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// common.hxx
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// Shared definitions used by memory allocators
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// -------------------------------------------
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// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
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// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
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// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
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// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later
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// version.
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// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
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// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
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// for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// along with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
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// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use
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// macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file
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// and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file,
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// this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by
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// the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file
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// must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU
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// General Public License v2.
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// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based
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// on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
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// -------------------------------------------
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// Author(s): jlarmour
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// Contributors:
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// Date: 2000-06-12
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// Purpose: Shared definitions used by memory allocators
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// Description:
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// Usage: #include
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// struct Cyg_Mempool_Status is returned by the get_status() method of
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// standard eCos memory allocators. After return from get_status(), any
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// field of type T may be set to ((T)-1) to indicate that the information
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// is not available or not applicable to this allocator.
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class Cyg_Mempool_Status {
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const cyg_uint8 *arenabase; // base address of entire pool
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cyg_int32 arenasize; // total size of entire pool
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cyg_int32 freeblocks; // number of chunks free for use
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cyg_int32 totalallocated; // total allocated space in bytes
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cyg_int32 totalfree; // total space in bytes not in use
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cyg_int32 blocksize; // block size if fixed block
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cyg_int32 maxfree; // size of largest unused block
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cyg_int8 waiting; // are there any threads waiting for memory?
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const cyg_uint8 *origbase; // address of original region used when pool
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// created
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cyg_int32 origsize; // size of original region used when pool
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// created
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// maxoverhead is the *maximum* per-allocation overhead imposed by
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// the allocator implementation. Note: this is rarely the typical
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// overhead which often depends on the size of the allocation requested.
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// It includes overhead due to alignment constraints. For example, if
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// maxfree and maxoverhead are available for this allocator, then an
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// allocation request of (maxfree-maxoverhead) bytes must always succeed
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// Unless maxoverhead is set to -1 of course, in which case the allocator
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// does not support reporting this information.
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cyg_int8 maxoverhead;
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init() {
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arenabase = (const cyg_uint8 *)-1;
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arenasize = -1;
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freeblocks = -1;
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totalallocated = -1;
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totalfree = -1;
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blocksize = -1;
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maxfree = -1;
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waiting = -1;
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origbase = (const cyg_uint8 *)-1;
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origsize = -1;
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maxoverhead = -1;
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// constructor
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Cyg_Mempool_Status() { init(); }
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// Flags to pass to get_status() methods to tell it which stat(s) is/are
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// being requested
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// And an opaque type for any arguments with these flags
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typedef cyg_uint16 cyg_mempool_status_flag_t;
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// breakpoint site for out of memory conditions
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#include // protoype for cyg_memalloc_alloc_fail
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#define CYG_MEMALLOC_FAIL_TEST( test, size ) \
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if ( test) { \
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cyg_memalloc_alloc_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, size ); \
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} \
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#define CYG_MEMALLOC_FAIL( size) \
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cyg_memalloc_alloc_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, size ); \
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/* EOF common.hxx */