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#### ####
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#### ORPSoC Xilinx Synthesis Makefile ####
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#### ####
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#### Author(s): ####
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#### - Julius Baxter, julius@opencores.org ####
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#### ####
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#### ####
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#### ####
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#### Copyright (C) 2009,2010,2011 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ####
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#### ####
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#### This source file may be used and distributed without ####
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#### restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ####
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#### removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ####
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#### the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ####
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#### ####
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#### This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ####
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#### and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ####
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#### Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ####
21 |
#### either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ####
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#### later version. ####
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#### ####
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#### This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ####
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#### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ####
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#### PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ####
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#### details. ####
29 |
#### ####
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#### You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ####
31 |
#### Public License along with this source; if not, download it ####
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#### from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ####
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#### ####
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# Name of the directory we're currently in
37 |
CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd)
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# We don't want the usbhostslave module to be pulled in during synthesis because
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# we haven't copied the headers to our RTL director
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# The root path of the board build
45 |
BOARD_ROOT ?=$(CUR_DIR)/../../..
46 |
include $(BOARD_ROOT)/Makefile.inc
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55 |
$(Q)echo "" > $@
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60 |
$(Q)echo "\`define SYNTHESIS" > $@
61 |
$(Q)echo "\`define XILINX" >> $@
62 |
$(Q)echo "" >> $@
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
FPGA_PART ?=xc3sd1800a-fg676-4
69 |
70 |
OPT_MODE ?=Speed
71 |
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73 |
XILINX_FLAGS ?=-intstyle silent
74 |
XILINX_XST_FLAGS ?= -power NO -glob_opt AllClockNets -write_timing_constraints NO -cross_clock_analysis NO -slice_utilization_ratio 100 -bram_utilization_ratio 100 -dsp_utilization_ratio 100 -safe_implementation No -fsm_style lut -ram_extract Yes -ram_style Auto -rom_extract Yes -rom_style Auto -auto_bram_packing NO -mux_extract YES -mux_style Auto -decoder_extract YES -priority_extract YES -shreg_extract YES -shift_extract YES -xor_collapse YES -resource_sharing YES -async_to_sync NO -use_dsp48 auto -iobuf YES -max_fanout 1000 -bufg 32 -register_duplication YES -equivalent_register_removal YES -register_balancing No -slice_packing YES -optimize_primitives NO -use_clock_enable Auto -use_sync_set Auto -use_sync_reset Auto -iob Auto -slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin 5 #-keep_hierarchy YES
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$(Q)echo; echo "\t### Synthesis make configuration ###"; echo
87 |
$(Q)echo "\tFPGA_PART="$(FPGA_PART)
88 |
$(Q)echo "\tOPT_MODE="$(OPT_MODE)
89 |
$(Q)echo "\tOTP_LEVEL="$(OPT_LEVEL)
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
all: $(NGC_FILE)
94 |
95 |
# Generate the .xst file
96 |
# See this page for information on options:
97 |
# http://www.xilinx.com/itp/xilinx4/data/docs/xst/command_line5.html
98 |
99 |
$(Q)echo; echo "\t#### Generating XST file ####"; echo
100 |
$(Q)echo "# XST Script for ORPSoC Synthesis" > $@
101 |
$(Q)echo "# This file is autogenerated - any changes will be overwritten" >> $@
102 |
$(Q)echo "# See the Makefile in syn/xst/bin to make changes" >> $@
103 |
$(Q)echo "run" >> $@
104 |
$(Q)echo "-ifn "$(PRJ_FILE) >> $@
105 |
$(Q)echo "-ifmt mixed" >> $@
106 |
$(Q)echo "-top "$(RTL_TOP) >> $@
107 |
$(Q)echo "-ofmt NGC" >> $@
108 |
$(Q)echo "-ofn "$(NGC_FILE) >> $@
109 |
$(Q)echo "-p "$(FPGA_PART) >> $@
110 |
$(Q)echo "-opt_level "$(OPT_LEVEL) >> $@
111 |
$(Q)echo "-opt_mode "$(OPT_MODE) >> $@
112 |
$(Q)echo "-uc "$(XCF_FILE) >> $@
113 |
# $(Q)echo "elaborate " >> $@
114 |
# $(Q)echo -n "-vlgpath \"" >> $@
115 |
# option missing from XST - wtf?! $(Q)for vlogpath in $(VERILOG_SRC_PATHS); do \
116 |
echo -n $$vlogpath" "; done >> $@
117 |
# $(Q)echo "\"" >> $@
118 |
# Give board then common verilog include paths, hoping xst does a sensible thing
119 |
# and searches them in order.
120 |
$(Q)echo "-vlgincdir { "$(BOARD_RTL_VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIR)" "$(COMMON_RTL_VERILOG_DIR)/include" "$(BOOTROM_SW_DIR) " }" >> $@
121 |
$(Q)echo >> $@
122 |
123 |
# Generate Xilinx project (.prj) file
124 |
125 |
$(Q)echo; echo "\t#### Generating Xilinx PRJ file ####";
126 |
# $(Q)echo "# Autogenerated XST .prj file" > $@
127 |
# $(Q)echo "# Any changes will be written over." >> $@
128 |
$(Q)for file in $(RTL_VERILOG_SRC); do \
129 |
echo $(XST_PRJ_FILE_SRC_DECLARE) $$file >> $@ ; \
130 |
131 |
$(Q)echo >> $@
132 |
133 |
134 |
# Constraints file
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136 |
$(Q)echo; echo "\t#### Generating Xilinx XCF file ####"; echo
137 |
$(Q)echo "# Autogenerated .xcf file" > $@
138 |
$(Q)echo "#" >> $@
139 |
$(Q)echo "# Not much here, XST is smart enough to determine clocks through DCMs" >> $@
140 |
$(Q)echo "#" >> $@
141 |
$(Q)echo "# 125MHz single-ended. XTAL used as main system clock" >> $@
142 |
$(Q)echo "Net sys_clk_i TNM_NET = sys_clk_i;" >> $@
143 |
$(Q)echo "TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_i = PERIOD sys_clk_i 8000 ps; # 125MHz" >> $@
144 |
$(Q)echo "# Ignore the reset logic" >> $@
145 |
$(Q)echo "NET rst_n_pad_i* TIG;" >> $@
146 |
$(Q)echo "NET tck_pad_i TNM_NET = tck_pad_i;">> $@
147 |
$(Q)echo "TIMESPEC TS_tck_pad_i = PERIOD tck_pad_i 40 ns;" >> $@
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150 |
# XST command
151 |
152 |
$(Q)echo; echo "\t#### Running XST ####"; echo;
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netlist: $(NETLIST_FILE)
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# Netlist generation command
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$(Q)echo; echo "\t#### Generating verilog netlist ####"; echo;
161 |
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stekern |
$(Q)netgen -sim -aka -dir . -ofmt verilog $< -w $@
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$(Q)rm -rf *.* xst _xmsgs
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$(MAKE) -C $(PROJECT_ROOT)/sw/lib distclean
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distclean: clean-sw clean
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