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==== Stream Link Interface (SLINK)
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| Hardware source file(s): | neorv32_slink.vhd |
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| Software driver file(s): | neorv32_slink.c |
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| | neorv32_slink.h |
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| Top entity port: | `slink_tx_dat_o` | TX link data (8x32-bit)
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| | `slink_tx_val_o` | TX link data valid (8-bit)
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| | `slink_tx_rdy_i` | TX link allowed to send (8-bit)
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| | `slink_rx_dat_i` | RX link data (8x32-bit)
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| | `slink_rx_val_i` | RX link data valid (8-bit)
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| | `slink_rx_rdy_o` | RX link ready to receive (8-bit)
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| Configuration generics: | _SLINK_NUM_TX_ | Number of TX links to implement (0..8)
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| | _SLINK_NUM_RX_ | Number of RX links to implement (0..8)
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| | _SLINK_TX_FIFO_ | FIFO depth (1..32k) of TX links, has to be a power of two
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| | _SLINK_RX_FIFO_ | FIFO depth (1..32k) of RX links, has to be a power of two
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| CPU interrupts: | fast IRQ channel 10 | SLINK RX IRQ (see <<_processor_interrupts>>)
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| | fast IRQ channel 11 | SLINK TX IRQ (see <<_processor_interrupts>>)
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The SLINK component provides up to 8 independent RX (receiving) and TX (sending) links for transmitting
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stream data. The interface provides higher bandwidth (and less latency) than the external memory bus
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interface, which makes it ideally suited to couple custom stream processing units (like CORDIC, FFTs or
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cryptographic accelerators).
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Each individual link provides an internal FIFO for data buffering. The FIFO depth is globally defined
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for all TX links via the _SLINK_TX_FIFO_ generic and for all RX links via the _SLINK_RX_FIFO_ generic.
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The FIFO depth has to be at least 1, which will implement a simple input/output register. The maximum
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value is limited to 32768 entries. Note that the FIFO depth has to be a power of two (for optimal
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logic mapping).
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The actual number of implemented RX/TX links is configured by the _SLINK_NUM_RX_ and _SLINK_NUM_TX_
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generics. The SLINK module will be synthesized only if at least one of these generics is greater than
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zero. All unimplemented links are internally terminated and their according output signals are pulled
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to low level.
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The SLINK interface does not provide any additional tag signals (for example to define a "stream destination
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address" or to indicate the last data word of a "package"). Use a custom controller connected
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via the external memory bus interface or use some of the processor's GPIO ports to implement custom data
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tag signals.
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**Theory of Operation**
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The SLINK provides eight data registers (_SLINK_CHx_) to access the links (read accesses will access the RX links, write
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accesses will access the TX links), one control register (_SLINK_CT_) and one status register (_SLINK_STATUS_).
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The SLINK is globally activated by setting the control register's enable bit _SLINK_CT_EN_.
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The actual data links are accessed by reading or writing the according link data registers _SLINK_CH0_
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to _SLINK_CH7_. For example, writing the _SLINK_CH0_ will put the according data into the FIFO of TX link 0.
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Accordingly, reading from _SLINK_CH0_ will return one data word from the FIFO of RX link 0.
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The configuration (done via the SLINK generics) can be checked by software by evaluating bit fields in the
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control register. The _SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_Sx_ and _SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_Sx_ indicate the TX & RX FIFO sizes.
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The _SLINK_CT_TX_NUMx_ and _SLINK_CT_RX_NUMx_ bits represent the absolute number of implemented TX and RX links.
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The status register shows the FIFO status flags of each RX and TX link. The _SLINK_CT_RXx_AVAIL_ flags indicate
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that there is _at least_ one data word in the according RX link's FIFO. The _SLINK_CT_TXx_FREE_ flags indicate
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there is _at least_ one free entry in the according TX link's FIFO. The _SLINK_STATUS_RXx_HALF_ and
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_SLINK_STATUS_RXx_HALF_ flags show if a certain FIFO's fill level has exceeded half of its capacity.
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**Blocking Link Access**
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When directly accessing the link data registers (without checking the according FIFO status flags) the access
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is as _blocking_. That means the CPU access will stall until the accessed link responds. For
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example, when reading RX link 0 (via _SLINK_CH0_ register) the CPU will stall, if there is not data
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available in the according FIFO yet. The CPU access will complete as soon as RX link 0 receives new data.
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Vice versa, writing data to TX link 0 (via _SLINK_CH0_ register) will stall the CPU access until there is
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at least one free entry in the link's FIFO.
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The NEORV32 processor ensures that _any_ CPU access to memory-mapped devices (including the SLINK module)
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will **time out** after a certain number of cycles (see section <<_bus_interface>>).
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Hence, blocking access to a stream link that does not complete within a certain amount of cycles will
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raise a _store bus access exception_ when writing a _full_ TX link or a _load bus access exception_ when reading
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from an _empty_ RX link. Hence, this concept should only be used when evaluating the half-full FIFO condition
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(for example via the SLINK interrupts) before actual accessing links.
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**Non-Blocking Link Access**
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For a non-blocking link access concept, the FIFO status flags in _SLINK_STATUS_ need to be checked _before_
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reading/writing the actual link data register. For example, a non-blocking write access to a TX link 0 has
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to check _SLINK_STATUS_TX0_FREE_ first. If the bit is set, the FIFO of TX link 0 can take another data word
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and the actual data can be written to _SLINK_CH0_. If the bit is cleared, the link's FIFO is full
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and the status flag can be polled until it there is free space in the available.
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This concept will not raise any exception as there is no "direct" access to the link data registers.
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However, non-blocking accesses require additional instructions to check the according status flags prior
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to the actual link access, which will reduce performance for high-bandwidth data streams.
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The stream interface provides two interrupts that are _globally_ driven by the RX and TX link's
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FIFO fill level status. The behavior of these interrupts differs if the FIFO depth is exactly 1 (minimal)
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or if it is greater than 1.
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When _SLINK_*X_FIFO_ is 1 a TX interrupt will fire if **any** TX link _was full_ and _becomes empty_ again.
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Accordingly, if the FIFO of **any** RX link _was empty_ and a _new data word_ appears in it, the RX interrupt fires.
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When _SLINK_*X_FIFO_ is greater than 1 the TX interrupt will fire if _any_ TX link's FIFO _falls below_ half-full fill level.
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Accordingly, the RX interrupt will fire if _any_ RX link's FIFO _exceeds_ half-full fill level.
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The interrupt service handler has to evaluate the SLINK status register is order to detect which link(s) has caused the
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interrupt. No further interrupt can fire until the CPU acknowledges the last interrupt by _reading the SLINK status register_.
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However, further IRQ conditions are buffered and will trigger another interrupt after the current one has been acknowledged.
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Note that these interrupts can only fire if the SLINK module is actually enabled by setting the
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_SLINK_CT_EN_ bit in the unit's control register.
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**Stream Link Interface & Protocol**
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The SLINK interface consists of three signals `dat`, `val` and `rdy` for each RX and TX link.
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Each signal is an "array" with eight entires (one for each link). Note that an entry in `slink_*x_dat` is 32-bit
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wide while entries in `slink_*x_val` and `slink_*x_rdy` are are just 1-bit wide.
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The stream link protocol is based on a simple FIFO-like interface between a source (sender) and a sink (receiver).
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Each link provides two signals for implementing a simple FIFO-style handshake. The `slink_*x_val` signal is set by
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the source if the according `slink_*x_dat` (also set by the source) contains valid data. The stream source has to
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ensure that both signals remain stable until the according `slink_*x_rdy` signal is set by the stream sink to
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indicate it can accept another data word.
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In summary, a data word is transferred if both `slink_*x_val(i)` and `slink_*x_rdy(i)` are high.
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.Exemplary stream link transfer
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The SLINK handshake protocol is compatible with the https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ihi0051/a/Introduction/About-the-AXI4-Stream-protocol[AXI4-Stream] base protocol.
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.SLINK register map
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| Address | Name [C] | Bit(s) | R/W | Function
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.6+<| `0xfffffec0` .6+<| _SLINK_CT_ <| `31` _SLINK_CT_EN_ ^| r/w | SLINK global enable
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<| `30:16` _reserved_ ^| r/- <| reserved, read as zero
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<| `15:12` _SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S3_ : _SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S0_ ^| r/- <| TX links FIFO depth, log2 of_SLINK_TX_FIFO_ generic
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<| `11:8` _SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S3_ : _SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S0_ ^| r/- <| RX links FIFO depth, log2 of_SLINK_RX_FIFO_ generic
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<| `7:4` _SLINK_CT_TX_NUM3_ : _SLINK_CT_TX_NUM0_ ^| r/- <| Number of implemented TX links
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<| `3:0` _SLINK_CT_RX_NUM3_ : _SLINK_CT_RX_NUM0_ ^| r/- <| Number of implemented RX links
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| `0xfffffec4` : `0xfffffeec` | _SLINK_CT_ |`31:0` | | _mirrored control register_
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.4+<| `0xfffffed0` .4+<| _SLINK_STATUS_ <| `31:24` _SLINK_STATUS_TX7_HALF_ : _SLINK_STATUS_TX0_HALF_ ^| r/- | TX link 7..0 FIFO fill level is > half-full
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<| `23:16` _SLINK_STATUS_RX7_HALF_ : _SLINK_STATUS_RX0_HALF_ ^| r/- <| RX link 7..0 FIFO fill level is >= half-full
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<| `15:8` _SLINK_CT_TX7_FREE_ : _SLINK_CT_TX0_FREE_ ^| r/- <| At least one free TX FIFO entry available for link 7..0
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<| `7:0` _SLINK_CT_RX7_AVAIL_ : _SLINK_CT_RX0_AVAIL_ ^| r/- <| At least one data word in RX FIFO available for link 7..0
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| `0xfffffed4` : `0xfffffedc` | _SLINK_STATUS_ |`31:0` | | _mirrored status register_
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| `0xfffffee0` | _SLINK_CH0_ | `31:0` | r/w | Link 0 RX/TX data
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| `0xfffffee4` | _SLINK_CH1_ | `31:0` | r/w | Link 1 RX/TX data
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| `0xfffffee8` | _SLINK_CH2_ | `31:0` | r/w | Link 2 RX/TX data
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| `0xfffffeec` | _SLINK_CH3_ | `31:0` | r/w | Link 3 RX/TX data
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| `0xfffffef0` | _SLINK_CH4_ | `31:0` | r/w | Link 4 RX/TX data
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| `0xfffffef4` | _SLINK_CH5_ | `31:0` | r/w | Link 5 RX/TX data
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| `0xfffffef8` | _SLINK_CH6_ | `31:0` | r/w | Link 6 RX/TX data
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| `0xfffffefc` | _SLINK_CH7_ | `31:0` | r/w | Link 7 RX/TX data
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