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// upd985xx_eth.h
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7 |
// Architecture specific abstractions for the on-chip ethernet
8 |
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10 |
11 |
// -------------------------------------------
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// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
13 |
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
14 |
15 |
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
16 |
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
17 |
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later
18 |
// version.
19 |
20 |
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
21 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
22 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
23 |
// for more details.
24 |
25 |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 |
// along with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
27 |
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
28 |
29 |
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use
30 |
// macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file
31 |
// and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file,
32 |
// this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by
33 |
// the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file
34 |
// must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU
35 |
// General Public License v2.
36 |
37 |
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based
38 |
// on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
39 |
// -------------------------------------------
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44 |
// Author(s): hmt, nickg
45 |
// Contributors: nickg
46 |
// Date: 2001-06-28
47 |
// Purpose: Define architecture abstractions
48 |
// Description: This file contains any extra or modified definitions for
49 |
// this variant of the architecture's ethernet controller.
50 |
// Usage: #include <cyg/io/upd985xx_eth.h>
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
#include <cyg/hal/var_arch.h>
57 |
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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 |
// By default we use the definition of UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( n ) from
60 |
// var_arch.h - if we port to a KORVA with multiple ethernet controllers we
61 |
// will have to vary this to account for the different base addresses.
62 |
63 |
// (the noise at the end of these lines is the default value)
64 |
65 |
// Table 5-2. MAC Control Register Map
66 |
67 |
#define ETH_MACC1 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x000) // MAC configuration register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
68 |
#define ETH_MACC2 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x004) // MAC configuration register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
69 |
#define ETH_IPGT UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x008) // Back-to-Back IPG register R/W 0000_0013H
70 |
#define ETH_IPGR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x00C) // Non Back-to-Back IPG register R/W 0000_0E13H
71 |
#define ETH_CLRT UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x010) // Collision register R/W 0000_370FH
72 |
#define ETH_LMAX UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x014) // Max packet length register R/W 0000_0600H
73 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x018) // Reserved for future use - -
74 |
#define ETH_RETX UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x020) // Retry count register R/W 0000_0000H
75 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x024) // Reserved for future use - -
76 |
#define ETH_LSA2 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x054) // Station Address register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
77 |
#define ETH_LSA1 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x058) // Station Address register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
78 |
#define ETH_PTVR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x05C) // Pause timer value read register R 0000_0000H
79 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x060) // Reserved for future use - -
80 |
#define ETH_VLTP UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x064) // VLAN type register R/W 0000_0000H
81 |
#define ETH_MIIC UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x080) // MII configuration register R/W 0000_0000H
82 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x084) // Reserved for future use - -
83 |
#define ETH_MCMD UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x094) // MII command register W 0000_0000H
84 |
#define ETH_MADR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x098) // MII address register R/W 0000_0000H
85 |
#define ETH_MWTD UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x09C) // MII write data register R/W 0000_0000H
86 |
#define ETH_MRDD UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0A0) // MII read data register R 0000_0000H
87 |
#define ETH_MIND UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0A4) // MII indicator register R 0000_0000H
88 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0A8) // Reserved for future use - -
89 |
#define ETH_AFR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0C8) // Address Filtering register R/W 0000_0000H
90 |
#define ETH_HT1 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0CC) // Hash table register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
91 |
#define ETH_HT2 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0D0) // Hash table register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
92 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0D4) // Reserved for future use - -
93 |
#define ETH_CAR1 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0DC) // Carry register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
94 |
#define ETH_CAR2 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0E0) // Carry register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
95 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x0E4) // Reserved for future use - -
96 |
#define ETH_CAM1 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x130) // Carry mask register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
97 |
#define ETH_CAM2 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x134) // Carry mask register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
98 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x138) // Reserved for future use - -
99 |
100 |
// Table 5-3. Statistics Counter Register Map
101 |
102 |
#define ETH_RBYT UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x140) // Receive Byte Counter R/W
103 |
#define ETH_RPKT UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x144) // Receive Packet Counter R/W
104 |
#define ETH_RFCS UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x148) // Receive FCS Error Counter R/W
105 |
#define ETH_RMCA UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x14C) // Receive Multicast Packet Counter R/W
106 |
#define ETH_RBCA UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x150) // Receive Broadcast Packet Counter R/W
107 |
#define ETH_RXCF UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x154) // Receive Control Frame Packet Counter R/W
108 |
#define ETH_RXPF UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x158) // Receive PAUSE Frame Packet Counter R/W
109 |
#define ETH_RXUO UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x15C) // Receive Unknown OP code Counter R/W
110 |
#define ETH_RALN UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x160) // Receive Alignment Error Counter R/W
111 |
#define ETH_RFLR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x164) // Receive Frame Length Out of Range Counter R/W
112 |
#define ETH_RCDE UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x168) // Receive Code Error Counter R/W
113 |
#define ETH_RFCR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x16C) // Receive False Carrier Counter R/W
114 |
#define ETH_RUND UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x170) // Receive Undersize Packet Counter R/W
115 |
#define ETH_ROVR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x174) // Receive Oversize Packet Counter R/W
116 |
#define ETH_RFRG UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x178) // Receive Error Undersize Packet Counter R/W
117 |
#define ETH_RJBR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x17C) // Receive Error Oversize Packet Counter R/W
118 |
#define ETH_R64 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x180) // Receive 64 Byte Frame Counter R/W
119 |
#define ETH_R127 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x184) // Receive 65 to 127 Byte Frame Counter R/W
120 |
#define ETH_R255 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x188) // Receive 128 to 255 Byte Frame Counter R/W
121 |
#define ETH_R511 UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x18C) // Receive 256 to 511 Byte Frame Counter R/W
122 |
#define ETH_R1K UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x190) // Receive 512 to 1023 Byte Frame Counter R/W
123 |
#define ETH_RMAX UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x194) // Receive Over 1023 Byte Frame Counter R/W
124 |
#define ETH_RVBT UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x198) // Receive Valid Byte Counter R/W
125 |
#define ETH_TBYT UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1C0) // Transmit Byte Counter R/W
126 |
#define ETH_TPCT UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1C4) // Transmit Packet Counter R/W
127 |
#define ETH_TFCS UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1C8) // Transmit CRC Error Packet Counter R/W
128 |
#define ETH_TMCA UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1CC) // Transmit Multicast Packet Counter R/W
129 |
#define ETH_TBCA UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1D0) // Transmit Broadcast Packet Counter R/W
130 |
#define ETH_TUCA UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1D4) // Transmit Unicast Packet Counter R/W
131 |
#define ETH_TXPF UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1D8) // Transmit PAUSE control Frame Counter R/W
132 |
#define ETH_TDFR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1DC) // Transmit Single Deferral Packet Counter R/W
133 |
#define ETH_TXDF UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1E0) // Transmit Excessive Deferral Packet Counter R/W
134 |
#define ETH_TSCL UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1E4) // Transmit Single Collision Packet Counter R/W
135 |
#define ETH_TMCL UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1E8) // Transmit Multiple collision Packet Counter R/W
136 |
#define ETH_TLCL UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1EC) // Transmit Late Collision Packet Counter R/W
137 |
#define ETH_TXCL UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1F0) // Transmit Excessive Collision Packet Counter R/W
138 |
#define ETH_TNCL UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1F4) // Transmit Total Collision Counter R/W
139 |
#define ETH_TCSE UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1F8) // Transmit Carrier Sense Error Counter R/W
140 |
#define ETH_TIME UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x1FC) // Transmit Internal MAC Error Counter R/W
141 |
142 |
// Table 5-4. DMA and FIFO Management Registers Map
143 |
144 |
#define ETH_TXCR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x200) // Transmit Configuration Register R/W 0000_0000H
145 |
#define ETH_TXFCR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x204) // Transmit FIFO Control Register R/W FFFF_40C0H
146 |
#define ETH_TXDTR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x208) // Transmit Data Register W 0000_0000H
147 |
#define ETH_TXSR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x20C) // Transmit Status Register R 0000_0000H
148 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x210) // Reserved for future use - -
149 |
#define ETH_TXDPR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x214) // Transmit Descriptor Pointer R/W 0000_0000H
150 |
#define ETH_RXCR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x218) // Receive Configuration Register R/W 0000_0000H
151 |
#define ETH_RXFCR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x21C) // Receive FIFO Control Register R/W C040_0040H
152 |
#define ETH_RXDTR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x220) // Receive Data Register R 0000_0000H
153 |
#define ETH_RXSR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x224) // Receive Status Register R 0000_0000H
154 |
// N/A UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x228) // Reserved for future use - -
155 |
#define ETH_RXDPR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x22C) // Receive Descriptor Pointer R/W 0000_0000H
156 |
#define ETH_RXPDR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x230) // Receive Pool Descriptor Register R/W 0000_0000H
157 |
158 |
// Table 5-5. Interrupt and Configuration Registers Map
159 |
160 |
#define ETH_CCR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x234) // Configuration Register R/W 0000_0000H
161 |
#define ETH_ISR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x238) // Interrupt Service Register R 0000_0000H
162 |
#define ETH_MSR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x23C) // Mask Serves Register R/W 0000_0000H
163 |
164 |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 |
// Now the fields within all those registers...
166 |
167 |
// Table 5-2. MAC Control Register Map
168 |
169 |
// ETH_MACC1 0x000 MAC configuration register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
170 |
#define ETH_MACC1_MACLB (1<<14) // MAC loopback: 0
171 |
#define ETH_MACC1_TXFC (1<<11) // Transmit flow control enable: 0
172 |
#define ETH_MACC1_RXFC (1<<10) // Receive flow control enable: 0
173 |
#define ETH_MACC1_SRXEN (1<< 9) // Receive enable: 0
174 |
#define ETH_MACC1_PARF (1<< 8) // Control packet pass: 0
175 |
#define ETH_MACC1_PUREP (1<< 7) // Pure preamble: 0
176 |
#define ETH_MACC1_FLCHT (1<< 6) // Length field check: 0
177 |
#define ETH_MACC1_NOBO (1<< 5) // No Back Off: 0
178 |
#define ETH_MACC1_CRCEN (1<< 3) // CRC append enable: 0
179 |
#define ETH_MACC1_PADEN (1<< 2) // PAD append enable: 0
180 |
#define ETH_MACC1_FDX (1<< 1) // Full duplex enable: 0
181 |
#define ETH_MACC1_HUGEN (1<< 0) // Large packet enable: 0
182 |
// ETH_MACC2 0x004 MAC configuration register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
183 |
#define ETH_MACC2_MCRST (1<<10) // MAC Control Block software reset: 0
184 |
#define ETH_MACC2_RFRST (1<< 9) // Receive Function Block software reset: 0
185 |
#define ETH_MACC2_TFRST (1<< 8) // Transmit Function Block software reset: 0
186 |
#define ETH_MACC2_BPNB (1<< 6) // Back Pressure No Back Off: 0
187 |
#define ETH_MACC2_APD (1<< 5) // Auto VLAN PAD: 0
188 |
#define ETH_MACC2_VPD (1<< 4) // VLAN PAD mode: 0
189 |
190 |
// ETH_IPGT 0x008 Back-to-Back IPG register R/W 0000_0013H
191 |
// ETH_IPGR 0x00C Non Back-to-Back IPG register R/W 0000_0E13H
192 |
// ETH_CLRT 0x010 Collision register R/W 0000_370FH
193 |
// ETH_LMAX 0x014 Max packet length register R/W 0000_0600H
194 |
// N/A 0x018 Reserved for future use - -
195 |
// ETH_RETX 0x020 Retry count register R/W 0000_0000H
196 |
// N/A 0x024 Reserved for future use - -
197 |
// ETH_LSA2 0x054 Station Address register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
198 |
// ETH_LSA1 0x058 Station Address register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
199 |
// ETH_PTVR 0x05C Pause timer value read register R 0000_0000H
200 |
// N/A 0x060 Reserved for future use - -
201 |
// ETH_VLTP 0x064 VLAN type register R/W 0000_0000H
202 |
#define ETH_VLTP_VLTP (0x00008100) // magic number from example
203 |
// ETH_MIIC 0x080 MII configuration register R/W 0000_0000H
204 |
#define ETH_MIIC_MIRST (1<<15) // MII Management Interface Block software reset
205 |
#define ETH_MIIC_CLKS (0x0C) // 3:2 CLKS Select frequency range:
206 |
#define ETH_MIIC_25 (0x00) // 00: HCLK is equal to 25 MHz
207 |
#define ETH_MIIC_33 (0x04) // 01: HCLK is less than or equal to 33 MHz
208 |
#define ETH_MIIC_50 (0x08) // 10: HCLK is less than or equal to 50 MHz
209 |
#define ETH_MIIC_66 (0x0C) // 11: HCLK is less than or equal to 66 MHz
210 |
// ETH_MCMD 0x094 MII command register W 0000_0000H
211 |
#define ETH_MCMD_SCANC (1<< 1) // SCAN command: 0
212 |
#define ETH_MCMD_RSTAT (1<< 0) // MII management read: 0
213 |
// ETH_MADR 0x098 MII address register R/W 0000_0000H
214 |
215 |
// ETH_MWTD 0x09C MII write data register R/W 0000_0000H
216 |
// ETH_MRDD 0x0A0 MII read data register R 0000_0000H
217 |
// ETH_MIND 0x0A4 MII indicator register R 0000_0000H
218 |
#define ETH_MIND_NVALID (1<< 2) // SCAN command start status: 0
219 |
#define ETH_MIND_SCANA (1<< 1) // SCAN command active: 0
220 |
#define ETH_MIND_BUSY (1<< 0) // BUSY: 0
221 |
// ETH_AFR 0x0C8 Address Filtering register R/W 0000_0000H
222 |
#define ETH_AFR_PRO (1<< 3) // Promiscuous mode: 0
223 |
#define ETH_AFR_PRM (1<< 2) // Accept Multicast: 0
224 |
#define ETH_AFR_AMC (1<< 1) // Accept Multicast ( qualified ): 0
225 |
#define ETH_AFR_ABC (1<< 0) // Accept Broadcast: 0
226 |
// ETH_HT1 0x0CC Hash table register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
227 |
// ETH_HT2 0x0D0 Hash table register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
228 |
// ETH_CAR1 0x0DC Carry register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
229 |
// ETH_CAR2 0x0E0 Carry register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
230 |
// ETH_CAM1 0x130 Carry mask register 1 R/W 0000_0000H
231 |
// ETH_CAM2 0x134 Carry mask register 2 R/W 0000_0000H
232 |
233 |
// Table 5-3. Statistics Counter Register Map
234 |
// <snip>
235 |
236 |
// Table 5-4. DMA and FIFO Management Registers Map
237 |
238 |
// ETH_TXCR 0x200 Transmit Configuration Register R/W 0000_0000H
239 |
#define ETH_TXCR_TXE (1<<31) // Transmit Enable:
240 |
#define ETH_TXCR_DTBS_SHIFT (16) // 18:16 DMA Transmit Burst Size:
241 |
#define ETH_TXCR_DTBS (0x70000) // 18:16 DMA Transmit Burst Size:
242 |
#define ETH_TXCR_DTBS_1 (0x00000) // 000: 1 Word (4 bytes)
243 |
#define ETH_TXCR_DTBS_2 (0x10000) // 001: 2 Word (8 bytes)
244 |
#define ETH_TXCR_DTBS_4 (0x20000) // 010: 4 Word (16 bytes)
245 |
#define ETH_TXCR_DTBS_8 (0x30000) // 011: 8 Word (32 bytes)
246 |
#define ETH_TXCR_DTBS_16 (0x40000) // 100: 16 Word (64 bytes)
247 |
#define ETH_TXCR_DTBS_32 (0x50000) // 101: 32 Word (128 bytes)
248 |
#define ETH_TXCR_DTBS_64 (0x60000) // 110: 64 Word (256 bytes)
249 |
#define ETH_TXCR_AFCE (1<< 0) // Auto Flow Control Enable:
250 |
// ETH_TXFCR 0x204 Transmit FIFO Control Register R/W FFFF_40C0H
251 |
#define ETH_TXFCR_TPTV_SHIFT (16) // 31:16 Transmit Pause Timer Value: FFFFH
252 |
#define ETH_TXFCR_TPTV (0xffff0000) // 31:16 Transmit Pause Timer Value: FFFFH
253 |
#define ETH_TXFCR_TX_DRTH_SHIFT (10) // 15:10 Transmit Drain Threshold Level: 10H
254 |
#define ETH_TXFCR_TX_DRTH (0x0000fc00) // 15:10 Transmit Drain Threshold Level: 10H
255 |
#define ETH_TXFCR_TX_FLTH_SHIFT (2) // 7:2 Transmit Fill Threshold Level: 03H
256 |
#define ETH_TXFCR_TX_FLTH (0x000000fc) // 7:2 Transmit Fill Threshold Level: 03H
257 |
#define ETH_TXFCR_TPTV_DEFAULT (0x10000000) // default 0x1000 slot time (1slot:512bit)
258 |
#define ETH_TXFCR_TX_DRTH_DEFAULT (0x00002000) // 001000b (8long, 32byte)
259 |
#define ETH_TXFCR_TX_FLTH_DEFAULT (0x000000c0) // default 110000b (48word, 192byte)
260 |
// ETH_TXDTR 0x208 Transmit Data Register W 0000_0000H
261 |
// ETH_TXSR 0x20C Transmit Status Register R 0000_0000H
262 |
#define ETH_TXSR_CSE (1<<31) // Carrier lost was detected during the transmission 0
263 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TBP (1<<30) // Back pressure occurred when the packet was received 0
264 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TPP (1<<29) // A packet request during the PAUSE operation was transmitted 0
265 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TPCF (1<<28) // A PAUSE control frame was transmitted 0
266 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TCFR (1<<27) // A control frame was transmitted 0
267 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TUDR (1<<26) // The TPUR pin was set high and aborted. Note 2 0
268 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TGNT (1<<25) // A huge packet was transmitted and aborted. 0
269 |
#define ETH_TXSR_LCOL (1<<24) // Collision occurred
270 |
#define ETH_TXSR_ECOL (1<<23) // Excess collisions
271 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TEDFR (1<<22) // Excess deferred
272 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TDFR (1<<21) // Transmission deferral occurred
273 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TBRO (1<<20) // A broadcast packet was transmitted. 0
274 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TMUL (1<<19) // A multicast packet was transmitted. 0
275 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TDONE (1<<18) // Transmission was completed. 0
276 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TFLOR (1<<17) // Value of the length field was huge
277 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TFLER (1<<16) // Value of the length field didn~t match the actual data count
278 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TCRCE (1<<15) // Attached CRC didn~t match the internal generated CRC
279 |
280 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TCBC_SHIFT (11) // 14:11 collisions for the previous transmission
281 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TCBC (0x7800) // 14:11 collisions for the previous transmission
282 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TBYT_SHIFT (0) // 10:0 transmitted bytes not including collided bytes
283 |
#define ETH_TXSR_TBYT (0x07FF) // 10:0 transmitted bytes not including collided bytes
284 |
285 |
// ETH_RXCR UPD985XX_SYSETH_REG( 0x218) // Receive Configuration Register R/W 0000_0000H
286 |
#define ETH_RXCR_RXE (1<<31) // Receive Enable:
287 |
#define ETH_RXCR_DRBS_SHIFT (16) // 18:16 DRBS DMA Transmit Burst Size: 0
288 |
#define ETH_RXCR_DRBS (0x70000) //
289 |
#define ETH_RXCR_DRBS_1 (0x00000) // 000: 1 Word (4 bytes)
290 |
#define ETH_RXCR_DRBS_2 (0x10000) // 001: 2 Word (8 bytes)
291 |
#define ETH_RXCR_DRBS_4 (0x20000) // 010: 4 Word (16 bytes)
292 |
#define ETH_RXCR_DRBS_8 (0x30000) // 011: 8 Word (32 bytes)
293 |
#define ETH_RXCR_DRBS_16 (0x40000) // 100: 16 Word (64 bytes)
294 |
#define ETH_RXCR_DRBS_32 (0x50000) // 101: 32 Word (128 bytes)
295 |
#define ETH_RXCR_DRBS_64 (0x60000) // 110: 64 Word (256 bytes)
296 |
297 |
// ETH_RXFCR 0x21C Receive FIFO Control Register R/W C040_0040H
298 |
#define ETH_RXFCR_UWM (0xfc000000) // 31:26 Upper Water Mark: 30H
299 |
#define ETH_RXFCR_UWM_SHIFT (26) // 31:26 Upper Water Mark: 30H
300 |
#define ETH_RXFCR_LWM (0x00fc0000) // 23:18 Lower Water Mark: 10H
301 |
#define ETH_RXFCR_LWM_SHIFT (18) // 23:18 Lower Water Mark: 10H
302 |
#define ETH_RXFCR_RX_DRTH (0x000000fc) // 7: 2 Receive Drain Threshold Level 10H
303 |
#define ETH_RXFCR_RX_DRTH_SHIFT (2) // 7: 2 Receive Drain Threshold Level 10H
304 |
#define ETH_RXFCR_UWM_DEFAULT (0xE0000000) // default 110000b ( 48word, 192byte )
305 |
#define ETH_RXFCR_LWM_DEFAULT (0x00400000) // default 010000b (16word, 64byte)
306 |
#define ETH_RXFCR_DRTH16W (0x00000040) // default 010000b (16word, 64byte)
307 |
308 |
// ETH_RXDTR 0x220 Receive Data Register R 0000_0000H
309 |
// ETH_RXSR 0x224 Receive Status Register R 0000_0000H
310 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RLENE (1<<31) // A toosmall or toolarge packet was received.
311 |
#define ETH_RXSR_VLAN (1<<30) // A VLAN was received.
312 |
#define ETH_RXSR_USOP (1<<29) // A control frame containing an unknown OP code was received.
313 |
#define ETH_RXSR_PRCF (1<<28) // A control frame containing the PAUSE OP code was received.
314 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RCFR (1<<27) // A control frame was received.
315 |
#define ETH_RXSR_DBNB (1<<26) // An alignment error occurred.
316 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RBRO (1<<25) // A broadcast packet was received. 0
317 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RMUL (1<<24) // A multicast packet was received. 0
318 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RXOK (1<<23) // A good packet was received.
319 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RLOR (1<<22) // The value of the length field was huge
320 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RLER (1<<21) // The value of the length field didn~t match
321 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RCRCE (1<<20) // A CRC error occurred. 0
322 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RCV (1<<19) // RXER was detected. 0
323 |
#define ETH_RXSR_CEPS (1<<18) // A False Carrier was detected. 0
324 |
#define ETH_RXSR_REPS (1<<17) // A packet which had a preamble and SFD only or one data nibble
325 |
#define ETH_RXSR_PAIG (1<<16) //
326 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RBYT (0xffff) // 15:0 The received byte count 0
327 |
#define ETH_RXSR_RBYT_SHIFT (0) // 15:0 The received byte count 0
328 |
// ETH_RXDPR 0x22C Receive Descriptor Register R/W 0000_0000H
329 |
// ETH_RXPDR 0x230 Receive Pool Descriptor Register R/W 0000_0000H
330 |
#define ETH_RXPDR_AL (0x70000000) // 30:28 AL[2:0] Alert Level 0H
331 |
#define ETH_RXPDR_AL_SHIFT (28)
332 |
#define ETH_RXPDR_RNOD (0xffff) // 15:0 Remaining Number of Descriptor 0H
333 |
334 |
335 |
// Table 5-5. Interrupt and Configuration Registers Map
336 |
337 |
// ETH_CCR 0x234 Configuration Register R/W 0000_0000H
338 |
#define ETH_CCR_SRT (1) // Software Reset (cleared automatically to '0')
339 |
// ETH_ISR 0x238 Interrupt Service Register R 0000_0000H
340 |
#define ETH_ISR_XMTDN (1<<15) // Transmit Done
341 |
#define ETH_ISR_TBDR (1<<14) // Transmit Buffer Descriptor Request at Null
342 |
#define ETH_ISR_TFLE (1<<13) // Transmit Frame Length Exceed
343 |
#define ETH_ISR_UR (1<<12) // Underrun
344 |
#define ETH_ISR_TABR (1<<11) // Transmit Aborted
345 |
#define ETH_ISR_TCFRI (1<<10) // Control Frame Transmit
346 |
#define ETH_ISR_RCVDN (1<<7 ) // Receive Done
347 |
#define ETH_ISR_RBDRS (1<<6 ) // Receive Buffer Descriptor Request at alert level
348 |
#define ETH_ISR_RBDRU (1<<5 ) // Receive Buffer Descriptor Request at zero
349 |
#define ETH_ISR_OF (1<<4 ) // Overflow
350 |
#define ETH_ISR_LFAL (1<<3 ) // Link Failed
351 |
#define ETH_ISR_CARRY (1<<0 ) // Carry Flag:
352 |
// ETH_MSR 0x23C Mask Serves Register R/W 0000_0000H
353 |
// As above
354 |
355 |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
356 |
// And the "buffer descriptor" control structures in RAM...
357 |
358 |
359 |
#define ETH_BUF_LAST (1<<31) // Last Descriptor
360 |
#define ETH_BUF_D_L (1<<30) // Data Buffer / Link Pointer
361 |
#define ETH_BUF_D_L_DATA (1<<30) // Data Buffer / Link Pointer
362 |
#define ETH_BUF_D_L_LINK (0<<30) // Data Buffer / Link Pointer
363 |
#define ETH_BUF_OWN (1<<29) // Owner 1:Ethernet Controller 0: VR4120A
364 |
#define ETH_BUF_OWN_ETH (1<<29)
365 |
#define ETH_BUF_OWN_CPU (0<<29)
366 |
367 |
#define ETH_BUF_DBRWE (1<<28) // Buffer Access Error
368 |
#define ETH_BUF_OK (1<<16) // Tx or Rx OK
369 |
#define ETH_BUF_SIZE (0xffff) // Byte Count
370 |
371 |
#define ETH_BUF_TX_TUDR (1<<27) // Transmit Underrun Error
372 |
#define ETH_BUF_TX_CSE (1<<26) // Carrier Sense Lost Error
373 |
#define ETH_BUF_TX_LCOL (1<<25) // Late Collision
374 |
#define ETH_BUF_TX_ECOL (1<<24) // Excessive Collision
375 |
#define ETH_BUF_TX_EDFR (1<<23) // Excessive Deferral
376 |
#define ETH_BUF_TX_TGNT (1<<18) // Transmit Giant Frame
377 |
#define ETH_BUF_TX_HBF (1<<17) // Heart Beat Fail for ENDEC mode
378 |
379 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_OVRN (1<<24) // Overrun Error
380 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_RUNT (1<<23) // Runt packet
381 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_FRGE (1<<22) // Fragment Error
382 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_RCV (1<<21) // Detects RXER
383 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_FC (1<<20) // False Carrier
384 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_CRCE (1<<19) // CRC Error
385 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_FAE (1<<18) // Frame Alignment Error
386 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_RFLE (1<<17) // Receive Frame Length Error
387 |
388 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_FTYP (0x0e000000) // 27:25 Frame Type[2:0]
389 |
#define ETH_BUF_RX_FTYP_SHIFT (25) // 27:25 Frame Type[2:0]
390 |
// I don't think we need to know these...
391 |
// 000 Broadcast Frame
392 |
// 001 Multicast Frame
393 |
// 010 Unicast Frame
394 |
// 011 VLAN Frame
395 |
// 100 PAUSE control frame
396 |
// 101 Control Frame (except pause)
397 |
// 11x Reserved for future use
398 |
399 |
400 |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 |
// MII stuff for talking to the separate PHY
402 |
// Initially this was a SEEQ NQ80225 but now it is a LU3X31T-T64.
403 |
404 |
//#define SEEQ_DEVICE_PHYS_ADDRESS (1) // this from the board documentation
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
// I don't know how much they have in common, but I think MII is pretty
411 |
// standard, and the "mandated" registers ought to be common.
412 |
413 |
#define PHY_CONTROL_REG (0)
414 |
#define PHY_STATUS_REG (1)
415 |
#define PHY_ID_ONE (2)
416 |
#define PHY_ID_TWO (3)
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 |
#define PHY_CONTROL_RESET (1<<15)
422 |
#define PHY_CONTROL_LOOPBACK (1<<14)
423 |
#define PHY_CONTROL_SPEED100 (1<<13)
424 |
#define PHY_CONTROL_AUTONEG_EN (1<<12)
425 |
426 |
#define PHY_CONTROL_MII_DIS (1<<10)
427 |
428 |
#define PHY_CONTROL_DPLX_FULL (1<< 8)
429 |
#define PHY_CONTROL_COLLTEST (1<< 7)
430 |
431 |
#define PHY_STATUS_CAP_T4 (1<<15)
432 |
#define PHY_STATUS_CAP_100TXF (1<<14)
433 |
#define PHY_STATUS_CAP_100TXH (1<<13)
434 |
#define PHY_STATUS_CAP_10TF (1<<12)
435 |
#define PHY_STATUS_CAP_10TH (1<<11)
436 |
#define PHY_STATUS_CAP_SUPR (1<< 6)
437 |
#define PHY_STATUS_AUTONEG_ACK (1<< 5)
438 |
439 |
#define PHY_STATUS_CAP_AUTONEG (1<< 3)
440 |
#define PHY_STATUS_LINK_OK (1<< 2)
441 |
#define PHY_STATUS_JABBER (1<< 1)
442 |
#define PHY_STATUS_EXTREGS (1<< 0)
443 |
444 |
// These are the same for both AUTONEG registers
445 |
#define PHY_AUTONEG_NEXT (1<<15)
446 |
#define PHY_AUTONEG_ACK (1<<14)
447 |
448 |
#define PHY_AUTONEG_100BASET4 (1<< 9)
449 |
#define PHY_AUTONEG_100BASETX_FDX (1<< 8)
450 |
#define PHY_AUTONEG_100BASETX_HDX (1<< 7)
451 |
#define PHY_AUTONEG_10BASET_FDX (1<< 6)
452 |
#define PHY_AUTONEG_10BASET_HDX (1<< 5)
453 |
#define PHY_AUTONEG_CSMA_802_3 (1<< 0)
454 |
455 |
#if 0
456 |
// Others are undocumented
457 |
#define PHY_STATUS_DETECT_SPEED100 (1<< 7)
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 |
// Phew!
462 |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
463 |
464 |
// End of upd985xx_eth.h