1 |
720 |
jeremybenn |
-- C954023.A
2 |
3 |
-- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 |
5 |
-- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 |
-- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 |
-- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 |
-- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 |
-- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 |
-- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 |
-- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 |
-- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 |
-- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 |
-- to do so.
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
-- Check that a requeue within a protected entry to a family of entries
28 |
-- in a different protected object is queued correctly
29 |
-- Call with parameters
30 |
-- Requeue with abort
31 |
32 |
33 |
-- One transaction is sent through to check the paths. After processing
34 |
-- this, the Credit task sets the "overloaded" indicator. Once this
35 |
-- indicator is set the Distributor (a protected object) queues lower
36 |
-- priority transactions on a family of queues (Wait_for_Underload) in
37 |
-- another protected object using a requeue. The Distributor still
38 |
-- delivers high priority transactions. After two more high priority
39 |
-- transactions have been processed by the Credit task the artificial
40 |
-- test code clears the overload condition to the threshold level that
41 |
-- allows only the items on the Medium priority queue of the family to be
42 |
-- released. When these have been processed and checked the test code
43 |
-- then lowers the priority threshold once again, allowing the Low
44 |
-- priority items from the last queue in the family to be released,
45 |
-- processed and checked. Note: the High priority queue in the family is
46 |
-- not used.
47 |
48 |
-- This series of tests uses a simulation of a transaction driven
49 |
-- processing system. Line Drivers accept input from an external source
50 |
-- and build them into transaction records. These records are then
51 |
-- encapsulated in message tasks which remain extant for the life of the
52 |
-- transaction in the system. The message tasks put themselves on the
53 |
-- input queue of a Distributor which, from information in the
54 |
-- transaction and/or system load conditions forwards them to other
55 |
-- operating tasks. These in turn might forward the transactions to yet
56 |
-- other tasks for further action. The routing is, in real life, dynamic
57 |
-- and unpredictable at the time of message generation. All rerouting in
58 |
-- this model is done by means of requeues.
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
-- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
with Report;
67 |
with ImpDef;
68 |
69 |
procedure C954023 is
70 |
71 |
-- Artificial: number of messages required for this test
72 |
subtype TC_Trans_Range is integer range 1..8;
73 |
74 |
TC_Credit_Messages_Expected : constant integer
75 |
:= TC_Trans_Range'Last - 1;
76 |
77 |
TC_Debit_Message_Complete : Boolean := false;
78 |
79 |
80 |
-- Mechanism for handshaking between tasks
81 |
protected TC_PO is
82 |
procedure Increment_Tasks_Completed_Count;
83 |
function Tasks_Completed_Count return integer;
84 |
function First_Message_Has_Arrived return Boolean;
85 |
procedure Set_First_Message_Has_Arrived;
86 |
87 |
Number_Complete : integer := 0;
88 |
Message_Arrived_Flag : Boolean := false;
89 |
end TC_PO;
90 |
91 |
protected body TC_PO is
92 |
procedure Increment_Tasks_Completed_Count is
93 |
94 |
Number_Complete := Number_Complete + 1;
95 |
end Increment_Tasks_Completed_Count;
96 |
97 |
function Tasks_Completed_Count return integer is
98 |
99 |
return Number_Complete;
100 |
end Tasks_Completed_Count;
101 |
102 |
function First_Message_Has_Arrived return Boolean is
103 |
104 |
return Message_Arrived_Flag;
105 |
end First_Message_Has_Arrived;
106 |
107 |
procedure Set_First_Message_Has_Arrived is
108 |
109 |
Message_Arrived_Flag := true;
110 |
end Set_First_Message_Has_Arrived;
111 |
112 |
end TC_PO;
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
Report.Test ("C954023", "Requeue from within a protected object" &
117 |
" to a family of entries in another protected object");
118 |
119 |
120 |
declare -- encapsulate the test
121 |
122 |
-- Arbitrary test values
123 |
Credit_Return : constant := 1;
124 |
Debit_Return : constant := 2;
125 |
126 |
type Transaction_Code is (Credit, Debit);
127 |
type App_Priority is (Low, Medium, High);
128 |
type Priority_Block is array (App_Priority) of Boolean;
129 |
130 |
type Transaction_Record;
131 |
type acc_Transaction_Record is access Transaction_Record;
132 |
type Transaction_Record is
133 |
134 |
ID : integer := 0;
135 |
Code : Transaction_Code := Debit;
136 |
Priority : App_Priority := High;
137 |
Account_Number : integer := 0;
138 |
Stock_Number : integer := 0;
139 |
Quantity : integer := 0;
140 |
Return_Value : integer := 0;
141 |
TC_Message_Count : integer := 0;
142 |
TC_Thru_Distrib : Boolean := false;
143 |
end record;
144 |
145 |
146 |
task type Message_Task is
147 |
entry Accept_Transaction (In_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record);
148 |
end Message_Task;
149 |
type acc_Message_Task is access Message_Task;
150 |
151 |
task Line_Driver is
152 |
entry Start;
153 |
end Line_Driver;
154 |
155 |
protected Distributor is
156 |
procedure Set_Credit_Overloaded;
157 |
procedure Clear_Overload_to_Medium;
158 |
procedure Clear_Overload_to_Low;
159 |
entry Input (Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record);
160 |
161 |
Credit_Overloaded : Boolean := false;
162 |
end Distributor;
163 |
164 |
protected Hold is
165 |
procedure Release_Medium;
166 |
procedure Release_Low;
167 |
-- Family of entry queues indexed by App_Priority
168 |
entry Wait_for_Underload (App_Priority)
169 |
(Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record);
170 |
171 |
Release : Priority_Block := (others => false);
172 |
end Hold;
173 |
174 |
task Credit_Computation is
175 |
entry Input(Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record);
176 |
end Credit_Computation;
177 |
178 |
task Debit_Computation is
179 |
entry Input(Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record);
180 |
end Debit_Computation;
181 |
182 |
183 |
-- Dispose each input Transaction_Record to the appropriate
184 |
-- computation tasks
185 |
186 |
protected body Distributor is
187 |
188 |
procedure Set_Credit_Overloaded is
189 |
190 |
Credit_Overloaded := true;
191 |
end Set_Credit_Overloaded;
192 |
193 |
procedure Clear_Overload_to_Medium is
194 |
195 |
Credit_Overloaded := false;
196 |
Hold.Release_Medium; -- Release all held messages on Medium
197 |
-- priority queue
198 |
end Clear_Overload_to_Medium;
199 |
200 |
procedure Clear_Overload_to_Low is
201 |
202 |
Credit_Overloaded := false;
203 |
Hold.Release_Low; -- Release all held messages on Low
204 |
-- priority queue
205 |
end Clear_Overload_to_Low;
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
entry Input (Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record) when true is
210 |
-- barrier is always open
211 |
212 |
-- Test Control: Set the indicator in the message to show it has
213 |
-- passed through the Distributor object
214 |
Transaction.TC_thru_Distrib := true;
215 |
216 |
-- Pass this transaction on to the appropriate computation
217 |
-- task but temporarily hold low-priority transactions under
218 |
-- overload conditions
219 |
case Transaction.Code is
220 |
when Credit =>
221 |
if Credit_Overloaded and Transaction.Priority /= High then
222 |
-- use the appropriate queue in the family
223 |
requeue Hold.Wait_for_Underload(Transaction.Priority)
224 |
with abort;
225 |
226 |
requeue Credit_Computation.Input with abort;
227 |
end if;
228 |
when Debit =>
229 |
requeue Debit_Computation.Input with abort;
230 |
end case;
231 |
end Input;
232 |
end Distributor;
233 |
234 |
235 |
-- Low priority Message tasks are held on the Wait_for_Underload queue
236 |
-- while the Credit computation system is overloaded. Once the Credit
237 |
-- system reached underload send all queued messages immediately
238 |
239 |
protected body Hold is
240 |
241 |
-- Once these are executed the barrier conditions for the entries
242 |
-- are evaluated
243 |
procedure Release_Medium is
244 |
245 |
Release(Medium) := true;
246 |
end Release_Medium;
247 |
248 |
procedure Release_Low is
249 |
250 |
Release(Low) := true;
251 |
end Release_Low;
252 |
253 |
-- This is a family of entry queues indexed by App_Priority
254 |
entry Wait_for_Underload (for AP in App_Priority)
255 |
(Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record)
256 |
when Release(AP) is
257 |
258 |
requeue Credit_Computation.Input with abort;
259 |
if Wait_for_Underload(AP)'count = 0 then
260 |
-- Queue is purged. Set up to hold next batch
261 |
Release(AP) := false;
262 |
end if;
263 |
end Wait_for_Underload;
264 |
265 |
end Hold;
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
-- Assemble messages received from an external source
271 |
-- Creates a message task for each. The message tasks remain extant
272 |
-- for the life of the messages in the system.
273 |
-- The Line Driver task would normally be designed to loop
274 |
-- creating the messages as input is received. Simulate this
275 |
-- but limit it to the required number of dummy messages needed for
276 |
-- this test and allow it to terminate at that point. Artificially
277 |
-- cycle the generation of High medium and Low priority Credit
278 |
-- transactions for this test. Send out one final Debit message
279 |
280 |
task body Line_Driver is
281 |
Current_ID : integer := 1;
282 |
Current_Priority : App_Priority := High;
283 |
284 |
procedure Build_Credit_Record
285 |
( Next_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record ) is
286 |
Dummy_Account : constant integer := 100;
287 |
288 |
Next_Transaction.ID := Current_ID;
289 |
Next_Transaction.Code := Credit;
290 |
Next_Transaction.Priority := Current_Priority;
291 |
292 |
Next_Transaction.Account_Number := Dummy_Account;
293 |
Current_ID := Current_ID + 1;
294 |
end Build_Credit_Record;
295 |
296 |
297 |
procedure Build_Debit_Record
298 |
( Next_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record ) is
299 |
Dummy_Account : constant integer := 200;
300 |
301 |
Next_Transaction.ID := Current_ID;
302 |
Next_Transaction.Code := Debit;
303 |
304 |
Next_Transaction.Account_Number := Dummy_Account;
305 |
Current_ID := Current_ID + 1;
306 |
end Build_Debit_Record;
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
for Transaction_Numb in TC_Trans_Range loop -- TC: limit the loop
311 |
312 |
-- Create a task for the next message
313 |
Next_Message_Task : acc_Message_Task := new Message_Task;
314 |
-- Create a record for it
315 |
Next_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record :=
316 |
new Transaction_Record;
317 |
318 |
if Transaction_Numb = TC_Trans_Range'first then
319 |
-- Send the first Credit message
320 |
Build_Credit_Record ( Next_Transaction );
321 |
Next_Message_Task.Accept_Transaction ( Next_Transaction );
322 |
-- TC: Wait until the first message has been received by the
323 |
-- Credit task and it has set the Overload indicator for the
324 |
-- Distributor
325 |
while not TC_PO.First_Message_Has_Arrived loop
326 |
delay ImpDef.Minimum_Task_Switch;
327 |
end loop;
328 |
elsif Transaction_Numb = TC_Trans_Range'last then
329 |
-- For this test send the last transaction to the Debit task
330 |
-- to improve the mix
331 |
Build_Debit_Record( Next_Transaction );
332 |
Next_Message_Task.Accept_Transaction ( Next_Transaction );
333 |
334 |
-- TC: Cycle generation of high medium and low priority
335 |
-- transactions
336 |
if Current_Priority = High then
337 |
Current_Priority := Medium;
338 |
339 |
Current_Priority = Medium then
340 |
Current_Priority := Low;
341 |
342 |
Current_Priority := High;
343 |
end if;
344 |
Build_Credit_Record( Next_Transaction );
345 |
Next_Message_Task.Accept_Transaction ( Next_Transaction );
346 |
end if;
347 |
end; -- declare
348 |
end loop;
349 |
350 |
351 |
when others =>
352 |
Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Line_Driver");
353 |
end Line_Driver;
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
task body Message_Task is
359 |
360 |
TC_Original_Transaction_Code : Transaction_Code;
361 |
This_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record := new Transaction_Record;
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
accept Accept_Transaction(In_Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record) do
366 |
This_Transaction.all := In_Transaction.all;
367 |
end Accept_Transaction;
368 |
369 |
-- Note the original code to ensure correct return
370 |
TC_Original_Transaction_Code := This_Transaction.Code;
371 |
372 |
-- Queue up on Distributor's Input queue
373 |
Distributor.Input ( This_Transaction );
374 |
-- This task will now wait for the requeued rendezvous
375 |
-- to complete before proceeding
376 |
377 |
-- After the required computations have been performed
378 |
-- return the Transaction_Record appropriately (probably to an output
379 |
-- line driver)
380 |
null; -- stub
381 |
382 |
-- For the test check that the return values are as expected
383 |
if TC_Original_Transaction_Code /= This_Transaction.Code then
384 |
-- Incorrect rendezvous
385 |
Report.Failed ("Message Task: Incorrect code returned");
386 |
end if;
387 |
388 |
if This_Transaction.Code = Credit then
389 |
if This_Transaction.Return_Value /= Credit_Return or
390 |
not This_Transaction.TC_thru_Distrib then
391 |
Report.Failed ("Expected path not traversed - Credit");
392 |
end if;
393 |
394 |
395 |
if This_Transaction.Return_Value /= Debit_Return or
396 |
This_Transaction.TC_Message_Count /= 1 or
397 |
not This_Transaction.TC_thru_Distrib then
398 |
Report.Failed ("Expected path not traversed - Debit");
399 |
end if;
400 |
TC_Debit_Message_Complete := true;
401 |
end if;
402 |
403 |
404 |
when others =>
405 |
Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Message_Task");
406 |
end Message_Task;
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
-- Computation task. After the computation is performed the rendezvous
413 |
-- in the original message task is completed.
414 |
task body Credit_Computation is
415 |
416 |
Message_Count : integer := 0;
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 |
accept Input ( Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record) do
422 |
423 |
-- Perform the computations required for this transaction
424 |
null; -- stub
425 |
426 |
427 |
-- The following is all Test Control code:
428 |
429 |
if not Transaction.TC_thru_Distrib then
430 |
431 |
("Credit Task: Wrong queue, Distributor bypassed");
432 |
end if;
433 |
434 |
if Transaction.code /= Credit then
435 |
436 |
("Credit Task: Requeue delivered to the wrong queue");
437 |
end if;
438 |
439 |
-- This is checked by the Message_Task:
440 |
Transaction.Return_Value := Credit_Return;
441 |
442 |
-- Now take special action depending on which Message.
443 |
-- Note: The count gives the order in which the messages are
444 |
-- arriving at this task NOT the order in which they
445 |
-- were originally generated and sent out.
446 |
447 |
Message_Count := Message_Count + 1;
448 |
449 |
if Message_Count < 4 then
450 |
-- This is one of the first three messages which must
451 |
-- be High priority because we will set "Overload" after
452 |
-- the first, which is known to be High. The lower
453 |
-- priority should be waiting on the queues
454 |
if Transaction.Priority /= High then
455 |
456 |
("Credit Task: Lower priority trans. during overload");
457 |
end if;
458 |
if Message_Count = 1 then
459 |
-- After the first message :
460 |
461 |
-- Now flag the Line_Driver that the second and
462 |
-- subsequent messages may now be sent
463 |
464 |
465 |
Message_Count = 3 then
466 |
-- The two high priority transactions created
467 |
-- subsequent to the overload have now been processed,
468 |
-- release the Medium priority items
469 |
470 |
end if;
471 |
elsif Message_Count < 6 then
472 |
-- This must be one of the Medium priority messages
473 |
if Transaction.Priority /= Medium then
474 |
475 |
("Credit Task: Second group not Medium Priority");
476 |
end if;
477 |
if Message_Count = 5 then
478 |
-- The two medium priority transactions
479 |
-- have now been processed - release the
480 |
-- Low priority items
481 |
482 |
end if;
483 |
elsif Message_Count < TC_Trans_Range'Last then
484 |
-- This must be one of the Low priority messages
485 |
if Transaction.Priority /= Low then
486 |
487 |
("Credit Task: Third group not Low Priority");
488 |
end if;
489 |
490 |
-- Too many transactions have arrived. Duplicates?
491 |
-- the Debit transaction?
492 |
493 |
("Credit Task: Too many transactions");
494 |
end if;
495 |
end Input;
496 |
497 |
498 |
end select;
499 |
end loop;
500 |
501 |
when others =>
502 |
Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Credit_Computation");
503 |
end Credit_Computation;
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
-- Computation task. After the computation is performed the rendezvous
508 |
-- in the original message task is completed.
509 |
510 |
task body Debit_Computation is
511 |
Message_Count : integer := 0;
512 |
513 |
514 |
515 |
accept Input (Transaction : acc_Transaction_Record) do
516 |
-- Perform the computations required for this message
517 |
null; -- stub
518 |
519 |
-- For the test:
520 |
if not Transaction.TC_thru_Distrib then
521 |
522 |
("Debit Task: Wrong queue, Distributor bypassed");
523 |
end if;
524 |
if Transaction.code /= Debit then
525 |
526 |
("Debit Task: Requeue delivered to the wrong queue");
527 |
end if;
528 |
529 |
-- for the test plug a known value and count
530 |
Transaction.Return_Value := Debit_Return;
531 |
-- one, and only one, message should pass through
532 |
Message_Count := Message_Count + 1;
533 |
Transaction.TC_Message_Count := Message_Count;
534 |
end Input;
535 |
536 |
537 |
end select;
538 |
end loop;
539 |
540 |
when others =>
541 |
Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Debit_Computation");
542 |
end Debit_Computation;
543 |
544 |
545 |
begin -- declare
546 |
547 |
548 |
549 |
end; -- declare (test encapsulation)
550 |
551 |
if (TC_PO.Tasks_Completed_Count /= TC_Credit_Messages_Expected)
552 |
and not TC_Debit_Message_Complete then
553 |
Report.Failed ("Incorrect number of Message Tasks completed");
554 |
end if;
555 |
556 |
557 |
558 |
end C954023;