1 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
2 |
3 |
=== Control and Status Registers (CSRs)
4 |
5 |
The following table shows a summary of all available CSRs. The address field defines the CSR address for
6 |
the CSR access instructions. The *[ASM]* name can be used for (inline) assembly code and is directly
7 |
understood by the assembler/compiler. The *[C]* names are defined by the NEORV32 core library and can be
8 |
used as immediate in plain C code. The *R/W* column shows whether the CSR can be read and/or written.
9 |
The NEORV32-specific CSRs are mapped to the official "custom CSRs" CSR address space.
10 |
11 |
12 |
The CSRs, the CSR-related instructions as well as the complete exception/interrupt processing
13 |
system are only available when the `CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr` generic is _true_.
14 |
15 |
16 |
When trying to write to a read-only CSR (like the `time` CSR) or when trying to access a nonexistent
17 |
CSR or when trying to access a machine-mode CSR from less-privileged user-mode an
18 |
illegal instruction exception is raised.
19 |
20 |
21 |
CSR reset value: Please note that most of the CSRs do *NOT* provide a dedicated reset. Hence,
22 |
these CSRs are not initialized by a hardware reset and keep an *UNDEFINED* value until they are
23 |
explicitly initialized by the software (normally, this is already done by the NEORV32-specific
24 |
`crt0.S` start-up code). For more information see section <<_cpu_hardware_reset>>.
25 |
26 |
**CSR Listing**
27 |
28 |
The description of each single CSR provides the following summary:
29 |
30 |
.CSR description
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
| _Address_ | _Description_ | _ASM alias_
35 |
3+| Reset value: _CSR content after hardware reset_ (also see <<_cpu_hardware_reset>>)
36 |
3+| _Detailed description_
37 |
38 |
39 |
.Not Implemented CSRs / CSR Bits
40 |
41 |
All CSR bits that are unused / not implemented / not shown are _hardwired to zero_. All CSRs that are not
42 |
implemented at all (and are not "disabled" using certain configuration generics) will trigger an exception on
43 |
access. The CSR that are implemented within the NEORV32 might cause an exception if they are disabled.
44 |
See the according CSR description for more information.
45 |
46 |
.Debug Mode CSRs
47 |
48 |
The _debug mode_ CSRs are not listed here since they are only accessible in debug mode and not during normal CPU operation.
49 |
See section <<_cpu_debug_mode_csrs>>.
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
// ####################################################################################################################
54 |
**CSR Listing Notes**
55 |
56 |
CSRs with the following notes ...
57 |
58 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
* `X`: _custom_ - have or are a custom CPU-specific extension (that is allowed by the RISC-V specs)
59 |
* `R`: _read-only_ - are read-only (in contrast to the originally specified r/w capability)
60 |
* `C`: _constrained_ - have a constrained compatibility, not all specified bits are implemented
61 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
62 |
.NEORV32 Control and Status Registers (CSRs)
63 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
64 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
65 |
66 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| Address | Name [ASM] | Name [C] | R/W | Function | Note
67 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
6+^| **<<_floating_point_csrs>>**
68 |
| 0x001 | <<_fflags>> | _CSR_FFLAGS_ | r/w | Floating-point accrued exceptions |
69 |
| 0x002 | <<_frm>> | _CSR_FRM_ | r/w | Floating-point dynamic rounding mode |
70 |
| 0x003 | <<_fcsr>> | _CSR_FCSR_ | r/w | Floating-point control and status (`frm` + `fflags`) |
71 |
6+^| **<<_machine_trap_setup>>**
72 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x300 | <<_mstatus>> | _CSR_MSTATUS_ | r/w | Machine status register - low word | `C`
73 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x301 | <<_misa>> | _CSR_MISA_ | r/- | Machine CPU ISA and extensions | `R`
74 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x304 | <<_mie>> | _CSR_MIE_ | r/w | Machine interrupt enable register | `X`
75 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x305 | <<_mtvec>> | _CSR_MTVEC_ | r/w | Machine trap-handler base address (for ALL traps) |
76 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x306 | <<_mcounteren>> | _CSR_MCOUNTEREN_ | r/w | Machine counter-enable register | `C`
77 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x310 | <<_mstatush>> | _CSR_MSTATUSH_ | r/- | Machine status register - high word | `C`
78 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
6+^| **<<_machine_trap_handling>>**
79 |
| 0x340 | <<_mscratch>> | _CSR_MSCRATCH_ | r/w | Machine scratch register |
80 |
| 0x341 | <<_mepc>> | _CSR_MEPC_ | r/w | Machine exception program counter |
81 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x342 | <<_mcause>> | _CSR_MCAUSE_ | r/w | Machine trap cause | `X`
82 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x343 | <<_mtval>> | _CSR_MTVAL_ | r/- | Machine bad address or instruction | `R`
83 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x344 | <<_mip>> | _CSR_MIP_ | r/- | Machine interrupt pending register | `XR`
84 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
6+^| **<<_machine_physical_memory_protection>>**
85 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x3a0 .. 0x3af | <<_pmpcfg, `pmpcfg0`>> .. <<_pmpcfg, `pmpcfg15`>> | _CSR_PMPCFG0_ .. _CSR_PMPCFG15_ | r/w | Physical memory protection config. for region 0..63 | `C`
86 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x3b0 .. 0x3ef | <<_pmpaddr, `pmpaddr0`>> .. <<_pmpaddr, `pmpaddr63`>> | _CSR_PMPADDR0_ .. _CSR_PMPADDR63_ | r/w | Physical memory protection addr. register region 0..63 |
87 |
6+^| **<<_machine_counters_and_timers>>**
88 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0xb00 | <<_mcycleh, `mcycle`>> | _CSR_MCYCLE_ | r/w | Machine cycle counter low word |
89 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
| 0xb02 | <<_minstreth, `minstret`>> | _CSR_MINSTRET_ | r/w | Machine instruction-retired counter low word |
90 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0xb80 | <<_mcycleh>> | _CSR_MCYCLE_ | r/w | Machine cycle counter high word |
91 |
| 0xb82 | <<_minstreth>> | _CSR_MINSTRET_ | r/w | Machine instruction-retired counter high word |
92 |
| 0xc00 | <<_cycleh, `cycle`>> | _CSR_CYCLE_ | r/- | Cycle counter low word |
93 |
| 0xc01 | <<_timeh, `time`>> | _CSR_TIME_ | r/- | System time (from MTIME) low word |
94 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 0xc02 | <<_instreth, `instret`>> | _CSR_INSTRET_ | r/- | Instruction-retired counter low word |
95 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0xc80 | <<_cycleh>> | _CSR_CYCLEH_ | r/- | Cycle counter high word |
96 |
| 0xc81 | <<_timeh>> | _CSR_TIMEH_ | r/- | System time (from MTIME) high word |
97 |
| 0xc82 | <<_instreth>> | _CSR_INSTRETH_ | r/- | Instruction-retired counter high word |
98 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
6+^| **<<_hardware_performance_monitors_hpm>>**
99 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x323 .. 0x33f | <<_mhpmevent, `mhpmevent3`>> .. <<_mhpmevent, `mhpmevent31`>> | _CSR_MHPMEVENT3_ .. _CSR_MHPMEVENT31_ | r/w | Machine performance-monitoring event selector 3..31 | `X`
100 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 0xb03 .. 0xb1f | <<_mhpmcounterh, `mhpmcounter3`>> .. <<_mhpmcounterh, `mhpmcounter31`>> | _CSR_MHPMCOUNTER3_ .. _CSR_MHPMCOUNTER31_ | r/w | Machine performance-monitoring counter 3..31 low word |
101 |
| 0xb83 .. 0xb9f | <<_mhpmcounterh, `mhpmcounter3h`>> .. <<_mhpmcounterh, `mhpmcounter31h`>> | _CSR_MHPMCOUNTER3H_ .. _CSR_MHPMCOUNTER31H_ | r/w | Machine performance-monitoring counter 3..31 high word |
102 |
6+^| **<<_machine_counter_setup>>**
103 |
| 0x320 | <<_mcountinhibit>> | _CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT_ | r/w | Machine counter-enable register |
104 |
6+^| **<<_machine_information_registers>>**
105 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
| 0xf11 | <<_mvendorid>> | _CSR_MVENDORID_ | r/- | Vendor ID |
106 |
| 0xf12 | <<_marchid>> | _CSR_MARCHID_ | r/- | Architecture ID |
107 |
| 0xf13 | <<_mimpid>> | _CSR_MIMPID_ | r/- | Machine implementation ID / version |
108 |
| 0xf14 | <<_mhartid>> | _CSR_MHARTID_ | r/- | Machine thread ID |
109 |
| 0xf15 | <<_mconfigptr>> | _CSR_MCONFIGPTR_ | r/- | Machine configuration pointer register |
110 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
6+^| **<<_neorv32_specific_custom_csrs>>**
111 |
| 0xfc0 | <<_mzext>> | _CSR_MZEXT_ | r/- | Available `Z*` CPU extensions |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
// ####################################################################################################################
118 |
119 |
==== Floating-Point CSRs
120 |
121 |
These CSRs are available if the `Zfinx` extensions is enabled (`CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zfinx` is _true_).
122 |
Otherwise any access to the floating-point CSRs will raise an illegal instruction exception.
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
===== **`fflags`**
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
| 0x001 | **Floating-point accrued exceptions** | `fflags`
132 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
133 |
3+| The `fflags` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It shows the accrued ("accumulated")
134 |
exception flags in the lowest 5 bits. This CSR is only available if a floating-point CPU extension is enabled.
135 |
See the RISC-V ISA spec for more information.
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
===== **`frm`**
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
| 0x002 | **Floating-point dynamic rounding mode** | `frm`
146 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
147 |
3+| The `frm` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications and is used to configure the rounding modes using
148 |
the lowest 3 bits. This CSR is only available if a floating-point CPU extension is enabled. See the RISC-V
149 |
ISA spec for more information.
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
===== **`fcsr`**
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
| 0x003 | **Floating-point control and status register** | `fcsr`
160 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
161 |
3+| The `fcsr` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It provides combined read/write access to the
162 |
`fflags` and `frm` CSRs. This CSR is only available if a floating-point CPU extension is enabled. See the
163 |
RISC-V ISA spec for more information.
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
// ####################################################################################################################
169 |
170 |
==== Machine Trap Setup
171 |
172 |
173 |
===== **`mstatus`**
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0x300 | **Machine status register** | `mstatus`
179 |
3+| Reset value: _0x00000000_
180 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
3+| The `mstatus` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It shows the CPU's current execution state.
181 |
The following bits are implemented (all remaining bits are always zero and are read-only).
182 |
183 |
184 |
.Machine status register
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
| Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function
189 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
| 31 | _CSR_MSTATUS_SD_ | r/- | Read-only bit that is set if the FS field is not all-zero (state _OFF_)
190 |
| 21 | _CSR_MSTATUS_TW_ | r/w | Timeout wait: raise illegal instruction exception if `WFI` instruction is executed outside of M-mode when set
191 |
| 14:13 | _CSR_MSTATUS_FS_H_ : _CSR_MSTATUS_FS_L_ | r/w | Floating-point extension state; `00` = _OFF_, `11` = _DIRTY_; writing any other value will
192 |
always set _DIRTY_; if `FS` is _off_ all FPU instructions and FPU CSR access will raise an illegal instruction exception; these status bits are hardwired
193 |
to zero if no FPU is present (_CPU_MZEXT_ZFINX_ = false)
194 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 12:11 | _CSR_MSTATUS_MPP_H_ : _CSR_MSTATUS_MPP_L_ | r/w | Previous machine privilege level, 11 = machine (M) level, 00 = user (U) level
195 |
| 7 | _CSR_MSTATUS_MPIE_ | r/w | Previous machine global interrupt enable flag state
196 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 3 | _CSR_MSTATUS_MIE_ | r/w | Machine global interrupt enable flag
197 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
198 |
199 |
When entering an exception/interrupt, the `MIE` flag is copied to `MPIE` and cleared afterwards. When leaving
200 |
the exception/interrupt (via the `mret` instruction), `MPIE` is copied back to `MIE`.
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
===== **`misa`**
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
| 0x301 | **ISA and extensions** | `misa`
210 |
3+| Reset value: _configuration dependant_
211 |
3+| The `misa` CSR gives information about the actual CPU features. The lowest 26 bits show the implemented
212 |
CPU extensions. The following bits are implemented (all remaining bits are always zero and are read-only).
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
The `misa` CSR is not fully RISC-V-compatible as it is read-only. Hence, implemented CPU
217 |
extensions cannot be switch on/off during runtime. For compatibility reasons any write access to this
218 |
CSR is simply ignored and will NOT cause an illegal instruction exception.
219 |
220 |
.Machine ISA and extension register
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
| Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function
225 |
| 31:30 | _CSR_MISA_MXL_HI_EXT_ : _CSR_MISA_MXL_LO_EXT_ | r/- | 32-bit architecture indicator (always _01_)
226 |
| 23 | _CSR_MISA_X_EXT_ | r/- | `X` extension bit is always set to indicate custom non-standard extensions
227 |
| 20 | _CSR_MISA_U_EXT_ | r/- | `U` CPU extension (user mode) available, set when _CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_U_ enabled
228 |
| 12 | _CSR_MISA_M_EXT_ | r/- | `M` CPU extension (mul/div) available, set when _CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M_ enabled
229 |
| 8 | _CSR_MISA_I_EXT_ | r/- | `I` CPU base ISA, cleared when _CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E_ enabled
230 |
| 4 | _CSR_MISA_E_EXT_ | r/- | `E` CPU extension (embedded) available, set when _CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E_ enabled
231 |
| 2 | _CSR_MISA_C_EXT_ | r/- | `C` CPU extension (compressed instruction) available, set when _CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C_ enabled
232 |
| 0 | _CSR_MISA_A_EXT_ | r/- | `A` CPU extension (atomic memory access) available, set when _CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_A_ enabled
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
Information regarding the implemented RISC-V `Z*` _sub-extensions_ (like `Zicsr` or `Zfinx`) can be found in the <<_mzext>> CSR.
237 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
238 |
239 |
240 |
===== **`mie`**
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
| 0x304 | **Machine interrupt-enable register** | `mie`
246 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
247 |
3+| The `mie` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications and features custom extensions for the fast
248 |
interrupt channels. It is used to enabled specific interrupts sources. Please note that interrupts also have to be
249 |
globally enabled via the `CSR_MSTATUS_MIE` flag of the `mstatus` CSR. The following bits are implemented
250 |
(all remaining bits are always zero and are read-only):
251 |
252 |
253 |
.Machine ISA and extension register
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
| Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function
258 |
| 31:16 | _CSR_MIE_FIRQ15E_ : _CSR_MIE_FIRQ0E_ | r/w | Fast interrupt channel 15..0 enable
259 |
| 11 | _CSR_MIE_MEIE_ | r/w | Machine _external_ interrupt enable
260 |
| 7 | _CSR_MIE_MTIE_ | r/w | Machine _timer_ interrupt enable (from _MTIME_)
261 |
| 3 | _CSR_MIE_MSIE_ | r/w | Machine _software_ interrupt enable
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
===== **`mtvec`**
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
| 0x305 | **Machine trap-handler base address** | `mtvec`
272 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
273 |
3+| The `mtvec` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It stores the base address for ALL machine
274 |
traps. Thus, it defines the main entry point for exception/interrupt handling regardless of the actual trap
275 |
source. The lowest two bits of this register are always zero and cannot be modified (= fixed address mode).
276 |
277 |
278 |
.Machine trap-handler base address
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
| Bit | R/W | Function
283 |
| 31:2 | r/w | 4-byte aligned base address of trap base handler
284 |
| 1:0 | r/- | Always zero
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
===== **`mcounteren`**
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
| 0x306 | **Machine counter enable** | `mcounteren`
295 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
296 |
3+| The `mcounteren` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. The bits of this CSR define which
297 |
counter/timer CSR can be accessed (read) from code running in a less-privileged modes. For example,
298 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
if user-level code tries to read from a counter/timer CSR without enabled access, an illegal instruction
299 |
exception is raised. If user mode in not implemented (_CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_U_ = _false_) all bits of the
300 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
`mcounteren` CSR are tied to zero.
301 |
302 |
303 |
.Machine counter enable register
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
| Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function
308 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
| 31:16 | `0` | r/- | Always zero: user-level code is **not** allowed to read HPM counters
309 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 2 | _CSR_MCOUNTEREN_IR_ | r/w | User-level code is allowed to read `cycle[h]` CSRs when set
310 |
| 1 | _CSR_MCOUNTEREN_TM_ | r/w | User-level code is allowed to read `time[h]` CSRs when set
311 |
| 0 | _CSR_MCOUNTEREN_CY_ | r/w | User-level code is allowed to read `instret[h]` CSRs when set
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
316 |
===== **`mstatush`**
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
| 0x310 | **Machine status register - high word** | `mstatush`
322 |
3+| Reset value: _0x00000000_
323 |
3+| The `mstatush` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. In combination with <<_mstatus>> it shows additional
324 |
execution state information. The NEORV32 `mstatush` CSR is read-only and all bits are hardwired to zero.
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
The NEORV32 `mstatush` CSR is not a physical register. All write access are ignored and all read accesses will always
329 |
return zero. However, any access will not raise an illegal instruction exception. The CSR address is implemented
330 |
in order to comply with the RISC-V privilege architecture specs.
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
335 |
// ####################################################################################################################
336 |
337 |
==== Machine Trap Handling
338 |
339 |
340 |
===== **`mscratch`**
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
| 0x340 | **Scratch register for machine trap handlers** | `mscratch`
346 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
347 |
3+| The `mscratch` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It is a general purpose scratch register that
348 |
can be used by the exception/interrupt handler. The content pf this register after reset is undefined.
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
===== **`mepc`**
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
| 0x341 | **Machine exception program counter** | `mepc`
358 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
359 |
3+| The `mepc` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. For exceptions (like an illegal instruction) this
360 |
register provides the address of the exception-causing instruction. For Interrupt (like a machine timer
361 |
interrupt) this register provides the address of the next not-yet-executed instruction.
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
===== **`mcause`**
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
| 0x342 | **Machine trap cause** | `mcause`
371 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
372 |
3+| The `mcause` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It show the cause ID for a taken exception.
373 |
374 |
375 |
.Machine trap cause register
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
| Bit | R/W | Function
380 |
| 31 | r/w | `1` if the trap is caused by an interrupt (`0` if the trap is caused by an exception)
381 |
| 30:5 | r/- | _Reserved_, read as zero
382 |
| 4:0 | r/w | Trap ID, see <<_neorv32_trap_listing>>
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
===== **`mtval`**
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
| 0x343 | **Machine bad address or instruction** | `mtval`
392 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
393 |
3+| The `mtval` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. When a trap is triggered, the CSR shows either
394 |
the faulting address (for misaligned/faulting load/stores/fetch) or the faulting instruction itself (for illegal
395 |
instructions). For interrupts the CSR is set to zero.
396 |
397 |
398 |
.Machine bad address or instruction register
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
| Trap cause | `mtval` content
403 |
| misaligned instruction fetch address or instruction fetch access fault | address of faulting instruction fetch
404 |
| breakpoint | program counter (= address) of faulting instruction itself
405 |
| misaligned load address, load access fault, misaligned store address or store access fault | program counter (= address) of faulting instruction itself
406 |
| illegal instruction | actual instruction word of faulting instruction
407 |
| anything else including interrupts | _0x00000000_ (always zero)
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
The NEORV32 `mtval` CSR is read-only. A write access will raise an illegal instruction exception.
412 |
413 |
414 |
===== **`mip`**
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
| 0x344 | **Machine interrupt Pending** | `mip`
420 |
3+| Reset value: _0x00000000_
421 |
3+| The `mip` CSR is _partly_ compatible to the RISC-V specifications and also provides custom extensions. It shows currently pending interrupts. Since this register is
422 |
read-only, pending interrupt can only be cleared by disabling and re-enabling the according `mie` CSr bit. Writing to this CSR will
423 |
raise an illegal instruction exception. The following CSR bits are implemented (all remaining bits are always zero and are read-only).
424 |
425 |
426 |
.Machine interrupt pending register
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
| Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function
431 |
| 31:16 | _CSR_MIP_FIRQ15P_ : _CSR_MIP_FIRQ0P_ | r/- | fast interrupt channel 15..0 pending
432 |
| 11 | _CSR_MIP_MEIP_ | r/- | machine _external_ interrupt pending
433 |
| 7 | _CSR_MIP_MTIP_ | r/- | machine _timer_ interrupt pending
434 |
| 3 | _CSR_MIP_MSIP_ | r/- | machine _software_ interrupt pending
435 |
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
// ####################################################################################################################
440 |
441 |
==== Machine Physical Memory Protection
442 |
443 |
The available physical memory protection logic is configured via the _PMP_NUM_REGIONS_ and
444 |
_PMP_MIN_GRANULARITY_ top entity generics. _PMP_NUM_REGIONS_ defines the number of implemented
445 |
protection regions and thus, the availability of the according `pmpcfg*` and `pmpaddr*` CSRs.
446 |
447 |
448 |
If trying to access an PMP-related CSR beyond _PMP_NUM_REGIONS_ **no illegal instruction
449 |
exception** is triggered. The according CSRs are read-only (writes are ignored) and always return zero.
450 |
451 |
452 |
The RISC-V-compatible NEORV32 physical memory protection only implements the _NAPOT_
453 |
(naturally aligned power-of-two region) mode with a minimal region granularity of 8 bytes.
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 |
===== **`pmpcfg`**
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 |
462 |
| 0x3a0 - 0x3af| **Physical memory protection configuration registers** | `pmpcfg0` - `pmpcfg15`
463 |
3+| Reset value: _0x00000000_
464 |
3+| The `pmpcfg*` CSRs are compatible to the RISC-V specifications. They are used to configure the protected
465 |
regions, where each `pmpcfg*` CSR provides configuration bits for four regions. The following bits (for the
466 |
first PMP configuration entry) are implemented (all remaining bits are always zero and are read-only):
467 |
468 |
469 |
.Physical memory protection configuration register entry
470 |
471 |
472 |
473 |
| Bit | RISC-V name | R/W | Function
474 |
| 7 | _L_ | r/w | lock bit, can be set – but not be cleared again (only via CPU reset)
475 |
| 6:5 | - | r/- | reserved, read as zero
476 |
| 4:3 | _A_ | r/w | mode configuration; only OFF (`00`) and NAPOT (`11`) are supported
477 |
| 2 | _X_ | r/w | execute permission
478 |
| 1 | _W_ | r/w | write permission
479 |
| 0 | _R_ | r/w | read permission
480 |
481 |
482 |
483 |
484 |
===== **`pmpaddr`**
485 |
486 |
487 |
488 |
489 |
| 0x3b0 - 0x3ef| **Physical memory protection configuration registers** | `pmpaddr0` - `pmpaddr63`
490 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
491 |
3+| The `pmpaddr*` CSRs are compatible to the RISC-V specifications. They are used to configure the base
492 |
address and the region size.
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 |
When configuring PMP make sure to set `pmpaddr*` before activating the according region via
497 |
`pmpcfg*`. When changing the PMP configuration, deactivate the according region via `pmpcfg*`
498 |
before modifying `pmpaddr*`.
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
// ####################################################################################################################
503 |
504 |
==== (Machine) Counters and Timers
505 |
506 |
507 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
The <<_cpu_cnt_width>> generic defines the total size of the CPU's <<_cycleh>> and <<_instreth>>
508 |
/ <<_mcycleh>> and <<_minstreth>>
509 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
counter CSRs (low and high words combined); the time CSRs are not affected by this generic. Any
510 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
configuration with <<_cpu_cnt_width>> less than 64 is not RISC-V compliant.
511 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
512 |
513 |
If _CPU_CNT_WIDTH_ is less than 64 (the default value) and greater than or equal 32, the according
514 |
MSBs of `[m]cycleh` and `[m]instreth` are read-only and always read as zero. This configuration
515 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
will also set the _ZXSCNT_ flag in the <<_mzext>> CSR. +
516 |
517 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
If _CPU_CNT_WIDTH_ is less than 32 and greater than 0, the `[m]cycleh` and `[m]instreth` do not
518 |
exist and any access will raise an illegal instruction exception. Furthermore, the according MSBs of
519 |
`[m]cycle` and `[m]instret` are read-only and always read as zero. This configuration will also
520 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
set the _ZXSCNT_ flag in the <<_mzext>> CSR. +
521 |
522 |
If _CPU_CNT_WIDTH_ is 0, <<_cycleh>> and <<_instreth>> / <<_mcycleh>> and <<_minstreth>> do not
523 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
exist and any access will raise an illegal instruction exception. This configuration will also set the
524 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
_ZXNOCNT_ flag in the <<_mzext>> CSR.
525 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
526 |
527 |
528 |
===== **`cycle[h]`**
529 |
530 |
531 |
532 |
533 |
| 0xc00 | **Cycle counter - low word** | `cycle`
534 |
| 0xc80 | **Cycle counter - high word** | `cycleh`
535 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
536 |
3+| The `cycle[h]` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It shows the lower/upper 32-bit of the 64-bit cycle
537 |
counter. The `cycle[h]` CSR is a read-only shadowed copy of the `mcycle[h]` CSR.
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 |
542 |
===== **`time[h]`**
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
| 0xc01 | **System time - low word** | `time`
548 |
| 0xc81 | **System time - high word** | `timeh`
549 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
550 |
3+| The `time[h]` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It shows the lower/upper 32-bit of the 64-bit system
551 |
time. The system time is either generated by the processor-internal _MTIME_ system timer unit (if _IO_MTIME_EN_ = _true_) or can be provided by an
552 |
external timer unit via the processor's `mtime_i` signal (if _IO_MTIME_EN_ = _false_).
553 |
CSR is read-only. Change the system time via the _MTIME_ unit.
554 |
555 |
556 |
557 |
558 |
===== **`instret[h]`**
559 |
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 |
| 0xc02 | **Instructions-retired counter - low word** | `instret`
564 |
| 0xc82 | **Instructions-retired counter - high word** | `instreth`
565 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
566 |
3+| The `instret[h]` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It shows the lower/upper 32-bit of the 64-bit retired
567 |
instructions counter. The `instret[h]` CSR is a read-only shadowed copy of the `minstret[h]` CSR.
568 |
569 |
570 |
571 |
572 |
===== **`mcycle[h]`**
573 |
574 |
575 |
576 |
577 |
| 0xb00 | **Machine cycle counter - low word** | `mcycle`
578 |
| 0xb80 | **Machine cycle counter - high word** | `mcycleh`
579 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
580 |
3+| The `mcycle[h]` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It shows the lower/upper 32-bit of the 64-bit cycle
581 |
counter. The `mcycle[h]` CSR can also be written when in machine mode and is copied to the `cycle[h]` CSR.
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 |
===== **`minstret[h]`**
587 |
588 |
589 |
590 |
591 |
| 0xb02 | **Machine instructions-retired counter - low word** | `minstret`
592 |
| 0xb82 | **Machine instructions-retired counter - high word** | `minstreth`
593 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
594 |
3+| The `minstret[h]` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It shows the lower/upper 32-bit of the 64-bit retired
595 |
instructions counter. The `minstret[h]` CSR also be written when in machine mode and is copied to the `instret[h]` CSR.
596 |
597 |
598 |
599 |
600 |
601 |
// ####################################################################################################################
602 |
603 |
==== Hardware Performance Monitors (HPM)
604 |
605 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
The available hardware performance logic is configured via the <<_hpm_num_cnts>> top entity generic,
606 |
which defines the number of implemented performance monitors and thus, the availability of the
607 |
according `mhpmcounter*[h]` and `mhpmevent*` CSRs.
608 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
609 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
610 |
The HPM system only implements machine-mode access. Hence, `hpmcounter*[h]` CSR are not implemented
611 |
and any access (even) from machine mode will raise an exception. Furthermore, the according bits of <<_mcounteren>>
612 |
used to configure user-mode access to `hpmcounter*[h]` are hard-wired to zero.
613 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
614 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
The total counter size of the HPMs can be configured before synthesis via the <<_hpm_cnt_width>> generic (0..64-bit).
615 |
616 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
617 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
If trying to access an HPM-related CSR beyond <<_hpm_num_cnts>> **no illegal instruction exception is
618 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
triggered**. The according CSRs are read-only (writes are ignored) and always return zero.
619 |
620 |
621 |
The total LSB-aligned HPM counter size (low word CSR + high word CSR) is defined via the
622 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
<<_hpm_num_cnts>> generic (0..64-bit). If <<_hpm_num_cnts>> is less than 64, all unused MSB-aligned
623 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
bits are hardwired to zero.
624 |
625 |
626 |
627 |
===== **`mhpmevent`**
628 |
629 |
630 |
631 |
632 |
| 0x232 -0x33f | **Machine hardware performance monitor event selector** | `mhpmevent3` - `mhpmevent31`
633 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
634 |
3+| The `mhpmevent*` CSRs are compatible to the RISC-V specifications. The configuration of these CSR define
635 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
the architectural events that cause the according `mhpmcounter*[h]` counters to increment. All available events are
636 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
listed in the table below. If more than one event is selected, the according counter will increment if any of
637 |
the enabled events is observed (logical OR). Note that the counter will only increment by 1 step per clock
638 |
cycle even if more than one event is observed. If the CPU is in sleep mode, no HPM counter will increment
639 |
at all.
640 |
641 |
642 |
The available hardware performance logic is configured via the _HPM_NUM_CNTS_ top entity generic.
643 |
_HPM_NUM_CNTS_ defines the number of implemented performance monitors and thus, the availability of the
644 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
according `mhpmcounter*[h]` and `mhpmevent*` CSRs.
645 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
646 |
.HPM event selector
647 |
648 |
649 |
650 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Event
651 |
| 0 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_CY_ | r/w | active clock cycle (not in sleep)
652 |
| 1 | - | r/- | _not implemented, always read as zero_
653 |
| 2 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_IR_ | r/w | retired instruction
654 |
| 3 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_CIR_ | r/w | retired compressed instruction
655 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 4 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_WAIT_IF_ | r/w | instruction fetch memory wait cycle (if more than 1 cycle memory latency)
656 |
| 5 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_WAIT_II_ | r/w | instruction issue pipeline wait cycle (if more than 1 cycle latency), caused by pipelines flushes (like taken branches)
657 |
| 6 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_WAIT_MC_ | r/w | multi-cycle ALU operation wait cycle
658 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 7 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_LOAD_ | r/w | load operation
659 |
| 8 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_STORE_ | r/w | store operation
660 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 9 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_WAIT_LS_ | r/w | load/store memory wait cycle (if more than 1 cycle memory latency)
661 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 10 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_JUMP_ | r/w | unconditional jump
662 |
| 11 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_BRANCH_ | r/w | conditional branch (taken or not taken)
663 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 12 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_TBRANCH_ | r/w | taken conditional branch
664 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 13 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_TRAP_ | r/w | entered trap
665 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
| 14 | _HPMCNT_EVENT_ILLEGAL_ | r/w | illegal instruction exception
666 |
667 |
668 |
669 |
670 |
===== **`mhpmcounter[h]`**
671 |
672 |
673 |
674 |
675 |
| 0xb03 - 0xb1f | **Machine hardware performance monitor - counter low** | `mhpmcounter3` - `mhpmcounter31`
676 |
| 0xb83 - 0xb9f | **Machine hardware performance monitor - counter high** | `mhpmcounter3h` - `mhpmcounter31h`
677 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
678 |
3+| The `mhpmcounter*[h]` CSRs are compatible to the RISC-V specifications. These CSRs provide the lower/upper 32-
679 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
bit of arbitrary event counters. The event(s) that trigger an increment of theses counters are selected via the according
680 |
`mhpmevent*` CSRs bits.
681 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
682 |
683 |
684 |
685 |
// ####################################################################################################################
686 |
687 |
==== Machine Counter Setup
688 |
689 |
690 |
===== **`mcountinhibit`**
691 |
692 |
693 |
694 |
695 |
| 0x320 | **Machine counter-inhibit register** | `mcountinhibit`
696 |
3+| Reset value: _UNDEFINED_
697 |
3+| The `mcountinhibit` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. The bits in this register define which
698 |
counter/timer CSR are allowed to perform an automatic increment. Automatic update is enabled if the
699 |
according bit in `mcountinhibit` is cleared. The following bits are implemented (all remaining bits are
700 |
always zero and are read-only).
701 |
702 |
703 |
.Machine counter-inhibit register
704 |
705 |
706 |
707 |
| Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Event
708 |
| 0 | _CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT_IR_ | r/w | the `[m]instret[h]` CSRs will auto-increment with each committed instruction when set
709 |
| 2 | _CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT_IR_ | r/w | the `[m]cycle[h]` CSRs will auto-increment with each clock cycle (if CPU is not in sleep state) when set
710 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
| 3:31 | _CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT_HPM3_ _: _CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT_HPM31_ | r/w | the `mhpmcount*[h]` CSRs will auto-increment according to the configured `mhpmevent*` selector
711 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
712 |
713 |
714 |
715 |
// ####################################################################################################################
716 |
717 |
==== Machine Information Registers
718 |
719 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
720 |
All machine information registers can only be accessed in machine mode and are read-only.
721 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
722 |
723 |
===== **`mvendorid`**
724 |
725 |
726 |
727 |
728 |
| 0xf11 | **Machine vendor ID** | `mvendorid`
729 |
3+| Reset value: _0x00000000_
730 |
3+| The `mvendorid` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It is read-only and always reads zero.
731 |
732 |
733 |
734 |
735 |
===== **`marchid`**
736 |
737 |
738 |
739 |
740 |
| 0xf12 | **Machine architecture ID** | `marchid`
741 |
3+| Reset value: _0x00000013_
742 |
3+| The `marchid` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It is read-only and shows the NEORV32
743 |
official _RISC-V open-source architecture ID_ (decimal: 19, 32-bit hexadecimal: 0x00000013).
744 |
745 |
746 |
747 |
748 |
===== **`mimpid`**
749 |
750 |
751 |
752 |
753 |
| 0xf13 | **Machine implementation ID** | `mimpid`
754 |
3+| Reset value: _HW version number_
755 |
3+| The `mimpid` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It is read-only and shows the version of the
756 |
NEORV32 as BCD-coded number (example: `mimpid` = _0x01020312_ → → version
757 |
758 |
759 |
760 |
761 |
===== **`mhartid`**
762 |
763 |
764 |
765 |
766 |
| 0xf14 | **Machine hardware thread ID** | `mhartid`
767 |
3+| Reset value: _HW_THREAD_ID_ generic
768 |
3+| The `mhartid` CSR is compatible to the RISC-V specifications. It is read-only and shows the core's hart ID,
769 |
which is assigned via the CPU's _HW_THREAD_ID_ generic.
770 |
771 |
772 |
773 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
774 |
===== **`mconfigptr`**
775 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
776 |
62 |
zero_gravi |
777 |
778 |
779 |
| 0xf15 | **Machine configuration pointer register** | `mconfigptr`
780 |
3+| Reset value: `0x00000000`
781 |
3+| This register holds a physical address (if not zero) that points to the base address of an architecture configuration structure.
782 |
Software can traverse this data structure to discover information about the harts, the platform, and their configuration.
783 |
**NOTE: Not assigned yet.**
784 |
785 |
786 |
787 |
788 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
789 |
// ####################################################################################################################
790 |
791 |
==== NEORV32-Specific Custom CSRs
792 |
793 |
794 |
795 |
===== **`mzext`**
796 |
797 |
798 |
799 |
800 |
| 0xfc0 | **Available Z* extensions** | `mzext`
801 |
3+| Reset value: _0x00000000_
802 |
3+| The `mzext` CSR is a custom read-only CSR that shows the implemented Z* extensions. The following bits
803 |
are implemented (all remaining bits are always zero). The entire CSR is read-only.
804 |
805 |
806 |
.Machine counter-inhibit register
807 |
808 |
809 |
810 |
| Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Event
811 |
61 |
zero_gravi |
| 0 | _CPU_MZEXT_ZICSR_ | r/- | `Zicsr` extensions available (enabled via <<_cpu_extension_riscv_zicsr>> generic)
812 |
| 1 | _CPU_MZEXT_ZIFENCEI_ | r/- | `Zifencei` extensions available (enabled via <<_cpu_extension_riscv_zifencei>> generic)
813 |
| 2 | _CPU_MZEXT_ZMMUL_ | r/- | `Zmmul` extensions available (enabled via <<_cpu_extension_riscv_zmmul>> generic)
814 |
| 5 | _CPU_MZEXT_ZFINX_ | r/- | `Zfinx` extensions available (enabled via <<_cpu_extension_riscv_zfinx>> generic)
815 |
| 6 | _CPU_MZEXT_ZXSCNT_ | r/- | custom extension: "Small CPU counters": `cycle[h]` & `instret[h]` CSRs have less than 64-bit when set (when <<_cpu_cnt_width>> generic is less than 64)
816 |
| 7 | _CPU_MZEXT_ZXNOCNT_ | r/- | custom extension: "NO CPU counters": `cycle[h]` & `instret[h]` CSRs are not available at all when set (when <<_cpu_cnt_width>> generic is 0)
817 |
| 8 | _CSR_MZEXT_PMP_ | r/- | PMP (physical memory protection) extension available (<<_pmp_num_regions>> generic > 0)
818 |
| 9 | _CSR_MZEXT_HPM_ | r/- | HPM (hardware performance monitors) extension available (<<_hpm_num_cnts>> generic > 0)
819 |
| 10 | _CSR_MZEXT_DEBUGMODE_ | r/- | RISC-V "CPU debug mode" extension available (enabled via <<_cpu_top_entity_generics,_CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_DEBUG_>> generic)
820 |
60 |
zero_gravi |