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olivier.gi |
#ifndef TIMERA_H
2 |
#define TIMERA_H
3 |
4 |
#include <in430.h>
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6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
void ta_wait_no_lpm(unsigned int);
11 |
void ta_wait(unsigned int);
12 |
13 |
// Base clock period definitions (in ns)
14 |
15 |
#define DCO_CLK_PERIOD 20
16 |
#define LFXT_CLK_PERIOD 10240
17 |
18 |
// Time definitions (base clock of 10us period)
19 |
#define WT_20US ( 20000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
20 |
#define WT_50US ( 50000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
21 |
22 |
#define WT_100US WT_50US
23 |
#define WT_200US WT_50US
24 |
#define WT_500US WT_50US
25 |
#define WT_1MS WT_50US
26 |
#define WT_2MS WT_50US
27 |
#define WT_5MS WT_50US
28 |
#define WT_10MS WT_50US
29 |
#define WT_20MS WT_50US
30 |
#define WT_50MS WT_50US
31 |
#define WT_100MS WT_50US
32 |
#define WT_200MS WT_50US
33 |
#define WT_500MS WT_50US
34 |
35 |
#define WT_100US ( 100000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
36 |
#define WT_200US ( 200000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
37 |
#define WT_500US ( 500000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
38 |
#define WT_1MS ( 1000000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
39 |
#define WT_2MS ( 2000000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
40 |
#define WT_5MS ( 5000000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
41 |
#define WT_10MS ( 10000000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
42 |
#define WT_20MS ( 20000000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
43 |
#define WT_50MS ( 50000000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
44 |
#define WT_100MS (100000000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
45 |
#define WT_200MS (200000000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
46 |
#define WT_500MS (500000000/LFXT_CLK_PERIOD)+1
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48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
#define TACTL (*(volatile unsigned int *) 0x0160)
54 |
#define TAR (*(volatile unsigned int *) 0x0170)
55 |
#define TACCTL0 (*(volatile unsigned int *) 0x0162)
56 |
#define TACCR0 (*(volatile unsigned int *) 0x0172)
57 |
#define TACCTL1 (*(volatile unsigned int *) 0x0164)
58 |
#define TACCR1 (*(volatile unsigned int *) 0x0174)
59 |
#define TACCTL2 (*(volatile unsigned int *) 0x0166)
60 |
#define TACCR2 (*(volatile unsigned int *) 0x0176)
61 |
#define TAIV (*(volatile unsigned int *) 0x012E)
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// Alternate register names
68 |
#define CCTL0 TACCTL0
69 |
#define CCTL1 TACCTL1
70 |
#define CCR0 TACCR0
71 |
#define CCR1 TACCR1
72 |
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// Bit-masks
74 |
#define TASSEL1 (0x0200) /* Timer A clock source select 1 */
75 |
#define TASSEL0 (0x0100) /* Timer A clock source select 0 */
76 |
#define ID1 (0x0080) /* Timer A clock input divider 1 */
77 |
#define ID0 (0x0040) /* Timer A clock input divider 0 */
78 |
#define MC1 (0x0020) /* Timer A mode control 1 */
79 |
#define MC0 (0x0010) /* Timer A mode control 0 */
80 |
#define TACLR (0x0004) /* Timer A counter clear */
81 |
#define TAIE (0x0002) /* Timer A counter interrupt enable */
82 |
#define TAIFG (0x0001) /* Timer A counter interrupt flag */
83 |
84 |
#define MC_0 (0x0000) /* Timer A mode control: 0 - Stop */
85 |
#define MC_1 (0x0010) /* Timer A mode control: 1 - Up to CCR0 */
86 |
#define MC_2 (0x0020) /* Timer A mode control: 2 - Continous up */
87 |
#define MC_3 (0x0030) /* Timer A mode control: 3 - Up/Down */
88 |
#define ID_0 (0x0000) /* Timer A input divider: 0 - /1 */
89 |
#define ID_1 (0x0040) /* Timer A input divider: 1 - /2 */
90 |
#define ID_2 (0x0080) /* Timer A input divider: 2 - /4 */
91 |
#define ID_3 (0x00C0) /* Timer A input divider: 3 - /8 */
92 |
#define TASSEL_0 (0x0000) /* Timer A clock source select: 0 - TACLK */
93 |
#define TASSEL_1 (0x0100) /* Timer A clock source select: 1 - ACLK */
94 |
#define TASSEL_2 (0x0200) /* Timer A clock source select: 2 - SMCLK */
95 |
#define TASSEL_3 (0x0300) /* Timer A clock source select: 3 - INCLK */
96 |
97 |
#define CM1 (0x8000) /* Capture mode 1 */
98 |
#define CM0 (0x4000) /* Capture mode 0 */
99 |
#define CCIS1 (0x2000) /* Capture input select 1 */
100 |
#define CCIS0 (0x1000) /* Capture input select 0 */
101 |
#define SCS (0x0800) /* Capture sychronize */
102 |
#define SCCI (0x0400) /* Latched capture signal (read) */
103 |
#define CAP (0x0100) /* Capture mode: 1 /Compare mode : 0 */
104 |
#define OUTMOD2 (0x0080) /* Output mode 2 */
105 |
#define OUTMOD1 (0x0040) /* Output mode 1 */
106 |
#define OUTMOD0 (0x0020) /* Output mode 0 */
107 |
#define CCIE (0x0010) /* Capture/compare interrupt enable */
108 |
#define CCI (0x0008) /* Capture input signal (read) */
109 |
#define OUT (0x0004) /* PWM Output signal if output mode 0 */
110 |
#define COV (0x0002) /* Capture/compare overflow flag */
111 |
#define CCIFG (0x0001) /* Capture/compare interrupt flag */
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