1 |
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leonardoar |
--! @file
2 |
--! @brief Testbench for Alu
3 |
4 |
--! Use standard library and import the packages (std_logic_1164,std_logic_unsigned,std_logic_arith)
5 |
6 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
7 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
8 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
9 |
10 |
--! Use CPU Definitions package
11 |
use work.pkgOpenCPU32.all;
12 |
13 |
ENTITY testRegisterFile IS
14 |
END testRegisterFile;
15 |
16 |
--! @brief testRegisterFile Testbench file
17 |
--! @details Test read/write on the registers, testing also the dual port reading feature...
18 |
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF testRegisterFile IS
19 |
20 |
--! Component declaration to instantiate the testRegisterFile circuit
21 |
COMPONENT RegisterFile
22 |
generic (n : integer := nBits - 1); --! Generic value (Used to easily change the size of the registers)
23 |
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC; --! Clock signal
24 |
writeEn : in STD_LOGIC; --! Write enable
25 |
writeAddr : in generalRegisters; --! Write Adress
26 |
input : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Input
27 |
Read_A_En : in STD_LOGIC; --! Enable read A
28 |
Read_A_Addr : in generalRegisters; --! Read A adress
29 |
Read_B_En : in STD_LOGIC; --! Enable read A
30 |
Read_B_Addr : in generalRegisters; --! Read B adress
31 |
A_Out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Output A
32 |
B_Out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0)); --! Output B
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
signal clk : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
38 |
signal writeEn : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
39 |
signal writeAddr : generalRegisters := r0; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
40 |
signal input : std_logic_vector((nBits - 1) downto 0) := (others => '0'); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
41 |
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signal Read_A_En : std_logic := 'X'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
42 |
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signal Read_A_Addr : generalRegisters := r0; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
43 |
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signal Read_B_En : std_logic := 'X'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
44 |
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signal Read_B_Addr : generalRegisters := r0; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
45 |
46 |
47 |
signal A_Out : std_logic_vector((nBits - 1) downto 0); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
48 |
signal B_Out : std_logic_vector((nBits - 1) downto 0); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
49 |
50 |
constant num_cycles : integer := 320; --! Number of clock iterations
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
--! Instantiate the Unit Under Test (RegisterFile) (Doxygen bug if it's not commented!)
55 |
uut: RegisterFile PORT MAP (
56 |
clk => clk,
57 |
writeEn => writeEn,
58 |
writeAddr => writeAddr,
59 |
input => input,
60 |
Read_A_En => Read_A_En,
61 |
Read_A_Addr => Read_A_Addr,
62 |
Read_B_En => Read_B_En,
63 |
Read_B_Addr => Read_B_Addr,
64 |
A_Out => A_Out,
65 |
B_Out => B_Out
66 |
67 |
68 |
--! Process that will stimulate all register assignments, and reads...
69 |
stim_proc: process
70 |
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variable allZ : std_logic_vector((nBits - 1) downto 0) := (others => 'Z');
71 |
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-- r0=1 ... r15=16---------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 |
for i in 0 to (numGenRegs-1) loop
74 |
clk <= '0';
75 |
76 |
writeEn <= '1';
77 |
writeAddr <= Num2reg(i);
78 |
input <= conv_std_logic_vector(i+1, nBits);
79 |
wait for 1 ns;
80 |
clk <= '1';
81 |
wait for 1 ns; -- Wait to stabilize the response
82 |
end loop;
83 |
84 |
-- Mark write end....
85 |
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clk <= '0';
86 |
writeEn <= '0';
87 |
wait for 1 ns; -- Wait to stabilize the response
88 |
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leonardoar |
89 |
-- Read r0..r15 PortA-------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 |
for i in 0 to (numGenRegs-1) loop
91 |
92 |
Read_A_En <= '1';
93 |
Read_A_Addr <= Num2reg(i);
94 |
wait for 1 ns; -- Wait to stabilize the response
95 |
assert A_Out = conv_std_logic_vector(i+1, nBits) report "Invalid value r0" severity FAILURE;
96 |
assert B_Out = allZ report "PortB should be high impedance" severity FAILURE;
97 |
end loop;
98 |
99 |
-- Mark read A end
100 |
Read_A_En <= 'X';
101 |
102 |
-- Read r0..r15 PortB-------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 |
for i in 0 to (numGenRegs-1) loop
104 |
105 |
Read_B_En <= '1';
106 |
Read_B_Addr <= Num2reg(i);
107 |
wait for 1 ns; -- Wait to stabilize the response
108 |
assert B_Out = conv_std_logic_vector(i+1, nBits) report "Invalid value r0" severity FAILURE;
109 |
assert A_Out = allZ report "PortB should be high impedance" severity FAILURE;
110 |
end loop;
111 |
112 |
-- Mark read B end
113 |
Read_B_En <= 'X';
114 |
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115 |
end process;
116 |
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