1 |
720 |
jeremybenn |
-- FXF3A00.A
2 |
3 |
-- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 |
5 |
-- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 |
-- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 |
-- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 |
-- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 |
-- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 |
-- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 |
-- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 |
-- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 |
-- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 |
-- to do so.
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
-- This foundation contains decimal data values, valid and invalid
28 |
-- Picture strings, and Edited Output result strings that will be used
29 |
-- in tests of Appendix F.3.
30 |
-- Note: In this foundation package, the effect of "Table Driven Data"
31 |
-- is achieved using a series of arrays to hold the various data items.
32 |
-- Since the data items (Picture strings, Edited Output) are often of
33 |
-- different lengths, the arrays are defined to contain pointers to
34 |
-- string values, thereby allowing the "tables" to hold string data of
35 |
-- different sizes.
36 |
37 |
38 |
-- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
39 |
-- 15 Feb 95 SAIC Picture string, decimal data, and edited_output
40 |
-- modifications.
41 |
-- 23 Feb 95 SAIC Picture string modification.
42 |
-- 10 Mar 95 SAIC Added explanatory comments.
43 |
-- 15 Nov 95 SAIC Corrected picture string for ACVC 2.0.1.
44 |
-- 06 Oct 96 SAIC Corrected invalid picture strings.
45 |
-- 13 Feb 97 PWB.CTA Deleted invalid picture string.
46 |
-- 17 Feb 97 PWB.CTA Added leading blank to two picture strings
47 |
48 |
49 |
with Ada.Text_IO.Editing;
50 |
51 |
package FXF3A00 is
52 |
53 |
Number_Of_NDP_Items : constant := 12; -- No Decimal Places.
54 |
Number_Of_2DP_Items : constant := 20; -- Two Decimal Places.
55 |
Number_Of_Valid_Strings : constant := 40;
56 |
Number_Of_FF_Strings : constant := 4; -- French Francs
57 |
Number_Of_DM_Strings : constant := 5; -- Deutchemarks
58 |
Number_Of_CHF_Strings : constant := 1; -- Swiss Francs
59 |
Number_Of_Foreign_Strings : constant := Number_Of_FF_Strings +
60 |
Number_Of_DM_Strings +
61 |
62 |
Number_Of_Invalid_Strings : constant := 25;
63 |
Number_Of_Erroneous_Conditions : constant := 3;
64 |
Number_Of_Edited_Output_Strings : constant := 32;
65 |
66 |
-- The following string is to be used as a picture string with length
67 |
-- beyond the maximum (Max_Picture_Length) that is supported by the
68 |
-- implementation.
69 |
70 |
A_Picture_String_Too_Long : constant
71 |
String (1..Ada.Text_IO.Editing.Max_Picture_Length + 1) := (others => '9');
72 |
73 |
74 |
type Str_Ptr is access String;
75 |
76 |
type Decimal_Type_NDP is delta 1.0 digits 16; -- no decimal places
77 |
type Decimal_Type_2DP is delta 0.01 digits 16; -- two decimal places
78 |
79 |
type Data_Array_Type_1 is array (Integer range <>) of Decimal_Type_NDP;
80 |
type Data_Array_Type_2 is array (Integer range <>) of Decimal_Type_2DP;
81 |
82 |
83 |
type Picture_String_Array_Type is
84 |
array (Integer range <>) of Str_Ptr;
85 |
86 |
type Edited_Output_Results_Array_Type is
87 |
array (Integer range <>) of Str_Ptr;
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
Data_With_NDP : Data_Array_Type_1 (1..Number_Of_NDP_Items) :=
92 |
( 1 => 1234.0,
93 |
2 => 51234.0,
94 |
3 => -1234.0,
95 |
4 => 1234.0,
96 |
5 => 1.0,
97 |
6 => 0.0,
98 |
7 => -10.0,
99 |
8 => -1.0,
100 |
9 => 1234.0,
101 |
10 => 1.0,
102 |
11 => 36.0,
103 |
12 => 0.0
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
Data_With_2DP : Data_Array_Type_2 (1..Number_Of_2DP_Items) :=
108 |
( 1 => 123456.78,
109 |
2 => 123456.78,
110 |
3 => 0.0,
111 |
4 => 0.20,
112 |
5 => 123456.00,
113 |
6 => -123456.78,
114 |
7 => 123456.78,
115 |
8 => -12.34,
116 |
9 => 1.23,
117 |
10 => 12.34,
118 |
119 |
-- Items 11-20 are used with picture strings in evaluating use of
120 |
-- foreign currency symbols.
121 |
122 |
11 => 123456.78,
123 |
12 => 123456.78,
124 |
13 => 32.10,
125 |
14 => -5432.10,
126 |
15 => -1234.57,
127 |
16 => 123456.78,
128 |
17 => 12.34,
129 |
18 => 12.34,
130 |
19 => 1.23,
131 |
20 => 12345.67
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
Valid_Strings : Picture_String_Array_Type
137 |
(1..Number_Of_Valid_Strings) :=
138 |
139 |
-- Items 1-10 are used in conjunction with Data_With_2DP values
140 |
-- to produce edited output strings, as well as in tests of
141 |
-- function Valid.
142 |
143 |
( 1 => new String'("-###**_***_**9.99"),
144 |
2 => new String'("-$**_***_**9.99"),
145 |
3 => new String'("-$$$$$$.$$"),
146 |
4 => new String'("-$$$$$$.$$"),
147 |
5 => new String'("+BBBZZ_ZZZ_ZZZ.ZZ"),
148 |
6 => new String'("--_---_---_--9"),
149 |
7 => new String'("-$_$$$_$$$_$$9.99"),
150 |
8 => new String'("<$$_$$$9.99>"),
151 |
9 => new String'("$_$$9.99"),
152 |
10 => new String'("$$9.99"),
153 |
154 |
-- Items 11-22 are used in conjunction with Data_With_NDP values
155 |
-- to produce edited output strings.
156 |
157 |
11 => new String'("ZZZZ9"),
158 |
12 => new String'("ZZZZ9"),
159 |
13 => new String'("<#Z_ZZ9>"),
160 |
14 => new String'("<#Z_ZZ9>"),
161 |
15 => new String'("ZZZ.ZZ"),
162 |
16 => new String'("ZZZ.ZZ"),
163 |
17 => new String'("<###99>"),
164 |
18 => new String'("ZZZZZ-"),
165 |
19 => new String'("$$$$9"),
166 |
20 => new String'("$$$$$"),
167 |
21 => new String'("<###99>"),
168 |
22 => new String'("$$$$9"),
169 |
170 |
-- Items 23-40 are used in validation of the Valid, To_Picture, and
171 |
-- Pic_String subprograms of package Text_IO.Editing, and are not
172 |
-- used to generate edited output.
173 |
174 |
23 => new String'("zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ"),
175 |
24 => new String'("999999999999999999"),
176 |
25 => new String'("******************"),
177 |
26 => new String'("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"),
178 |
27 => new String'("9999/9999B9999_999909999"),
179 |
28 => new String'("+999999999999999999"),
180 |
29 => new String'("-999999999999999999"),
181 |
30 => new String'("999999999999999999+"),
182 |
31 => new String'("999999999999999999-"),
183 |
32 => new String'("<<<_<<<_<<<_<<<_<<<_<<9>"),
184 |
33 => new String'("++++++++++++++++++++"),
185 |
34 => new String'("--------------------"),
186 |
35 => new String'("zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ.zZ"),
187 |
36 => new String'("******************.99"),
188 |
37 => new String'("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.99"),
189 |
190 |
-- The following string has length 30, which is the minimum value
191 |
-- that must be supported for Max_Picture_Length.
192 |
193 |
38 => new String'("9_999_999_999_999_999_999BB.99"),
194 |
39 => new String'("<<<_<<<_<<<_<<<.99>"),
195 |
40 => new String'("ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ+")
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
Foreign_Strings : Picture_String_Array_Type
201 |
(1..Number_Of_Foreign_Strings) :=
202 |
203 |
-- These strings are going to be used in conjunction with non-default
204 |
-- values for Currency string, Radix mark, and Separator in calls to
205 |
-- Image and Put, as well as in tests of function Valid.
206 |
207 |
( 1 => new String'("-###**_***_**9.99"), -- FF
208 |
2 => new String'("-$**_***_**9.99"), -- FF
209 |
3 => new String'("<###z_ZZ9.99>"), -- FF
210 |
4 => new String'("<###Z_ZZ9.99>"), -- FF
211 |
5 => new String'("<<<<_<<<.<<###>"), -- DM
212 |
6 => new String'("-$_$$$_$$$_$$9.99"), -- DM
213 |
7 => new String'("$z99.99"), -- DM
214 |
8 => new String'("$$$9.99"), -- DM
215 |
9 => new String'("$_$$9.99"), -- DM
216 |
10 => new String'("###_###_##9.99") -- CHF
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
Invalid_Strings : Picture_String_Array_Type
222 |
(1..Number_Of_Invalid_Strings) :=
223 |
224 |
-- The RM references to the right of these invalid picture strings
225 |
-- indicates which of the composition constraints of picture strings
226 |
-- is violated by the particular string (and all following strings
227 |
-- until another reference is presented). However, certain strings
228 |
-- violate multiple of the constraints.
229 |
230 |
( 1 => new String'("<<<"),
231 |
2 => new String'("<<>>"),
232 |
3 => new String'("<<<9_B0/$DB"),
233 |
4 => new String'("+BB"),
234 |
5 => new String'("<-"),
235 |
6 => new String'("
236 |
7 => new String'("
237 |
8 => new String'("<
238 |
9 => new String'("<<__DB"),
239 |
10 => new String'("<<<++++_++-"),
240 |
11 => new String'("-999.99>"),
241 |
12 => new String'("+++9.99+"),
242 |
13 => new String'("++++>>"),
243 |
14 => new String'("->"),
244 |
15 => new String'("++9-"),
245 |
16 => new String'("---999999->"),
246 |
17 => new String'("+++-"),
247 |
18 => new String'("+++_+++_+.--"),
248 |
19 => new String'("--B.BB+>"),
249 |
20 => new String'("$$#$"),
250 |
21 => new String'("#B$$$$"),
251 |
22 => new String'("**Z"),
252 |
23 => new String'("ZZZzzz*"),
253 |
24 => new String'("9.99DB(2)"),
254 |
25 => new String'(A_Picture_String_Too_Long)
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
Edited_Output : Edited_Output_Results_Array_Type
259 |
(1..Number_Of_Edited_Output_Strings) :=
260 |
261 |
-- The following 10 edited output strings result from the first 10
262 |
-- valid strings when used with the first 10 Data_With_2DP numeric
263 |
-- values.
264 |
( 1 => new String'(" $***123,456.78"),
265 |
2 => new String'(" $***123,456.78"),
266 |
3 => new String'(" "),
267 |
4 => new String'(" $.20"),
268 |
5 => new String'("+ 123,456.00"),
269 |
6 => new String'(" -123,457"),
270 |
7 => new String'(" $123,456.78"),
271 |
8 => new String'("( $12.34)"),
272 |
9 => new String'(" $1.23"),
273 |
10 => new String'("$12.34"),
274 |
275 |
-- The following 10 edited output strings correspond to the 10 foreign
276 |
-- currency picture strings (the currency string is supplied at the
277 |
-- time of the call to Editing.Image or Editing.Put), when used in
278 |
-- conjunction with Data_With_2DP items 11-20
279 |
280 |
11 => new String'(" FF***123.456,78"),
281 |
12 => new String'(" FF***123.456,78"),
282 |
13 => new String'(" FF 32,10 "),
283 |
14 => new String'("( FF5.432,10)"),
284 |
15 => new String'(" (1,234.57DM )"),
285 |
16 => new String'(" DM123,456.78"),
286 |
17 => new String'("DM 12.34"),
287 |
18 => new String'(" DM12.34"),
288 |
19 => new String'(" DM1.23"),
289 |
20 => new String'(" CHF12,345.67"),
290 |
291 |
-- The following 12 edited output strings correspond to the 12
292 |
-- Data_With_NDP items formatted using Valid_String items 11-22.
293 |
-- This combination shows decimal data with no decimal places
294 |
-- formatted using picture strings.
295 |
296 |
21 => new String'(" 1234"),
297 |
22 => new String'("51234"),
298 |
23 => new String'("($1,234)"),
299 |
24 => new String'(" $1,234 "),
300 |
25 => new String'(" 1.00"),
301 |
26 => new String'(" "),
302 |
27 => new String'("( $10)"),
303 |
28 => new String'(" 1-"),
304 |
29 => new String'("$1234"),
305 |
30 => new String'(" $1"),
306 |
31 => new String'(" $36 "),
307 |
32 => new String'(" $0")
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
-- The following data is used to create exception situations in tests of
313 |
-- the Edited Output capabilities of package Ada.Text_IO.Editing. The data
314 |
-- are not themselves erroneous, but will produce exceptions based on the
315 |
-- data/picture string combination used.
316 |
317 |
Erroneous_Data : Data_Array_Type_2 (1..Number_Of_Erroneous_Conditions) :=
318 |
( 1 => 12.34,
319 |
2 => -12.34,
320 |
3 => 51234.0
321 |
322 |
323 |
Erroneous_Strings : Picture_String_Array_Type
324 |
(1..Number_Of_Erroneous_Conditions) :=
325 |
( 1 => new String'("9.99"),
326 |
2 => new String'("99.99"),
327 |
3 => new String'("$$$$9")
328 |
329 |
330 |
end FXF3A00;