1 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
Welcome to Xilinx CORE Generator.
2 |
Help system initialized.
3 |
The IP Catalog has been reloaded.
4 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
Opening project file
5 |
6 |
7 |
Recustomize and Generate (Under Original Project Settings)INFO:sim:172 - Generating IP...
8 |
Resolving generics for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
9 |
Applying external generics to 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
10 |
Delivering associated files for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
11 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
WARNING:sim - Component blk_mem_gen_v7_2 does not have a valid model name for
12 |
Verilog synthesis
13 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
Delivering EJava files for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
14 |
Generating implementation netlist for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
15 |
INFO:sim - Pre-processing HDL files for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
16 |
Running synthesis for 'ram_16x8k_dp'
17 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
Running ngcbuild...
18 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
Writing VEO instantiation template for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
19 |
Writing Verilog instantiation wrapper for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
20 |
Writing Verilog behavioral simulation model for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
21 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
WARNING:sim - No files were found for the view xilinx_documentation
22 |
Generating ASY schematic symbol...
23 |
INFO:sim:949 - Finished generation of ASY schematic symbol.
24 |
Generating metadata file...
25 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
Generating ISE project file for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
26 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
Generating ISE project...
27 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
XCO file found: ram_16x8k_dp.xco
28 |
XMDF file found: ram_16x8k_dp_xmdf.tcl
29 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
30 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
31 |
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.asy -view all -origin_type imported
32 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
33 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
34 |
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.ngc -view all -origin_type created
35 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
Checking file
36 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
37 |
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.ngc" for project device match ...
38 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
39 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
40 |
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.ngc" device information matches project
41 |
42 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
43 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
44 |
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.v -view all -origin_type created
45 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
INFO:HDLCompiler:1845 - Analyzing Verilog file
46 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
47 |
verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.v" into library work
48 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
49 |
50 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
51 |
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.veo -view all -origin_type imported
52 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
53 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
54 |
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp_synth.v -view all -origin_type created
55 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
INFO:HDLCompiler:1845 - Analyzing Verilog file
56 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
57 |
verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp_synth.v" into library work
58 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
59 |
INFO:TclTasksC:2116 - The automatic calculation of top has been turned-off.
60 |
Please set the new top explicitly by running the "project set top" command.
61 |
To re-calculate the new top automatically, set the "Auto Implementation Top"
62 |
property to true.
63 |
167 |
olivier.gi |
Top level has been set to "/ram_16x8k_dp"
64 |
157 |
olivier.gi |
Generating README file...
65 |
Generating FLIST file...
66 |
INFO:sim:948 - Finished FLIST file generation.
67 |
Launching README viewer...
68 |
Moving files to output directory...
69 |
Finished moving files to output directory
70 |
Saved CGP file for project 'coregen'.
71 |
Closed project file.