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skeptonomi |
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-- <c>2018 william b hunter
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-- This file is part of ow2rtd.
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-- ow2rtd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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-- it under the terms of the GNU Lessor General Public License as published by
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-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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-- (at your option) any later version.
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-- ow2rtd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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-- GNU General Public License for more details.
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-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lessor General Public License
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-- along with ow2rtd. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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-- Create Date: 5/15/2018
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-- file: ow_byte.vhd
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-- description: handles read and write byte operations on the one wire bus
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library IEEE;
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use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
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library work;
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-- Entity declaration
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entity ow_byte is
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port (
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35 |
clk : in std_logic;
36 |
srst : in std_logic;
37 |
--clken : in std_logic;
38 |
--ow1 interface
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rdbit : out std_logic; -- rd bit strobe
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wrbit : out std_logic; -- wr bit strobe
41 |
ibit : in std_logic; -- rd bit data
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obit : out std_logic; -- wr bit data
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busyin : in std_logic; -- busy from the bit interface
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--high level interface to owt,owi, or external
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rdbyte : in std_logic; -- read byte strobe
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obyte : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- result of the byte read
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wrbyte : in std_logic; -- write byte strobe
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ibyte : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- write data
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busy : out std_logic -- busy signal the to external modules
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end ow_byte;
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-- Architecture declaration
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architecture rtl of ow_byte is
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type state_type is (S_IDLE, S_STROBE, S_SHIFT);
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signal state : state_type := S_IDLE;
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signal bitcnt : integer range 0 to 7 := 0; --counts the bytes during the transfer
61 |
signal shift : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- used to shift in and out data
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signal rdwr_n : std_logic; -- 1 for read, 0 for write
63 |
signal irdbit : std_logic; -- internal state of rdbit strobe
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signal iwrbit : std_logic; -- internal state of wrbit strobe
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attribute mark_debug : string;
67 |
attribute mark_debug of state : signal is "true";
68 |
attribute mark_debug of rdwr_n : signal is "true";
69 |
attribute mark_debug of shift : signal is "true";
70 |
attribute mark_debug of bitcnt : signal is "true";
71 |
attribute mark_debug of irdbit : signal is "true";
72 |
attribute mark_debug of iwrbit : signal is "true";
73 |
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-- bit shifter ---
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-- p_shifty - shifts data in and out the shift register, and counts down bits
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p_shifty : process (clk)
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81 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
82 |
if srst = '1' then
83 |
shift <= (others => '0');
84 |
bitcnt <= 0;
85 |
rdwr_n <= '1';
86 |
irdbit <= '0';
87 |
iwrbit<= '0';
88 |
state <= S_IDLE;
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case state is
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when S_IDLE =>
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--wait for read byte or write byte strobe
93 |
if busyin = '0' and (rdbyte = '1' or wrbyte = '1') then
94 |
rdwr_n <= rdbyte; --remember whether it was read or write
95 |
shift <= ibyte; --load the byte to shift out(not needed for read)
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bitcnt <= 0; --set bit counter
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state <= S_STROBE;
98 |
end if;
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when S_STROBE =>
100 |
if irdbit = '0' and iwrbit = '0' then
101 |
--if we havent started the read or write yet
102 |
irdbit <= rdwr_n; --read one bit if it is a read
103 |
iwrbit <= not rdwr_n; --write one bit if its a write
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--if we are the bit operation has already started, clear the strobes
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irdbit <= '0';
107 |
iwrbit<= '0';
108 |
state <= S_SHIFT;
109 |
end if;
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when S_SHIFT =>
111 |
if busyin = '0' then --wait for the bit operation to finish
112 |
shift <= ibit & shift(7 downto 1); --shift the bit in or out
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if bitcnt = 7 then --check for last bit
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state <= S_IDLE; --return to idle when finished
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bitcnt <= bitcnt +1; --more bits to go, count down bits
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state <= S_STROBE; --strobe the next bit operatoin
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end if;
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end if;
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end case;
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end if;
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end if;
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end process p_shifty;
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-- IO signals ---
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--copy the internal signals to the external ports
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rdbit <= irdbit;
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wrbit <= iwrbit;
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obit <= shift(0); --the output bit to the ow_bit module
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obyte <= shift; --the read byte after shifting in all bits
133 |
busy <= '0' when state = S_IDLE and rdbyte = '0' and wrbyte = '0' else '1'; --if we are not idle we are busy
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end rtl;