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// fec.h
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// PowerPC MPC8xxT fast ethernet (FEC)
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// -------------------------------------------
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// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
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// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14 |
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
15 |
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later
16 |
// version.
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// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
20 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
21 |
// for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 |
// along with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
25 |
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
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// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use
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// macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file
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// and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file,
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// this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by
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// the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file
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// must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU
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// General Public License v2.
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// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based
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// on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
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// -------------------------------------------
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// Author(s): gthomas
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// Contributors: gthomas
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// Date: 2001-01-21
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// Purpose:
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// Description:
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// PowerPC FEC (MPC8xxT) Fast Ethernet
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// Buffer descriptor
56 |
struct fec_bd {
57 |
unsigned short ctrl;
58 |
unsigned short length;
59 |
unsigned char *buffer;
60 |
61 |
62 |
// control flags differ for Rx and Tx buffers
63 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_Empty 0x8000 // Buffer is empty [FEC can fill it]
64 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_Wrap 0x2000 // Last buffer in ring [wrap]
65 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_Last 0x0800 // Last buffer in frame
66 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_Miss 0x0100 //
67 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_BC 0x0080
68 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_MC 0x0040
69 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_LG 0x0020
70 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_NO 0x0010
71 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_SH 0x0008 // Short frame
72 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_CR 0x0004 // CRC error
73 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_OV 0x0002 // Overrun
74 |
#define FEC_BD_Rx_TR 0x0001 // Frame truncated
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76 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_Ready 0x8000 // Frame ready
77 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_Wrap 0x2000 // Last buffer in ring
78 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_Intr 0x1000 // Generate interrupt
79 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_Last 0x0800 // Last buffer in frame
80 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_TC 0x0400 // Send CRC after data
81 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_DEF 0x0200
82 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_HB 0x0100
83 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_LC 0x0080
84 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_RL 0x0040
85 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_RC 0x003C
86 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_UN 0x0002 // Underrun
87 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_CSL 0x0001 // Carrier sense lost
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89 |
#define FEC_BD_Tx_STATS 0x03FF // Status mask
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91 |
struct fec_eth_info {
92 |
volatile struct fec *fec;
93 |
volatile struct fec_bd *txbd, *rxbd; // Next Tx,Rx descriptor to use
94 |
volatile struct fec_bd *tbase, *rbase; // First Tx,Rx descriptor
95 |
volatile struct fec_bd *tnext, *rnext; // Next descriptor to check for interrupt
96 |
int txsize, rxsize; // Length of individual buffers
97 |
int txactive; // Count of active Tx buffers
98 |
unsigned long txkey[CYGNUM_DEVS_ETH_POWERPC_FEC_TxNUM];
99 |
100 |
101 |
// Fast Ethernet Controller [in PPC8xxT parameter RAM space]
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103 |
struct fec {
104 |
unsigned long addr[2]; // ESA
105 |
unsigned long hash[2]; // Address hash mask
106 |
volatile struct fec_bd *RxRing;
107 |
volatile struct fec_bd *TxRing;
108 |
unsigned long RxBufSize;
109 |
unsigned char _fill0[0x40-0x1C];
110 |
unsigned long eControl; // Master control register
111 |
unsigned long iEvent; // Interrupt event
112 |
unsigned long iMask; // Interrupt mask
113 |
unsigned long iVector; // Interrupt vector
114 |
unsigned long RxUpdate; // RxRing updated
115 |
unsigned long TxUpdate; // TxRing updated
116 |
unsigned char _fill1[0x80-0x58];
117 |
unsigned long MiiData;
118 |
unsigned long MiiSpeed;
119 |
unsigned char _fill2[0xCC-0x88];
120 |
unsigned long RxBound; // End of FIFO RAM
121 |
unsigned long RxStart; // Start of FIFO RAM
122 |
unsigned char _fill3[0xE4-0xD4];
123 |
unsigned long TxWater; // Transmit watermark
124 |
unsigned char _fill4[0xEC-0xE8];
125 |
unsigned long TxStart; // Start of Tx FIFO
126 |
unsigned char _fill5[0x134-0xF0];
127 |
unsigned long FunCode; // DMA function codes
128 |
unsigned char _fill6[0x144-0x138];
129 |
unsigned long RxControl; // Receiver control
130 |
unsigned long RxHash; // Receive hash
131 |
unsigned char _fill7[0x184-0x14C];
132 |
unsigned long TxControl; // Transmitter control
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134 |
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#define FEC_OFFSET 0x0E00 // Offset in 8xx parameter RAM
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// Master control register (eControl)
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#define eControl_MUX 0x0004 // Select proper pin MUX functions
139 |
#define eControl_EN 0x0002 // Enable ethernet controller
140 |
#define eControl_RESET 0x0001 // Reset controller
141 |
142 |
// Receiver control register (RxControl)
143 |
#define RxControl_BC_REJ 0x0010 // Reject broadcast frames
144 |
#define RxControl_PROM 0x0008 // Promiscuous mode
145 |
#define RxControl_MII 0x0004 // MII (1) or 7 wire (0) mode
146 |
#define RxControl_DRT 0x0002 // Disable receive on transmit
147 |
#define RxControl_LOOP 0x0001 // Internal loopback
148 |
149 |
// Interrupt events
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#define iEvent_HBERR 0x80000000 // No heartbeat error
151 |
#define iEvent_BABR 0x40000000 // Babling receiver
152 |
#define iEvent_BABT 0x20000000 // Babling transmitter
153 |
#define iEvent_GRA 0x10000000 // Graceful shutdown
154 |
#define iEvent_TFINT 0x08000000 // Transmit frame interrupt
155 |
#define iEvent_TXB 0x04000000 // Transmit buffer
156 |
#define iEvent_RFINT 0x02000000 // Receive frame
157 |
#define iEvent_RXB 0x01000000 // Receive buffer
158 |
#define iEvent_MII 0x00800000 // MII complete
159 |
#define iEvent_EBERR 0x00400000 // Ethernet BUS error
160 |
#define iEvent_all 0xFFC00000 // Any interrupt
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// MII interface
163 |
#define MII_Start 0x40000000
164 |
#define MII_Read 0x20000000
165 |
#define MII_Write 0x10000000
166 |
#define MII_Phy(phy) (phy << 23)
167 |
#define MII_Reg(reg) (reg << 18)
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#define MII_TA 0x00020000
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// Transceiver mode
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#define PHY_BMCR 0x00 // Register number
172 |
#define PHY_BMCR_RESET 0x8000
173 |
#define PHY_BMCR_LOOPBACK 0x4000
174 |
#define PHY_BMCR_100MB 0x2000
175 |
#define PHY_BMCR_AUTO_NEG 0x1000
176 |
#define PHY_BMCR_POWER_DOWN 0x0800
177 |
#define PHY_BMCR_ISOLATE 0x0400
178 |
#define PHY_BMCR_RESTART 0x0200
179 |
#define PHY_BMCR_FULL_DUPLEX 0x0100
180 |
#define PHY_BMCR_COLL_TEST 0x0080
181 |
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#define PHY_BMSR 0x01 // Status register
183 |
#define PHY_BMSR_AUTO_NEG 0x0020
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#define PHY_BMSR_LINK 0x0004
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#define IEEE_8023_MAX_FRAME 1518 // Largest possible ethernet frame
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#define IEEE_8023_MIN_FRAME 60 // Smallest possible ethernet frame
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