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--! @file
2 |
--! @brief 2:1 CPU global Definitions
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4 |
--! @mainpage
5 |
--! <H1>Main document of the OpenCPU32 project</H1>\n
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--! <H2>Features</H2>
7 |
--! 32 Bits \n
8 |
--! RISC \n\n
9 |
--! Interesting links \n
10 |
--! http://www.ohwr.org/projects \n
11 |
--! http://opencores.org/ \n
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13 |
--! Use standard library
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library ieee;
15 |
use ieee.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
16 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
17 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
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19 |
package pkgOpenCPU32 is
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21 |
--! Declare constants, enums, functions used by the design
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constant nBits : integer := 32;
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constant instructionSize : integer := nBits;
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25 |
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--! Number of general registers (r0..r15)
26 |
constant numGenRegs : integer := 16;
27 |
28 |
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type aluOps is (alu_pass, alu_passB, alu_sum, alu_sub, alu_inc, alu_dec, alu_mul, alu_or, alu_and,
29 |
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alu_xor, alu_not, alu_shfLt, alu_shfRt, alu_roLt, alu_roRt);
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type typeEnDis is (enable, disable);
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type generalRegisters is (r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12,r13,r14,r15);
32 |
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type dpMuxInputs is (fromMemory, fromImediate, fromRegFileA, fromRegFileB, fromAlu);
33 |
type dpMuxAluIn is (fromMemory, fromImediate, fromRegFileA);
34 |
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type controlUnitStates is (initial, fetch, decode, execute, executing);
35 |
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type executionStates is (initInstructionExecution, waitToExecute, writeRegister, releaseWriteRead, readRegisterA, readRegisterB, releaseRead);
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37 |
--! Flags positions
38 |
constant flag_sign : integer := 2;
39 |
constant flag_zero : integer := 1;
40 |
constant flag_carry : integer := 0;
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42 |
function reg2Num (a: generalRegisters) return integer;
43 |
function Num2reg (a: integer) return generalRegisters;
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function muxPos( a: dpMuxInputs) return std_logic_vector;
45 |
function muxRegPos(a: dpMuxAluIn) return std_logic_vector;
46 |
function opcode2AluOp (opcode : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)) return aluOps;
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48 |
-- Opcodes
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subtype opcodes is std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- 6 Bits (64 instructions max)
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51 |
-- Each instruction will take 32 bits
52 |
-- Tutorial on using records.. (http://vhdlguru.blogspot.com.br/2010/02/arrays-and-records-in-vhdl.html)
53 |
type instructionType is record
54 |
opcode : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
55 |
reg1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
56 |
reg2 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
57 |
imm : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Max imediate value (16 bits)
58 |
end record;
59 |
60 |
61 |
-- Data movement
62 |
constant mov_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(0,6); -- Move data between registers
63 |
constant mov_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(1,6); -- Move data from imediate value to a register
64 |
constant stom_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(2,6); -- Store a value in memory coming from a register
65 |
constant stom_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(3,6); -- Store a value in memory coming from imediate
66 |
constant ld_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(4,6); -- Load a value from memory into a register
67 |
constant ld_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(5,6); -- Load a value from memoru into another address in memory
68 |
69 |
-- Jump instructions
70 |
constant jmp_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(6,6); -- Jump (PC <= Val)
71 |
constant jmpr_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(7,6); -- Jump relative (PC <= PC + Val)
72 |
constant jz_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(8,6); -- Jump if zero
73 |
constant jzr_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(9,6); -- Jump if zero relative
74 |
constant jnz_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(10,6); -- Jump if not zero
75 |
constant jnzr_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(11,6); -- Jump if not zero relative
76 |
constant call_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(12,6); -- Jump to address (Save return value on the stack
77 |
constant ret_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(13,6); -- Pop return value from the stack and jump to it
78 |
79 |
-- Logical instructions
80 |
constant and_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(14,6); -- And between to registers
81 |
constant and_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(15,6); -- And between register and imediate
82 |
constant or_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(16,6); -- Or between to registers
83 |
constant or_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(17,6); -- Or between register and imediate
84 |
constant xor_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(18,6); -- Xor between to registers
85 |
constant xor_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(19,6); -- Xor between register and imediate
86 |
constant not_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(20,6); -- Not on register
87 |
constant shl_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(21,6); -- Shift left register (one shift)
88 |
constant shr_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(22,6); -- Shift right register (one shift)
89 |
constant rol_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(23,6); -- Rotate left register (one rotation)
90 |
constant ror_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(24,6); -- Rotate right register (one rotation)
91 |
constant sbit_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(25,6); -- Set bit pointed by register
92 |
constant cbit_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(26,6); -- Clear bit pointed by register
93 |
94 |
-- Math operations instructions (unsigned)
95 |
constant add_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(27,6); -- Add to registers
96 |
constant add_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(28,6); -- Add register and a imediate value
97 |
constant sub_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(29,6); -- Subtract to registers
98 |
constant sub_val : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(30,6); -- Subtract register and a imediate value
99 |
constant inc_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(31,6); -- Increment register
100 |
constant dec_reg : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(32,6); -- Decrement register
101 |
102 |
-- Control opcodes
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constant nop : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(33,6); -- Nop...
104 |
constant halt : opcodes := conv_std_logic_vector(34,6); -- Halt processor
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end pkgOpenCPU32;
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--! Define functions or procedures
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package body pkgOpenCPU32 is
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function muxPos( a: dpMuxInputs) return std_logic_vector is
112 |
variable valRet : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
113 |
114 |
case a is
115 |
when fromMemory => valRet := "000";
116 |
when fromImediate => valRet := "001";
117 |
when fromRegFileA => valRet := "010";
118 |
when fromRegFileB => valRet := "011";
119 |
when fromAlu => valRet := "100";
120 |
end case;
121 |
return valRet;
122 |
end muxPos;
123 |
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function muxRegPos(a: dpMuxAluIn) return std_logic_vector is
125 |
variable valRet : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
126 |
127 |
case a is
128 |
when fromMemory => valRet := "00";
129 |
when fromImediate => valRet := "01";
130 |
when fromRegFileA => valRet := "10";
131 |
end case;
132 |
return valRet;
133 |
end muxRegPos;
134 |
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function reg2Num (a: generalRegisters) return integer is
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variable valRet : integer;
137 |
138 |
case a is
139 |
when r0 => valRet := 0;
140 |
when r1 => valRet := 1;
141 |
when r2 => valRet := 2;
142 |
when r3 => valRet := 3;
143 |
when r4 => valRet := 4;
144 |
when r5 => valRet := 5;
145 |
when r6 => valRet := 6;
146 |
when r7 => valRet := 7;
147 |
when r8 => valRet := 8;
148 |
when r9 => valRet := 9;
149 |
when r10 => valRet := 10;
150 |
when r11 => valRet := 11;
151 |
when r12 => valRet := 12;
152 |
when r13 => valRet := 13;
153 |
when r14 => valRet := 14;
154 |
when r15 => valRet := 15;
155 |
end case;
156 |
return valRet;
157 |
end reg2Num;
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159 |
function Num2reg (a: integer) return generalRegisters is
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variable valRet : generalRegisters;
161 |
162 |
case a is
163 |
when 0 => valRet := r0;
164 |
when 1 => valRet := r1;
165 |
when 2 => valRet := r2;
166 |
when 3 => valRet := r3;
167 |
when 4 => valRet := r4;
168 |
when 5 => valRet := r5;
169 |
when 6 => valRet := r6;
170 |
when 7 => valRet := r7;
171 |
when 8 => valRet := r8;
172 |
when 9 => valRet := r9;
173 |
when 10 => valRet := r10;
174 |
when 11 => valRet := r11;
175 |
when 12 => valRet := r12;
176 |
when 13 => valRet := r13;
177 |
when 14 => valRet := r14;
178 |
when 15 => valRet := r15;
179 |
when others => valRet := r0;
180 |
end case;
181 |
return valRet;
182 |
end Num2reg;
183 |
184 |
function opcode2AluOp (opcode : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)) return aluOps is
185 |
variable valRet : aluOps;
186 |
187 |
case opcode is
188 |
when add_reg | add_val => valRet := alu_sum;
189 |
when sub_reg | sub_val => valRet := alu_sub;
190 |
when inc_reg => valRet := alu_inc;
191 |
when dec_reg => valRet := alu_dec;
192 |
when others => valRet := alu_pass;
193 |
end case;
194 |
return valRet;
195 |
end opcode2AluOp;
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end pkgOpenCPU32;