1 |
350 |
julius |
2 |
//// ////
3 |
//// OR1200's DC FSM ////
4 |
//// ////
5 |
//// This file is part of the OpenRISC 1200 project ////
6 |
//// http://opencores.org/project,or1k ////
7 |
//// ////
8 |
//// Description ////
9 |
//// Data cache state machine ////
10 |
//// ////
11 |
//// To Do: ////
12 |
//// - Test error during line read or write ////
13 |
//// ////
14 |
//// Author(s): ////
15 |
//// - Damjan Lampret, lampret@opencores.org ////
16 |
//// - Julius Baxter, julius@opencores.org ////
17 |
//// ////
18 |
19 |
//// ////
20 |
//// Copyright (C) 2000, 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
21 |
//// ////
22 |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
23 |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
24 |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
25 |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
26 |
//// ////
27 |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
28 |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
29 |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
30 |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
31 |
//// later version. ////
32 |
//// ////
33 |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
34 |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
35 |
36 |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
37 |
//// details. ////
38 |
//// ////
39 |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
40 |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
41 |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
42 |
//// ////
43 |
44 |
45 |
// $Log: or1200_dc_fsm.v,v $
46 |
// Revision 2.0 2010/06/30 11:00:00 ORSoC
47 |
// Minor update:
48 |
// Bugs fixed.
49 |
50 |
51 |
// synopsys translate_off
52 |
`include "timescale.v"
53 |
// synopsys translate_on
54 |
`include "or1200_defines.v"
55 |
56 |
`define OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE 3'd0
57 |
`define OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE 3'd1
58 |
`define OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2 3'd2
59 |
`define OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP3 3'd3
60 |
`define OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP4 3'd4
61 |
`define OR1200_DCFSM_FLUSH5 3'd5
62 |
`define OR1200_DCFSM_INV6 3'd6
63 |
`define OR1200_DCFSM_WAITSPRCS7 3'd7
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
// Data cache FSM for cache line of 16 bytes (4x singleword)
69 |
70 |
71 |
module or1200_dc_fsm
72 |
73 |
// Clock and reset
74 |
clk, rst,
75 |
76 |
// Internal i/f to top level DC
77 |
dc_en, dcqmem_cycstb_i, dcqmem_ci_i, dcqmem_we_i, dcqmem_sel_i,
78 |
tagcomp_miss, biudata_valid, biudata_error, lsu_addr,
79 |
dcram_we, biu_read, biu_write, biu_do_sel, dcram_di_sel, first_hit_ack,
80 |
first_miss_ack, first_miss_err, burst, tag_we, tag_valid, dc_addr,
81 |
dc_no_writethrough, tag_dirty, dirty, tag, tag_v, dc_block_flush,
82 |
dc_block_writeback, spr_dat_i, mtspr_dc_done, spr_cswe
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
// I/O
87 |
88 |
input clk;
89 |
input rst;
90 |
input dc_en;
91 |
input dcqmem_cycstb_i;
92 |
input dcqmem_ci_i;
93 |
input dcqmem_we_i;
94 |
input [3:0] dcqmem_sel_i;
95 |
input tagcomp_miss;
96 |
input biudata_valid;
97 |
input biudata_error;
98 |
input [31:0] lsu_addr;
99 |
output [3:0] dcram_we;
100 |
output biu_read;
101 |
output biu_write;
102 |
output dcram_di_sel;
103 |
output biu_do_sel;
104 |
output first_hit_ack;
105 |
output first_miss_ack;
106 |
output first_miss_err;
107 |
output burst;
108 |
output tag_we;
109 |
output tag_valid;
110 |
output [31:0] dc_addr;
111 |
input dc_no_writethrough;
112 |
output tag_dirty;
113 |
input dirty;
114 |
input [`OR1200_DCTAG_W-2:0] tag;
115 |
input tag_v;
116 |
input dc_block_flush;
117 |
input dc_block_writeback;
118 |
input [31:0] spr_dat_i;
119 |
output mtspr_dc_done;
120 |
input spr_cswe;
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
// Internal wires and regs
125 |
126 |
reg [31:0] addr_r;
127 |
reg [2:0] state;
128 |
477 |
julius |
reg [`OR1200_DCLS-1:0] cnt;
129 |
350 |
julius |
reg hitmiss_eval;
130 |
reg store;
131 |
reg load;
132 |
reg cache_inhibit;
133 |
reg cache_miss;
134 |
reg cache_dirty_needs_writeback;
135 |
reg did_early_load_ack;
136 |
reg cache_spr_block_flush;
137 |
reg cache_spr_block_writeback;
138 |
reg cache_wb;
139 |
wire load_hit_ack;
140 |
wire load_miss_ack;
141 |
wire load_inhibit_ack;
142 |
wire store_hit_ack;
143 |
wire store_hit_writethrough_ack;
144 |
wire store_miss_writethrough_ack;
145 |
wire store_inhibit_ack;
146 |
wire store_miss_ack;
147 |
wire dcram_we_after_line_load;
148 |
wire dcram_we_during_line_load;
149 |
wire tagram_we_end_of_loadstore_loop;
150 |
wire tagram_dirty_bit_set;
151 |
wire writethrough;
152 |
wire cache_inhibit_with_eval;
153 |
477 |
julius |
wire [(`OR1200_DCLS-1)-2:0] next_addr_word;
154 |
350 |
julius |
155 |
156 |
// Cache inhibit
157 |
158 |
159 |
// Indicates whether cache is inhibited, during hitmiss_eval and after
160 |
assign cache_inhibit_with_eval = (hitmiss_eval & dcqmem_ci_i) |
161 |
(!hitmiss_eval & cache_inhibit);
162 |
163 |
164 |
// Generate of DCRAM write enables
165 |
166 |
167 |
// WE when non-writethrough, and had to wait for a line to load.
168 |
assign dcram_we_after_line_load = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP3) &
169 |
dcqmem_we_i & !cache_dirty_needs_writeback &
170 |
171 |
172 |
// WE when receiving the data cache line
173 |
assign dcram_we_during_line_load = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2) & load &
174 |
175 |
176 |
assign dcram_we =(// Write when hit - make sure it is only when hit - could
177 |
// maybe be doing write through and don't want to corrupt
178 |
// cache lines corresponding to the writethrough addr_r.
179 |
({4{store_hit_ack | store_hit_writethrough_ack}} |
180 |
// Write after load of line
181 |
{4{dcram_we_after_line_load}}) &
182 |
dcqmem_sel_i ) |
183 |
// Write during load
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
// Tag RAM signals
188 |
189 |
190 |
// WE to tag RAM when we finish loading a line.
191 |
assign tagram_we_end_of_loadstore_loop = ((state==`OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2) &
192 |
biudata_valid & !(|cnt));
193 |
194 |
195 |
// No writethrough, so mark a line dirty whenever we write to it
196 |
assign tagram_dirty_bit_set = store_hit_ack | store_miss_ack;
197 |
198 |
// Generate done signal for MTSPR instructions that may block execution
199 |
assign mtspr_dc_done = // Either DC disabled or we're not selected, or
200 |
!dc_en | !spr_cswe |
201 |
// Requested address not valid or writeback and !dirty
202 |
((state==`OR1200_DCFSM_FLUSH5) &
203 |
(!tag_v | (cache_spr_block_writeback & !dirty))) |
204 |
// Writeback or flush is finished
205 |
((state==`OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP3) &
206 |
(cache_spr_block_flush | cache_spr_block_writeback))|
207 |
// Invalidate of clean line finished
208 |
((state==`OR1200_DCFSM_INV6) & cache_spr_block_flush);
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
// For dirty bit setting when having writethrough but not for stack
214 |
assign tagram_dirty_bit_set = store_hit_ack | store_miss_ack;
215 |
216 |
// Lines will never be dirty if always writethrough
217 |
assign tagram_dirty_bit_set = 0;
218 |
219 |
220 |
assign mtspr_dc_done = 1'b1;
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
assign tag_dirty = tagram_dirty_bit_set;
225 |
226 |
// WE to tag RAM
227 |
assign tag_we = tagram_we_end_of_loadstore_loop |
228 |
tagram_dirty_bit_set | (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_INV6);
229 |
230 |
231 |
// Valid bit
232 |
// Set valid when end of line load, or marking dirty (is still valid)
233 |
assign tag_valid = ( tagram_we_end_of_loadstore_loop &
234 |
(load | (store & cache_spr_block_writeback)) ) |
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
// BIU read and write
241 |
242 |
243 |
assign biu_read = // Bus read request when:
244 |
// 1) Have a miss and not dirty or a load with inhibit
245 |
((state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE) &
246 |
(((hitmiss_eval & tagcomp_miss & !dirty &
247 |
!(store & writethrough)) |
248 |
(load & cache_inhibit_with_eval)) & dcqmem_cycstb_i)) |
249 |
// 2) In the loop and loading
250 |
((state == `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2) & load);
251 |
252 |
253 |
assign biu_write = // Bus write request when:
254 |
// 1) Have a miss and dirty or store with inhibit
255 |
((state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE) &
256 |
(((hitmiss_eval & tagcomp_miss & dirty) |
257 |
(store & writethrough)) |
258 |
(store & cache_inhibit_with_eval)) & dcqmem_cycstb_i) |
259 |
// 2) In the loop and storing
260 |
((state == `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2) & store);
261 |
262 |
263 |
// Select for data to actual cache RAM (from LSU or BIU)
264 |
265 |
// Data to DCRAM - from external bus when loading (from IU when store)
266 |
assign dcram_di_sel = load;
267 |
// Data to external bus - always from IU except in case of bursting back
268 |
// the line to memory. (1 selects DCRAM)
269 |
assign biu_do_sel = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2) & store;
270 |
271 |
477 |
julius |
// 3-bit wire for calculating next word of burst write, depending on
272 |
// line size of data cache.
273 |
assign next_addr_word = addr_r[`OR1200_DCLS-1:2] + 1;
274 |
350 |
julius |
275 |
// Address to cache RAM (tag address also derived from this)
276 |
assign dc_addr =
277 |
// First check if we've got a block flush or WB op
278 |
((dc_block_flush & !cache_spr_block_flush) |
279 |
(dc_block_writeback & !cache_spr_block_writeback)) ?
280 |
spr_dat_i :
281 |
(state==`OR1200_DCFSM_FLUSH5) ? addr_r:
282 |
// If no SPR action, then always put out address from LSU
283 |
(state==`OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE | hitmiss_eval) ? lsu_addr :
284 |
// Next, if in writeback loop, when ACKed must immediately
285 |
// output next word address (the RAM address takes a cycle
286 |
// to increment, but it's needed immediately for burst)
287 |
// otherwise, output our registered address.
288 |
(state==`OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2 & biudata_valid & store ) ?
289 |
477 |
julius |
{addr_r[31:`OR1200_DCLS], next_addr_word, 2'b00} : addr_r;
290 |
350 |
julius |
291 |
292 |
293 |
assign writethrough = !dc_no_writethrough;
294 |
295 |
assign writethrough = 1;
296 |
297 |
298 |
assign writethrough = 0;
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
// ACK generation for LSU
303 |
304 |
305 |
// ACK for when it's a cache hit
306 |
assign first_hit_ack = load_hit_ack | store_hit_ack |
307 |
store_hit_writethrough_ack |
308 |
store_miss_writethrough_ack |
309 |
store_inhibit_ack | store_miss_ack ;
310 |
311 |
// ACK for when it's a cache miss - load only, is used in MUX for data back
312 |
// LSU straight off external data bus. In
313 |
// this was is also used for cache inhibit
314 |
// loads.
315 |
849 |
stekern |
// first_hit_ack takes precedence over first_miss_ack
316 |
assign first_miss_ack = ~first_hit_ack & (load_miss_ack | load_inhibit_ack);
317 |
350 |
julius |
318 |
// ACK cache hit on load
319 |
assign load_hit_ack = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE) &
320 |
hitmiss_eval & !tagcomp_miss & !dcqmem_ci_i & load;
321 |
322 |
// ACK cache hit on store, no writethrough
323 |
assign store_hit_ack = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE) &
324 |
hitmiss_eval & !tagcomp_miss & !dcqmem_ci_i &
325 |
store & !writethrough;
326 |
327 |
// ACK cache hit on store with writethrough
328 |
assign store_hit_writethrough_ack = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE) &
329 |
!cache_miss & !cache_inhibit &
330 |
store & writethrough & biudata_valid;
331 |
332 |
// ACK cache miss on store with writethrough
333 |
assign store_miss_writethrough_ack = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE) &
334 |
cache_miss & !cache_inhibit &
335 |
store & writethrough & biudata_valid;
336 |
337 |
// ACK store when cacheinhibit
338 |
assign store_inhibit_ack = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE) &
339 |
store & cache_inhibit & biudata_valid;
340 |
341 |
342 |
// Get the _early_ ack on first ACK back from wishbone during load only
343 |
// Condition is that we're in the loop - that it's the first ack we get (can
344 |
// tell from value of cnt), and we're loading a line to read from it (not
345 |
// loading to write to it, in the case of a write without writethrough.)
346 |
assign load_miss_ack = ((state== `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2) & load &
347 |
477 |
julius |
(cnt==((1 << `OR1200_DCLS) - 4)) & biudata_valid &
348 |
350 |
julius |
!(dcqmem_we_i & !writethrough));
349 |
477 |
julius |
350 |
350 |
julius |
assign load_inhibit_ack = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE) &
351 |
load & cache_inhibit & biudata_valid;
352 |
353 |
// This will be case of write through disabled, and had to load a line.
354 |
assign store_miss_ack = dcram_we_after_line_load;
355 |
356 |
assign first_miss_err = biudata_error & dcqmem_cycstb_i;
357 |
358 |
// Signal burst when in the load/store loop. We will always try to burst.
359 |
assign burst = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2);
360 |
361 |
362 |
// Main DC FSM
363 |
364 |
358 |
julius |
always @(posedge clk or `OR1200_RST_EVENT rst) begin
365 |
if (rst == `OR1200_RST_VALUE) begin
366 |
350 |
julius |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE;
367 |
477 |
julius |
addr_r <= 32'd0;
368 |
350 |
julius |
hitmiss_eval <= 1'b0;
369 |
store <= 1'b0;
370 |
load <= 1'b0;
371 |
477 |
julius |
cnt <= `OR1200_DCLS'd0;
372 |
350 |
julius |
cache_miss <= 1'b0;
373 |
cache_dirty_needs_writeback <= 1'b0;
374 |
cache_inhibit <= 1'b0;
375 |
did_early_load_ack <= 1'b0;
376 |
cache_spr_block_flush <= 1'b0;
377 |
cache_spr_block_writeback <= 1'b0;
378 |
379 |
380 |
case (state) // synopsys parallel_case
381 |
382 |
`OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE : begin
383 |
if (dc_en & (dc_block_flush | dc_block_writeback))
384 |
385 |
cache_spr_block_flush <= dc_block_flush;
386 |
cache_spr_block_writeback <= dc_block_writeback;
387 |
hitmiss_eval <= 1'b1;
388 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_FLUSH5;
389 |
addr_r <= spr_dat_i;
390 |
391 |
else if (dc_en & dcqmem_cycstb_i)
392 |
393 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE;
394 |
hitmiss_eval <= 1'b1;
395 |
store <= dcqmem_we_i;
396 |
load <= !dcqmem_we_i;
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
end // case: `OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE
401 |
402 |
403 |
hitmiss_eval <= 1'b0;
404 |
if (hitmiss_eval) begin
405 |
cache_inhibit <= dcqmem_ci_i; // Check for cache inhibit here
406 |
cache_miss <= tagcomp_miss;
407 |
cache_dirty_needs_writeback <= dirty;
408 |
addr_r <= lsu_addr;
409 |
410 |
411 |
// Evaluate any cache line load/stores in first cycle:
412 |
413 |
if (hitmiss_eval & tagcomp_miss & !(store & writethrough) &
414 |
415 |
416 |
// Miss - first either:
417 |
// 1) write back dirty line
418 |
if (dirty) begin
419 |
// Address for writeback
420 |
addr_r <= {tag, lsu_addr[`OR1200_DCINDXH:2],2'd0};
421 |
load <= 1'b0;
422 |
store <= 1'b1;
423 |
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
424 |
$display("%t: dcache miss and dirty", $time);
425 |
426 |
427 |
// 2) load requested line
428 |
else begin
429 |
addr_r <= lsu_addr;
430 |
load <= 1'b1;
431 |
store <= 1'b0;
432 |
end // else: !if(dirty)
433 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2;
434 |
// Set the counter for the burst accesses
435 |
477 |
julius |
cnt <= ((1 << `OR1200_DCLS) - 4);
436 |
350 |
julius |
437 |
else if (// Strobe goes low
438 |
!dcqmem_cycstb_i |
439 |
// Cycle finishes
440 |
(!hitmiss_eval & (biudata_valid | biudata_error)) |
441 |
// Cache hit in first cycle....
442 |
(hitmiss_eval & !tagcomp_miss & !dcqmem_ci_i &
443 |
// .. and you're not doing a writethrough store..
444 |
!(store & writethrough))) begin
445 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE;
446 |
load <= 1'b0;
447 |
store <= 1'b0;
448 |
cache_inhibit <= 1'b0;
449 |
cache_dirty_needs_writeback <= 1'b0;
450 |
451 |
end // case: `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOADSTORE
452 |
453 |
`OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2 : begin // loop/abort
454 |
if (!dc_en| biudata_error) begin
455 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE;
456 |
load <= 1'b0;
457 |
store <= 1'b0;
458 |
477 |
julius |
cnt <= `OR1200_DCLS'd0;
459 |
350 |
julius |
460 |
if (biudata_valid & (|cnt)) begin
461 |
477 |
julius |
cnt <= cnt - 4;
462 |
addr_r[`OR1200_DCLS-1:2] <= addr_r[`OR1200_DCLS-1:2] + 1;
463 |
350 |
julius |
464 |
else if (biudata_valid & !(|cnt)) begin
465 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP3;
466 |
addr_r <= lsu_addr;
467 |
load <= 1'b0;
468 |
store <= 1'b0;
469 |
470 |
471 |
// Track if we did an early ack during a load
472 |
if (load_miss_ack)
473 |
did_early_load_ack <= 1'b1;
474 |
475 |
476 |
end // case: `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2
477 |
478 |
`OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP3: begin // figure out next step
479 |
if (cache_dirty_needs_writeback) begin
480 |
// Just did store of the dirty line so now load new one
481 |
load <= 1'b1;
482 |
// Set the counter for the burst accesses
483 |
477 |
julius |
cnt <= ((1 << `OR1200_DCLS) - 4);
484 |
350 |
julius |
// Address of line to be loaded
485 |
addr_r <= lsu_addr;
486 |
cache_dirty_needs_writeback <= 1'b0;
487 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2;
488 |
end // if (cache_dirty_needs_writeback)
489 |
else if (cache_spr_block_flush | cache_spr_block_writeback) begin
490 |
// Just wrote back the line to memory, we're finished.
491 |
cache_spr_block_flush <= 1'b0;
492 |
cache_spr_block_writeback <= 1'b0;
493 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_WAITSPRCS7;
494 |
495 |
else begin
496 |
// Just loaded a new line, finish up
497 |
did_early_load_ack <= 1'b0;
498 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP4;
499 |
500 |
end // case: `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP3
501 |
502 |
`OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP4: begin
503 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE;
504 |
505 |
506 |
`OR1200_DCFSM_FLUSH5: begin
507 |
hitmiss_eval <= 1'b0;
508 |
if (hitmiss_eval & !tag_v)
509 |
510 |
// Not even cached, just ignore
511 |
cache_spr_block_flush <= 1'b0;
512 |
cache_spr_block_writeback <= 1'b0;
513 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_WAITSPRCS7;
514 |
515 |
else if (hitmiss_eval & tag_v)
516 |
517 |
// Tag is valid - what do we do?
518 |
if ((cache_spr_block_flush | cache_spr_block_writeback) &
519 |
dirty) begin
520 |
// Need to writeback
521 |
// Address for writeback (spr_dat_i has already changed so
522 |
// use line number from addr_r)
523 |
addr_r <= {tag, addr_r[`OR1200_DCINDXH:2],2'd0};
524 |
load <= 1'b0;
525 |
store <= 1'b1;
526 |
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
527 |
$display("%t: block flush: dirty block", $time);
528 |
529 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_LOOP2;
530 |
// Set the counter for the burst accesses
531 |
477 |
julius |
cnt <= ((1 << `OR1200_DCLS) - 4);
532 |
350 |
julius |
533 |
else if (cache_spr_block_flush & !dirty)
534 |
535 |
// Line not dirty, just need to invalidate
536 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_INV6;
537 |
end // else: !if(dirty)
538 |
else if (cache_spr_block_writeback & !dirty)
539 |
540 |
// Nothing to do - line is valid but not dirty
541 |
cache_spr_block_writeback <= 1'b0;
542 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_WAITSPRCS7;
543 |
544 |
end // if (hitmiss_eval & tag_v)
545 |
546 |
`OR1200_DCFSM_INV6: begin
547 |
cache_spr_block_flush <= 1'b0;
548 |
// Wait until SPR CS goes low before going back to idle
549 |
if (!spr_cswe)
550 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE;
551 |
552 |
553 |
// Wait until SPR CS goes low before going back to idle
554 |
if (!spr_cswe)
555 |
state <= `OR1200_DCFSM_IDLE;
556 |
557 |
558 |
endcase // case (state)
559 |
560 |
358 |
julius |
end // always @ (posedge clk or `OR1200_RST_EVENT rst)
561 |
350 |
julius |
562 |
563 |