1 |
720 |
jeremybenn |
-- C431001.A
2 |
3 |
-- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 |
5 |
-- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 |
-- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 |
-- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 |
-- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 |
-- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 |
-- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 |
-- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 |
-- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 |
-- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 |
-- to do so.
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
-- Check that a record aggregate can be given for a nonprivate,
28 |
-- nonlimited record extension and that the tag of the aggregate
29 |
-- values are initialized to the tag of the record extension.
30 |
31 |
32 |
-- From an initial parent tagged type, several type extensions
33 |
-- are declared. Each type extension adds components onto
34 |
-- the existing record structure.
35 |
36 |
-- In the main procedure, aggregates are declared in two ways.
37 |
-- In the declarative part, aggregates are used to supply
38 |
-- initial values for objects of specific types. In the executable
39 |
-- part, aggregates are used directly as actual parameters to
40 |
-- a class-wide formal parameter.
41 |
42 |
-- The abstraction is for a catalog of recordings. A recording
43 |
-- can be a CD or a record (vinyl). Additionally, a CD may also
44 |
-- be a CD-ROM, containing both music and data. This type is declared
45 |
-- as an extension to a type extension, to test that the inclusion
46 |
-- of record components is transitive across multiple extensions.
47 |
48 |
-- That the aggregate has the correct tag is verify by feeding
49 |
-- it to a dispatching operation and confirming that the
50 |
-- expected subprogram is called as a result. To accomplish this,
51 |
-- an enumeration type is declared with an enumeration literal
52 |
-- representing each of the declared types in the hierarchy. A value
53 |
-- of this type is passed as a parameter to the dispatching
54 |
-- operation which passes it along to the dispatched subprogram.
55 |
-- Each dispatched subprogram verifies that it received the
56 |
-- expected enumeration literal.
57 |
58 |
-- Not quite fitting the above abstraction are several test cases
59 |
-- for null records. These tests verify that the new syntax for
60 |
-- null record aggregates, (null record), is supported. A type is
61 |
-- declared which extends a null tagged type and adds components.
62 |
-- Aggregates of this type should include associations for the
63 |
-- components of the type extension only. Finally, a type is
64 |
-- declared that adds a null type extension onto a non-null tagged
65 |
-- type. The aggregate associations should remain the same.
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
-- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
70 |
-- 19 Dec 94 SAIC Removed RM references from objective text.
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
package C431001_0 is
75 |
76 |
-- Values of TC_Type_ID are passed through to dispatched subprogram
77 |
-- calls so that it can be verified that the dispatching resulted in
78 |
-- the expected call.
79 |
type TC_Type_ID is (TC_Recording, TC_CD, TC_Vinyl, TC_CD_ROM);
80 |
81 |
type Genre is (Classical, Country, Jazz, Rap, Rock, World);
82 |
83 |
type Recording is tagged record
84 |
Artist : String (1..20);
85 |
Category : Genre;
86 |
Length : Duration;
87 |
Selections : Positive;
88 |
end record;
89 |
90 |
function Summary (R : in Recording;
91 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String;
92 |
93 |
type Recording_Method is (Audio, Digital);
94 |
type CD is new Recording with record
95 |
Recorded : Recording_Method;
96 |
Mastered : Recording_Method;
97 |
end record;
98 |
99 |
function Summary (Disc : in CD;
100 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String;
101 |
102 |
type Playing_Speed is (LP_33, Single_45, Old_78);
103 |
type Vinyl is new Recording with record
104 |
Speed : Playing_Speed;
105 |
end record;
106 |
107 |
function Summary (Album : in Vinyl;
108 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String;
109 |
110 |
111 |
type CD_ROM is new CD with record
112 |
Storage : Positive;
113 |
end record;
114 |
115 |
function Summary (Disk : in CD_ROM;
116 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String;
117 |
118 |
function Catalog_Entry (R : in Recording'Class;
119 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String;
120 |
121 |
procedure Print (S : in String); -- provides somewhere for the
122 |
-- results of Catalog_Entry to
123 |
-- "go", so they don't get
124 |
-- optimized away.
125 |
126 |
-- The types and procedures declared below are not a continuation
127 |
-- of the Recording abstraction. These types are intended to test
128 |
-- support for null tagged types and type extensions. TC_Check mirrors
129 |
-- the operation of function Summary, above. Similarly, TC_Dispatch
130 |
-- mirrors the operation of Catalog_Entry.
131 |
132 |
type TC_N_Type_ID is
133 |
(TC_Null_Tagged, TC_Null_Extension,
134 |
TC_Extension_Of_Null, TC_Null_Extension_Of_Nonnull);
135 |
136 |
type Null_Tagged is tagged null record;
137 |
procedure TC_Check (N : in Null_Tagged;
138 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID);
139 |
140 |
type Null_Extension is new Null_Tagged with null record;
141 |
procedure TC_Check (N : in Null_Extension;
142 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID);
143 |
144 |
type Extension_Of_Null is new Null_Tagged with record
145 |
New_Component1 : Boolean;
146 |
New_Component2 : Natural;
147 |
end record;
148 |
procedure TC_Check (N : in Extension_Of_Null;
149 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID);
150 |
151 |
type Null_Extension_Of_Nonnull is new Extension_Of_Null
152 |
with null record;
153 |
procedure TC_Check (N : in Null_Extension_Of_Nonnull;
154 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID);
155 |
156 |
procedure TC_Dispatch (N : in Null_Tagged'Class;
157 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID);
158 |
159 |
end C431001_0;
160 |
161 |
with Report;
162 |
package body C431001_0 is
163 |
164 |
function Summary (R : in Recording;
165 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String is
166 |
167 |
168 |
if TC_Type /= TC_Recording then
169 |
Report.Failed ("Did not dispatch on tag for tagged parent " &
170 |
"type Recording");
171 |
end if;
172 |
173 |
return R.Artist (1..10)
174 |
& ' ' & Genre'Image (R.Category) (1..2)
175 |
& ' ' & Duration'Image (R.Length)
176 |
& ' ' & Integer'Image (R.Selections);
177 |
178 |
end Summary;
179 |
180 |
function Summary (Disc : in CD;
181 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String is
182 |
183 |
184 |
if TC_Type /= TC_CD then
185 |
Report.Failed ("Did not dispatch on tag for type extension " &
186 |
187 |
end if;
188 |
189 |
return Summary (Recording (Disc), TC_Type => TC_Recording)
190 |
& ' ' & Recording_Method'Image(Disc.Recorded)(1)
191 |
& Recording_Method'Image(Disc.Mastered)(1);
192 |
193 |
end Summary;
194 |
195 |
function Summary (Album : in Vinyl;
196 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String is
197 |
198 |
if TC_Type /= TC_Vinyl then
199 |
Report.Failed ("Did not dispatch on tag for type extension " &
200 |
201 |
end if;
202 |
203 |
case Album.Speed is
204 |
when LP_33 =>
205 |
return Summary (Recording (Album), TC_Type => TC_Recording)
206 |
& " 33";
207 |
when Single_45 =>
208 |
return Summary (Recording (Album), TC_Type => TC_Recording)
209 |
& " 45";
210 |
when Old_78 =>
211 |
return Summary (Recording (Album), TC_Type => TC_Recording)
212 |
& " 78";
213 |
end case;
214 |
215 |
end Summary;
216 |
217 |
function Summary (Disk : in CD_ROM;
218 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String is
219 |
220 |
if TC_Type /= TC_CD_ROM then
221 |
Report.Failed ("Did not dispatch on tag for type extension " &
222 |
"CD_ROM. This is an extension of the type " &
223 |
"extension CD");
224 |
end if;
225 |
226 |
return Summary (Recording(Disk), TC_Type => TC_Recording)
227 |
& ' ' & Integer'Image (Disk.Storage) & 'K';
228 |
229 |
end Summary;
230 |
231 |
function Catalog_Entry (R : in Recording'Class;
232 |
TC_Type : in TC_Type_ID) return String is
233 |
234 |
return Summary (R, TC_Type); -- dispatched call
235 |
end Catalog_Entry;
236 |
237 |
procedure Print (S : in String) is
238 |
T : String (1..S'Length) := Report.Ident_Str (S);
239 |
240 |
-- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (S);
241 |
242 |
end Print;
243 |
244 |
-- Bodies for null type checks
245 |
procedure TC_Check (N : in Null_Tagged;
246 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID) is
247 |
248 |
if TC_Type /= TC_Null_Tagged then
249 |
Report.Failed ("Did not dispatch on tag for null tagged " &
250 |
"type Null_Tagged");
251 |
end if;
252 |
end TC_Check;
253 |
254 |
procedure TC_Check (N : in Null_Extension;
255 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID) is
256 |
257 |
if TC_Type /= TC_Null_Extension then
258 |
Report.Failed ("Did not dispatch on tag for null tagged " &
259 |
"type extension Null_Extension");
260 |
end if;
261 |
end TC_Check;
262 |
263 |
procedure TC_Check (N : in Extension_Of_Null;
264 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID) is
265 |
266 |
if TC_Type /= TC_Extension_Of_Null then
267 |
268 |
("Did not dispatch on tag for extension of null parent" &
269 |
270 |
end if;
271 |
end TC_Check;
272 |
273 |
procedure TC_Check (N : in Null_Extension_Of_Nonnull;
274 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID) is
275 |
276 |
if TC_Type /= TC_Null_Extension_Of_Nonnull then
277 |
278 |
("Did not dispatch on tag for null extension of nonnull " &
279 |
"parent type");
280 |
end if;
281 |
end TC_Check;
282 |
283 |
procedure TC_Dispatch (N : in Null_Tagged'Class;
284 |
TC_Type : in TC_N_Type_ID) is
285 |
286 |
TC_Check (N, TC_Type); -- dispatched call
287 |
end TC_Dispatch;
288 |
289 |
end C431001_0;
290 |
291 |
292 |
with C431001_0;
293 |
with Report;
294 |
procedure C431001 is
295 |
296 |
-- Tagged type
297 |
-- Named component associations
298 |
DAT : C431001_0.Recording :=
299 |
(Artist => "Aerosmith ",
300 |
Category => C431001_0.Rock,
301 |
Length => 48.5,
302 |
Selections => 10);
303 |
304 |
-- Type extensions
305 |
-- Named component associations
306 |
Disc1 : C431001_0.CD :=
307 |
(Artist => "London Symphony ",
308 |
Category => C431001_0.Classical,
309 |
Length => 55.0,
310 |
Selections => 4,
311 |
Recorded => C431001_0.Digital,
312 |
Mastered => C431001_0.Digital);
313 |
314 |
-- Named component associations with others
315 |
Disc2 : C431001_0.CD :=
316 |
(Artist => "Pink Floyd ",
317 |
Category => C431001_0.Rock,
318 |
Length => 51.8,
319 |
Selections => 5,
320 |
others => C431001_0.Audio); -- Recorded
321 |
-- Mastered
322 |
323 |
-- Positional component associations
324 |
Album1 : C431001_0.Vinyl :=
325 |
("Hammer ", -- Artist
326 |
C431001_0.Rap, -- Category
327 |
46.2, -- Length
328 |
9, -- Selections
329 |
C431001_0.LP_33); -- Speed
330 |
331 |
-- Mixed positional and named component associations
332 |
-- Named component associations out of order
333 |
Album2 : C431001_0.Vinyl :=
334 |
("Balinese Gamelan ", -- Artist
335 |
C431001_0.World, -- Category
336 |
42.6, -- Length
337 |
14, -- Selections
338 |
C431001_0.LP_33); -- Speed
339 |
340 |
-- Type extension, parent is also type extension
341 |
-- Named notation, components out of order
342 |
Data : C431001_0.CD_ROM :=
343 |
(Storage => 140,
344 |
Mastered => C431001_0.Digital,
345 |
Category => C431001_0.Rock,
346 |
Selections => 10,
347 |
Recorded => C431001_0.Digital,
348 |
Artist => "Black, Clint ",
349 |
Length => 48.5);
350 |
351 |
-- Null tagged type
352 |
Null_Rec : C431001_0.Null_Tagged := (null record);
353 |
354 |
-- Null type extension
355 |
Null_Ext : C431001_0.Null_Extension := (null record);
356 |
357 |
-- Nonnull extension of null parent
358 |
Ext_Of_Null : C431001_0.Extension_Of_Null := (True, 0);
359 |
360 |
-- Null extension of nonnull parent
361 |
Null_Ext_Of_Nonnull : C431001_0.Null_Extension_Of_Nonnull
362 |
:= (False, 1);
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
Report.Test ("C431001", "Aggregate values for type extensions");
367 |
368 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry (DAT, C431001_0.TC_Recording));
369 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry (Disc1, C431001_0.TC_CD));
370 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry (Disc2, C431001_0.TC_CD));
371 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry (Album1, C431001_0.TC_Vinyl));
372 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry (Album2, C431001_0.TC_Vinyl));
373 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry (Data, C431001_0.TC_CD_ROM));
374 |
375 |
C431001_0.TC_Dispatch (Null_Rec, C431001_0.TC_Null_Tagged);
376 |
C431001_0.TC_Dispatch (Null_Ext, C431001_0.TC_Null_Extension);
377 |
C431001_0.TC_Dispatch (Ext_Of_Null, C431001_0.TC_Extension_Of_Null);
378 |
379 |
(Null_Ext_Of_Nonnull, C431001_0.TC_Null_Extension_Of_Nonnull);
380 |
381 |
-- Tagged type
382 |
-- Named component associations
383 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry
384 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_Recording,
385 |
R => C431001_0.Recording'(Artist => "Zappa, Frank ",
386 |
Category => C431001_0.Rock,
387 |
Length => 70.0,
388 |
Selections => 38)));
389 |
390 |
-- Type extensions
391 |
-- Named component associations
392 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry
393 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_CD,
394 |
R => C431001_0.CD'(Artist => "Dog, Snoop Doggy ",
395 |
Category => C431001_0.Rap,
396 |
Length => 37.3,
397 |
Selections => 8,
398 |
Recorded => C431001_0.Audio,
399 |
Mastered => C431001_0.Digital)));
400 |
401 |
-- Named component associations with others
402 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry
403 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_CD,
404 |
R => C431001_0.CD'(Artist => "Judd, Winona ",
405 |
Category => C431001_0.Country,
406 |
Length => 51.2,
407 |
Selections => 11,
408 |
others => C431001_0.Digital))); -- Recorded
409 |
-- Mastered
410 |
411 |
-- Positional component associations
412 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry
413 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_Vinyl,
414 |
R => C431001_0.Vinyl'("Davis, Miles ", -- Artist
415 |
C431001_0.Jazz, -- Category
416 |
50.4, -- Length
417 |
10, -- Selections
418 |
C431001_0.LP_33))); -- Speed
419 |
420 |
-- Mixed positional and named component associations
421 |
-- Named component associations out of order
422 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry
423 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_Vinyl,
424 |
R => C431001_0.Vinyl'("Zamfir ", -- Artist
425 |
C431001_0.World, -- Category
426 |
Speed => C431001_0.LP_33,
427 |
Selections => 14,
428 |
Length => 56.5)));
429 |
430 |
-- Type extension, parent is also type extension
431 |
-- Named notation, components out of order
432 |
C431001_0.Print (C431001_0.Catalog_Entry
433 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_CD_ROM,
434 |
R => C431001_0.CD_ROM'(Storage => 720,
435 |
Category => C431001_0.Classical,
436 |
Recorded => C431001_0.Digital,
437 |
Artist => "Baltimore Symphony ",
438 |
Length => 68.9,
439 |
Mastered => C431001_0.Digital,
440 |
Selections => 5)));
441 |
442 |
-- Null tagged type
443 |
444 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_Null_Tagged,
445 |
N => C431001_0.Null_Tagged'(null record));
446 |
447 |
-- Null type extension
448 |
449 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_Null_Extension,
450 |
N => C431001_0.Null_Extension'(null record));
451 |
452 |
-- Nonnull extension of null parent
453 |
454 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_Extension_Of_Null,
455 |
N => C431001_0.Extension_Of_Null'(True, 3));
456 |
457 |
-- Null extension of nonnull parent
458 |
459 |
(TC_Type => C431001_0.TC_Extension_Of_Null,
460 |
N => C431001_0.Extension_Of_Null'(False, 4));
461 |
462 |
463 |
464 |
end C431001;