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#ifndef CYGONCE_AAED2000_H
2 |
#define CYGONCE_AAED2000_H
3 |
4 |
5 |
// aaed2000.h
6 |
7 |
// Platform specific support (register layout, etc)
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
// -------------------------------------------
12 |
// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
13 |
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
14 |
15 |
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
16 |
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
17 |
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later
18 |
// version.
19 |
20 |
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
21 |
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
22 |
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
23 |
// for more details.
24 |
25 |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 |
// along with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
27 |
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
28 |
29 |
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use
30 |
// macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file
31 |
// and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file,
32 |
// this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by
33 |
// the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file
34 |
// must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU
35 |
// General Public License v2.
36 |
37 |
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based
38 |
// on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
39 |
// -------------------------------------------
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44 |
// Author(s): gthomas
45 |
// Contributors: gthomas, jskov
46 |
// Date: 2001-10-30
47 |
// Purpose: Agilent/AAED2000 platform specific support routines
48 |
// Description:
49 |
// Usage: #include <cyg/hal/aaed2000.h>
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
// Memory layout details needed by conversion macro
57 |
#define AAED2000_SDRAM_PHYS_BASE 0xF0000000
58 |
#define AAED2000_SDRAM_VIRT_BASE 0x00000000
59 |
#define AAED2000_SDRAM_SIZE 0x02000000
60 |
61 |
62 |
#define AAED2000_FLASH_PHYS_BASE 0x00000000
63 |
#define AAED2000_FLASH_VIRT_BASE 0x60000000
64 |
#define AAED2000_FLASH_SIZE 0x02000000
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
// Clock and state controller
69 |
#define AAEC_CSC_BLEOI 0x80000410 // battery low end of interrupt
70 |
#define AAEC_CSC_MCEOI 0x80000414 // media changed end of interrupt
71 |
#define AAEC_CSC_TEOI 0x80000418 // tick end of interrupt
72 |
#define AAEC_CSC_CLKSET 0x80000420
73 |
74 |
#define AAEC_CSC_CLKSET_PLL 0x80000000
75 |
#define AAEC_CSC_CLKSET_SMCROM 0x01000000
76 |
#define AAEC_CSC_CLKSET_PS(_n_) ((_n_)<<18) // values 0-3
77 |
#define AAEC_CSC_CLKSET_PCLKDIV(_n_) ((_n_)<<16) // values 0-3
78 |
#define AAEC_CSC_CLKSET_MAINDIV2(_n_) ((_n_)<<11) // values 0-31
79 |
#define AAEC_CSC_CLKSET_MAINDIV1(_n_) ((_n_)<<7) // values 0-15
80 |
#define AAEC_CSC_CLKSET_PREDIV(_n_) ((_n_)<<2) // values 0-31
81 |
#define AAEC_CSC_CLKSET_HCLKDIV(_n_) ((_n_)) // values 0-3
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
// Interrupt controller
97 |
#define AAEC_INT_SR 0x80000500
98 |
#define AAEC_INT_RSR 0x80000504 // Raw [unmasked] interrupt status
99 |
#define AAEC_INT_ENS 0x80000508
100 |
#define AAEC_INT_ENC 0x8000050c
101 |
#define AAEC_INT_TEST1 0x80000514
102 |
#define AAEC_INT_TEST2 0x80000518
103 |
104 |
#define AAEC_INTS_T3OI CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_TC3OI // Timer #3 overflow
105 |
106 |
107 |
// UARTs
108 |
#define AAEC_UART1 0x80000600
109 |
#define AAEC_UART2 0x80000700
110 |
#define AAEC_UART3 0x80000800
111 |
112 |
#define AAEC_UART2_UMS2EOI 0x80000714 // modem end of interrupt
113 |
#define AAEC_UART2_UMS3EOI 0x80000814 // modem end of interrupt
114 |
115 |
#define AAEC_UART_DATA 0x0000 // Data/FIFO register
116 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR 0x0004 // Control register
117 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR_BRK 0x0001 // Send break
118 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR_PEN 0x0002 // Enable parity
119 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR_EP 0x0004 // Odd/Even parity
120 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR_S2 0x0008 // One/Two stop bits
121 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR_FIFO 0x0010 // Enable FIFO
122 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR_WL5 0x0000 // Word length - 5 bits
123 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR_WL6 0x0020 // Word length - 6 bits
124 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR_WL7 0x0040 // Word length - 7 bits
125 |
#define AAEC_UART_LCR_WL8 0x0060 // Word length - 8 bits
126 |
#define AAEC_UART_BAUD 0x0008 // Baud rate
127 |
#define AAEC_UART_CTRL 0x000C // Control register
128 |
#define AAEC_UART_CTRL_ENAB 0x0001 // Enable uart
129 |
#define AAEC_UART_CTRL_SIR 0x0002 // Enable SIR IrDA
130 |
#define AAEC_UART_CTRL_SIRLP 0x0004 // Enable low power IrDA
131 |
#define AAEC_UART_CTRL_RXP 0x0008 // Receive pin polarity
132 |
#define AAEC_UART_CTRL_TXP 0x0010 // Transmit pin polarity
133 |
#define AAEC_UART_CTRL_MXP 0x0020 // Modem pin polarity
134 |
#define AAEC_UART_CTRL_LOOP 0x0040 // Loopback mode
135 |
#define AAEC_UART_CTRL_SIRBD 0x0080 // blanking disable
136 |
#define AAEC_UART_STATUS 0x0010 // Status
137 |
#define AAEC_UART_STATUS_CTS 0x0001 // Clear-to-send status
138 |
#define AAEC_UART_STATUS_DSR 0x0002 // Data-set-ready status
139 |
#define AAEC_UART_STATUS_DCD 0x0004 // Data-carrier-detect status
140 |
#define AAEC_UART_STATUS_TxBSY 0x0008 // Transmitter busy
141 |
#define AAEC_UART_STATUS_RxFE 0x0010 // Receive FIFO empty
142 |
#define AAEC_UART_STATUS_TxFF 0x0020 // Transmit FIFO full
143 |
#define AAEC_UART_STATUS_RxFF 0x0040 // Receive FIFO full
144 |
#define AAEC_UART_STATUS_TxFE 0x0080 // Transmit FIFO empty
145 |
#define AAEC_UART_INT 0x0014 // Interrupt status
146 |
#define AAEC_UART_INTM 0x0018 // Interrupt mask register
147 |
#define AAEC_UART_INTRES 0x001c // Interrupt result (masked interrupt status)
148 |
#define AAEC_UART_INT_RIS 0x0001 // Rx interrupt
149 |
#define AAEC_UART_INT_TIS 0x0002 // Tx interrupt
150 |
#define AAEC_UART_INT_MIS 0x0004 // Modem status interrupt
151 |
#define AAEC_UART_INT_RTIS 0x0008 // Rx timeout interrupt
152 |
//#define AAEC_UART_MCTRL 0x0100 // Modem control
153 |
154 |
155 |
// Pump control
156 |
#define AAEC_PUMP_CONTROL 0x80000900 // Control
157 |
#define AAEC_PUMP_FREQUENCY 0x80000908 // Frequency
158 |
159 |
160 |
// Codec
161 |
#define AAEC_COD_CDEOI 0x80000a0c // codec end of interrupt
162 |
163 |
164 |
// Synchronous Serial Peripheral (SSP)
165 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0 0x80000B00 // Control Register 0
166 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0_SCR 8 // Serial clock rate - Bits 15..8
167 |
168 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0_SSE 7 // SSP enable/disable
169 |
170 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0_SSE_ON 1
171 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0_SSE_OFF 0
172 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0_FRF 4 // Frame format
173 |
174 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0_FRF_MOT 0 // Motorola SPI
175 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0_FRF_TI 1 // TI synchronous serial frame
176 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0_FRF_NAT 2 // National microwire
177 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR0_SIZE 0 // Data size
178 |
179 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR1 0x80000B04 // Control Register 1
180 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR1_TXIDLE 7 // Tx idle interrupt
181 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR1_FEN 6 // FIFO enable
182 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR1_RORIE 5 // Rx FIFO overrun interrupt
183 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR1_SPH 4 // SCLK phase
184 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR1_SPO 3 // SCLK polarity
185 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR1_LBM 2 // Lookpback
186 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR1_TIE 1 // Tx interrupt
187 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CR1_RIE 0 // Rx Interrupt
188 |
#define AAEC_SSP_IIR 0x80000B08 // Interrupt ID register (read)
189 |
#define AAEC_SSP_IIR_TXIDLE 7 // Tx idle interrupt
190 |
#define AAEC_SSP_IIR_ROR 6 // Rx overrun
191 |
#define AAEC_SSP_IIR_TI 1 // Tx FIFO less than half full
192 |
#define AAEC_SSP_IIR_RI 0 // Rx FIFO more than half full
193 |
#define AAEC_SSP_ICR 0x80000B08 // Interrupt Clear register (write)
194 |
#define AAEC_SSP_DR 0x80000B0C // Data [FIFO] register
195 |
#define AAEC_SSP_CPSR 0x80000B10 // Clock prescale
196 |
#define AAEC_SSP_SR 0x80000B14 // Status register
197 |
#define AAEC_SSP_SR_RFF 8 // Rx FIFO full
198 |
#define AAEC_SSP_SR_TFE 7 // Tx FIFO empty
199 |
#define AAEC_SSP_SR_ROR 6 // Rx FIFO overrun
200 |
#define AAEC_SSP_SR_RHF 5 // Rx FIFO half full
201 |
#define AAEC_SSP_SR_THE 4 // Tx FIFO half empty
202 |
#define AAEC_SSP_SR_BSY 3 // SSP is busy
203 |
#define AAEC_SSP_SR_RNE 2 // Rx FIFO not empty
204 |
#define AAEC_SSP_SR_TNF 1 // Tx FIFO not full
205 |
206 |
207 |
// Timer/counter
208 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T1_BASE 0x80000C00 // Timer #1 - preload
209 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T1LOAD 0x80000C00 // Timer #1 - preload
210 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T1VALUE 0x80000C04 // Timer #1 - current value
211 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T1CONTROL 0x80000C08 // Timer #1 - control
212 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T1EOI 0x80000C0C // Timer #1 - clear [end] interrupt
213 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T2LOAD 0x80000C20 // Timer #2 - preload
214 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T2VALUE 0x80000C24 // Timer #2 - current value
215 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T2CONTROL 0x80000C28 // Timer #2 - control
216 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T2EOI 0x80000C2C // Timer #2 - clear [end] interrupt
217 |
#define AAEC_TMR_BZCONT 0x80000C40
218 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T3LOAD 0x80000C80 // Timer #3 - preload
219 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T3VALUE 0x80000C84 // Timer #3 - current value
220 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T3CONTROL 0x80000C88 // Timer #3 - control
221 |
#define AAEC_TMR_T3EOI 0x80000C8C // Timer #3 - clear [end] interrupt
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
#define AAEC_TMR_TxCONTROL_ENABLE (1<<7) // Enable (start) timer
229 |
#define AAEC_TMR_TxCONTROL_MODE (1<<6) // Operating mode
230 |
231 |
232 |
#define AAEC_TMR_TxCONTROL_CLKSEL (1<<3) // Clock select (timer 1,2)
233 |
#define AAEC_TMR_TxCONTROL_508KHZ (1<<3)
234 |
#define AAEC_TMR_TxCONTROL_2KHZ (0<<3)
235 |
236 |
#define AAEC_TMR_TxCONTROL_508KHZ_uS(_n_) ((_n_)*508000/1000000)
237 |
238 |
239 |
// RTC
240 |
#define AAEC_RTC_RTCEOI 0x80000d10 // RTC end of interrupt
241 |
242 |
243 |
// GPIO registers
244 |
#define AAEC_PCDR 0x80000e08
245 |
#define AAEC_PBDDR 0x80000e14
246 |
#define AAEC_PCCDR 0x80000e18
247 |
#define AAEC_KSCAN 0x80000e28
248 |
#define AAEC_PINMUX 0x80000e2c
249 |
#define AAEC_PFDR 0x80000e30
250 |
#define AAEC_PFDDR 0x80000e34
251 |
#define AAEC_GPIO_INT_TYPE1 0x80000e4c
252 |
#define AAEC_GPIO_INT_TYPE2 0x80000e50
253 |
#define AAEC_GPIO_FEOI 0x80000e54
254 |
#define AAEC_GPIO_INTEN 0x80000e58
255 |
#define AAEC_GPIO_INT_STATUS 0x80000e5c
256 |
#define AAEC_PINMUX_UART3CON 0x00000008
257 |
#define AAEC_PINMUX_CODECON 0x00000004
258 |
#define AAEC_PINMUX_PD0CON 0x00000002
259 |
#define AAEC_PINMUX_PE0CON 0x00000001
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
// Static memory controller
264 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR0 0x80002000
265 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR1 0x80002004
266 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR2 0x80002008
267 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR3 0x8000200c
268 |
269 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR_MW8 0x00000000
270 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR_MW16 0x10000000
271 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR_MW32 0x30000000
272 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR_PME 0x08000000
273 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR_WP 0x04000000
274 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR_WPERR 0x02000000
275 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR_WST(_n_) (((((_n_)-1)&0x1f)<<11) | ((((_n_)-1)&0x1f)<<5)) // for n 1-32
276 |
#define AAEC_SMCBCR_IDCY(_n_) ((((_n_)-1)&0x0f)<<0) // for n 1-16
277 |
278 |
// These settings come from the Agilent startup.s file
279 |
// [note, the WST values match their values, not the comments]
280 |
// CS0: Flash, access=90ns, hold=30ns
281 |
// CS1: ethernet, access=162ns, hold=47ns
282 |
// CS2: GPIO, access=14ns, hold=14ns
283 |
284 |
# define _CS0_WST 8
285 |
# define _CS0_IDCY 3
286 |
# define _CS1_WST 14
287 |
# define _CS1_IDCY 4
288 |
# define _CS3_WST 3
289 |
# define _CS3_IDCY 2
290 |
291 |
# define _CS0_WST 9
292 |
# define _CS0_IDCY 3
293 |
# define _CS1_WST 15
294 |
# define _CS1_IDCY 4
295 |
# define _CS3_WST 3
296 |
# define _CS3_IDCY 2
297 |
298 |
# error "Unsupported clocking"
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
// Synchronous memory controller
304 |
#define AAEC_SMC_GLOBAL 0x80002404
305 |
#define AAEC_SMC_REFRESH_TIME 0x80002408
306 |
#define AAEC_SMC_BOOT_STATUS 0x8000240c
307 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV0 0x80002410
308 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV1 0x80002414
309 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV2 0x80002418
310 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV3 0x8000241c
311 |
312 |
#define AAEC_SMC_GLOBAL_CKE 0x80000000
313 |
#define AAEC_SMC_GLOBAL_CS 0x40000000
314 |
#define AAEC_SMC_GLOBAL_LCR 0x00000040
315 |
#define AAEC_SMC_GLOBAL_BUSY 0x00000020
316 |
#define AAEC_SMC_GLOBAL_MRS 0x00000002
317 |
#define AAEC_SMC_GLOBAL_INIT 0x00000001
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_AUTOP 0x01000000
326 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_RAS_2 0x00200000
327 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_RAS_3 0x00300000
328 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_WBL_4 0x00080000
329 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_WBL_1 0x00000000
330 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_CASLAT(_n_) (((_n_)-1)<<16) // 2-7
331 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_2KPAGE 0x00000040
332 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_SROMLL 0x00000020
333 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_SROM512 0x00000010
334 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_BANKS_2 0x00000008
335 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_BANKS_4 0x00000000
336 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_WIDTH16 0x00000004
337 |
#define AAEC_SMC_DEV_WIDTH32 0x00000000
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
// LCD controller
345 |
#define AAEC_LCD_TIMING0 0x80003000 // Timing registers
346 |
#define AAEC_LCD_TIMING1 0x80003004
347 |
#define AAEC_LCD_TIMING2 0x80003008
348 |
#define AAEC_LCD_TIMING3 0x8000300C
349 |
#define AAEC_LCD_UPBASE 0x80003010 // Upper panel DMA address
350 |
#define AAEC_LCD_LPBASE 0x80003014 // Lower panel DMA address
351 |
#define AAEC_LCD_MASK 0x80003018 // Status mask
352 |
#define AAEC_LCD_CONTROL 0x8000301C // Control
353 |
#define AAEC_LCD_CONTROL_ENAB 0x00000001 // Enable controller
354 |
#define AAEC_LCD_CONTROL_PWR_ENAB 0x00000800 // Enables signals
355 |
#define AAEC_LCD_STATUS 0x80003020 // Status
356 |
#define AAEC_LCD_INTERRUPT 0x80003024 // Interrupts
357 |
#define AAEC_LCD_UPCURR 0x80003028 // Upper panel current address
358 |
#define AAEC_LCD_LPCURR 0x8000302C // Lower panel current address
359 |
#define AAEC_LCD_LPOVERFLOW 0x80003030 // Panel overflow
360 |
#define AAEC_LCD_PALETTE 0x80003200 // Palette
361 |
362 |
363 |
// Extended GPIO bits [platform specific]
364 |
#define AAED_EXT_GPIO 0x30000000
365 |
#define AAED_EXT_GPIO_KBD_SCAN 0x00003FFF // Keyboard scan data
366 |
#define AAED_EXT_GPIO_PWR_INT 0x00008FFF // Smart battery charger interrupt
367 |
#define AAED_EXT_GPIO_SWITCHES 0x000F0000 // DIP switches
368 |
369 |
#define AAED_EXT_GPIO_USB_VBUS 0x00400000 // USB Vbus sense
370 |
#define AAED_EXT_GPIO_LCD_PWR_EN 0x02000000 // LCD (& backlight) power enable
371 |
#define AAED_EXT_GPIO_LED0 0x20000000 // LED 0 (0=>ON, 1=>OFF)
372 |
#define AAED_EXT_GPIO_LED1 0x40000000 // LED 1 (0=>ON, 1=>OFF)
373 |
#define AAED_EXT_GPIO_LED2 0x80000000 // LED 2 (0=>ON, 1=>OFF)
374 |
375 |
376 |
/* end of aaed2000.h */
377 |
#endif /* CYGONCE_AAED2000_H */