1 |
3 |
dgisselq |
2 |
3 |
// Filename: toplevel.v
4 |
5 |
// Project: OpenArty, an entirely open SoC based upon the Arty platform
6 |
7 |
// Purpose: This is the top level Verilog file. It is to be contrasted
8 |
// with the other top level Verilog file in this same project in
9 |
// that *this* top level is designed to create a *safe*, low-speed
10 |
25 |
dgisselq |
// (80MHz), configuration that can be used to test peripherals and other
11 |
// things on the way to building a full featured high speed (160MHz)
12 |
// configuration.
13 |
3 |
dgisselq |
14 |
// Differences between this file and fasttop.v should be limited to speed
15 |
// related differences (such as the number of counts per UART baud), and
16 |
// the different daughter module: fastmaster.v (for 200MHz designs) vs
17 |
// busmaster.v (for 100MHz designs).
18 |
19 |
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
20 |
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
25 |
26 |
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
27 |
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
28 |
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
29 |
// your option) any later version.
30 |
31 |
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
32 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
33 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
34 |
// for more details.
35 |
36 |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
37 |
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
38 |
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
39 |
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy.
40 |
41 |
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
42 |
// http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
25 |
dgisselq |
module toplevel(sys_clk_i, i_reset_btn,
49 |
3 |
dgisselq |
i_sw, // Switches
50 |
i_btn, // Buttons
51 |
o_led, // Single color LEDs
52 |
o_clr_led0, o_clr_led1, o_clr_led2, o_clr_led3, // Color LEDs
53 |
// RS232 UART
54 |
i_uart_rx, o_uart_tx,
55 |
// Quad-SPI Flash control
56 |
o_qspi_sck, o_qspi_cs_n, io_qspi_dat,
57 |
// Missing: Ethernet
58 |
o_eth_mdclk, io_eth_mdio,
59 |
// Memory
60 |
25 |
dgisselq |
ddr3_reset_n, ddr3_cke, ddr3_ck_p, ddr3_ck_n,
61 |
ddr3_cs_n, ddr3_ras_n, ddr3_cas_n, ddr3_we_n,
62 |
ddr3_dqs_p, ddr3_dqs_n,
63 |
ddr3_addr, ddr3_ba,
64 |
ddr3_dq, ddr3_dm, ddr3_odt,
65 |
3 |
dgisselq |
// SD Card
66 |
o_sd_sck, io_sd_cmd, io_sd, i_sd_cs, i_sd_wp,
67 |
// GPS Pmod
68 |
i_gps_pps, i_gps_3df, i_gps_rx, o_gps_tx,
69 |
// OLED Pmod
70 |
o_oled_sck, o_oled_cs_n, o_oled_mosi, o_oled_dcn, o_oled_reset_n,
71 |
o_oled_vccen, o_oled_pmoden,
72 |
// PMod I/O
73 |
i_aux_rx, i_aux_rts, o_aux_tx, o_aux_cts
74 |
75 |
25 |
dgisselq |
input [0:0] sys_clk_i;
76 |
input i_reset_btn;
77 |
3 |
dgisselq |
input [3:0] i_sw; // Switches
78 |
input [3:0] i_btn; // Buttons
79 |
output wire [3:0] o_led; // LED
80 |
output wire [2:0] o_clr_led0, o_clr_led1, o_clr_led2, o_clr_led3;
81 |
// UARTs
82 |
input i_uart_rx;
83 |
output wire o_uart_tx;
84 |
// Quad SPI flash
85 |
output wire o_qspi_sck, o_qspi_cs_n;
86 |
inout [3:0] io_qspi_dat;
87 |
// Ethernet // Not yet implemented
88 |
// Ethernet control (MDIO)
89 |
output wire o_eth_mdclk;
90 |
inout wire io_eth_mdio;
91 |
92 |
25 |
dgisselq |
output wire ddr3_reset_n;
93 |
output wire [0:0] ddr3_cke;
94 |
output wire [0:0] ddr3_ck_p, ddr3_ck_n;
95 |
output wire [0:0] ddr3_cs_n;
96 |
output wire ddr3_ras_n, ddr3_cas_n, ddr3_we_n;
97 |
output wire [2:0] ddr3_ba;
98 |
output wire [13:0] ddr3_addr;
99 |
output wire [0:0] ddr3_odt;
100 |
output wire [1:0] ddr3_dm;
101 |
inout [1:0] ddr3_dqs_p, ddr3_dqs_n;
102 |
inout [15:0] ddr3_dq;
103 |
3 |
dgisselq |
104 |
// SD Card
105 |
output wire o_sd_sck;
106 |
inout io_sd_cmd;
107 |
inout [3:0] io_sd;
108 |
input i_sd_cs;
109 |
input i_sd_wp;
110 |
// GPS PMod
111 |
input i_gps_pps, i_gps_3df, i_gps_rx;
112 |
output wire o_gps_tx;
113 |
114 |
output wire o_oled_sck, o_oled_cs_n, o_oled_mosi,
115 |
o_oled_dcn, o_oled_reset_n, o_oled_vccen,
116 |
117 |
// Aux UART
118 |
input i_aux_rx, i_aux_rts;
119 |
output wire o_aux_tx, o_aux_cts;
120 |
121 |
// Build our master clock
122 |
25 |
dgisselq |
wire s_clk, sys_clk, mem_clk_200mhz,
123 |
clk1_unused, clk2_unused, enet_clk, clk4_unnused,
124 |
clk5_unused, clk_feedback, clk_locked, mem_clk_200mhz_nobuf;
125 |
3 |
dgisselq |
126 |
127 |
.CLKFBOUT_PHASE(0.0), // Phase offset in degrees of CLKFB, (-360-360)
128 |
25 |
dgisselq |
.CLKIN1_PERIOD(10.0), // Input clock period in ns resolution
129 |
3 |
dgisselq |
// CLKOUT0_DIVIDE - CLKOUT5_DIVIDE: divide amount for each CLKOUT(1-128)
130 |
.CLKFBOUT_MULT(8), // Multiply value for all CLKOUT (2-64)
131 |
25 |
dgisselq |
.CLKOUT0_DIVIDE(8), // 100 MHz (Clock for MIG)
132 |
.CLKOUT1_DIVIDE(4), // 200 MHz (MIG Reference clock)
133 |
.CLKOUT2_DIVIDE(32), // 50 MHz (Unused)
134 |
.CLKOUT3_DIVIDE(64), // 25 MHz (Unused/Ethernet clock)
135 |
.CLKOUT4_DIVIDE(32), // 50 MHz (Unused clock?)
136 |
.CLKOUT5_DIVIDE(24), // 66 MHz
137 |
3 |
dgisselq |
// CLKOUT0_DUTY_CYCLE -- Duty cycle for each CLKOUT
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
// CLKOUT0_PHASE -- phase offset for each CLKOUT
145 |
146 |
25 |
dgisselq |
147 |
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dgisselq |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
.DIVCLK_DIVIDE(1), // Master division value , (1-56)
152 |
25 |
dgisselq |
.REF_JITTER1(0.0), // Ref. input jitter in UI (0.000-0.999)
153 |
.STARTUP_WAIT("TRUE") // Delay DONE until PLL Locks, ("TRUE"/"FALSE")
154 |
3 |
dgisselq |
) genclock(
155 |
// Clock outputs: 1-bit (each) output
156 |
25 |
dgisselq |
157 |
158 |
159 |
3 |
dgisselq |
160 |
161 |
162 |
.CLKFBOUT(clk_feedback), // 1-bit output, feedback clock
163 |
164 |
25 |
dgisselq |
165 |
3 |
dgisselq |
166 |
167 |
25 |
dgisselq |
.CLKFBIN(clk_feedback_bufd) // 1-bit input, feedback clock
168 |
3 |
dgisselq |
169 |
25 |
dgisselq |
170 |
BUFH feedback_buffer(.I(clk_feedback),.O(clk_feedback_bufd));
171 |
// BUFG memref_buffer(.I(mem_clk_200mhz_nobuf),.O(mem_clk_200mhz));
172 |
IBUF sysclk_buf(.I(sys_clk_i[0]), .O(sys_clk));
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
3 |
dgisselq |
// UART interface
177 |
25 |
dgisselq |
178 |
179 |
3 |
dgisselq |
wire [29:0] bus_uart_setup;
180 |
25 |
dgisselq |
// assign bus_uart_setup = 30'h10000014; // ~4MBaud, 7 bits
181 |
assign bus_uart_setup = 30'h10000051; // ~1MBaud, 7 bits
182 |
3 |
dgisselq |
183 |
wire [7:0] rx_data, tx_data;
184 |
wire rx_break, rx_parity_err, rx_frame_err, rx_stb;
185 |
wire tx_stb, tx_busy;
186 |
187 |
25 |
dgisselq |
188 |
189 |
190 |
// Okay, so this looks bad at a first read--but it's not really that
191 |
// bad. If you look close, there are two parts to the reset logic.
192 |
// The first is the "PRE"-reset. This is a wire, set from the external
193 |
// reset button. In good old-fashioned asynch-logic to synchronous
194 |
// logic fashion, we synchronize this wire by registering it first
195 |
// to pre_reset, and then to pwr_reset (the actual reset wire).
196 |
197 |
reg [7:0] pre_reset;
198 |
reg pwr_reset;
199 |
// Since all our stuff is synchronous to the clock that comes out of
200 |
// the memory controller, sys_reset must needs come out of the memory
201 |
// controller.
202 |
203 |
// Logic description starts with the PRE-reset, so as to make certain
204 |
// we include the reset button. The memory controller wants an active
205 |
// low reset here, so we provide such.
206 |
3 |
dgisselq |
initial pre_reset = 1'b0;
207 |
25 |
dgisselq |
always @(posedge sys_clk)
208 |
pre_reset <= ((!i_reset_btn)||(!clk_locked))
209 |
? 8'h00 : {pre_reset[6:0], 1'b1};
210 |
211 |
// and then continues with the actual reset, now that we've
212 |
// synchronized our reset button wire. This is an active LOW reset.
213 |
initial pwr_reset = 1'b0;
214 |
always @(posedge sys_clk)
215 |
pwr_reset <= pre_reset[7];
216 |
217 |
// Of course, this only goes into the memory controller. The true
218 |
// device reset comes out of that memory controller, synchronized to
219 |
// our memory generator provided clock(s)
220 |
3 |
dgisselq |
221 |
wire w_ck_uart, w_uart_tx;
222 |
25 |
dgisselq |
rxuart rcv(s_clk, s_reset, bus_uart_setup, i_uart_rx,
223 |
3 |
dgisselq |
rx_stb, rx_data, rx_break,
224 |
rx_parity_err, rx_frame_err, w_ck_uart);
225 |
25 |
dgisselq |
txuart txv(s_clk, s_reset, bus_uart_setup|30'h8000000, 1'b0,
226 |
3 |
dgisselq |
tx_stb, tx_data, o_uart_tx, tx_busy);
227 |
228 |
229 |
25 |
dgisselq |
wire [3:0] w_led;
230 |
reg [24:0] dbg_counter;
231 |
always @(posedge sys_clk)
232 |
dbg_counter <= dbg_counter + 25'h01;
233 |
assign o_led = { w_led[3:2],
234 |
235 |
236 |
(s_reset & dbg_counter[23])
237 |
||((!s_reset)&&(w_led[0])) };
238 |
3 |
dgisselq |
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
// The WB bus interconnect, herein called busmaster, which handles
245 |
// just about ... everything. It is in contrast to the other WB bus
246 |
// interconnect, fastmaster, in that the busmaster build permits
247 |
25 |
dgisselq |
// peripherals that can *only* operate at 80MHz, no faster, no slower.
248 |
3 |
dgisselq |
249 |
250 |
251 |
25 |
dgisselq |
wire w_qspi_sck, w_qspi_cs_n;
252 |
3 |
dgisselq |
wire [1:0] qspi_bmod;
253 |
wire [3:0] qspi_dat;
254 |
wire [3:0] i_qspi_dat;
255 |
256 |
257 |
25 |
dgisselq |
// The SDRAM interface wires
258 |
3 |
dgisselq |
259 |
25 |
dgisselq |
wire ram_cyc, ram_stb, ram_we;
260 |
wire [25:0] ram_addr;
261 |
wire [31:0] ram_rdata, ram_wdata;
262 |
wire ram_ack, ram_stall, ram_err;
263 |
wire [31:0] ram_dbg;
264 |
265 |
3 |
dgisselq |
wire w_mdio, w_mdwe;
266 |
267 |
wire w_sd_cmd;
268 |
wire [3:0] w_sd_data;
269 |
25 |
dgisselq |
busmaster wbbus(s_clk, s_reset,
270 |
3 |
dgisselq |
// External USB-UART bus control
271 |
rx_stb, rx_data, tx_stb, tx_data, tx_busy,
272 |
// Board lights and switches
273 |
25 |
dgisselq |
i_sw, i_btn, w_led,
274 |
3 |
dgisselq |
o_clr_led0, o_clr_led1, o_clr_led2, o_clr_led3,
275 |
// Board level PMod I/O
276 |
i_aux_rx, o_aux_tx, o_aux_cts, i_gps_rx, o_gps_tx,
277 |
// Quad SPI flash
278 |
25 |
dgisselq |
w_qspi_cs_n, w_qspi_sck, qspi_dat, i_qspi_dat, qspi_bmod,
279 |
3 |
dgisselq |
280 |
25 |
dgisselq |
// o_ddr_reset_n, o_ddr_cke, o_ddr_ck_p, o_ddr_ck_n,
281 |
// o_ddr_cs_n, o_ddr_ras_n, o_ddr_cas_n, o_ddr_we_n,
282 |
// o_ddr_ba, o_ddr_addr, o_ddr_odt, o_ddr_dm,
283 |
// io_ddr_dqs_p, io_ddr_dqs_n, io_ddr_data,
284 |
ram_cyc, ram_stb, ram_we, ram_addr, ram_wdata,
285 |
ram_ack, ram_stall, ram_rdata, ram_err,
286 |
287 |
3 |
dgisselq |
// SD Card
288 |
o_sd_sck, w_sd_cmd, w_sd_data, io_sd_cmd, io_sd, i_sd_cs,
289 |
// Ethernet control (MDIO) lines
290 |
o_eth_mdclk, w_mdio, w_mdwe, io_eth_mdio,
291 |
// OLEDRGB PMod wires
292 |
o_oled_sck, o_oled_cs_n, o_oled_mosi, o_oled_dcn,
293 |
o_oled_reset_n, o_oled_vccen, o_oled_pmoden,
294 |
// GPS PMod
295 |
i_gps_pps, i_gps_3df
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
// The rest of this file *should* be identical to fasttop.v. Any
302 |
// differences should be worked out with meld or some such program
303 |
// to keep them to a minimum.
304 |
305 |
306 |
// Some wires need special treatment, and so are not quite completely
307 |
// handled by the bus master. These are handled below.
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
// QSPI)BMOD, Quad SPI bus mode, Bus modes are:
315 |
// 0? Normal serial mode, one bit in one bit out
316 |
// 10 Quad SPI mode, going out
317 |
// 11 Quad SPI mode coming from the device (read mode)
318 |
319 |
// ?? Dual mode in (not yet)
320 |
// ?? Dual mode out (not yet)
321 |
322 |
323 |
25 |
dgisselq |
wire [3:0] i_qspi_pedge, i_qspi_nedge;
324 |
325 |
xoddr xqspi_sck( s_clk, { w_qspi_sck, w_qspi_sck }, o_qspi_sck);
326 |
xoddr xqspi_csn( s_clk, { w_qspi_cs_n, w_qspi_cs_n },o_qspi_cs_n);
327 |
328 |
xioddr xqspi_d0( s_clk, (qspi_bmod != 2'b11),
329 |
3 |
dgisselq |
{ qspi_dat[0], qspi_dat[0] },
330 |
25 |
dgisselq |
{ i_qspi_pedge[0], i_qspi_nedge[0] }, io_qspi_dat[0]);
331 |
xioddr xqspi_d1( s_clk, (qspi_bmod==2'b10),
332 |
3 |
dgisselq |
{ qspi_dat[1], qspi_dat[1] },
333 |
25 |
dgisselq |
{ i_qspi_pedge[1], i_qspi_nedge[1] }, io_qspi_dat[1]);
334 |
xioddr xqspi_d2( s_clk, (qspi_bmod!=2'b11),
335 |
(qspi_bmod[1])?{ qspi_dat[2], qspi_dat[2] }:2'b11,
336 |
{ i_qspi_pedge[2], i_qspi_nedge[2] }, io_qspi_dat[2]);
337 |
xioddr xqspi_d3( s_clk, (qspi_bmod!=2'b11),
338 |
(qspi_bmod[1])?{ qspi_dat[3], qspi_dat[3] }:2'b11,
339 |
{ i_qspi_pedge[3], i_qspi_nedge[3] }, io_qspi_dat[3]);
340 |
3 |
dgisselq |
341 |
25 |
dgisselq |
assign i_qspi_dat = i_qspi_pedge;
342 |
3 |
dgisselq |
343 |
// Proposed QSPI mode select, to allow dual I/O mode
344 |
// 000 Normal SPI mode
345 |
// 001 Dual mode input
346 |
// 010 Dual mode, output
347 |
// 101 Quad I/O mode input
348 |
// 110 Quad I/O mode output
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
// Wires for setting up the SD Card Controller
356 |
357 |
358 |
assign io_sd_cmd = w_sd_cmd ? 1'bz:1'b0;
359 |
assign io_sd[0] = w_sd_data[0]? 1'bz:1'b0;
360 |
assign io_sd[1] = w_sd_data[1]? 1'bz:1'b0;
361 |
assign io_sd[2] = w_sd_data[2]? 1'bz:1'b0;
362 |
assign io_sd[3] = w_sd_data[3]? 1'bz:1'b0;
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
// Wire(s) for setting up the MDIO ethernet control structure
368 |
369 |
370 |
assign io_eth_mdio = (w_mdwe)?w_mdio : 1'bz;
371 |
372 |
25 |
dgisselq |
373 |
3 |
dgisselq |
374 |
375 |
25 |
dgisselq |
// Now, to set up our memory ...
376 |
3 |
dgisselq |
377 |
378 |
25 |
dgisselq |
migsdram rami(
379 |
.i_clk(mem_clk_nobuf), .i_clk_200mhz(mem_clk_200mhz_nobuf),
380 |
.o_sys_clk(s_clk), .i_rst(pwr_reset), .o_sys_reset(s_reset),
381 |
.i_wb_cyc(ram_cyc), .i_wb_stb(ram_stb), .i_wb_we(ram_we),
382 |
.i_wb_addr(ram_addr), .i_wb_data(ram_wdata),
383 |
384 |
.o_wb_ack(ram_ack), .o_wb_stall(ram_stall),
385 |
.o_wb_data(ram_rdata), .o_wb_err(ram_err),
386 |
.o_ddr_ck_p(ddr3_ck_p), .o_ddr_ck_n(ddr3_ck_n),
387 |
.o_ddr_reset_n(ddr3_reset_n), .o_ddr_cke(ddr3_cke),
388 |
.o_ddr_cs_n(ddr3_cs_n), .o_ddr_ras_n(ddr3_ras_n),
389 |
.o_ddr_cas_n(ddr3_cas_n), .o_ddr_we_n(ddr3_we_n),
390 |
.o_ddr_ba(ddr3_ba), .o_ddr_addr(ddr3_addr),
391 |
.o_ddr_odt(ddr3_odt), .o_ddr_dm(ddr3_dm),
392 |
.io_ddr_dqs_p(ddr3_dqs_p), .io_ddr_dqs_n(ddr3_dqs_n),
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 |
3 |
dgisselq |
398 |
399 |