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olivier.gi |
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// Copyright (C) 2001 Authors
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// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided
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// that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any
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// derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated
7 |
// disclaimer.
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// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 |
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
11 |
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
12 |
// (at your option) any later version.
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// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
17 |
// License for more details.
18 |
19 |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 |
// along with this source; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
21 |
// Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
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olivier.gi |
// *File Name: omsp_mem_backbone.v
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olivier.gi |
27 |
// *Module Description:
28 |
// Memory interface backbone (decoder + arbiter)
29 |
30 |
// *Author(s):
31 |
// - Olivier Girard, olgirard@gmail.com
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33 |
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olivier.gi |
// $Rev: 111 $
35 |
// $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
36 |
// $LastChangedDate: 2011-05-20 22:39:02 +0200 (Fri, 20 May 2011) $
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olivier.gi |
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olivier.gi |
`include "openMSP430_defines.v"
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olivier.gi |
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olivier.gi |
module omsp_mem_backbone (
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olivier.gi |
45 |
46 |
dbg_mem_din, // Debug unit Memory data input
47 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
dmem_addr, // Data Memory address
48 |
dmem_cen, // Data Memory chip enable (low active)
49 |
dmem_din, // Data Memory data input
50 |
dmem_wen, // Data Memory write enable (low active)
51 |
2 |
olivier.gi |
eu_mdb_in, // Execution Unit Memory data bus input
52 |
fe_mdb_in, // Frontend Memory data bus input
53 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
fe_pmem_wait, // Frontend wait for Instruction fetch
54 |
2 |
olivier.gi |
per_addr, // Peripheral address
55 |
per_din, // Peripheral data input
56 |
109 |
olivier.gi |
per_we, // Peripheral write enable (high active)
57 |
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olivier.gi |
per_en, // Peripheral enable (high active)
58 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
pmem_addr, // Program Memory address
59 |
pmem_cen, // Program Memory chip enable (low active)
60 |
pmem_din, // Program Memory data input (optional)
61 |
pmem_wen, // Program Memory write enable (low active) (optional)
62 |
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olivier.gi |
63 |
64 |
dbg_halt_st, // Halt/Run status from CPU
65 |
dbg_mem_addr, // Debug address for rd/wr access
66 |
dbg_mem_dout, // Debug unit data output
67 |
dbg_mem_en, // Debug unit memory enable
68 |
dbg_mem_wr, // Debug unit memory write
69 |
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olivier.gi |
dmem_dout, // Data Memory data output
70 |
2 |
olivier.gi |
eu_mab, // Execution Unit Memory address bus
71 |
eu_mb_en, // Execution Unit Memory bus enable
72 |
eu_mb_wr, // Execution Unit Memory bus write transfer
73 |
eu_mdb_out, // Execution Unit Memory data bus output
74 |
fe_mab, // Frontend Memory address bus
75 |
fe_mb_en, // Frontend Memory bus enable
76 |
mclk, // Main system clock
77 |
per_dout, // Peripheral data output
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olivier.gi |
pmem_dout, // Program Memory data output
79 |
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puc_rst // Main system reset
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82 |
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olivier.gi |
output [15:0] dbg_mem_din; // Debug unit Memory data input
85 |
output [`DMEM_MSB:0] dmem_addr; // Data Memory address
86 |
output dmem_cen; // Data Memory chip enable (low active)
87 |
output [15:0] dmem_din; // Data Memory data input
88 |
output [1:0] dmem_wen; // Data Memory write enable (low active)
89 |
output [15:0] eu_mdb_in; // Execution Unit Memory data bus input
90 |
output [15:0] fe_mdb_in; // Frontend Memory data bus input
91 |
output fe_pmem_wait; // Frontend wait for Instruction fetch
92 |
111 |
olivier.gi |
output [13:0] per_addr; // Peripheral address
93 |
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olivier.gi |
output [15:0] per_din; // Peripheral data input
94 |
109 |
olivier.gi |
output [1:0] per_we; // Peripheral write enable (high active)
95 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
output per_en; // Peripheral enable (high active)
96 |
output [`PMEM_MSB:0] pmem_addr; // Program Memory address
97 |
output pmem_cen; // Program Memory chip enable (low active)
98 |
output [15:0] pmem_din; // Program Memory data input (optional)
99 |
output [1:0] pmem_wen; // Program Memory write enable (low active) (optional)
100 |
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olivier.gi |
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102 |
103 |
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olivier.gi |
input dbg_halt_st; // Halt/Run status from CPU
104 |
input [15:0] dbg_mem_addr; // Debug address for rd/wr access
105 |
input [15:0] dbg_mem_dout; // Debug unit data output
106 |
input dbg_mem_en; // Debug unit memory enable
107 |
input [1:0] dbg_mem_wr; // Debug unit memory write
108 |
input [15:0] dmem_dout; // Data Memory data output
109 |
input [14:0] eu_mab; // Execution Unit Memory address bus
110 |
input eu_mb_en; // Execution Unit Memory bus enable
111 |
input [1:0] eu_mb_wr; // Execution Unit Memory bus write transfer
112 |
input [15:0] eu_mdb_out; // Execution Unit Memory data bus output
113 |
input [14:0] fe_mab; // Frontend Memory address bus
114 |
input fe_mb_en; // Frontend Memory bus enable
115 |
input mclk; // Main system clock
116 |
input [15:0] per_dout; // Peripheral data output
117 |
input [15:0] pmem_dout; // Program Memory data output
118 |
111 |
olivier.gi |
input puc_rst; // Main system reset
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// RAM Interface
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127 |
128 |
// Execution unit access
129 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
wire eu_dmem_cen = ~(eu_mb_en & (eu_mab>=(`DMEM_BASE>>1)) &
130 |
131 |
111 |
olivier.gi |
wire [15:0] eu_dmem_addr = {1'b0, eu_mab}-(`DMEM_BASE>>1);
132 |
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olivier.gi |
133 |
// Debug interface access
134 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
wire dbg_dmem_cen = ~(dbg_mem_en & (dbg_mem_addr[15:1]>=(`DMEM_BASE>>1)) &
135 |
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olivier.gi |
wire [15:0] dbg_dmem_addr = {1'b0, dbg_mem_addr[15:1]}-(`DMEM_BASE>>1);
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139 |
// RAM Interface
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olivier.gi |
wire [`DMEM_MSB:0] dmem_addr = ~dbg_dmem_cen ? dbg_dmem_addr[`DMEM_MSB:0] : eu_dmem_addr[`DMEM_MSB:0];
141 |
wire dmem_cen = dbg_dmem_cen & eu_dmem_cen;
142 |
wire [1:0] dmem_wen = ~(dbg_mem_wr | eu_mb_wr);
143 |
wire [15:0] dmem_din = ~dbg_dmem_cen ? dbg_mem_dout : eu_mdb_out;
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146 |
// ROM Interface
147 |
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olivier.gi |
parameter PMEM_OFFSET = (16'hFFFF-`PMEM_SIZE+1);
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olivier.gi |
150 |
// Execution unit access (only read access are accepted)
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olivier.gi |
wire eu_pmem_cen = ~(eu_mb_en & ~|eu_mb_wr & (eu_mab>=(PMEM_OFFSET>>1)));
152 |
wire [15:0] eu_pmem_addr = eu_mab-(PMEM_OFFSET>>1);
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olivier.gi |
154 |
// Front-end access
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olivier.gi |
wire fe_pmem_cen = ~(fe_mb_en & (fe_mab>=(PMEM_OFFSET>>1)));
156 |
wire [15:0] fe_pmem_addr = fe_mab-(PMEM_OFFSET>>1);
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olivier.gi |
158 |
// Debug interface access
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olivier.gi |
wire dbg_pmem_cen = ~(dbg_mem_en & (dbg_mem_addr[15:1]>=(PMEM_OFFSET>>1)));
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111 |
olivier.gi |
wire [15:0] dbg_pmem_addr = {1'b0, dbg_mem_addr[15:1]}-(PMEM_OFFSET>>1);
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olivier.gi |
162 |
163 |
// ROM Interface (Execution unit has priority)
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33 |
olivier.gi |
wire [`PMEM_MSB:0] pmem_addr = ~dbg_pmem_cen ? dbg_pmem_addr[`PMEM_MSB:0] :
165 |
~eu_pmem_cen ? eu_pmem_addr[`PMEM_MSB:0] : fe_pmem_addr[`PMEM_MSB:0];
166 |
wire pmem_cen = fe_pmem_cen & eu_pmem_cen & dbg_pmem_cen;
167 |
wire [1:0] pmem_wen = ~dbg_mem_wr;
168 |
wire [15:0] pmem_din = dbg_mem_dout;
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olivier.gi |
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olivier.gi |
wire fe_pmem_wait = (~fe_pmem_cen & ~eu_pmem_cen);
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olivier.gi |
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// Peripherals
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111 |
olivier.gi |
wire dbg_per_en = dbg_mem_en & (dbg_mem_addr[15:`PER_AWIDTH+1]=={15-`PER_AWIDTH{1'b0}});
176 |
wire eu_per_en = eu_mb_en & (eu_mab[14:`PER_AWIDTH] =={15-`PER_AWIDTH{1'b0}});
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olivier.gi |
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olivier.gi |
wire [15:0] per_din = dbg_mem_en ? dbg_mem_dout : eu_mdb_out;
179 |
wire [1:0] per_we = dbg_mem_en ? dbg_mem_wr : eu_mb_wr;
180 |
wire per_en = dbg_mem_en ? dbg_per_en : eu_per_en;
181 |
wire [`PER_MSB:0] per_addr_mux = dbg_mem_en ? dbg_mem_addr[`PER_MSB+1:1] : eu_mab[`PER_MSB:0];
182 |
wire [14:0] per_addr_ful = {{15-`PER_AWIDTH{1'b0}}, per_addr_mux};
183 |
wire [13:0] per_addr = per_addr_ful[13:0];
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olivier.gi |
185 |
reg [15:0] per_dout_val;
186 |
111 |
olivier.gi |
always @ (posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
187 |
if (puc_rst) per_dout_val <= 16'h0000;
188 |
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olivier.gi |
else per_dout_val <= per_dout;
189 |
190 |
191 |
// Frontend data Mux
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193 |
// Whenever the frontend doesn't access the ROM, backup the data
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195 |
// Detect whenever the data should be backuped and restored
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olivier.gi |
reg fe_pmem_cen_dly;
197 |
111 |
olivier.gi |
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
198 |
if (puc_rst) fe_pmem_cen_dly <= 1'b0;
199 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
else fe_pmem_cen_dly <= fe_pmem_cen;
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33 |
olivier.gi |
wire fe_pmem_save = ( fe_pmem_cen & ~fe_pmem_cen_dly) & ~dbg_halt_st;
202 |
wire fe_pmem_restore = (~fe_pmem_cen & fe_pmem_cen_dly) | dbg_halt_st;
203 |
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olivier.gi |
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olivier.gi |
reg [15:0] pmem_dout_bckup;
205 |
111 |
olivier.gi |
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
206 |
if (puc_rst) pmem_dout_bckup <= 16'h0000;
207 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
else if (fe_pmem_save) pmem_dout_bckup <= pmem_dout;
208 |
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olivier.gi |
209 |
// Mux between the ROM data and the backup
210 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
reg pmem_dout_bckup_sel;
211 |
111 |
olivier.gi |
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
212 |
if (puc_rst) pmem_dout_bckup_sel <= 1'b0;
213 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
else if (fe_pmem_save) pmem_dout_bckup_sel <= 1'b1;
214 |
else if (fe_pmem_restore) pmem_dout_bckup_sel <= 1'b0;
215 |
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olivier.gi |
216 |
33 |
olivier.gi |
assign fe_mdb_in = pmem_dout_bckup_sel ? pmem_dout_bckup : pmem_dout;
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218 |
219 |
// Execution-Unit data Mux
220 |
221 |
222 |
// Select between peripherals, RAM and ROM
223 |
reg [1:0] eu_mdb_in_sel;
224 |
111 |
olivier.gi |
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
225 |
if (puc_rst) eu_mdb_in_sel <= 2'b00;
226 |
else eu_mdb_in_sel <= {~eu_pmem_cen, per_en};
227 |
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olivier.gi |
228 |
// Mux
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33 |
olivier.gi |
assign eu_mdb_in = eu_mdb_in_sel[1] ? pmem_dout :
230 |
eu_mdb_in_sel[0] ? per_dout_val : dmem_dout;
231 |
2 |
olivier.gi |
232 |
// Debug interface data Mux
233 |
234 |
235 |
// Select between peripherals, RAM and ROM
236 |
109 |
olivier.gi |
`ifdef DBG_EN
237 |
reg [1:0] dbg_mem_din_sel;
238 |
111 |
olivier.gi |
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
239 |
if (puc_rst) dbg_mem_din_sel <= 2'b00;
240 |
else dbg_mem_din_sel <= {~dbg_pmem_cen, dbg_per_en};
241 |
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olivier.gi |
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olivier.gi |
243 |
wire [1:0] dbg_mem_din_sel = 2'b00;
244 |
245 |
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olivier.gi |
// Mux
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33 |
olivier.gi |
assign dbg_mem_din = dbg_mem_din_sel[1] ? pmem_dout :
248 |
dbg_mem_din_sel[0] ? per_dout_val : dmem_dout;
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olivier.gi |
endmodule // omsp_mem_backbone
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olivier.gi |
`include "openMSP430_undefines.v"
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