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skeptonomi |
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-- <c>2018 william b hunter
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-- This file is part of ow2rtd.
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-- ow2rtd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 |
-- it under the terms of the GNU Lessor General Public License as published by
7 |
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 |
-- (at your option) any later version.
9 |
10 |
-- ow2rtd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 |
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 |
13 |
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
14 |
15 |
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lessor General Public License
16 |
-- along with ow2rtd. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 |
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-- Create Date: 5/15/2018
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-- file: onewire_bit.vhd
20 |
-- description: handles single bit transactions on the one wire bus
21 |
-- it is used by higher level entities to initialize, search, read, and write the one
22 |
-- wire devices on the one wire bus.
23 |
-- Each operation consists of a start, that is always low, middle, which for reads
24 |
-- represents the time for the slave to respond, and the end, which allows for
25 |
-- the slave to finish its operation and provides spacing between bit patterns.
26 |
-- For reads and resets, the data is sampled at the end of the mid time
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library IEEE;
31 |
32 |
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
33 |
library work;
34 |
35 |
36 |
-- Entity declaration
37 |
38 |
entity ow_bit is
39 |
port (
40 |
41 |
clk : in std_logic;
42 |
srst : in std_logic;
43 |
clken : in std_logic;
44 |
--interface to higher level
45 |
rstb : in std_logic;
46 |
wstb : in std_logic;
47 |
istb : in std_logic;
48 |
din : in std_logic;
49 |
dout : out std_logic;
50 |
busy : out std_logic;
51 |
--one wire bus
52 |
owout : out std_logic; --one wire input
53 |
owin : in std_logic --one wire output
54 |
55 |
end ow_bit;
56 |
57 |
58 |
-- Architecture declaration
59 |
60 |
architecture rtl of ow_bit is
61 |
type pulse_state_type is (S_IDLE, S_START, S_MID, S_END); --, S_DONE
62 |
signal pulse_state : pulse_state_type := S_IDLE;
63 |
64 |
65 |
constant r_start : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(5,12); --low time
66 |
constant r_mid : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(10,12); --high z until sample time
67 |
constant r_end : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(65,12); --recovery time
68 |
constant w_start : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(5,12); --low time
69 |
constant w_mid : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(65,12); --dout time
70 |
constant w_end : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(10,12); --recovery time
71 |
constant rw_cnt : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(1,12); --number of samples for read or write
72 |
constant i_start : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(500,12); --reset low time
73 |
constant i_mid : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(100,12); --high z till sample time
74 |
constant i_end : unsigned(11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(220,12); --recovery time till end of rst response
75 |
constant i_cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0) := to_unsigned(1,4); --number of samples (i_end each) to wait for init response
76 |
77 |
signal start_time : unsigned(11 downto 0); -- low pulse time
78 |
signal mid_time : unsigned(11 downto 0); -- high pulse time
79 |
signal end_time : unsigned(11 downto 0); -- time between samples, or the last sample and the end
80 |
--signal rd_count : unsigned(4 downto 0) := to_unsigned(30,5); -- number of read smaples for this bit
81 |
82 |
83 |
signal owo : std_logic := '0'; --one wire output bit
84 |
--signal owo2 : std_logic := '0'; --one wire output bit combined with one wire power
85 |
--signal owi : std_logic := '0'; --one wire input bit
86 |
--signal owt : std_logic := '0'; --one wire tristate, implements open collector bus
87 |
signal wstb_cap : std_logic := '0'; --captures and holds write requests
88 |
signal rstb_cap : std_logic := '0'; --captures and holds read requests
89 |
signal istb_cap : std_logic := '0'; --captures and holds init requests (reset/presence sequence)
90 |
signal din_cap : std_logic := '0'; --captures and holds input data
91 |
signal pulse_end : std_logic;
92 |
signal busy_int : std_logic;
93 |
signal timer : unsigned(11 downto 0) := x"000"; --used to time one wire bus transactions
94 |
--signal rdcntr : unsigned(4 downto 0); --used to count samples in the read mode
95 |
--signal owopwr : std_logic; --internal state of dout combined with power input
96 |
signal samp : std_logic; --AND'ed value of owi samples
97 |
98 |
attribute mark_debug : string;
99 |
attribute mark_debug of pulse_state : signal is "true";
100 |
attribute mark_debug of timer : signal is "true";
101 |
attribute mark_debug of samp : signal is "true";
102 |
attribute mark_debug of din : signal is "true";
103 |
attribute mark_debug of dout : signal is "true";
104 |
attribute mark_debug of rstb_cap: signal is "true";
105 |
attribute mark_debug of wstb_cap : signal is "true";
106 |
attribute mark_debug of istb_cap : signal is "true";
107 |
attribute mark_debug of busy_int : signal is "true";
108 |
attribute mark_debug of pulse_end : signal is "true";
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
-- strobe captures ---
114 |
115 |
-- p_capstb - captures the pulse strobes, and clears then when the pulse is complete
116 |
-- this is necessary if the clken is used because the strobes happen on the system clk and
117 |
-- the pulse is timed by the stb1us. We need to hold the strobes throughout the pulse because the active
118 |
-- strobe is used to zelect the timing for the pulse.
119 |
p_capstb : process (clk)
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121 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
122 |
if srst = '1' then
123 |
rstb_cap <= '0';
124 |
wstb_cap <= '0';
125 |
istb_cap <= '0';
126 |
din_cap <= '0';
127 |
elsif busy_int = '0' then
128 |
if rstb = '1' then
129 |
rstb_cap <= '1';
130 |
elsif wstb = '1' then
131 |
wstb_cap <= '1';
132 |
din_cap <= din;
133 |
elsif istb = '1' then
134 |
istb_cap <= '1';
135 |
end if;
136 |
elsif pulse_state = S_END then
137 |
rstb_cap <= '0';
138 |
wstb_cap <= '0';
139 |
istb_cap <= '0';
140 |
din_cap <= '0';
141 |
end if;
142 |
end if;
143 |
end process p_capstb;
144 |
145 |
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-- control muxing ---
147 |
148 |
--busy_int indicates that a pulse is pending (one of the strobe captures is high) or the pulse is active
149 |
busy_int <= '0' when rstb_cap = '0' and wstb_cap = '0' and istb_cap = '0'
150 |
and pulse_state = S_IDLE
151 |
else '1';
152 |
153 |
start_time <= w_start when wstb_cap = '1' else i_start when istb_cap = '1' else r_start;
154 |
mid_time <= w_mid when wstb_cap = '1' else i_mid when istb_cap = '1' else r_mid;
155 |
end_time <= w_end when wstb_cap = '1' else i_end when istb_cap = '1' else r_end;
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
-- pulse generator ---
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161 |
--p_pulse - generates the pulse, and if needed captures the read bit or read presence pulse
162 |
-- all pulses consist of a start time, a middle time, and an end time.
163 |
-- for read, write, and init, the start time is always low, and starts the timing for the pulse
164 |
-- for a read or init, the middle time is used for the slave to react. data is sampled at the end of the mid time
165 |
-- for the write, the middle time is where the actual data, zero or one, is output.
166 |
-- the end time is used to space between pulses.
167 |
-- |start| middle |end|
168 |
-- Write one ----_____-------------
169 |
-- Write zero ----______________----
170 |
-- read ----_____xxxxxxxxx----
171 |
-- init ----_____---------____
172 |
p_pulse : process (clk)
173 |
174 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
175 |
if srst = '1' then
176 |
pulse_state <= S_IDLE;
177 |
timer <= x"000";
178 |
--rdcntr <= "00000";
179 |
owo <= '1';
180 |
samp <= '1';
181 |
elsif clken = '1' then
182 |
case pulse_state is
183 |
when S_IDLE =>
184 |
samp <= '1';
185 |
if busy_int = '1' then
186 |
pulse_state <= S_START;
187 |
timer <= start_time;
188 |
owo <= '0';
189 |
end if;
190 |
when S_START =>
191 |
if timer > 0 then
192 |
timer <= timer -1;
193 |
194 |
if wstb_cap = '1' then
195 |
owo <= din_cap;
196 |
197 |
owo <= '1';
198 |
end if;
199 |
timer <= mid_time;
200 |
pulse_state <= S_MID;
201 |
end if;
202 |
when S_MID =>
203 |
if timer > 0 then
204 |
timer <= timer -1;
205 |
206 |
samp <= owin;
207 |
timer <= end_time;
208 |
--rdcntr <= rd_count;
209 |
pulse_state <= S_END;
210 |
owo <= '1';
211 |
end if;
212 |
when S_END =>
213 |
if timer > 0 then
214 |
timer <= timer -1;
215 |
216 |
pulse_state <= S_IDLE;
217 |
end if;
218 |
--when S_DONE =>
219 |
-- pulse_state <= S_IDLE;
220 |
end case;
221 |
end if;
222 |
end if;
223 |
end process p_pulse;
224 |
225 |
dout <= samp; --this is the value read back from a read pulse or a reset pulse
226 |
busy <= busy_int or rstb or wstb or istb;
227 |
228 |
--The output is driven high when pwr = 1, otherwise is only driven low when owo is low
229 |
owout <= owo;
230 |
231 |
end rtl;