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// spi_freescale_dspi.h
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// Header definitions for Freescale DSPI driver.
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// -------------------------------------------
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// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
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// Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
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// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
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// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later
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// version.
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// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
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// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
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// for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// along with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
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// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use
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// macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file
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// and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file,
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// this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by
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// the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file
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// must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU
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// General Public License v2.
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// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based
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// on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
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// -------------------------------------------
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// Author(s): ilijak
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// Date: 2011-11-03
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// Purpose: Freescale DSPI driver definitions.
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// Description:
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// Usage: #include <cyg/io/spi_freescale_dspi.h>
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#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
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#include <pkgconf/io_spi.h>
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#include <pkgconf/devs_spi_freescale_dspi.h>
57 |
#include <pkgconf/hal_freescale_edma.h>
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#include <cyg/infra/cyg_type.h>
60 |
#include <cyg/hal/drv_api.h>
61 |
#include <cyg/io/spi.h>
62 |
#include <cyg/hal/freescale_edma.h>
63 |
#include <cyg/io/spi_freescale_dspi_io.h>
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// Macro for defining a SPI device and attaching it to the appropriate bus.
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// _name_ is the name of the SPI device. This will be used to reference a
69 |
// data structure of type cyg_spi_device which can be passed to the
70 |
// SPI driver API without needing a cast.
71 |
// _bus_ is the bus number to which this device is attached (0, 1 or 2).
72 |
// _csnum_ is the chip select line used for this device, numbered from 0.
73 |
// _fmsz_ is set device SPI frame size (bits)
74 |
// _clpol_ is the SPI bus clock polarity used by the device. This must be
75 |
// set to 1 if clock inactive state is high, 0 if clock inactive
76 |
// state is low.
77 |
// _clpha_ is the SPI bus clock phase used by the device.
78 |
// _brate_ is the SPI bus clock baud rate used by the device, measured in Hz.
79 |
// _csup_dly_ is the minimum delay between chip select assert and transfer
80 |
// start, measured in microseconds.
81 |
// _csdw_dly_ is the minimum delay between transfer end and chip select deassert,
82 |
// measured in delay units.
83 |
// _trbt_dly_ is the minimum delay between consecutive transfers.
84 |
// _dlu_ is delay unit in ns
85 |
// _dbr_ is enabling double baud rate feature
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#define CYGNUM_DSPI_DELAY_UNIT(__val) (__val/10)
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#define CYG_SPI_BUS_NAME(_b_) cyg_spi_dspi_bus ## _b_
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_name_, _bus_, _csnum_, _fmsz_, _clpol_, _clpha_, _brate_, _csup_dly_, _csdw_dly_, _trbt_dly_, _dlu_, _dbr_ \
94 |
) \
95 |
cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_device_t _name_ ##_fs_dspi CYG_SPI_DEVICE_ON_BUS(_bus_) = { \
96 |
{ .spi_bus = (cyg_spi_bus*) &CYG_SPI_BUS_NAME(_bus_) }, \
97 |
.dev_num = _csnum_, \
98 |
.clocking.bus_16bit = _fmsz_ > 8 ? 1 : 0, \
99 |
.clocking.frame_size = _fmsz_, \
100 |
.clocking.cl_pol = _clpol_, \
101 |
.clocking.cl_pha = _clpha_, \
102 |
.clocking.cl_brate = _brate_, \
103 |
.clocking.cs_up_udly = _csup_dly_, \
104 |
.clocking.cs_dw_udly = _csdw_dly_, \
105 |
.clocking.tr_bt_udly = _trbt_dly_, \
106 |
.clocking.dl_unit = CYGNUM_DSPI_DELAY_UNIT(_dlu_), \
107 |
.clocking.cl_dbr = _dbr_, \
108 |
.clocking.dspi_ctar = 0 \
109 |
}; \
110 |
extern cyg_spi_device _name_ __attribute__((alias ( #_name_ "_fs_dspi" )))
111 |
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// Freescale DSPI bus configuration and state.
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117 |
typedef struct cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_bus_setup_s
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119 |
cyghwr_devs_freescale_dspi_t* dspi_p; // Base address of SPI register block.
120 |
cyghwr_hal_freescale_dma_set_t* dma_set_p; // DMA configuration block.
121 |
cyg_vector_t intr_num; // DSPI interrupt vector
122 |
cyg_priority_t intr_prio; // Interrupt priority
123 |
cyg_uint32 mcr_opt ; // Module Configuratyon Register options
124 |
const cyg_uint32* spi_pin_list_p; // List of GPIOs used by the SPI interface.
125 |
const cyg_uint32* cs_pin_list_p; // List of GPIOs used as chip selects.
126 |
cyg_uint8 cs_pin_num; // Number of chip selects for this bus.
127 |
} cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_bus_setup_t;
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#define SPI_DMA_CHAN_I(__dma_set,__rt) (__dma_set->chan_p[SPI_DMA_CHAN_ ## __rt ## _I].dma_chan_i)
130 |
131 |
typedef struct cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_bus_s
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// ---- Upper layer data ----
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cyg_spi_bus spi_bus; // Upper layer SPI bus data.
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// ---- Bus configuration constants ----
137 |
const cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_bus_setup_t* setup_p;
138 |
// ---- Driver state (private) ----
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// DMA transfer control descriptors
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const cyghwr_hal_freescale_edma_tcd_t* tx_dma_tcd_ini_p; // TCD init.
141 |
const cyghwr_hal_freescale_edma_tcd_t* rx_dma_tcd_ini_p; // data
142 |
volatile cyghwr_hal_freescale_edma_tcd_t* rx_dma_tcd_p; // DMA TCD (RX)
143 |
volatile cyghwr_hal_freescale_edma_tcd_t* tx_dma_tcd_p; // DMA TCD (TX)
144 |
volatile cyg_uint32* pushque_p; // Tx command queue
145 |
cyg_uint16 pushque_n; // Tx command buffer size
146 |
cyg_uint8 txfifo_n; // TxFIFO size
147 |
cyg_uint8 rxfifo_n; // RxFIFO size
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cyg_interrupt intr_data; // Interrupt state
149 |
cyg_handle_t intr_handle; // Interrupt handle
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cyg_drv_mutex_t transfer_mutex; // Transfer mutex.
151 |
cyg_drv_cond_t transfer_done; // Transfer condition variable.
152 |
cyg_uint32 clock_freq; // Clock provided by hal
153 |
} cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_bus_t;
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// Freescale DSPI device.
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typedef struct cyg_freescale_dspi_clocking_s {
159 |
cyg_uint32 dspi_ctar; // DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Rregister shadow.
160 |
cyg_uint32 cl_brate; // Clock baud rate.
161 |
cyg_uint8 bus_16bit; // Use 16 bit (1) or 8 bit (0) transfers.
162 |
cyg_uint8 cl_pol; // Clock polarity (0 or 1).
163 |
cyg_uint8 cl_pha; // Clock phase (0 or 1).
164 |
cyg_uint8 cl_dbr; // Use double baud-rate feature if needed
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cyg_uint8 cs_up_udly; // Minimum delay in us/ns between CS up and transfer start.
166 |
cyg_uint8 cs_dw_udly; // Minimum delay in us/ns between transfer end and CS down.
167 |
cyg_uint8 tr_bt_udly; // Minimum delay in us/ns between two transfers.
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cyg_uint8 dl_unit; // Delay unit (1/10 * ns)
169 |
cyg_uint8 lsb_first; // LSbit shifted first.
170 |
cyg_uint8 frame_size; // Device SPI frame size (bits).
171 |
} cyg_freescale_dspi_clocking_t;;
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typedef struct cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_device_s
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// ---- Upper layer data ----
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cyg_spi_device spi_device; // Upper layer SPI device data.
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// ---- Device setup (user configurable) ----
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cyg_freescale_dspi_clocking_t clocking;
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cyg_uint8 dev_num; // Device SPI select.
181 |
cyg_uint8 chip_sel;
182 |
// ---- Device state (private) ----
183 |
} cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_device_t;
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// Exported bus data structures.
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externC cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_bus_t cyg_spi_dspi_bus0;
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externC cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_bus_t cyg_spi_dspi_bus1;
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externC cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_bus_t cyg_spi_dspi_bus2;
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__externC void cyghwr_devs_freescale_dspi_diag(cyg_spi_freescale_dspi_bus_t* spi_bus_p);
201 |
__externC void cyghwr_devs_freescale_dspi_diag_array(char* name_p,
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volatile cyg_uint32* fifo_p,
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cyg_uint32 fifo_n);
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