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jeremybenn |
-- C640001.A
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-- Grant of Unlimited Rights
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-- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
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-- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
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-- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
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-- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
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-- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
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-- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
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-- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
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-- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
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-- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
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-- to do so.
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-- Check that the prefix of a subprogram call with an actual parameter
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-- part may be an implicit dereference of an access-to-subprogram value.
29 |
-- Check that, for an access-to-subprogram type whose designated profile
30 |
-- contains parameters of a tagged generic formal type, an access-to-
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-- subprogram value may designate dispatching and non-dispatching
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-- operations, and that dereferences of such a value call the appropriate
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-- subprogram.
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-- The test declares a tagged type (Table) with a dispatching operation
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-- (Clear), as well as a derivative (Table2) which overrides that
38 |
-- operation. A subprogram with the same name and profile as Clear is
39 |
-- declared in a separate package -- it is therefore not a dispatching
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-- operation of Table. For the purposes of the test, each version of Clear
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-- modifies the components of its parameter in a unique way.
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-- Additionally, an operation (Reset) of type Table is declared which
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-- makes a re-dispatching call to Clear, i.e.,
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-- procedure Reset (A: in out Table) is
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-- begin
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-- ...
49 |
-- Clear (Table'Class(A)); -- Re-dispatch based on tag of actual.
50 |
-- ...
51 |
-- end Reset;
52 |
53 |
-- An access-to-subprogram type is declared within a generic package,
54 |
-- with a designated profile which declares a parameter of a generic
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-- formal tagged private type.
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-- The generic is instantiated with type Table. The instance defines an
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-- array of access-to-subprogram values (which represents a table of
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-- operations to be performed sequentially on a single operand).
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-- Access values designating the dispatching version of Clear, the
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-- non-dispatching version of Clear, and Reset (which re-dispatches to
62 |
-- Clear) are placed in this array.
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-- In the instance, each subprogram in the array is called by implicitly
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-- dereferencing the corresponding access value. For the dispatching and
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-- non-dispatching versions of Clear, the actual parameter passed is of
67 |
-- type Table. For Reset, the actual parameter passed is a view conversion
68 |
-- of an object of type Table2 to type Table, i.e., Table(Table2_Obj).
69 |
-- Since the tag of the operand never changes, the call to Clear within
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-- Reset should execute Table2's version of Clear.
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-- The main program verifies that the appropriate version of Clear is
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-- called in each case, by checking that the components of the actual are
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-- updated as expected.
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-- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
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package C640001_0 is
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-- Data type artificial for testing purposes.
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Row_Len : constant := 10;
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T : constant Boolean := True;
89 |
F : constant Boolean := False;
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91 |
type Row_Type is array (1 .. Row_Len) of Boolean;
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93 |
function Is_True (A : in Row_Type) return Boolean;
94 |
function Is_False (A : in Row_Type) return Boolean;
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97 |
Init : constant Row_Type := (T, F, T, F, T, F, T, F, T, F);
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99 |
type Table is tagged record -- Tagged type.
100 |
Row1 : Row_Type := Init;
101 |
Row2 : Row_Type := Init;
102 |
end record;
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104 |
procedure Clear (A : in out Table); -- Dispatching operation.
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106 |
procedure Reset (A : in out Table); -- Re-dispatching operation.
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108 |
-- ...Other operations.
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111 |
type Table2 is new Table with null record; -- Extension of Table (but
112 |
-- structurally identical).
113 |
114 |
procedure Clear (A : in out Table2); -- Overrides parent's op.
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116 |
-- ...Other operations.
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end C640001_0;
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package body C640001_0 is
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function Is_True (A : in Row_Type) return Boolean is
128 |
129 |
for I in A'Range loop
130 |
if A(I) /= True then -- Return true if all elements
131 |
return False; -- of A are True.
132 |
end if;
133 |
end loop;
134 |
return True;
135 |
end Is_True;
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function Is_False (A : in Row_Type) return Boolean is
139 |
140 |
return A = Row_Type'(others => False); -- Return true if all elements
141 |
end Is_False; -- of A are False.
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procedure Clear (A : in out Table) is
145 |
146 |
for I in Row_Type'Range loop -- This version of Clear sets
147 |
A.Row1(I) := False; -- the elements of Row1 only
148 |
end loop; -- to False.
149 |
end Clear;
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151 |
152 |
procedure Reset (A : in out Table) is
153 |
154 |
Clear (Table'Class(A)); -- Redispatch to appropriate
155 |
-- ... Other "reset" activities. -- version of Clear.
156 |
end Reset;
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159 |
procedure Clear (A : in out Table2) is
160 |
161 |
for I in Row_Type'Range loop -- This version of Clear sets
162 |
A.Row1(I) := True; -- the elements of Row1 only
163 |
end loop; -- to True.
164 |
end Clear;
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end C640001_0;
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with C640001_0;
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package C640001_1 is
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procedure Clear (T : in out C640001_0.Table); -- Non-dispatching operation.
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end C640001_1;
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package body C640001_1 is
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procedure Clear (T : in out C640001_0.Table) is
187 |
188 |
for I in C640001_0.Row_Type'Range loop -- This version of Clear sets
189 |
T.Row2(I) := True; -- the elements of Row2 only
190 |
end loop; -- to True.
191 |
end Clear;
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193 |
end C640001_1;
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-- This unit represents a support package for table-driven processing of
200 |
-- data objects. Process_Operand performs a set of operations are performed
201 |
-- sequentially on a single operand. Note that parameters are provided to
202 |
-- specify which subset of operations in the operations table are to be
203 |
-- performed (ordinarily these might be omitted, but the test requires that
204 |
-- each operation be called individually for a single operand).
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type Tag is tagged private;
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package C640001_2 is
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type Proc_Ptr is access procedure (P: in out Tag);
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type Op_List is private;
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214 |
procedure Add_Op (Op : in Proc_Ptr; -- Add operation to
215 |
List : in out Op_List); -- to list of ops.
216 |
217 |
procedure Process_Operand (Operand : in out Tag; -- Execute a subset
218 |
List : in Op_List; -- of a list of
219 |
First_Op : in Positive; -- operations using
220 |
Last_Op : in Positive); -- a given operand.
221 |
222 |
-- ...Other operations.
223 |
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225 |
type Op_Array is array (1 .. 3) of Proc_Ptr;
226 |
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type Op_List is record
228 |
Top : Natural := 0;
229 |
Ops : Op_Array;
230 |
end record;
231 |
end C640001_2;
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package body C640001_2 is
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procedure Add_Op (Op : in Proc_Ptr;
240 |
List : in out Op_List) is
241 |
242 |
List.Top := List.Top + 1; -- Artificial; no Constraint_Error protection.
243 |
List.Ops(List.Top) := Op;
244 |
end Add_Op;
245 |
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procedure Process_Operand (Operand : in out Tag;
248 |
List : in Op_List;
249 |
First_Op : in Positive;
250 |
Last_Op : in Positive) is
251 |
252 |
for I in First_Op .. Last_Op loop
253 |
List.Ops(I)(Operand); -- Implicit dereference of an
254 |
end loop; -- access-to-subprogram value.
255 |
end Process_Operand;
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end C640001_2;
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with C640001_0;
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with C640001_1;
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with C640001_2;
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with Report;
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procedure C640001 is
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package Table_Support is new C640001_2 (C640001_0.Table);
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Sub_Ptr : Table_Support.Proc_Ptr;
273 |
My_List : Table_Support.Op_List;
274 |
My_Table1 : C640001_0.Table; -- Initial values of both Row1 &
275 |
-- Row2 are (T,F,T,F,T,F,T,F,T,F).
276 |
My_Table2 : C640001_0.Table2; -- Initial values of both Row1 &
277 |
-- Row2 are (T,F,T,F,T,F,T,F,T,F).
278 |
279 |
Report.Test ("C640001", "Check that, for an access-to-subprogram type " &
280 |
"whose designated profile contains parameters " &
281 |
"of a tagged generic formal type, an access-" &
282 |
"to-subprogram value may designate dispatching " &
283 |
"and non-dispatching operations");
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-- Add subprogram access values to list:
287 |
288 |
289 |
Sub_Ptr := C640001_0.Clear'Access; -- Designates dispatching op.
290 |
Table_Support.Add_Op (Sub_Ptr, My_List); -- (1st operation on My_List).
291 |
292 |
Sub_Ptr := C640001_1.Clear'Access; -- Designates non-dispatching op.
293 |
Table_Support.Add_Op (Sub_Ptr, My_List); -- (2nd operation on My_List).
294 |
295 |
Sub_Ptr := C640001_0.Reset'Access; -- Designates re-dispatching op.
296 |
Table_Support.Add_Op (Sub_Ptr, My_List); -- (3rd operation on My_List).
297 |
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-- Call dispatching operation:
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302 |
303 |
Table_Support.Process_Operand (My_Table1, My_List, 1, 1); -- Call 1st op.
304 |
305 |
if not C640001_0.Is_False (My_Table1.Row1) then
306 |
Report.Failed ("Wrong result after calling dispatching operation");
307 |
end if;
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311 |
-- Call non-dispatching operation:
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313 |
314 |
Table_Support.Process_Operand (My_Table1, My_List, 2, 2); -- Call 2nd op.
315 |
316 |
if not C640001_0.Is_True (My_Table1.Row2) then
317 |
Report.Failed ("Wrong result after calling non-dispatching operation");
318 |
end if;
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-- Call re-dispatching operation:
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325 |
Table_Support.Process_Operand (C640001_0.Table(My_Table2), -- View conv.
326 |
My_List, 3, 3); -- Call 3rd op.
327 |
328 |
if not C640001_0.Is_True (My_Table2.Row1) then
329 |
Report.Failed ("Wrong result after calling re-dispatching operation");
330 |
end if;
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end C640001;