1 |
2 |
dinesha |
2 |
//// ////
3 |
//// OMS 8051 cores common library Module ////
4 |
//// ////
5 |
//// This file is part of the OMS 8051 cores project ////
6 |
//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/oms8051mini/ ////
7 |
//// ////
8 |
//// Description ////
9 |
//// OMS 8051 definitions. ////
10 |
//// ////
11 |
//// To Do: ////
12 |
//// nothing ////
13 |
//// ////
14 |
//// Author(s): ////
15 |
//// - Dinesh Annayya, dinesha@opencores.org ////
16 |
//// ////
17 |
//// Revision : Nov 26, 2016 ////
18 |
//// ////
19 |
20 |
//// ////
21 |
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
22 |
//// ////
23 |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
24 |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
25 |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
26 |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
27 |
//// ////
28 |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
29 |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
30 |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
31 |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
32 |
//// later version. ////
33 |
//// ////
34 |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
35 |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
36 |
37 |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
38 |
//// details. ////
39 |
//// ////
40 |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
41 |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
42 |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
43 |
//// ////
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47 |
Web-bone cross bar M-Master By S-Slave
48 |
49 |
50 |
module wb_crossbar (
51 |
52 |
rst_n ,
53 |
clk ,
54 |
55 |
56 |
// Master Interface Signal
57 |
wbd_taddr_master ,
58 |
wbd_din_master ,
59 |
wbd_dout_master ,
60 |
wbd_adr_master ,
61 |
wbd_be_master ,
62 |
wbd_we_master ,
63 |
wbd_ack_master ,
64 |
wbd_stb_master ,
65 |
wbd_cyc_master ,
66 |
wbd_err_master ,
67 |
wbd_rty_master ,
68 |
69 |
// Slave Interface Signal
70 |
wbd_din_slave ,
71 |
wbd_dout_slave ,
72 |
wbd_adr_slave ,
73 |
wbd_be_slave ,
74 |
wbd_we_slave ,
75 |
wbd_ack_slave ,
76 |
wbd_stb_slave ,
77 |
wbd_cyc_slave ,
78 |
wbd_err_slave ,
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
parameter WB_SLAVE = 4 ;
83 |
parameter WB_MASTER = 4 ;
84 |
85 |
parameter D_WD = 16; // Data Width
86 |
parameter BE_WD = 2; // Byte Enable
87 |
parameter ADR_WD = 28; // Address Width
88 |
parameter TAR_WD = 4; // Target Width
89 |
90 |
input clk; // CLK_I The clock input [CLK_I] coordinates all activities
91 |
// for the internal logic within the WISHBONE interconnect.
92 |
// All WISHBONE output signals are registered at the
93 |
// rising edge of [CLK_I].
94 |
// All WISHBONE input signals must be stable before the
95 |
// rising edge of [CLK_I].
96 |
input rst_n; // RST_I The reset input [RST_I] forces the WISHBONE interface
97 |
// to restart. Furthermore, all internal self-starting state
98 |
// machines will be forced into an initial state.
99 |
100 |
input [(WB_MASTER *TAR_WD)-1:0] wbd_taddr_master; // target address from master
101 |
input [WB_MASTER-1:0] wbd_stb_master;
102 |
// STB_O The strobe output [STB_O] indicates a valid data
103 |
// transfer cycle. It is used to qualify various other signals
104 |
// on the interface such as [SEL_O(7..0)]. The SLAVE must
105 |
// assert either the [ACK_I], [ERR_I] or [RTY_I] signals in
106 |
// response to every assertion of the [STB_O] signal.
107 |
output [WB_SLAVE-1:0] wbd_stb_slave;
108 |
// STB_O The strobe output [STB_O] indicates a valid data
109 |
// transfer cycle. It is used to qualify various other signals
110 |
// on the interface such as [SEL_O(7..0)]. The SLAVE must
111 |
// assert either the [ACK_I], [ERR_I] or [RTY_I] signals in
112 |
// response to every assertion of the [STB_O] signal.
113 |
114 |
input [WB_MASTER-1:0] wbd_we_master;
115 |
// WE_O The write enable output [WE_O] indicates whether the
116 |
// current local bus cycle is a READ or WRITE cycle. The
117 |
// signal is negated during READ cycles, and is asserted
118 |
// during WRITE cycles.
119 |
output [WB_SLAVE-1:0] wbd_we_slave;
120 |
// WE_O The write enable output [WE_O] indicates whether the
121 |
// current local bus cycle is a READ or WRITE cycle. The
122 |
// signal is negated during READ cycles, and is asserted
123 |
// during WRITE cycles.
124 |
125 |
output [WB_MASTER-1:0] wbd_ack_master;
126 |
// The acknowledge input [ACK_I], when asserted,
127 |
// indicates the termination of a normal bus cycle.
128 |
// Also see the [ERR_I] and [RTY_I] signal descriptions.
129 |
input [WB_SLAVE-1:0] wbd_ack_slave;
130 |
// The acknowledge input [ACK_I], when asserted,
131 |
// indicates the termination of a normal bus cycle.
132 |
// Also see the [ERR_I] and [RTY_I] signal descriptions.
133 |
134 |
input [(WB_MASTER *ADR_WD)-1:0] wbd_adr_master;
135 |
// The address output array [ADR_O(63..0)] is used
136 |
// to pass a binary address, with the most significant
137 |
// address bit at the higher numbered end of the signal array.
138 |
// The lower array boundary is specific to the data port size.
139 |
// The higher array boundary is core-specific.
140 |
// In some cases (such as FIFO interfaces)
141 |
// the array may not be present on the interface.
142 |
143 |
output [(WB_SLAVE *ADR_WD)-1:0] wbd_adr_slave;
144 |
// The address output array [ADR_O(63..0)] is used
145 |
// to pass a binary address, with the most significant
146 |
// address bit at the higher numbered end of the signal array.
147 |
// The lower array boundary is specific to the data port size.
148 |
// The higher array boundary is core-specific.
149 |
// In some cases (such as FIFO interfaces)
150 |
// the array may not be present on the interface.
151 |
152 |
input [(WB_MASTER * BE_WD)-1:0] wbd_be_master; // Byte Enable
153 |
// SEL_O(7..0) The select output array [SEL_O(7..0)] indicates
154 |
// where valid data is expected on the [DAT_I(63..0)] signal
155 |
// array during READ cycles, and where it is placed on the
156 |
// [DAT_O(63..0)] signal array during WRITE cycles.
157 |
// Also see the [DAT_I(63..0)], [DAT_O(63..0)] and [STB_O]
158 |
// signal descriptions.
159 |
output [(WB_SLAVE * BE_WD)-1:0] wbd_be_slave; // Byte Enable
160 |
// SEL_O(7..0) The select output array [SEL_O(7..0)] indicates
161 |
// where valid data is expected on the [DAT_I(63..0)] signal
162 |
// array during READ cycles, and where it is placed on the
163 |
// [DAT_O(63..0)] signal array during WRITE cycles.
164 |
// Also see the [DAT_I(63..0)], [DAT_O(63..0)] and [STB_O]
165 |
// signal descriptions.
166 |
167 |
input [WB_MASTER -1:0] wbd_cyc_master;
168 |
// CYC_O The cycle output [CYC_O], when asserted,
169 |
// indicates that a valid bus cycle is in progress.
170 |
// The signal is asserted for the duration of all bus cycles.
171 |
// For example, during a BLOCK transfer cycle there can be
172 |
// multiple data transfers. The [CYC_O] signal is asserted
173 |
// during the first data transfer, and remains asserted
174 |
// until the last data transfer. The [CYC_O] signal is useful
175 |
// for interfaces with multi-port interfaces
176 |
// (such as dual port memories). In these cases,
177 |
// the [CYC_O] signal requests use of a common bus from an
178 |
// arbiter. Once the arbiter grants the bus to the MASTER,
179 |
// it is held until [CYC_O] is negated.
180 |
output [WB_SLAVE -1:0] wbd_cyc_slave;
181 |
// CYC_O The cycle output [CYC_O], when asserted,
182 |
// indicates that a valid bus cycle is in progress.
183 |
// The signal is asserted for the duration of all bus cycles.
184 |
// For example, during a BLOCK transfer cycle there can be
185 |
// multiple data transfers. The [CYC_O] signal is asserted
186 |
// during the first data transfer, and remains asserted
187 |
// until the last data transfer. The [CYC_O] signal is useful
188 |
// for interfaces with multi-port interfaces
189 |
// (such as dual port memories). In these cases,
190 |
// the [CYC_O] signal requests use of a common bus from an
191 |
// arbiter. Once the arbiter grants the bus to the MASTER,
192 |
// it is held until [CYC_O] is negated.
193 |
194 |
input [(WB_MASTER * D_WD)-1:0] wbd_din_master;
195 |
// DAT_I(63..0) The data input array [DAT_I(63..0)] is
196 |
// used to pass binary data. The array boundaries are
197 |
// determined by the port size. Also see the [DAT_O(63..0)]
198 |
// and [SEL_O(7..0)] signal descriptions.
199 |
200 |
output [(WB_SLAVE * D_WD)-1:0] wbd_din_slave;
201 |
// DAT_I(63..0) The data input array [DAT_I(63..0)] is
202 |
// used to pass binary data. The array boundaries are
203 |
// determined by the port size. Also see the [DAT_O(63..0)]
204 |
// and [SEL_O(7..0)] signal descriptions.
205 |
206 |
output [(WB_MASTER * D_WD)-1:0] wbd_dout_master;
207 |
// DAT_O(63..0) The data output array [DAT_O(63..0)] is
208 |
// used to pass binary data. The array boundaries are
209 |
// determined by the port size. Also see the [DAT_I(63..0)]
210 |
// and [SEL_O(7..0)] signal descriptions.
211 |
input [(WB_SLAVE * D_WD)-1:0] wbd_dout_slave;
212 |
// DAT_O(63..0) The data output array [DAT_O(63..0)] is
213 |
// used to pass binary data. The array boundaries are
214 |
// determined by the port size. Also see the [DAT_I(63..0)]
215 |
// and [SEL_O(7..0)] signal descriptions.
216 |
217 |
output [WB_MASTER -1:0] wbd_err_master;
218 |
// ERR_I The error input [ERR_I] indicates an abnormal
219 |
// cycle termination. The source of the error, and the
220 |
// response generated by the MASTER is defined by the IP core
221 |
// supplier in the WISHBONE DATASHEET. Also see the [ACK_I]
222 |
// and [RTY_I] signal descriptions.
223 |
input [WB_SLAVE -1:0] wbd_err_slave;
224 |
// ERR_I The error input [ERR_I] indicates an abnormal
225 |
// cycle termination. The source of the error, and the
226 |
// response generated by the MASTER is defined by the IP core
227 |
// supplier in the WISHBONE DATASHEET. Also see the [ACK_I]
228 |
// and [RTY_I] signal descriptions.
229 |
230 |
output [WB_MASTER -1:0] wbd_rty_master;
231 |
// RTY_I The retry input [RTY_I] indicates that the indicates
232 |
// that the interface is not ready to accept or send data, and
233 |
// that the cycle should be retried. When and how the cycle is
234 |
// retried is defined by the IP core supplier in the WISHBONE
235 |
// DATASHEET. Also see the [ERR_I] and [RTY_I] signal
236 |
// descriptions.
237 |
input [WB_SLAVE -1:0] wbd_rty_slave;
238 |
// RTY_I The retry input [RTY_I] indicates that the indicates
239 |
// that the interface is not ready to accept or send data, and
240 |
// that the cycle should be retried. When and how the cycle is
241 |
// retried is defined by the IP core supplier in the WISHBONE
242 |
// DATASHEET. Also see the [ERR_I] and [RTY_I] signal
243 |
// descriptions.
244 |
245 |
246 |
reg [WB_MASTER-1:0] wbd_ack_master;
247 |
reg [WB_MASTER-1:0] wbd_err_master;
248 |
reg [WB_MASTER-1:0] wbd_rty_master;
249 |
250 |
251 |
reg [WB_MASTER-1:0] master_busy; // master busy flag
252 |
reg [WB_SLAVE-1:0] slave_busy; // slave busy flag
253 |
reg [TAR_WD -1:0] master_mx_id[WB_MASTER-1:0];
254 |
reg [TAR_WD -1:0] slave_mx_id [WB_SLAVE-1:0];
255 |
256 |
reg [TAR_WD-1 :0] cur_target_id;
257 |
wire [TAR_WD-1:0] wbd_taddr_master_t[WB_MASTER:0]; // target address from master
258 |
wire [D_WD-1:0] wbd_din_master_t[WB_MASTER-1:0]; // target address from master
259 |
reg [D_WD-1:0] wbd_dout_master_t[WB_MASTER-1:0]; // target address from master
260 |
wire [ADR_WD-1:0] wbd_adr_master_t[WB_MASTER-1:0]; // target address from master
261 |
wire [BE_WD-1:0] wbd_be_master_t[WB_MASTER-1:0]; // target address from master
262 |
263 |
264 |
reg [WB_SLAVE-1:0] wbd_stb_slave;
265 |
reg [WB_SLAVE-1:0] wbd_we_slave;
266 |
reg [WB_SLAVE-1:0] wbd_cyc_slave;
267 |
wire [D_WD-1:0] wbd_dout_slave_t[WB_SLAVE-1:0]; // target data towards master
268 |
269 |
270 |
reg [D_WD-1:0] wbd_din_slave_t[WB_SLAVE-1:0]; // target address from master
271 |
reg [ADR_WD-1:0] wbd_adr_slave_t[WB_SLAVE-1:0]; // target address from master
272 |
reg [BE_WD-1:0] wbd_be_slave_t[WB_SLAVE-1:0]; // target address from master
273 |
274 |
integer i,k,l;
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
Re-Arraging the array in seperate two dimensional information
279 |
280 |
281 |
genvar j,m;
282 |
283 |
284 |
// Connect the Master Mux
285 |
for(j=0; j < WB_MASTER ; j = j + 1) begin : master_expand
286 |
assign wbd_taddr_master_t[j] = wbd_taddr_master[((j+1)*TAR_WD)-1:j * TAR_WD];
287 |
assign wbd_din_master_t[j] = wbd_din_master[((j+1)*D_WD)-1:j * D_WD];
288 |
assign wbd_adr_master_t[j] = wbd_adr_master[((j+1)*ADR_WD)-1:j * ADR_WD];
289 |
assign wbd_be_master_t[j] = wbd_be_master[((j+1)*BE_WD)-1:j * BE_WD];
290 |
291 |
assign wbd_dout_master[((j+1)*D_WD)-1:j * D_WD] = wbd_dout_master_t[j];
292 |
293 |
294 |
// Connect the Slave Mux
295 |
for(m=0; m < WB_SLAVE ; m = m + 1) begin : slave_expand
296 |
assign wbd_din_slave[((m+1)*D_WD)-1:m * D_WD] = wbd_din_slave_t[m];
297 |
assign wbd_adr_slave[((m+1)*ADR_WD)-1:m * ADR_WD] = wbd_adr_slave_t[m];
298 |
assign wbd_be_slave[((m+1)*BE_WD)-1:m * BE_WD] = wbd_be_slave_t[m];
299 |
300 |
assign wbd_dout_slave_t[m] = wbd_dout_slave[((m+1)*D_WD)-1:m * D_WD];
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
always @* begin
306 |
for(k = 0; k < WB_MASTER; k = k + 1) begin
307 |
if(master_busy[k] == 1) begin
308 |
wbd_dout_master_t[k] = wbd_dout_slave_t[master_mx_id[k]];
309 |
wbd_ack_master[k] = wbd_ack_slave[master_mx_id[k]];
310 |
wbd_err_master[k] = wbd_err_slave[master_mx_id[k]];
311 |
wbd_rty_master[k] = wbd_rty_slave[master_mx_id[k]];
312 |
end else begin
313 |
wbd_dout_master_t[k] = 0;
314 |
wbd_ack_master[k] = 0;
315 |
wbd_err_master[k] = 0;
316 |
wbd_rty_master[k] = 0;
317 |
318 |
319 |
for(l = 0; l < WB_SLAVE; l = l + 1) begin
320 |
if(slave_busy[l] == 1) begin
321 |
wbd_din_slave_t[l] = wbd_din_master_t[slave_mx_id[l]];
322 |
wbd_adr_slave_t[l] = wbd_adr_master_t[slave_mx_id[l]];
323 |
wbd_be_slave_t[l] = wbd_be_master_t[slave_mx_id[l]];
324 |
wbd_stb_slave[l] = wbd_stb_master[slave_mx_id[l]];
325 |
wbd_we_slave[l] = wbd_we_master[slave_mx_id[l]];
326 |
wbd_cyc_slave[l] = wbd_cyc_master[slave_mx_id[l]];
327 |
end else begin
328 |
wbd_din_slave_t[l] = 0;
329 |
wbd_adr_slave_t[l] = 0;
330 |
wbd_be_slave_t[l] = 0;
331 |
wbd_stb_slave[l] = 0;
332 |
wbd_we_slave[l] = 0;
333 |
wbd_cyc_slave[l] = 0;
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 |
Parsing through the master and deciding on mux connectio
340 |
Step-1: analysis the master from 0 to total master
341 |
Step-2: If the previously master is not busy,
342 |
Then check for any new request from the master and
343 |
check corresponding slave is free or not. If there is
344 |
master request and requesting slave is free.
345 |
Then set the master max id to slave id &
346 |
requesting slave to master number & set the master
347 |
and slave busy flag
348 |
Step-3: If the previous state of master is busy and bus-cycle
349 |
is de-asserted, then reset the master and corresponding
350 |
slave busy flag
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
always @(negedge rst_n or posedge clk) begin
355 |
if(rst_n == 0) begin
356 |
master_busy = 0;
357 |
slave_busy = 0;
358 |
cur_target_id = 0;
359 |
360 |
361 |
else begin
362 |
for(i = 0; i < WB_MASTER; i = i + 1) begin
363 |
cur_target_id = wbd_taddr_master_t[i];
364 |
if(master_busy[i] == 0) begin
365 |
if(wbd_stb_master[i] & slave_busy[cur_target_id] == 0) begin
366 |
master_mx_id[i] <= cur_target_id;
367 |
slave_mx_id [cur_target_id] = i;
368 |
slave_busy[cur_target_id] = 1;
369 |
master_busy[i] = 1;
370 |
// synopsys translate_off
371 |
// $display("%m:%t: Locking Master : %d with Slave : %d",$time,i,cur_target_id);
372 |
// synopsys translate_on
373 |
374 |
end else if(wbd_cyc_master[i] == 0) begin
375 |
master_busy[i] = 0;
376 |
slave_busy[cur_target_id] = 0;
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |