1 |
694 |
jeremybenn |
! { dg-do compile }
2 |
! { dg-options "-fopenmp -fmax-errors=100" }
3 |
! { dg-require-effective-target tls }
4 |
5 |
subroutine foo (ia1)
6 |
integer :: i1, i2, i3
7 |
integer, dimension (*) :: ia1
8 |
integer, dimension (10) :: ia2
9 |
real :: r1
10 |
real, dimension (5) :: ra1
11 |
double precision :: d1
12 |
double precision, dimension (4) :: da1
13 |
complex :: c1
14 |
complex, dimension (7) :: ca1
15 |
logical :: l1
16 |
logical, dimension (3) :: la1
17 |
character (5) :: a1
18 |
type t
19 |
integer :: i
20 |
end type
21 |
type(t) :: t1
22 |
type(t), dimension (2) :: ta1
23 |
real, pointer :: p1 => NULL()
24 |
integer, allocatable :: aa1 (:,:)
25 |
save i2
26 |
!$omp threadprivate (i2)
27 |
common /blk/ i1
28 |
29 |
!$omp parallel reduction (+:i3, ia2, r1, ra1, d1, da1, c1, ca1)
30 |
!$omp end parallel
31 |
!$omp parallel reduction (*:i3, ia2, r1, ra1, d1, da1, c1, ca1)
32 |
!$omp end parallel
33 |
!$omp parallel reduction (-:i3, ia2, r1, ra1, d1, da1, c1, ca1)
34 |
!$omp end parallel
35 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.and.:l1, la1)
36 |
!$omp end parallel
37 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.or.:l1, la1)
38 |
!$omp end parallel
39 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.eqv.:l1, la1)
40 |
!$omp end parallel
41 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.neqv.:l1, la1)
42 |
!$omp end parallel
43 |
!$omp parallel reduction (min:i3, ia2, r1, ra1, d1, da1)
44 |
!$omp end parallel
45 |
!$omp parallel reduction (max:i3, ia2, r1, ra1, d1, da1)
46 |
!$omp end parallel
47 |
!$omp parallel reduction (iand:i3, ia2)
48 |
!$omp end parallel
49 |
!$omp parallel reduction (ior:i3, ia2)
50 |
!$omp end parallel
51 |
!$omp parallel reduction (ieor:i3, ia2)
52 |
!$omp end parallel
53 |
!$omp parallel reduction (+:/blk/) ! { dg-error "Syntax error" }
54 |
!$omp end parallel ! { dg-error "Unexpected" }
55 |
!$omp parallel reduction (+:i2) ! { dg-error "THREADPRIVATE object" }
56 |
!$omp end parallel
57 |
!$omp parallel reduction (*:p1) ! { dg-error "POINTER object" }
58 |
!$omp end parallel
59 |
!$omp parallel reduction (-:aa1)
60 |
!$omp end parallel
61 |
!$omp parallel reduction (*:ia1) ! { dg-error "Assumed size" }
62 |
!$omp end parallel
63 |
!$omp parallel reduction (+:l1) ! { dg-error "must be of numeric type, got LOGICAL" }
64 |
!$omp end parallel
65 |
!$omp parallel reduction (*:la1) ! { dg-error "must be of numeric type, got LOGICAL" }
66 |
!$omp end parallel
67 |
!$omp parallel reduction (-:a1) ! { dg-error "must be of numeric type, got CHARACTER" }
68 |
!$omp end parallel
69 |
!$omp parallel reduction (+:t1) ! { dg-error "must be of numeric type, got TYPE" }
70 |
!$omp end parallel
71 |
!$omp parallel reduction (*:ta1) ! { dg-error "must be of numeric type, got TYPE" }
72 |
!$omp end parallel
73 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.and.:i3) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
74 |
!$omp end parallel
75 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.or.:ia2) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
76 |
!$omp end parallel
77 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.eqv.:r1) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
78 |
!$omp end parallel
79 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.neqv.:ra1) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
80 |
!$omp end parallel
81 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.and.:d1) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
82 |
!$omp end parallel
83 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.or.:da1) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
84 |
!$omp end parallel
85 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.eqv.:c1) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
86 |
!$omp end parallel
87 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.neqv.:ca1) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
88 |
!$omp end parallel
89 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.and.:a1) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
90 |
!$omp end parallel
91 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.or.:t1) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
92 |
!$omp end parallel
93 |
!$omp parallel reduction (.eqv.:ta1) ! { dg-error "must be LOGICAL" }
94 |
!$omp end parallel
95 |
!$omp parallel reduction (min:c1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER or REAL" }
96 |
!$omp end parallel
97 |
!$omp parallel reduction (max:ca1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER or REAL" }
98 |
!$omp end parallel
99 |
!$omp parallel reduction (max:l1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER or REAL" }
100 |
!$omp end parallel
101 |
!$omp parallel reduction (min:la1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER or REAL" }
102 |
!$omp end parallel
103 |
!$omp parallel reduction (max:a1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER or REAL" }
104 |
!$omp end parallel
105 |
!$omp parallel reduction (min:t1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER or REAL" }
106 |
!$omp end parallel
107 |
!$omp parallel reduction (max:ta1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER or REAL" }
108 |
!$omp end parallel
109 |
!$omp parallel reduction (iand:r1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
110 |
!$omp end parallel
111 |
!$omp parallel reduction (ior:ra1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
112 |
!$omp end parallel
113 |
!$omp parallel reduction (ieor:d1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
114 |
!$omp end parallel
115 |
!$omp parallel reduction (ior:da1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
116 |
!$omp end parallel
117 |
!$omp parallel reduction (iand:c1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
118 |
!$omp end parallel
119 |
!$omp parallel reduction (ior:ca1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
120 |
!$omp end parallel
121 |
!$omp parallel reduction (ieor:l1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
122 |
!$omp end parallel
123 |
!$omp parallel reduction (iand:la1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
124 |
!$omp end parallel
125 |
!$omp parallel reduction (ior:a1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
126 |
!$omp end parallel
127 |
!$omp parallel reduction (ieor:t1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
128 |
!$omp end parallel
129 |
!$omp parallel reduction (iand:ta1) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
130 |
!$omp end parallel
131 |
132 |
end subroutine