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-- NoCem -- Network on Chip Emulation Tool for System on Chip Research
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-- and Implementations
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-- Copyright (C) 2006 Graham Schelle, Dirk Grunwald
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-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10 |
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
11 |
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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13 |
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 |
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 |
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-- GNU General Public License for more details.
17 |
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-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 |
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 |
-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21 |
-- 02110-1301, USA.
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-- The authors can be contacted by email: <schelleg,grunwald>@cs.colorado.edu
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-- or by mail: Campus Box 430, Department of Computer Science,
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-- University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado 80309
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-- Filename: vc_controller.vhd
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-- Description: vc controller -- state, allocation status, etc.
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--The VC controller is instantiated on a per VC basis and keeps track
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--of the state of the VC and outputs the appropriate signals to the node
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--that is switching this data and the node that originally provided the data.
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library IEEE;
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use work.pkg_nocem.all;
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entity vc_controller is
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Port (
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-- id's for this vc and its node (for routing)
52 |
vc_my_id : in std_logic_vector(NOCEM_VC_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- should be tied to constant
53 |
node_my_id : in std_logic_vector(NOCEM_AW-1 downto 0);
54 |
55 |
-- packet fields from/to FIFO that are being snooped
56 |
pkt_cntrl_rd : in pkt_cntrl_word;
57 |
pkt_cntrl_wr : in pkt_cntrl_word;
58 |
pkt_re : in std_logic;
59 |
pkt_we : in std_logic;
60 |
vc_fifo_empty : in std_logic;
61 |
62 |
-- this VC's status
63 |
vc_eop_rd_status : out std_logic; -- 0: no eop with rden, 1: eop and rden
64 |
vc_eop_wr_status : out std_logic; -- 0: no eop with wren, 1: eop and wren
65 |
66 |
67 |
-- requesting a outgoing VC
68 |
vc_allocation_req : out std_logic;
69 |
vc_req_id : out std_logic_vector(NOCEM_VC_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
70 |
71 |
-- virtual channel request RESPONSE SIGNALS
72 |
vc_allocate_from_node : in std_logic_vector(NOCEM_VC_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
73 |
vc_requester_from_node : in std_logic_vector(NOCEM_VC_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
74 |
75 |
-- destination signals (channel,VC) for packet transmission
76 |
channel_dest : out arb_decision;
77 |
vc_dest : out std_logic_vector(NOCEM_VC_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
78 |
vc_switch_req : out std_logic;
79 |
80 |
rst : in std_logic;
81 |
clk : in std_logic
82 |
83 |
end vc_controller;
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85 |
architecture Behavioral of vc_controller is
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--will see the SOP and then attempt to get a virtual channel on
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--the outgoing physical CHANNEL. Once we have a vc, we can start
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--to send the packet, waiting for a EOP to show up/be read out. Once we do,
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--will signal back to previous router that channel is now deallocated.
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type stateType is (idle_st,getting_vc_st,sending_st);
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signal state,nextState : stateType;
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signal local_addr_x : std_logic_vector(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0);
99 |
signal local_addr_y : std_logic_vector(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0);
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101 |
signal channel_dest_routed,channel_dest_reg : arb_decision;
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103 |
signal final_dest_addr : std_logic_vector(NOCEM_AW-1 downto 0);
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signal vc_allocated_reg : std_logic_vector(NOCEM_VC_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
106 |
signal sop_wr : std_logic;
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signal eop_rd,eop_wr : std_logic;
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-- register the incoming cntrl_wr signal for performance reasons (higher clock speed)
110 |
signal pkt_cntrl_wr_1stword : pkt_cntrl_word;
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113 |
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-- setup signals coming/going to FIFO
116 |
sop_wr <= pkt_cntrl_wr(NOCEM_PKTCNTRL_SOP_IX) when pkt_we = '1' else '0';
117 |
eop_wr <= pkt_cntrl_wr(NOCEM_PKTCNTRL_EOP_IX) when pkt_we = '1' else '0';
118 |
eop_rd <= pkt_cntrl_rd(NOCEM_PKTCNTRL_EOP_IX) when pkt_re = '1' else '0';
119 |
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121 |
vc_eop_rd_status <= eop_rd; -- 0: no eop with rden, 1: eop and rden
122 |
vc_eop_wr_status <= eop_wr;
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124 |
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--local address breakdown for readibility....
126 |
local_addr_x <= node_my_id(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2);
127 |
local_addr_y <= node_my_id(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0);
128 |
final_dest_addr <= pkt_cntrl_wr_1stword(NOCEM_PKTCNTRL_DEST_ADDR_HIX downto NOCEM_PKTCNTRL_DEST_ADDR_LIX);
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state_clkd : process (clk,rst,nextState)
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133 |
if rst = '1' then
134 |
state <= idle_st;
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channel_dest_reg <= ARB_NODECISION;
136 |
vc_allocated_reg <= (others => '0');
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schelleg |
pkt_cntrl_wr_1stword <= (others => '0');
138 |
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
139 |
state <= nextState;
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case state is
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when idle_st =>
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144 |
vc_allocated_reg <= (others => '0');
145 |
146 |
if sop_wr='1' then
147 |
pkt_cntrl_wr_1stword <= pkt_cntrl_wr;
148 |
end if;
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when getting_vc_st =>
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channel_dest_reg <= channel_dest_routed;
151 |
if vc_allocate_from_node /= 0 and vc_requester_from_node = vc_my_id then
152 |
vc_allocated_reg <= vc_allocate_from_node;
153 |
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end if;
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when sending_st =>
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when others =>
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159 |
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end case;
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end if;
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end process;
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state_uclkd : process (vc_fifo_empty,eop_rd,state, sop_wr, vc_my_id, channel_dest_routed, vc_requester_from_node, channel_dest_reg, vc_allocate_from_node, pkt_re, eop_wr, vc_allocated_reg)
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schelleg |
169 |
170 |
vc_allocation_req <= '0';
171 |
vc_switch_req <= '0';
172 |
vc_dest <= (others => '0');
173 |
channel_dest <= ARB_NODECISION;
174 |
vc_req_id <= (others => '0');
175 |
176 |
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case state is
178 |
179 |
when idle_st =>
180 |
vc_dest <= (others => '0');
181 |
if sop_wr = '1' then
182 |
nextState <= getting_vc_st;
183 |
184 |
nextState <= idle_st;
185 |
end if;
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when getting_vc_st =>
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189 |
channel_dest <= channel_dest_routed;
190 |
vc_dest <= vc_allocate_from_node;
191 |
192 |
if vc_allocate_from_node /= 0 and vc_requester_from_node = vc_my_id then
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194 |
-- requesting switch signals
195 |
if vc_fifo_empty='0' then
196 |
vc_switch_req <= '1';
197 |
end if;
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199 |
-- single word packet handling
200 |
if eop_rd = '1' then
201 |
nextState <= idle_st;
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203 |
nextState <= sending_st;
204 |
end if;
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207 |
208 |
209 |
-- requesting vc signals...
210 |
vc_allocation_req <= '1';
211 |
vc_req_id <= vc_my_id;
212 |
213 |
nextState <= getting_vc_st;
214 |
end if;
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217 |
218 |
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when sending_st =>
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221 |
channel_dest <= channel_dest_routed;
222 |
vc_dest <= vc_allocated_reg;
223 |
-- requesting switch signals
224 |
if vc_fifo_empty = '0' then
225 |
vc_switch_req <= '1';
226 |
end if;
227 |
228 |
-- waiting for packet to be completed read
229 |
if eop_rd = '1' then
230 |
nextState <= idle_st;
231 |
232 |
nextState <= sending_st;
233 |
end if;
234 |
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when others =>
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237 |
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239 |
end case;
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end process;
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-- process to determine routing based on incoming addr
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-- decision determined by topology and datain destination address
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channel_dest_gen : process (pkt_cntrl_wr,final_dest_addr, local_addr_x, local_addr_y)
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-- DOUBLE TORUS: north/south have loop around, east/west have looparound....
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channel_dest_routed <= ARB_NODECISION;
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
-- src > dst address. go east if ROWS >= 2(SRC-DST) . go west if ROWS < 2(SRC-DST)
262 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) < local_addr_x then
263 |
264 |
if NOCEM_NUM_ROWS >= TO_STDLOGICVECTOR(TO_BITVECTOR(local_addr_x - final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2)) sll 1) then
265 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_EAST;
266 |
267 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_WEST;
268 |
end if;
269 |
end if;
270 |
271 |
-- dst > src address. go east if ROWS >= 2(DST-SRC) . go west if ROWS < 2(DST-SRC)
272 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) > local_addr_x then
273 |
274 |
if NOCEM_NUM_ROWS >= TO_STDLOGICVECTOR(TO_BITVECTOR(final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2)- local_addr_x) sll 1) then
275 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_EAST;
276 |
277 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_WEST;
278 |
end if;
279 |
280 |
end if;
281 |
282 |
-- src > dst address. go north if ROWS >= 2(SRC-DST) . go south if ROWS < 2(SRC-DST)
283 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) < local_addr_y and
284 |
final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) = local_addr_x then
285 |
286 |
if NOCEM_NUM_ROWS >= TO_STDLOGICVECTOR(TO_BITVECTOR(local_addr_y - final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0)) sll 1) then
287 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_NORTH;
288 |
289 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_SOUTH;
290 |
end if;
291 |
end if;
292 |
293 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) > local_addr_y and
294 |
final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) = local_addr_x then
295 |
296 |
-- dst > src address. go north if ROWS >= 2(DST-SRC) . go south if ROWS < 2(DST-SRC)
297 |
if NOCEM_NUM_ROWS >= TO_STDLOGICVECTOR(TO_BITVECTOR(final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) - local_addr_y) sll 1) then
298 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_NORTH;
299 |
300 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_SOUTH;
301 |
end if;
302 |
end if;
303 |
304 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) = local_addr_y and
305 |
final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) = local_addr_x then
306 |
307 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_AP;
308 |
end if;
309 |
310 |
311 |
end if; -- DTORUS
312 |
313 |
314 |
-- TORUS: north/south have loop around, east/west do not....
315 |
316 |
317 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_NODECISION;
318 |
319 |
320 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) < local_addr_x then
321 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_WEST;
322 |
end if;
323 |
324 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) > local_addr_x then
325 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_EAST;
326 |
end if;
327 |
328 |
-- src > dst address. go north if ROWS >= 2(SRC-DST) . go south if ROWS < 2(SRC-DST)
329 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) < local_addr_y and
330 |
final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) = local_addr_x then
331 |
332 |
if NOCEM_NUM_ROWS >= TO_STDLOGICVECTOR(TO_BITVECTOR(local_addr_y - final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0)) sll 1) then
333 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_NORTH;
334 |
335 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_SOUTH;
336 |
end if;
337 |
end if;
338 |
339 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) > local_addr_y and
340 |
final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) = local_addr_x then
341 |
342 |
-- dst > src address. go north if ROWS >= 2(DST-SRC) . go south if ROWS < 2(DST-SRC)
343 |
if NOCEM_NUM_ROWS >= TO_STDLOGICVECTOR(TO_BITVECTOR(final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) - local_addr_y) sll 1) then
344 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_NORTH;
345 |
346 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_SOUTH;
347 |
end if;
348 |
end if;
349 |
350 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) = local_addr_y and
351 |
final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) = local_addr_x then
352 |
353 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_AP;
354 |
end if;
355 |
356 |
357 |
end if;
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
-- MESH: simple deterministic routing....
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_NODECISION;
367 |
368 |
369 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) < local_addr_x then
370 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_WEST;
371 |
end if;
372 |
373 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) > local_addr_x then
374 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_EAST;
375 |
end if;
376 |
377 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) < local_addr_y and
378 |
final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) = local_addr_x then
379 |
380 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_SOUTH;
381 |
end if;
382 |
383 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) > local_addr_y and
384 |
final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) = local_addr_x then
385 |
386 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_NORTH;
387 |
end if;
388 |
389 |
if final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW/2 -1 downto 0) = local_addr_y and
390 |
final_dest_addr(NOCEM_AW-1 downto NOCEM_AW/2) = local_addr_x then
391 |
392 |
channel_dest_routed <= ARB_AP;
393 |
end if;
394 |
395 |
396 |
end if;
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
end process;
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411 |
end Behavioral;