1 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- #################################################################################################
2 |
36 |
zero_gravi |
-- # << NEORV32 - Default Testbench >> #
3 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- # ********************************************************************************************* #
4 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- # Use the "User Configuration" section to configure the testbench according to your need. #
5 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
-- # See NEORV32 data sheet (docs/NEORV32.pdf) for more information. #
6 |
3 |
zero_gravi |
-- # ********************************************************************************************* #
7 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- # BSD 3-Clause License #
8 |
-- # #
9 |
42 |
zero_gravi |
-- # Copyright (c) 2021, Stephan Nolting. All rights reserved. #
10 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- # #
11 |
-- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are #
12 |
-- # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: #
13 |
-- # #
14 |
-- # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #
15 |
-- # conditions and the following disclaimer. #
16 |
-- # #
17 |
-- # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of #
18 |
-- # conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials #
19 |
-- # provided with the distribution. #
20 |
-- # #
21 |
-- # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to #
22 |
-- # endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written #
23 |
-- # permission. #
24 |
-- # #
25 |
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28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
-- # ********************************************************************************************* #
35 |
-- # The NEORV32 Processor - https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32 (c) Stephan Nolting #
36 |
-- #################################################################################################
37 |
38 |
library ieee;
39 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
40 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
41 |
use ieee.math_real.all;
42 |
43 |
library neorv32;
44 |
use neorv32.neorv32_package.all;
45 |
30 |
zero_gravi |
use neorv32.neorv32_application_image.all; -- this file is generated by the image generator
46 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
use std.textio.all;
47 |
48 |
entity neorv32_tb is
49 |
end neorv32_tb;
50 |
51 |
architecture neorv32_tb_rtl of neorv32_tb is
52 |
53 |
-- User Configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------
54 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- general --
56 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
constant ext_imem_c : boolean := false; -- false: use and boot from proc-internal IMEM, true: use and boot from external (initialized) simulated IMEM (ext. mem A)
57 |
constant ext_dmem_c : boolean := false; -- false: use proc-internal DMEM, true: use external simulated DMEM (ext. mem B)
58 |
41 |
zero_gravi |
constant icache_use_c : boolean := false; -- set true to use processor-internal instruction cache
59 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
constant imem_size_c : natural := 16*1024; -- size in bytes of processor-internal IMEM / external mem A
60 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
constant dmem_size_c : natural := 8*1024; -- size in bytes of processor-internal DMEM / external mem B
61 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
constant f_clock_c : natural := 100000000; -- main clock in Hz
62 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
constant baud_rate_c : natural := 19200; -- simulation UART output baudrate
63 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- simulated external Wishbone memory A (can be used as external IMEM) --
64 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
constant ext_mem_a_base_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000"; -- wishbone memory base address (external IMEM base)
65 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
constant ext_mem_a_size_c : natural := imem_size_c; -- wishbone memory size in bytes
66 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
constant ext_mem_a_latency_c : natural := 8; -- latency in clock cycles (min 1, max 255), plus 1 cycle initial delay
67 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
-- simulated external Wishbone memory B (can be used as external DMEM) --
68 |
constant ext_mem_b_base_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"80000000"; -- wishbone memory base address (external DMEM base)
69 |
constant ext_mem_b_size_c : natural := dmem_size_c; -- wishbone memory size in bytes
70 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
constant ext_mem_b_latency_c : natural := 8; -- latency in clock cycles (min 1, max 255), plus 1 cycle initial delay
71 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
-- simulated external Wishbone memory C (can be used as external IO) --
72 |
constant ext_mem_c_base_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"F0000000"; -- wishbone memory base address (default begin of EXTERNAL IO area)
73 |
constant ext_mem_c_size_c : natural := 64; -- wishbone memory size in bytes
74 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
constant ext_mem_c_latency_c : natural := 3; -- latency in clock cycles (min 1, max 255), plus 1 cycle initial delay
75 |
-- machine interrupt triggers --
76 |
constant msi_trigger_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"FF000000"; -- machine software interrupt
77 |
constant mei_trigger_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"FF000004"; -- machine external interrupt
78 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 |
80 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- internals - hands off! --
81 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
constant int_imem_c : boolean := not ext_imem_c;
82 |
constant int_dmem_c : boolean := not ext_dmem_c;
83 |
constant baud_val_c : real := real(f_clock_c) / real(baud_rate_c);
84 |
constant t_clock_c : time := (1 sec) / f_clock_c;
85 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
86 |
3 |
zero_gravi |
-- text.io --
87 |
file file_uart_tx_out : text open write_mode is "neorv32.testbench_uart.out";
88 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
89 |
-- generators --
90 |
signal clk_gen, rst_gen : std_ulogic := '0';
91 |
92 |
-- simulation uart receiver --
93 |
signal uart_txd : std_ulogic;
94 |
signal uart_rx_sync : std_ulogic_vector(04 downto 0) := (others => '1');
95 |
signal uart_rx_busy : std_ulogic := '0';
96 |
signal uart_rx_sreg : std_ulogic_vector(08 downto 0) := (others => '0');
97 |
signal uart_rx_baud_cnt : real;
98 |
signal uart_rx_bitcnt : natural;
99 |
100 |
-- gpio --
101 |
22 |
zero_gravi |
signal gpio : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
102 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
103 |
-- twi --
104 |
signal twi_scl, twi_sda : std_logic;
105 |
106 |
-- spi --
107 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
signal spi_data : std_ulogic;
108 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
109 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
-- irq --
110 |
signal msi_ring, mei_ring : std_ulogic;
111 |
112 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- Wishbone bus --
113 |
type wishbone_t is record
114 |
addr : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- address
115 |
wdata : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- master write data
116 |
rdata : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- master read data
117 |
we : std_ulogic; -- write enable
118 |
sel : std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
119 |
stb : std_ulogic; -- strobe
120 |
cyc : std_ulogic; -- valid cycle
121 |
ack : std_ulogic; -- transfer acknowledge
122 |
err : std_ulogic; -- transfer error
123 |
36 |
zero_gravi |
tag : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0); -- tag
124 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
lock : std_ulogic; -- locked/exclusive bus access
125 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
end record;
126 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
signal wb_cpu, wb_mem_a, wb_mem_b, wb_mem_c, wb_msi, wb_mei : wishbone_t;
127 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
128 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- Wishbone memories --
129 |
type ext_mem_a_ram_t is array (0 to ext_mem_a_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
130 |
type ext_mem_b_ram_t is array (0 to ext_mem_b_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
131 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
type ext_mem_c_ram_t is array (0 to ext_mem_c_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
132 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
type ext_mem_read_latency_t is array (0 to 255) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
133 |
30 |
zero_gravi |
134 |
-- init function --
135 |
-- impure function: returns NOT the same result every time it is evaluated with the same arguments since the source file might have changed
136 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
impure function init_wbmem(init : application_init_image_t) return ext_mem_a_ram_t is
137 |
variable mem_v : ext_mem_a_ram_t;
138 |
30 |
zero_gravi |
139 |
mem_v := (others => (others => '0'));
140 |
for i in 0 to init'length-1 loop -- init only in range of source data array
141 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
if (xbus_big_endian_c = true) then
142 |
30 |
zero_gravi |
mem_v(i) := init(i);
143 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
144 |
mem_v(i) := bswap32_f(init(i));
145 |
end if;
146 |
30 |
zero_gravi |
end loop; -- i
147 |
return mem_v;
148 |
end function init_wbmem;
149 |
150 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- external memory components --
151 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
signal ext_ram_a : ext_mem_a_ram_t := init_wbmem(application_init_image); -- initialized, used to simulate external IMEM
152 |
signal ext_ram_b : ext_mem_b_ram_t := (others => (others => '0')); -- zero, used to simulate external DMEM
153 |
signal ext_ram_c : ext_mem_c_ram_t; -- uninitialized, used to simulate external IO
154 |
30 |
zero_gravi |
155 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
type ext_mem_t is record
156 |
rdata : ext_mem_read_latency_t;
157 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
acc_en : std_ulogic;
158 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
ack : std_ulogic_vector(ext_mem_a_latency_c-1 downto 0);
159 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
end record;
160 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
signal ext_mem_a, ext_mem_b, ext_mem_c : ext_mem_t;
161 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
162 |
163 |
164 |
-- Clock/Reset Generator ------------------------------------------------------------------
165 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 |
clk_gen <= not clk_gen after (t_clock_c/2);
167 |
rst_gen <= '0', '1' after 60*(t_clock_c/2);
168 |
169 |
170 |
-- CPU Core -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 |
neorv32_top_inst: neorv32_top
173 |
generic map (
174 |
-- General --
175 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
CLOCK_FREQUENCY => f_clock_c, -- clock frequency of clk_i in Hz
176 |
8 |
zero_gravi |
BOOTLOADER_USE => false, -- implement processor-internal bootloader?
177 |
36 |
zero_gravi |
USER_CODE => x"12345678", -- custom user code
178 |
HW_THREAD_ID => x"00000000", -- hardware thread id (hartid)
179 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- RISC-V CPU Extensions --
180 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_A => true, -- implement atomic extension?
181 |
8 |
zero_gravi |
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C => true, -- implement compressed extension?
182 |
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E => false, -- implement embedded RF extension?
183 |
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M => true, -- implement muld/div extension?
184 |
15 |
zero_gravi |
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_U => true, -- implement user mode extension?
185 |
8 |
zero_gravi |
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr => true, -- implement CSR system?
186 |
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei => true, -- implement instruction stream sync.?
187 |
19 |
zero_gravi |
-- Extension Options --
188 |
FAST_MUL_EN => false, -- use DSPs for M extension's multiplier
189 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
FAST_SHIFT_EN => false, -- use barrel shifter for shift operations
190 |
15 |
zero_gravi |
-- Physical Memory Protection (PMP) --
191 |
42 |
zero_gravi |
PMP_NUM_REGIONS => 5, -- number of regions (0..64)
192 |
PMP_MIN_GRANULARITY => 64*1024, -- minimal region granularity in bytes, has to be a power of 2, min 8 bytes
193 |
-- Hardware Performance Monitors (HPM) --
194 |
HPM_NUM_CNTS => 12, -- number of inmplemnted HPM counters (0..29)
195 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
-- Internal Instruction memory --
196 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
MEM_INT_IMEM_USE => int_imem_c , -- implement processor-internal instruction memory
197 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE => imem_size_c, -- size of processor-internal instruction memory in bytes
198 |
8 |
zero_gravi |
MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM => false, -- implement processor-internal instruction memory as ROM
199 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
-- Internal Data memory --
200 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
MEM_INT_DMEM_USE => int_dmem_c, -- implement processor-internal data memory
201 |
MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE => dmem_size_c, -- size of processor-internal data memory in bytes
202 |
41 |
zero_gravi |
-- Internal Cache memory --
203 |
ICACHE_USE => icache_use_c, -- implement instruction cache
204 |
ICACHE_NUM_BLOCKS => 8, -- i-cache: number of blocks (min 2), has to be a power of 2
205 |
ICACHE_BLOCK_SIZE => 64, -- i-cache: block size in bytes (min 4), has to be a power of 2
206 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
-- External memory interface --
207 |
8 |
zero_gravi |
MEM_EXT_USE => true, -- implement external memory bus interface?
208 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- Processor peripherals --
209 |
8 |
zero_gravi |
IO_GPIO_USE => true, -- implement general purpose input/output port unit (GPIO)?
210 |
IO_MTIME_USE => true, -- implement machine system timer (MTIME)?
211 |
IO_UART_USE => true, -- implement universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)?
212 |
IO_SPI_USE => true, -- implement serial peripheral interface (SPI)?
213 |
IO_TWI_USE => true, -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
214 |
IO_PWM_USE => true, -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
215 |
IO_WDT_USE => true, -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
216 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
IO_TRNG_USE => false, -- trng cannot be simulated
217 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
IO_CFU0_USE => true, -- implement custom functions unit 0 (CFU0)?
218 |
IO_CFU1_USE => true -- implement custom functions unit 1 (CFU1)?
219 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
220 |
port map (
221 |
-- Global control --
222 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
clk_i => clk_gen, -- global clock, rising edge
223 |
rstn_i => rst_gen, -- global reset, low-active, async
224 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- Wishbone bus interface --
225 |
36 |
zero_gravi |
wb_tag_o => wb_cpu.tag, -- tag
226 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
wb_adr_o => wb_cpu.addr, -- address
227 |
wb_dat_i => wb_cpu.rdata, -- read data
228 |
wb_dat_o => wb_cpu.wdata, -- write data
229 |
wb_we_o => wb_cpu.we, -- read/write
230 |
wb_sel_o => wb_cpu.sel, -- byte enable
231 |
wb_stb_o => wb_cpu.stb, -- strobe
232 |
wb_cyc_o => wb_cpu.cyc, -- valid cycle
233 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
wb_lock_o => wb_cpu.lock, -- locked/exclusive bus access
234 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
wb_ack_i => wb_cpu.ack, -- transfer acknowledge
235 |
wb_err_i => wb_cpu.err, -- transfer error
236 |
12 |
zero_gravi |
-- Advanced memory control signals --
237 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
fence_o => open, -- indicates an executed FENCE operation
238 |
fencei_o => open, -- indicates an executed FENCEI operation
239 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- GPIO --
240 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
gpio_o => gpio, -- parallel output
241 |
gpio_i => gpio, -- parallel input
242 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- UART --
243 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
uart_txd_o => uart_txd, -- UART send data
244 |
uart_rxd_i => uart_txd, -- UART receive data
245 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- SPI --
246 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
spi_sck_o => open, -- SPI serial clock
247 |
spi_sdo_o => spi_data, -- controller data out, peripheral data in
248 |
spi_sdi_i => spi_data, -- controller data in, peripheral data out
249 |
spi_csn_o => open, -- SPI CS
250 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- TWI --
251 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
twi_sda_io => twi_sda, -- twi serial data line
252 |
twi_scl_io => twi_scl, -- twi serial clock line
253 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- PWM --
254 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
pwm_o => open, -- pwm channels
255 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
-- system time input from external MTIME (available if IO_MTIME_USE = false) --
256 |
mtime_i => (others => '0'), -- current system time
257 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- Interrupts --
258 |
34 |
zero_gravi |
mtime_irq_i => '0', -- machine software interrupt, available if IO_MTIME_USE = false
259 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
msw_irq_i => msi_ring, -- machine software interrupt
260 |
mext_irq_i => mei_ring -- machine external interrupt
261 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
262 |
263 |
36 |
zero_gravi |
-- TWI termination (pull-ups) --
264 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
twi_scl <= 'H';
265 |
twi_sda <= 'H';
266 |
267 |
268 |
-- Console UART Receiver ------------------------------------------------------------------
269 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 |
uart_rx_console: process(clk_gen)
271 |
3 |
zero_gravi |
variable i : integer;
272 |
variable l : line;
273 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
274 |
-- "UART" --
275 |
if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
276 |
-- synchronizer --
277 |
uart_rx_sync <= uart_rx_sync(3 downto 0) & uart_txd;
278 |
-- arbiter --
279 |
if (uart_rx_busy = '0') then -- idle
280 |
uart_rx_busy <= '0';
281 |
uart_rx_baud_cnt <= round(0.5 * baud_val_c);
282 |
uart_rx_bitcnt <= 9;
283 |
if (uart_rx_sync(4 downto 1) = "1100") then -- start bit? (falling edge)
284 |
uart_rx_busy <= '1';
285 |
end if;
286 |
287 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
if (uart_rx_baud_cnt <= 0.0) then
288 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
if (uart_rx_bitcnt = 1) then
289 |
uart_rx_baud_cnt <= round(0.5 * baud_val_c);
290 |
291 |
uart_rx_baud_cnt <= round(baud_val_c);
292 |
end if;
293 |
if (uart_rx_bitcnt = 0) then
294 |
uart_rx_busy <= '0'; -- done
295 |
i := to_integer(unsigned(uart_rx_sreg(8 downto 1)));
296 |
297 |
3 |
zero_gravi |
if (i < 32) or (i > 32+95) then -- printable char?
298 |
33 |
zero_gravi |
report "NEORV32_TB_UART.TX: (" & integer'image(i) & ")"; -- print code
299 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
300 |
33 |
zero_gravi |
report "NEORV32_TB_UART.TX: " & character'val(i); -- print ASCII
301 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
end if;
302 |
303 |
if (i = 10) then -- Linux line break
304 |
3 |
zero_gravi |
writeline(file_uart_tx_out, l);
305 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
elsif (i /= 13) then -- Remove additional carriage return
306 |
3 |
zero_gravi |
write(l, character'val(i));
307 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
end if;
308 |
309 |
uart_rx_sreg <= uart_rx_sync(4) & uart_rx_sreg(8 downto 1);
310 |
uart_rx_bitcnt <= uart_rx_bitcnt - 1;
311 |
end if;
312 |
313 |
uart_rx_baud_cnt <= uart_rx_baud_cnt - 1.0;
314 |
end if;
315 |
end if;
316 |
end if;
317 |
end process uart_rx_console;
318 |
319 |
320 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- Wishbone Fabric ------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
322 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- CPU broadcast signals --
323 |
wb_mem_a.addr <= wb_cpu.addr;
324 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
wb_mem_a.wdata <= wb_cpu.wdata;
325 |
wb_mem_a.we <= wb_cpu.we;
326 |
wb_mem_a.sel <= wb_cpu.sel;
327 |
wb_mem_a.tag <= wb_cpu.tag;
328 |
wb_mem_a.cyc <= wb_cpu.cyc;
329 |
wb_mem_a.lock <= wb_cpu.lock;
330 |
331 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
wb_mem_b.addr <= wb_cpu.addr;
332 |
wb_mem_b.wdata <= wb_cpu.wdata;
333 |
wb_mem_b.we <= wb_cpu.we;
334 |
wb_mem_b.sel <= wb_cpu.sel;
335 |
wb_mem_b.tag <= wb_cpu.tag;
336 |
wb_mem_b.cyc <= wb_cpu.cyc;
337 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
wb_mem_b.lock <= wb_cpu.lock;
338 |
339 |
wb_mem_c.addr <= wb_cpu.addr;
340 |
wb_mem_c.wdata <= wb_cpu.wdata;
341 |
wb_mem_c.we <= wb_cpu.we;
342 |
wb_mem_c.sel <= wb_cpu.sel;
343 |
wb_mem_c.tag <= wb_cpu.tag;
344 |
wb_mem_c.cyc <= wb_cpu.cyc;
345 |
wb_mem_c.lock <= wb_cpu.lock;
346 |
347 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
wb_msi.addr <= wb_cpu.addr;
348 |
wb_msi.wdata <= wb_cpu.wdata;
349 |
wb_msi.we <= wb_cpu.we;
350 |
wb_msi.sel <= wb_cpu.sel;
351 |
wb_msi.tag <= wb_cpu.tag;
352 |
wb_msi.cyc <= wb_cpu.cyc;
353 |
wb_msi.lock <= wb_cpu.lock;
354 |
355 |
wb_mei.addr <= wb_cpu.addr;
356 |
wb_mei.wdata <= wb_cpu.wdata;
357 |
wb_mei.we <= wb_cpu.we;
358 |
wb_mei.sel <= wb_cpu.sel;
359 |
wb_mei.tag <= wb_cpu.tag;
360 |
wb_mei.cyc <= wb_cpu.cyc;
361 |
wb_mei.lock <= wb_cpu.lock;
362 |
363 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- CPU read-back signals (no mux here since peripherals have "output gates") --
364 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
wb_cpu.rdata <= wb_mem_a.rdata or wb_mem_b.rdata or wb_mem_c.rdata or wb_mei.rdata or wb_msi.rdata;
365 |
wb_cpu.ack <= wb_mem_a.ack or wb_mem_b.ack or wb_mem_c.ack or wb_mei.ack or wb_msi.ack;
366 |
wb_cpu.err <= wb_mem_a.err or wb_mem_b.err or wb_mem_c.err or wb_mei.err or wb_msi.err;
367 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
368 |
-- peripheral select via STROBE signal --
369 |
wb_mem_a.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr >= ext_mem_a_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ext_mem_a_base_addr_c) + ext_mem_a_size_c)) else '0';
370 |
wb_mem_b.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr >= ext_mem_b_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ext_mem_b_base_addr_c) + ext_mem_b_size_c)) else '0';
371 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
wb_mem_c.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr >= ext_mem_c_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ext_mem_c_base_addr_c) + ext_mem_c_size_c)) else '0';
372 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
wb_msi.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr = msi_trigger_c) else '0';
373 |
wb_mei.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr = mei_trigger_c) else '0';
374 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
375 |
376 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
-- Wishbone Memory A (simulated external IMEM) --------------------------------------------
377 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
378 |
ext_mem_a_access: process(clk_gen)
379 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
380 |
if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
381 |
-- control --
382 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
ext_mem_a.ack(0) <= wb_mem_a.cyc and wb_mem_a.stb; -- wishbone acknowledge
383 |
384 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
-- write access --
385 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
if ((wb_mem_a.cyc and wb_mem_a.stb and wb_mem_a.we) = '1') then -- valid write access
386 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
for i in 0 to 3 loop
387 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
if (wb_mem_a.sel(i) = '1') then
388 |
ext_ram_a(to_integer(unsigned(wb_mem_a.addr(index_size_f(ext_mem_a_size_c/4)+1 downto 2))))(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8) <= wb_mem_a.wdata(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8);
389 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
end if;
390 |
end loop; -- i
391 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
end if;
392 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
393 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
-- read access --
394 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
ext_mem_a.rdata(0) <= ext_ram_a(to_integer(unsigned(wb_mem_a.addr(index_size_f(ext_mem_a_size_c/4)+1 downto 2)))); -- word aligned
395 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
-- virtual read and ack latency --
396 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
if (ext_mem_a_latency_c > 1) then
397 |
for i in 1 to ext_mem_a_latency_c-1 loop
398 |
ext_mem_a.rdata(i) <= ext_mem_a.rdata(i-1);
399 |
ext_mem_a.ack(i) <= ext_mem_a.ack(i-1) and wb_mem_a.cyc;
400 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
end loop;
401 |
end if;
402 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
403 |
-- bus output register --
404 |
wb_mem_a.err <= '0';
405 |
if (ext_mem_a.ack(ext_mem_a_latency_c-1) = '1') and (wb_mem_b.cyc = '1') then
406 |
wb_mem_a.rdata <= ext_mem_a.rdata(ext_mem_a_latency_c-1);
407 |
wb_mem_a.ack <= '1';
408 |
409 |
wb_mem_a.rdata <= (others => '0');
410 |
wb_mem_a.ack <= '0';
411 |
end if;
412 |
23 |
zero_gravi |
end if;
413 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
end process ext_mem_a_access;
414 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
415 |
416 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
-- Wishbone Memory B (simulated external DMEM) --------------------------------------------
417 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
418 |
ext_mem_b_access: process(clk_gen)
419 |
420 |
if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
421 |
-- control --
422 |
ext_mem_b.ack(0) <= wb_mem_b.cyc and wb_mem_b.stb; -- wishbone acknowledge
423 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
424 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- write access --
425 |
if ((wb_mem_b.cyc and wb_mem_b.stb and wb_mem_b.we) = '1') then -- valid write access
426 |
for i in 0 to 3 loop
427 |
if (wb_mem_b.sel(i) = '1') then
428 |
ext_ram_b(to_integer(unsigned(wb_mem_b.addr(index_size_f(ext_mem_b_size_c/4)+1 downto 2))))(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8) <= wb_mem_b.wdata(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8);
429 |
end if;
430 |
end loop; -- i
431 |
end if;
432 |
3 |
zero_gravi |
433 |
38 |
zero_gravi |
-- read access --
434 |
ext_mem_b.rdata(0) <= ext_ram_b(to_integer(unsigned(wb_mem_b.addr(index_size_f(ext_mem_b_size_c/4)+1 downto 2)))); -- word aligned
435 |
-- virtual read and ack latency --
436 |
if (ext_mem_b_latency_c > 1) then
437 |
for i in 1 to ext_mem_b_latency_c-1 loop
438 |
ext_mem_b.rdata(i) <= ext_mem_b.rdata(i-1);
439 |
ext_mem_b.ack(i) <= ext_mem_b.ack(i-1) and wb_mem_b.cyc;
440 |
end loop;
441 |
end if;
442 |
443 |
-- bus output register --
444 |
wb_mem_b.err <= '0';
445 |
if (ext_mem_b.ack(ext_mem_b_latency_c-1) = '1') and (wb_mem_b.cyc = '1') then
446 |
wb_mem_b.rdata <= ext_mem_b.rdata(ext_mem_b_latency_c-1);
447 |
wb_mem_b.ack <= '1';
448 |
449 |
wb_mem_b.rdata <= (others => '0');
450 |
wb_mem_b.ack <= '0';
451 |
end if;
452 |
end if;
453 |
end process ext_mem_b_access;
454 |
455 |
456 |
39 |
zero_gravi |
-- Wishbone Memory C (simulated external IO) ----------------------------------------------
457 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
458 |
ext_mem_c_access: process(clk_gen)
459 |
460 |
if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
461 |
-- control --
462 |
ext_mem_c.ack(0) <= wb_mem_c.cyc and wb_mem_c.stb; -- wishbone acknowledge
463 |
464 |
-- write access --
465 |
if ((wb_mem_c.cyc and wb_mem_c.stb and wb_mem_c.we) = '1') then -- valid write access
466 |
for i in 0 to 3 loop
467 |
if (wb_mem_c.sel(i) = '1') then
468 |
ext_ram_c(to_integer(unsigned(wb_mem_c.addr(index_size_f(ext_mem_c_size_c/4)+1 downto 2))))(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8) <= wb_mem_c.wdata(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8);
469 |
end if;
470 |
end loop; -- i
471 |
end if;
472 |
473 |
-- read access --
474 |
ext_mem_c.rdata(0) <= ext_ram_c(to_integer(unsigned(wb_mem_c.addr(index_size_f(ext_mem_c_size_c/4)+1 downto 2)))); -- word aligned
475 |
-- virtual read and ack latency --
476 |
if (ext_mem_c_latency_c > 1) then
477 |
for i in 1 to ext_mem_c_latency_c-1 loop
478 |
ext_mem_c.rdata(i) <= ext_mem_c.rdata(i-1);
479 |
ext_mem_c.ack(i) <= ext_mem_c.ack(i-1) and wb_mem_c.cyc;
480 |
end loop;
481 |
end if;
482 |
483 |
-- error to simulate interrupted LOCKED/EXCLUSIVE bus access --
484 |
wb_mem_c.err <= wb_mem_c.cyc and wb_mem_c.stb and wb_mem_c.lock and wb_mem_c.addr(2); -- locked access to odd word-addresses will fail
485 |
486 |
-- bus output register --
487 |
if (ext_mem_c.ack(ext_mem_c_latency_c-1) = '1') and (wb_mem_c.cyc = '1') then
488 |
wb_mem_c.rdata <= ext_mem_c.rdata(ext_mem_c_latency_c-1);
489 |
wb_mem_c.ack <= '1';
490 |
491 |
wb_mem_c.rdata <= (others => '0');
492 |
wb_mem_c.ack <= '0';
493 |
end if;
494 |
end if;
495 |
end process ext_mem_c_access;
496 |
497 |
498 |
40 |
zero_gravi |
-- Wishbone IRQ Triggers ------------------------------------------------------------------
499 |
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
500 |
ext_irq_trigger: process(clk_gen)
501 |
502 |
if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
503 |
-- default --
504 |
msi_ring <= '0';
505 |
wb_msi.rdata <= (others => '0');
506 |
wb_msi.ack <= '0';
507 |
wb_msi.err <= '0';
508 |
mei_ring <= '0';
509 |
wb_mei.rdata <= (others => '0');
510 |
wb_mei.ack <= '0';
511 |
wb_mei.err <= '0';
512 |
513 |
-- machine software interrupt --
514 |
if ((wb_msi.cyc and wb_msi.stb and wb_msi.we) = '1') then
515 |
msi_ring <= '1';
516 |
wb_msi.ack <= '1';
517 |
end if;
518 |
519 |
-- machine external interrupt --
520 |
if ((wb_mei.cyc and wb_mei.stb and wb_mei.we) = '1') then
521 |
mei_ring <= '1';
522 |
wb_mei.ack <= '1';
523 |
end if;
524 |
end if;
525 |
end process ext_irq_trigger;
526 |
527 |
528 |
2 |
zero_gravi |
end neorv32_tb_rtl;