1 |
4 |
tmsiqueira |
library IEEE;
2 |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
entity ram_control is
7 |
generic (
8 |
Tx_nRX : natural := 0;
9 |
stage : natural := 3);
10 |
11 |
port (
12 |
clk : in std_logic;
13 |
rst : in std_logic;
14 |
Gen_state : in std_logic_vector(2*stage+2 downto 0);
15 |
mem_bk : in std_logic;
16 |
addrout_in : out std_logic_vector(stage*2-Tx_nRX downto 0);
17 |
wen_proc : out std_logic;
18 |
addrin_proc : out std_logic_vector(stage*2-1 downto 0);
19 |
addrout_proc : out std_logic_vector(stage*2-1 downto 0);
20 |
wen_out : out std_logic;
21 |
addrin_out : out std_logic_vector(stage*2-1 downto 0));
22 |
23 |
24 |
end ram_control;
25 |
26 |
architecture ram_control of ram_control is
27 |
28 |
function counter2addr(
29 |
counter : std_logic_vector;
30 |
mask1 : std_logic_vector;
31 |
mask2 : std_logic_vector
32 |
) return std_logic_vector is
33 |
variable result : std_logic_vector(counter'range);
34 |
35 |
for n in mask1'range loop
36 |
if mask1(n) = '1' then
37 |
result( 2*n+1 downto 2*n ) := counter( 1 downto 0 );
38 |
elsif mask2(n) = '1' and n /= STAGE-1 then
39 |
result( 2*n+1 downto 2*n ) := counter( 2*n+3 downto 2*n+2 );
40 |
41 |
result( 2*n+1 downto 2*n ) := counter( 2*n+1 downto 2*n );
42 |
end if;
43 |
end loop;
44 |
return result;
45 |
end counter2addr;
46 |
47 |
function outcounter2addr(counter : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
48 |
variable result : std_logic_vector(counter'range);
49 |
50 |
for n in 0 to STAGE-1 loop
51 |
result( 2*n+1 downto 2*n ) := counter( counter'high-2*n downto counter'high-2*n-1 );
52 |
end loop;
53 |
return result;
54 |
end outcounter2addr;
55 |
56 |
alias state : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) is Gen_state(2*stage+2 downto 2*stage);
57 |
alias counter : std_logic_vector(2*stage-1 downto 0) is Gen_state(2*stage-1 downto 0);
58 |
59 |
constant FFTDELAY : integer := 13+2*STAGE;
60 |
constant FACTORDELAY : integer := 6;
61 |
constant OUTDELAY : integer := 9;
62 |
63 |
-- read
64 |
signal rmask1, rmask2 : std_logic_vector( STAGE-1 downto 0 );
65 |
-- proc
66 |
signal wmask1, wmask2 : std_logic_vector( STAGE-1 downto 0 );
67 |
signal wcounter : std_logic_vector( STAGE*2-1 downto 0 );
68 |
-- out
69 |
signal outcounter : std_logic_vector( STAGE*2-1 downto 0 );
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
-- Read
74 |
Tx_read : if Tx_nRx = 1 generate
75 |
readaddr : process( clk, rst )
76 |
variable aux_addrout : std_logic_vector(stage*2-1 downto 0);
77 |
variable aux_addrout_abs : std_logic_vector(stage*2-1 downto 0);
78 |
79 |
if rst = '1' then
80 |
addrout_in <= ( others => '0' );
81 |
addrout_proc <= ( others => '0' );
82 |
aux_addrout := ( others => '0' );
83 |
aux_addrout_abs := ( others => '0' );
84 |
rmask1 <= ( others => '0' );
85 |
rmask2 <= ( others => '0' );
86 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
87 |
if unsigned(state) = 0 and signed(counter) = 0 then
88 |
rmask1(STAGE-1) <= '1';
89 |
rmask1(STAGE-2 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
90 |
rmask2(STAGE-1) <= '0';
91 |
rmask2(STAGE-2 downto 0) <= (others => '1');
92 |
elsif signed(counter) = -1 then
93 |
rmask1 <= '0'&rmask1( STAGE-1 downto 1 );
94 |
rmask2 <= '0'&rmask2( STAGE-1 downto 1 );
95 |
end if;
96 |
aux_addrout := counter2addr(counter, rmask1, rmask2);
97 |
aux_addrout_abs := abs(aux_addrout);
98 |
if unsigned(state) = 0 then
99 |
if mem_bk = '0' then
100 |
addrout_in <= aux_addrout_abs;
101 |
102 |
addrout_in <= aux_addrout_abs+32;
103 |
end if;
104 |
end if;
105 |
addrout_proc <= aux_addrout;
106 |
end if;
107 |
end process readaddr;
108 |
end generate;
109 |
110 |
Rx_read : if Tx_nRx = 0 generate
111 |
readaddr : process( clk, rst )
112 |
variable aux_addrout : std_logic_vector(stage*2 downto 0);
113 |
114 |
if rst = '1' then
115 |
addrout_in <= ( others => '0' );
116 |
addrout_proc <= ( others => '0' );
117 |
aux_addrout := ( others => '0' );
118 |
rmask1 <= ( others => '0' );
119 |
rmask2 <= ( others => '0' );
120 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
121 |
if unsigned(state) = 0 and signed(counter) = 0 then
122 |
rmask1(STAGE-1) <= '1';
123 |
rmask1(STAGE-2 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
124 |
rmask2(STAGE-1) <= '0';
125 |
rmask2(STAGE-2 downto 0) <= (others => '1');
126 |
elsif signed(counter) = -1 then
127 |
rmask1 <= '0'&rmask1( STAGE-1 downto 1 );
128 |
rmask2 <= '0'&rmask2( STAGE-1 downto 1 );
129 |
end if;
130 |
aux_addrout := '0'&counter2addr(counter, rmask1, rmask2);
131 |
if unsigned(state) = 0 and mem_bk = '1' then
132 |
addrout_in <= aux_addrout+64;
133 |
134 |
addrout_in <= aux_addrout;
135 |
end if;
136 |
addrout_proc <= aux_addrout(stage*2-1 downto 0);
137 |
end if;
138 |
end process readaddr;
139 |
end generate;
140 |
141 |
142 |
-- Escrita em proc
143 |
144 |
writeaddr_proc : process( clk, rst )
145 |
146 |
if rst = '1' then
147 |
addrin_proc <= ( others => '0' );
148 |
wcounter <= ( others => '0' );
149 |
wmask1 <= ( others => '0' );
150 |
wmask2 <= ( others => '0' );
151 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
152 |
if unsigned(state) = 0 and unsigned(counter) = FFTDELAY-1 then
153 |
wmask1(STAGE-1) <= '1';
154 |
wmask1(STAGE-2 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
155 |
wmask2(STAGE-1) <= '0';
156 |
wmask2(STAGE-2 downto 0) <= (others => '1');
157 |
elsif unsigned(counter) = FFTDELAY-1 then
158 |
wmask1 <= '0'&wmask1( STAGE-1 downto 1 );
159 |
wmask2 <= '0'&wmask2( STAGE-1 downto 1 );
160 |
end if;
161 |
if unsigned(state) < STAGE and unsigned(counter) = FFTDELAY-1 then
162 |
wcounter <= ( others => '0' );
163 |
164 |
wcounter <= unsigned(wcounter)+1;
165 |
end if;
166 |
addrin_proc <= counter2addr(wcounter, wmask1, wmask2 );
167 |
end if;
168 |
end process writeaddr_proc;
169 |
170 |
writeen_proc : process( clk, rst )
171 |
172 |
if rst = '1' then
173 |
wen_proc <= '0';
174 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
175 |
if unsigned(state) = 0 and unsigned(counter) = FFTDELAY then
176 |
wen_proc <= '1';
177 |
elsif unsigned(state) = STAGE-1 and unsigned(counter) = FFTDELAY then
178 |
wen_proc <= '0';
179 |
end if;
180 |
end if;
181 |
end process writeen_proc;
182 |
183 |
-- Escrite em OutRam
184 |
185 |
writeaddr_out : process( clk, rst )
186 |
187 |
if rst = '1' then
188 |
outcounter <= (others => '0');
189 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
190 |
if unsigned(state) = stage-1 and unsigned(counter) = OUTDELAY then
191 |
outcounter <= (others => '0');
192 |
193 |
outcounter <= unsigned(outcounter)+1;
194 |
end if;
195 |
end if;
196 |
end process writeaddr_out;
197 |
198 |
addrin_out <= outcounter2addr(outcounter);
199 |
200 |
writeen_out : process( clk, rst )
201 |
202 |
if rst = '1' then
203 |
wen_out <= '0';
204 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
205 |
if unsigned(state) = STAGE-1 and unsigned(counter) = OUTDELAY then
206 |
wen_out <= '1';
207 |
elsif unsigned(outcounter) = 63 then
208 |
wen_out <= '0';
209 |
end if;
210 |
end if;
211 |
end process writeen_out;
212 |
end ram_control;
213 |
214 |