1 |
36 |
leonardoar |
--! @file
2 |
--! @brief Testbench for OpenCpu top design
3 |
4 |
--! Use standard library and import the packages (std_logic_1164,std_logic_unsigned,std_logic_arith)
5 |
6 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
7 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
8 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
9 |
10 |
--! Use CPU Definitions package
11 |
use work.pkgOpenCPU32.all;
12 |
13 |
37 |
leonardoar |
--! Adding library for File I/O
14 |
-- More information on this site:
15 |
-- http://eesun.free.fr/DOC/vhdlref/refguide/language_overview/test_benches/reading_and_writing_files_with_text_i_o.htm
16 |
36 |
leonardoar |
use std.textio.ALL;
17 |
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
18 |
19 |
ENTITY testOpenCpu IS
20 |
37 |
leonardoar |
generic (n : integer := nBits - 1); --! Generic value (Used to easily change the size of the Alu on the package)
21 |
36 |
leonardoar |
END testOpenCpu;
22 |
23 |
--! @brief openCpu Testbench file
24 |
--! @details This is the top-level test...
25 |
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF testOpenCpu IS
26 |
27 |
--! Component declaration to instantiate the Multiplexer circuit
28 |
29 |
37 |
leonardoar |
generic (n : integer := nBits - 1); --! Generic value (Used to easily change the size of the Alu on the package)
30 |
Port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC; --! Reset signal
31 |
clk : in STD_LOGIC; --! Clock signal
32 |
mem_rd : out STD_LOGIC; --! Main memory Read enable
33 |
mem_rd_addr : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Main memory Read address
34 |
mem_wr : out STD_LOGIC; --! Main memory Write enable
35 |
mem_wr_addr : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Main memory Write address
36 |
mem_data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Data comming from main memory
37 |
mem_data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0) --! Data to main memory
38 |
39 |
36 |
leonardoar |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
37 |
leonardoar |
signal rst : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
44 |
signal clk : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
45 |
signal mem_data_in : std_logic_vector(n downto 0) := (others => '0'); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
46 |
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leonardoar |
47 |
48 |
37 |
leonardoar |
signal mem_rd : std_logic; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
49 |
signal mem_rd_addr : std_logic_vector(n downto 0); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
50 |
signal mem_wr : std_logic; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
51 |
signal mem_wr_addr : std_logic_vector(n downto 0); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
52 |
signal mem_data_out : std_logic_vector(n downto 0); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
53 |
36 |
leonardoar |
54 |
-- Clock period definitions
55 |
constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
37 |
leonardoar |
--! Instantiate the Unit Under Test (openCpu) (Doxygen bug if it's not commented!)
60 |
36 |
leonardoar |
uut: openCpu PORT MAP (
61 |
rst => rst,
62 |
clk => clk,
63 |
mem_rd => mem_rd,
64 |
mem_rd_addr => mem_rd_addr,
65 |
mem_wr => mem_wr,
66 |
mem_wr_addr => mem_wr_addr,
67 |
mem_data_in => mem_data_in,
68 |
mem_data_out => mem_data_out
69 |
70 |
71 |
-- Clock process definitions
72 |
clk_process :process
73 |
74 |
clk <= '0';
75 |
wait for clk_period/2;
76 |
clk <= '1';
77 |
wait for clk_period/2;
78 |
end process;
79 |
80 |
81 |
-- Stimulus process
82 |
39 |
leonardoar |
stim_proc: process
83 |
file cmdfile: TEXT; -- Define the file 'handle'
84 |
variable line_in,line_out: Line; -- Line buffer
85 |
variable good: boolean; -- Flag to detect a good line read
86 |
variable instructionCode : std_logic_vector(n downto 0);
87 |
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leonardoar |
88 |
-- Reset operation
89 |
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leonardoar |
90 |
-- Open source file
91 |
92 |
93 |
-- Check end of file
94 |
if endfile(cmdfile) then
95 |
assert false report "End of file found..." severity failure;
96 |
end if;
97 |
98 |
36 |
leonardoar |
rst <= '1';
99 |
wait for 2 ns;
100 |
rst <= '0';
101 |
wait for 2 ns;
102 |
103 |
39 |
leonardoar |
wait until mem_rd = '1';
104 |
readline(cmdfile,line_in); -- Read a line from the file
105 |
read(line_in,instructionCode,good); -- Read the CI input
106 |
assert good report "Could not parse the line" severity ERROR;
107 |
mem_data_in <= instructionCode;
108 |
109 |
wait for CLK_period;
110 |
111 |
wait until mem_rd = '1';
112 |
readline(cmdfile,line_in); -- Read a line from the file
113 |
read(line_in,instructionCode,good); -- Read the CI input
114 |
assert good report "Could not parse the line" severity ERROR;
115 |
mem_data_in <= instructionCode;
116 |
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leonardoar |
117 |
39 |
leonardoar |
wait for CLK_period;
118 |
119 |
wait until mem_rd = '1';
120 |
readline(cmdfile,line_in); -- Read a line from the file
121 |
read(line_in,instructionCode,good); -- Read the CI input
122 |
assert good report "Could not parse the line" severity ERROR;
123 |
mem_data_in <= instructionCode;
124 |
125 |
wait for CLK_period;
126 |
127 |
wait until mem_rd = '1';
128 |
readline(cmdfile,line_in); -- Read a line from the file
129 |
read(line_in,instructionCode,good); -- Read the CI input
130 |
assert good report "Could not parse the line" severity ERROR;
131 |
mem_data_in <= instructionCode;
132 |
133 |
wait for CLK_period;
134 |
135 |
wait until mem_rd = '1';
136 |
readline(cmdfile,line_in); -- Read a line from the file
137 |
read(line_in,instructionCode,good); -- Read the CI input
138 |
assert good report "Could not parse the line" severity ERROR;
139 |
mem_data_in <= instructionCode;
140 |
141 |
wait for CLK_period;
142 |
143 |
wait until mem_rd = '1';
144 |
readline(cmdfile,line_in); -- Read a line from the file
145 |
read(line_in,instructionCode,good); -- Read the CI input
146 |
assert good report "Could not parse the line" severity ERROR;
147 |
mem_data_in <= instructionCode;
148 |
149 |
wait for CLK_period;
150 |
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leonardoar |
151 |
-- Finish simulation
152 |
assert false report "NONE. End of simulation." severity failure;
153 |
154 |
end process;
155 |
156 |