1 |
60 |
zero_gravi |
2 |
3 |
==== System Configuration Information Memory (SYSINFO)
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
| Hardware source file(s): | neorv32_sysinfo.vhd |
9 |
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zero_gravi |
| Software driver file(s): | neorv32.h |
10 |
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zero_gravi |
| Top entity port: | none |
11 |
| Configuration generics: | * | most of the top's configuration generics
12 |
| CPU interrupts: | none |
13 |
14 |
15 |
**Theory of Operation**
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17 |
The SYSINFO allows the application software to determine the setting of most of the processor's top entity
18 |
generics that are related to processor/SoC configuration. All registers of this unit are read-only.
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zero_gravi |
This device is always implemented - regardless of the actual hardware configuration. The bootloader as well
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zero_gravi |
as the NEORV32 software runtime environment require information from this device (like memory layout
22 |
and default clock speed) for correct operation.
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24 |
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zero_gravi |
.SYSINFO register map (`struct NEORV32_SYSINFO`)
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zero_gravi |
26 |
27 |
28 |
| Address | Name [C] | Function
29 |
64 |
zero_gravi |
| `0xffffffe0` | `NEORV32_SYSINFO.CLK` | clock speed in Hz (via top's <<_clock_frequency>> generic)
30 |
| `0xffffffe4` | `NEORV32_SYSINFO.CPU` | specific CPU configuration (see <<_sysinfo_cpu_configuration>>)
31 |
| `0xffffffe8` | `NEORV32_SYSINFO.SOC` | specific SoC configuration (see <<_sysinfo_soc_configuration>>)
32 |
| `0xffffffec` | `NEORV32_SYSINFO.CACHE` | cache configuration information (see <<_sysinfo_cache_configuration>>)
33 |
| `0xfffffff0` | `NEORV32_SYSINFO.ISPACE_BASE` | instruction address space base (via package's `ispace_base_c` constant)
34 |
| `0xfffffff4` | `NEORV32_SYSINFO.IMEM_SIZE` | internal IMEM size in bytes (via top's <<_mem_int_imem_size>> generic)
35 |
| `0xfffffff8` | `NEORV32_SYSINFO.DSPACE_BASE` | data address space base (via package's `sdspace_base_c` constant)
36 |
| `0xfffffffc` | `NEORV32_SYSINFO.DMEM_SIZE` | internal DMEM size in bytes (via top's <<_mem_int_dmem_size>> generic)
37 |
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===== SYSINFO - CPU Configuration
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
| Bit | Name [C] | Function
47 |
| `0` | _SYSINFO_CPU_ZICSR_ | `Zicsr` extension (`I` sub-extension) available when set (via top's <<_cpu_extension_riscv_zicsr>> generic)
48 |
| `1` | _SYSINFO_CPU_ZIFENCEI_ | `Zifencei` extension (`I` sub-extension) available when set (via top's <<_cpu_extension_riscv_zifencei>> generic)
49 |
| `2` | _SYSINFO_CPU_ZMMUL_ | `Zmmul` extension (`M` sub-extension) available when set (via top's <<_cpu_extension_riscv_zmmul>> generic)
50 |
| `5` | _SYSINFO_CPU_ZFINX_ | `Zfinx` extension (`F` sub-/alternative-extension) available when set (via top's <<_cpu_extension_riscv_zfinx>> generic)
51 |
| `6` | _SYSINFO_CPU_ZXSCNT_ | Custom extension - _Small_ CPU counters: `[m]cycle` & `[m]instret` CSRs have less than 64-bit when set (via top's <<_cpu_cnt_width>> generic)
52 |
| `7` | _SYSINFO_CPU_ZXNOCNT_ | Custom extension - _NO_ CPU counters: `[m]cycle` & `[m]instret` CSRs are NOT available at all when set (via top's <<_cpu_cnt_width>> generic)
53 |
| `8` | _SYSINFO_CPU_PMP_ | `PMP` (physical memory protection) extension available when set (via top's <<_>> generic)
54 |
| `9` | _SYSINFO_CPU_HPM_ | `HPM` (hardware performance monitors) extension available when set (via top's <<_>> generic)
55 |
| `10` | _SYSINFO_CPU_DEBUGMODE_ | RISC-V CPU `debug_mode` available when set (via top's <<_>> generic)
56 |
| `30 | _SYSINFO_CPU_FASTMUL_ | fast multiplication available when set (via top's <<_fast_mul_en>> generic)
57 |
| `31` | _SYSINFO_CPU_FASTSHIFT_ | fast shifts available when set (via top's <<_fast_shift_en>> generic)
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
===== SYSINFO - SoC Configuration
62 |
63 |
64 |
zero_gravi |
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67 |
| Bit | Name [C] | Function
68 |
64 |
zero_gravi |
| `0` | _SYSINFO_SOC_BOOTLOADER_ | set if the processor-internal bootloader is implemented (via top's <<_int_bootloader_en>> generic)
69 |
| `1` | _SYSINFO_SOC_MEM_EXT_ | set if the external Wishbone bus interface is implemented (via top's <<_mem_ext_en>> generic)
70 |
| `2` | _SYSINFO_SOC_MEM_INT_IMEM_ | set if the processor-internal DMEM implemented (via top's <<_mem_int_dmem_en>> generic)
71 |
| `3` | _SYSINFO_SOC_MEM_INT_DMEM_ | set if the processor-internal IMEM is implemented (via top's <<_mem_int_imem_en>> generic)
72 |
| `4` | _SYSINFO_SOC_MEM_EXT_ENDIAN_ | set if external bus interface uses BIG-endian byte-order (via top's <<_mem_ext_big_endian>> generic)
73 |
| `5` | _SYSINFO_SOC_ICACHE_ | set if processor-internal instruction cache is implemented (via top's <<_icache_en>> generic)
74 |
69 |
zero_gravi |
| `13` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IS_SIM_ | set if processor is being **simulated** (⚠️ not guaranteed)
75 |
64 |
zero_gravi |
| `14` | _SYSINFO_SOC_OCD_ | set if on-chip debugger implemented (via top's <<_on_chip_debugger_en>> generic)
76 |
| `15` | _SYSINFO_SOC_HW_RESET_ | set if a dedicated hardware reset of all core registers is implemented (via package's `dedicated_reset_c` constant)
77 |
| `16` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_GPIO_ | set if the GPIO is implemented (via top's <<_io_gpio_en>> generic)
78 |
| `17` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_MTIME_ | set if the MTIME is implemented (via top's <<_io_mtime_en>> generic)
79 |
| `18` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_UART0_ | set if the primary UART0 is implemented (via top's <<_io_uart0_en>> generic)
80 |
| `19` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_SPI_ | set if the SPI is implemented (via top's <<_io_spi_en>> generic)
81 |
| `20` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_TWI_ | set if the TWI is implemented (via top's <<_io_twi_en>> generic)
82 |
| `21` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_PWM_ | set if the PWM is implemented (via top's <<_io_pwm_en>> generic)
83 |
| `22` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_WDT_ | set if the WDT is implemented (via top's <<_io_wdt_en>> generic)
84 |
| `23` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_CFS_ | set if the custom functions subsystem is implemented (via top's <<_io_cfs_en>> generic)
85 |
| `24` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_TRNG_ | set if the TRNG is implemented (via top's _IO_TRNG_EN_ generic)
86 |
| `25` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_SLINK_ | set if the SLINK is implemented (via top's <<_slink_num_tx>> and/or <<_slink_num_rx>> generics)
87 |
| `26` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_UART1_ | set if the secondary UART1 is implemented (via top's <<_io_uart1_en>> generic)
88 |
| `27` | _SYSINFO_SOC_IO_NEOLED_ | set if the NEOLED is implemented (via top's <<_io_neoled_en>> generic)
89 |
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===== SYSINFO - Cache Configuration
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94 |
95 |
Bit fields in this register are set to all-zero if the according cache is not implemented.
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| Bit | Name [C] | Function
102 |
| `3:0` | _SYSINFO_CACHE_IC_BLOCK_SIZE_3_ : _SYSINFO_CACHE_IC_BLOCK_SIZE_0_ | _log2_(i-cache block size in bytes), via top's <<_icache_block_size>> generic
103 |
| `7:4` | _SYSINFO_CACHE_IC_NUM_BLOCKS_3_ : _SYSINFO_CACHE_IC_NUM_BLOCKS_0_ | _log2_(i-cache number of cache blocks), via top's <<_icache_num_blocks>> generic
104 |
| `11:9` | _SYSINFO_CACHE_IC_ASSOCIATIVITY_3_ : _SYSINFO_CACHE_IC_ASSOCIATIVITY_0_ | _log2_(i-cache associativity), via top's <<_icache_associativity>> generic
105 |
| `15:12` | _SYSINFO_CACHE_IC_REPLACEMENT_3_ : _SYSINFO_CACHE_IC_REPLACEMENT_0_ | i-cache replacement policy (`0001` = LRU if associativity > 0)
106 |
| `32:16` | - | zero, reserved for d-cache
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