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Some Thoughts on Automated Network Testing for eCos
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Hugo Tyson, Red Hat, Cambridge UK, 2000-07-28
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This thinking is dominated by the need for automated continuous testing
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of the StrongARM EBSA-285 boards, which have two ethernet interfaces.
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We also have some needs for ongoing eCos network testing.
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o TCP testing: move a large amount of data, checking its correctness.
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(with several streams running in parallel at once)
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o UDP testing: similar but using UDP.
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o TFTP testing: an external server, from a choice of LINUX, NT, SunOS, and
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another EBSA board, get from the target some files, of sizes 0, 1, 512,
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513, 1048576 bytes. (with several streams running in parallel at once)
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o TFTP testing: put to the target some files, ....
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o TFTP testing: the target tftp client code does the same, getting and
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putting, to an external server.
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[ All that TFTP test makes explicit testing of UDP unneccessary; UDP
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testing would need sequence numbers and so on, so we may as well use
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TFTP as the implementation of that]
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o FTP test: we have a trivial "connect" test; continue to use it.
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o Performance testing: TCP_ECHO, TCP_SOURCE, TCP_SINK programs work in
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concert to measure throughput of a partially loaded target board.
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Source and Sink apps run on an external host.
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o Flood pings: the target floods the hosts on its two external interfaces
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whilst they flood it. This is left going for a long time, and store
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leaks or crashes are checked for.
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Orthogonally to these "feature tests" are requirements to run these tests
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with and without these features in combinations:
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o The "realtime test harness" operating - it checks interrupt latencies
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and so on. This is written and works.
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o Booting statically, via bootp, via DHCP statically/leased on the two
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interfaces in combination.
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o Simulated failure of the network, of the kinds "drop 1 in N packets",
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"drop all for 0 < random() < 30 Seconds" and the like. Corrupted
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packets being sent out by the target, also!
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We have some other requirements:
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o Support testing of other net-enabled targets!
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o Run tests at a reasonable rate, so do NOT require a reboot of, say, a
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LINUX host every test run to reconfigure the network environment.
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o Feasible: do NOT require anything too complex in terms of controlling
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the network environment.
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o Do not use too many machines. The farm is full already.
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Other Goals
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These are some ideas that are useful but not strictly necessary:
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o Re-use/work-with the existing test infrastructure
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o Provide the sort of results information that the existing test
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infrastructure does.
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o Work with standard testing *host* computers of various kinds.
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o Support conveniently debugging these test examples at developers' desks
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- not just in the farm.
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Because of the flood pinging and malformed packet requirements, the target
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boards need to be on an isolated network.
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The target board's two interfaces need to be on distinct networks for the
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stack to behave properly.
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I believe we can implement everything we need for the host computers to do
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using a daemon or server, (cf. the serial test filter) which sits on the
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host computer waiting to be told what test we are about to run, and takes
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appropriate action.
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Note that this does work even for situations where the target is passive,
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eg. being a TFTP server. The target simply "does" TFTP serving for a set
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period of time - or perhaps until a cookie file exists in its test file
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system - and then performs a set of consistency checks (including on the
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state of the test FS), thus creating a PASS/FAIL test result. It can also
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periodically run those checks anyway, and choose FAIL at any time.
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But who tells the host daemon what to do? The target does, of course.
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That way, the host is stateless, it simply runs that daemon doing what it's
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bid, and does NOT ever have to report test results. This has enormous
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advantages, because it means we gather test results from what the target
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said, and no other source, thus minimizing changes to the farm software.
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It also means that to add a new test, we can asynchronously add the feature
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to the test daemons of that is required, then add a new testcase in the
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usual manner, with all the usual (compile-time) testing of its
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applicability as usual.
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Network Topology
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The idea is that we can initially have a setup like this:
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house network <---> [net-testfarm-machine] serial -------+
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house network <----> eth0 [LINUX BOX] eth1 <---> eth0 [ EBSA ]
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[ dhcpd ] eth2 <---> eth1 [ ]
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[ tftpd ]
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[ ftpd ]
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[ testd ]
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for developing the system. Testd is our new daemon that runs tcp_sink, or
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tcp_source, or a floodping, or does tftp to the target (rather than vice
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versa) as and when the target instructs it. The target can report test
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results to the net-testfarm-machine as usual, but with bigger timeouts &c
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configured in the test farm.
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This system can then be generalized to
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test-server1 test-server2 test-serverN
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eth0 eth0 eth0
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| | |
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| | |
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eth0 | |
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target1 target4 targetM
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target2 target5 targetM+1
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target3 target6 targetM+2
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where target1,2,3 have 2 ethernet interfaces and the others have only one.
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And further, provided the testd protocol supports targets choosing one
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server from many which offer service, which would be a good thing:
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test-server1 test-server2 test-serverN
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eth0 eth0 eth0
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[LINUX] [Solaris] [NT4.0]
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| | |
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| | |
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eth0 | |
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target1 target4 targetM
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target2 target5 targetM+1
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target3 target6 targetM+2
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[LINUX] [NT4.0]
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test-server11 test-server12
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which would IMHO be a good thing IN ADDITION to a completely partitioned
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set of test network as above. The partitioned set of test networks is
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required also because we need to test all of:
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Target asks for BOOTP vs. DHCP -X- Server does only BOOTP vs. DHCP
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in combinations on the different interfaces. Simply setting up servers
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that way statically is best, rather than trying to script controls for
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servers that have them offering bootp one minute and DHCP the next.
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Test Farm
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Orthogonal to the network topology, the network test farm is connected to
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all these targets in the usual manner by serial lines. That way the tests
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can run and busy/cripple that local network without affecting the house
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network *and* without affecting the debug connection, and with the
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advantage that tests net traffic can interfere with each other, providing a
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diverse network environment for testing, rather than a quiet net.
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For testing with GDB connection over the network, which is desirable, I
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suggest either keeping those machines separate, or having the farm's
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connection into the test-net be via second interfaces fitted to the server
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Otherwise, it's a standard test farm, which knows to choose only from a
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special set of perms, and which has waaay longer timeouts.
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Test Cases
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In this way, tests of the form "make an external machine do tftp to the
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target board" are implemented by means of a standard eCos test case, which
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requests that action from a server, then waits for it to be told AOK or
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just for a certain time, and reports as such to the test farm as usual.
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These special tests are only compiled in certain perms.
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Those same special perms select between the various initialization options
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required also: DHCP or BOOTP or static initialization, and so on, in the
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usual manner.
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Just a quick note on this: DHCP has a lot of the properties we want for the
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test protocol. We should take a copy of that and use different port
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numbers, re-use a lot of the code, since server code is also available.
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Or something simpler; none of this seems especially challenging.
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That's all for now.
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