE_RESET = false generate
329 |
330 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 |
-- CS_ENABLED : if USE_CS = true generate
333 |
334 |
-- process (clk)
335 |
-- begin -- PROCESS
336 |
337 |
-- -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
338 |
-- if clk'event and clk = '1' then
339 |
340 |
-- regA <= add;
341 |
342 |
-- if cs = '1' then
343 |
-- if WR = '0' then
344 |
-- data(conv_integer(add)) <= data_in;
345 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
346 |
-- else
347 |
-- data_out <= data(conv_integer(regA));
348 |
-- end if;
349 |
-- else
350 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
351 |
-- end if;
352 |
353 |
354 |
-- end if;
355 |
356 |
-- end process;
357 |
-- end generate CS_ENABLED;
358 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
359 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
360 |
-- CS_DISABLED : if USE_CS = false generate
361 |
362 |
-- process (clk)
363 |
-- begin -- PROCESS
364 |
365 |
-- -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
366 |
-- if clk'event and clk = '1' then
367 |
368 |
-- regA <= add;
369 |
370 |
-- if WR = '0' then
371 |
-- data(conv_integer(add)) <= data_in;
372 |
-- data_out <= (others => DEFAULT_OUT);
373 |
-- else
374 |
-- data_out <= data(conv_integer(regA));
375 |
-- end if;
376 |
377 |
-- end if;
378 |
379 |
-- end process;
380 |
-- end generate CS_DISABLED;
381 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
382 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
383 |
-- end generate Reset_DISABLED;
384 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
385 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
386 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 |
388 |
-- end generate REG;
389 |
390 |
end spmem_beh;
391 |