1 |
21 |
qaztronic |
; Copyright 1991-2007 Mentor Graphics Corporation
2 |
3 |
; All Rights Reserved.
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
std = $MODEL_TECH/../std
11 |
ieee = $MODEL_TECH/../ieee
12 |
verilog = $MODEL_TECH/../verilog
13 |
vital2000 = $MODEL_TECH/../vital2000
14 |
std_developerskit = $MODEL_TECH/../std_developerskit
15 |
synopsys = $MODEL_TECH/../synopsys
16 |
modelsim_lib = $MODEL_TECH/../modelsim_lib
17 |
sv_std = $MODEL_TECH/../sv_std
18 |
19 |
; Xilinx Primitive Libraries
20 |
21 |
; VHDL Section
22 |
; unisim = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/unisim
23 |
; unimacro = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/unimacro
24 |
; simprim = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/simprim
25 |
; xilinxcorelib = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/xilinxcorelib
26 |
; aim = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/aim
27 |
; pls = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/pls
28 |
; cpld = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/cpld
29 |
30 |
; Verilog Section
31 |
; unisims_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/unisims_ver
32 |
; unimacro_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/unimacro_ver
33 |
; uni9000_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/uni9000_ver
34 |
; simprims_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/simprims_ver
35 |
; xilinxcorelib_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/xilinxcorelib_ver
36 |
; aim_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/aim_ver
37 |
; cpld_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/cpld_ver
38 |
39 |
; or1200_soc libraries
40 |
gpio = ../../../libs/gpio
41 |
or1200 = ../../../libs/or1200
42 |
sim = ../../../libs/sim
43 |
uart16550 = ../../../libs/uart16550
44 |
wb_conmax = ../../../libs/wb_conmax
45 |
wb_size_bridge = ../../../libs/wb_size_bridge
46 |
47 |
48 |
work = work
49 |
50 |
; VHDL93 variable selects language version as the default.
51 |
; Default is VHDL-2002.
52 |
; Value of 0 or 1987 for VHDL-1987.
53 |
; Value of 1 or 1993 for VHDL-1993.
54 |
; Default or value of 2 or 2002 for VHDL-2002.
55 |
VHDL93 = 2002
56 |
57 |
; Show source line containing error. Default is off.
58 |
; Show_source = 1
59 |
60 |
; Turn off unbound-component warnings. Default is on.
61 |
; Show_Warning1 = 0
62 |
63 |
; Turn off process-without-a-wait-statement warnings. Default is on.
64 |
; Show_Warning2 = 0
65 |
66 |
; Turn off null-range warnings. Default is on.
67 |
; Show_Warning3 = 0
68 |
69 |
; Turn off no-space-in-time-literal warnings. Default is on.
70 |
; Show_Warning4 = 0
71 |
72 |
; Turn off multiple-drivers-on-unresolved-signal warnings. Default is on.
73 |
; Show_Warning5 = 0
74 |
75 |
; Turn off optimization for IEEE std_logic_1164 package. Default is on.
76 |
; Optimize_1164 = 0
77 |
78 |
; Turn on resolving of ambiguous function overloading in favor of the
79 |
; "explicit" function declaration (not the one automatically created by
80 |
; the compiler for each type declaration). Default is off.
81 |
; The .ini file has Explicit enabled so that std_logic_signed/unsigned
82 |
; will match the behavior of synthesis tools.
83 |
Explicit = 1
84 |
85 |
; Turn off acceleration of the VITAL packages. Default is to accelerate.
86 |
; NoVital = 1
87 |
88 |
; Turn off VITAL compliance checking. Default is checking on.
89 |
; NoVitalCheck = 1
90 |
91 |
; Ignore VITAL compliance checking errors. Default is to not ignore.
92 |
; IgnoreVitalErrors = 1
93 |
94 |
; Turn off VITAL compliance checking warnings. Default is to show warnings.
95 |
; Show_VitalChecksWarnings = 0
96 |
97 |
; Keep silent about case statement static warnings.
98 |
; Default is to give a warning.
99 |
; NoCaseStaticError = 1
100 |
101 |
; Keep silent about warnings caused by aggregates that are not locally static.
102 |
; Default is to give a warning.
103 |
; NoOthersStaticError = 1
104 |
105 |
; Turn off inclusion of debugging info within design units.
106 |
; Default is to include debugging info.
107 |
; NoDebug = 1
108 |
109 |
; Turn off "Loading..." messages. Default is messages on.
110 |
; Quiet = 1
111 |
112 |
; Turn on some limited synthesis rule compliance checking. Checks only:
113 |
; -- signals used (read) by a process must be in the sensitivity list
114 |
; CheckSynthesis = 1
115 |
116 |
; Activate optimizations on expressions that do not involve signals,
117 |
; waits, or function/procedure/task invocations. Default is off.
118 |
; ScalarOpts = 1
119 |
120 |
; Require the user to specify a configuration for all bindings,
121 |
; and do not generate a compile time default binding for the
122 |
; component. This will result in an elaboration error of
123 |
; 'component not bound' if the user fails to do so. Avoids the rare
124 |
; issue of a false dependency upon the unused default binding.
125 |
; RequireConfigForAllDefaultBinding = 1
126 |
127 |
; Inhibit range checking on subscripts of arrays. Range checking on
128 |
; scalars defined with subtypes is inhibited by default.
129 |
; NoIndexCheck = 1
130 |
131 |
; Inhibit range checks on all (implicit and explicit) assignments to
132 |
; scalar objects defined with subtypes.
133 |
; NoRangeCheck = 1
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
; Turn off inclusion of debugging info within design units.
138 |
; Default is to include debugging info.
139 |
; NoDebug = 1
140 |
141 |
; Turn off "loading..." messages. Default is messages on.
142 |
; Quiet = 1
143 |
144 |
; Turn on Verilog hazard checking (order-dependent accessing of global vars).
145 |
; Default is off.
146 |
; Hazard = 1
147 |
148 |
; Turn on converting regular Verilog identifiers to uppercase. Allows case
149 |
; insensitivity for module names. Default is no conversion.
150 |
; UpCase = 1
151 |
152 |
; Turn on incremental compilation of modules. Default is off.
153 |
; Incremental = 1
154 |
155 |
; Turns on lint-style checking.
156 |
; Show_Lint = 1
157 |
158 |
159 |
; Simulator resolution
160 |
; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional prefix of 1, 10, or 100.
161 |
resolution = 10ps
162 |
163 |
; User time unit for run commands
164 |
; Set to default, fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec. The default is to use the
165 |
; unit specified for Resolution. For example, if Resolution is 100ps,
166 |
; then UserTimeUnit defaults to ps.
167 |
; Should generally be set to default.
168 |
UserTimeUnit = default
169 |
170 |
; Default run length
171 |
RunLength = 20 us
172 |
173 |
; Maximum iterations that can be run without advancing simulation time
174 |
IterationLimit = 5000
175 |
176 |
; Directive to license manager:
177 |
; vhdl Immediately reserve a VHDL license
178 |
; vlog Immediately reserve a Verilog license
179 |
; plus Immediately reserve a VHDL and Verilog license
180 |
; nomgc Do not look for Mentor Graphics Licenses
181 |
; nomti Do not look for Model Technology Licenses
182 |
; noqueue Do not wait in the license queue when a license isn't available
183 |
; viewsim Try for viewer license but accept simulator license(s) instead
184 |
; of queuing for viewer license
185 |
; License = plus
186 |
187 |
; Stop the simulator after a VHDL/Verilog assertion message
188 |
; 0 = Note 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Failure 4 = Fatal
189 |
BreakOnAssertion = 3
190 |
191 |
; Assertion Message Format
192 |
; %S - Severity Level
193 |
; %R - Report Message
194 |
; %T - Time of assertion
195 |
; %D - Delta
196 |
; %I - Instance or Region pathname (if available)
197 |
; %% - print '%' character
198 |
; AssertionFormat = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n"
199 |
200 |
; Assertion File - alternate file for storing VHDL/Verilog assertion messages
201 |
; AssertFile = assert.log
202 |
203 |
; Default radix for all windows and commands...
204 |
; Set to symbolic, ascii, binary, octal, decimal, hex, unsigned
205 |
DefaultRadix = hexadecimal
206 |
207 |
; VSIM Startup command
208 |
; Startup = do startup.do
209 |
210 |
; File for saving command transcript
211 |
TranscriptFile = transcript.txt
212 |
213 |
; File for saving command history
214 |
; CommandHistory = cmdhist.log
215 |
216 |
; Specify whether paths in simulator commands should be described
217 |
; in VHDL or Verilog format.
218 |
; For VHDL, PathSeparator = /
219 |
; For Verilog, PathSeparator = .
220 |
; Must not be the same character as DatasetSeparator.
221 |
PathSeparator = /
222 |
223 |
; Specify the dataset separator for fully rooted contexts.
224 |
; The default is ':'. For example, sim:/top
225 |
; Must not be the same character as PathSeparator.
226 |
DatasetSeparator = :
227 |
228 |
; Disable VHDL assertion messages
229 |
; IgnoreNote = 1
230 |
; IgnoreWarning = 1
231 |
; IgnoreError = 1
232 |
; IgnoreFailure = 1
233 |
234 |
; Default force kind. May be freeze, drive, deposit, or default
235 |
; or in other terms, fixed, wired, or charged.
236 |
; A value of "default" will use the signal kind to determine the
237 |
; force kind, drive for resolved signals, freeze for unresolved signals
238 |
; DefaultForceKind = freeze
239 |
240 |
; If zero, open files when elaborated; otherwise, open files on
241 |
; first read or write. Default is 0.
242 |
; DelayFileOpen = 1
243 |
244 |
; Control VHDL files opened for write.
245 |
; 0 = Buffered, 1 = Unbuffered
246 |
UnbufferedOutput = 0
247 |
248 |
; Control the number of VHDL files open concurrently.
249 |
; This number should always be less than the current ulimit
250 |
; setting for max file descriptors.
251 |
; 0 = unlimited
252 |
ConcurrentFileLimit = 40
253 |
254 |
; Control the number of hierarchical regions displayed as
255 |
; part of a signal name shown in the Wave window.
256 |
; A value of zero tells VSIM to display the full name.
257 |
; The default is 0.
258 |
; WaveSignalNameWidth = 0
259 |
260 |
; Turn off warnings from the std_logic_arith, std_logic_unsigned
261 |
; and std_logic_signed packages.
262 |
; StdArithNoWarnings = 1
263 |
264 |
; Turn off warnings from the IEEE numeric_std and numeric_bit packages.
265 |
; NumericStdNoWarnings = 1
266 |
267 |
; Control the format of the (VHDL) FOR generate statement label
268 |
; for each iteration. Do not quote it.
269 |
; The format string here must contain the conversion codes %s and %d,
270 |
; in that order, and no other conversion codes. The %s represents
271 |
; the generate_label; the %d represents the generate parameter value
272 |
; at a particular generate iteration (this is the position number if
273 |
; the generate parameter is of an enumeration type). Embedded whitespace
274 |
; is allowed (but discouraged); leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
275 |
; Application of the format must result in a unique scope name over all
276 |
; such names in the design so that name lookup can function properly.
277 |
; GenerateFormat = %s__%d
278 |
279 |
; Specify whether checkpoint files should be compressed.
280 |
; The default is 1 (compressed).
281 |
; CheckpointCompressMode = 0
282 |
283 |
; List of dynamically loaded objects for Verilog PLI applications
284 |
; Veriuser = veriuser.sl
285 |
286 |
; Specify default options for the restart command. Options can be one
287 |
; or more of: -force -nobreakpoint -nolist -nolog -nowave
288 |
; DefaultRestartOptions = -force
289 |
290 |
; HP-UX 10.20 ONLY - Enable memory locking to speed up large designs
291 |
; (> 500 megabyte memory footprint). Default is disabled.
292 |
; Specify number of megabytes to lock.
293 |
; LockedMemory = 1000
294 |
295 |
; Turn on (1) or off (0) WLF file compression.
296 |
; The default is 1 (compress WLF file).
297 |
; WLFCompress = 0
298 |
299 |
; Specify whether to save all design hierarchy (1) in the WLF file
300 |
; or only regions containing logged signals (0).
301 |
; The default is 0 (save only regions with logged signals).
302 |
; WLFSaveAllRegions = 1
303 |
304 |
; WLF file time limit. Limit WLF file by time, as closely as possible,
305 |
; to the specified amount of simulation time. When the limit is exceeded
306 |
; the earliest times get truncated from the file.
307 |
; If both time and size limits are specified the most restrictive is used.
308 |
; UserTimeUnits are used if time units are not specified.
309 |
; The default is 0 (no limit). Example: WLFTimeLimit = {100 ms}
310 |
; WLFTimeLimit = 0
311 |
312 |
; WLF file size limit. Limit WLF file size, as closely as possible,
313 |
; to the specified number of megabytes. If both time and size limits
314 |
; are specified then the most restrictive is used.
315 |
; The default is 0 (no limit).
316 |
; WLFSizeLimit = 1000
317 |
318 |
; Specify whether or not a WLF file should be deleted when the
319 |
; simulation ends. A value of 1 will cause the WLF file to be deleted.
320 |
; The default is 0 (do not delete WLF file when simulation ends).
321 |
; WLFDeleteOnQuit = 1
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
326 |
; Change a message severity or suppress a message.
327 |
; The format is: = [,...]
328 |
; Examples:
329 |
; note = 3009
330 |
; warning = 3033
331 |
; error = 3010,3016
332 |
; fatal = 3016,3033
333 |
; suppress = 3009,3016,3043
334 |
; The command verror can be used to get the complete
335 |
; description of a message.
336 |
337 |
; Control transcripting of elaboration/runtime messages.
338 |
; The default is to have messages appear in the transcript and
339 |
; recorded in the wlf file (messages that are recorded in the
340 |
; wlf file can be viewed in the MsgViewer). The other settings
341 |
; are to send messages only to the transcript or only to the
342 |
; wlf file. The valid values are
343 |
; both {default}
344 |
; tran {transcript only}
345 |
; wlf {wlf file only}
346 |
; msgmode = both
347 |
348 |
349 |
23 |
qaztronic |
; Warning -- Do not edit the project properties directly.
350 |
; Property names are dynamic in nature and property
351 |
; values have special syntax. Changing property data directly
352 |
; can result in a corrupt MPF file. All project properties
353 |
; can be modified through project window dialogs.
354 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_Version = 6
355 |
Project_DefaultLib = work
356 |
Project_SortMethod = unused
357 |
Project_Files_Count = 19
358 |
Project_File_0 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_system.v
359 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_0 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 cover_fsm 0 cover_branch 0 vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1239838063 folder {Top Level} cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_order 11 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
360 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_1 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/boards/de1_board/sim/models/S29al032d_00/model/s29al032d_00.v
361 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_1 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1118235516 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options {} compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 18 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
362 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_2 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_gpio.v
363 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_2 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} last_compile 1238545534 cover_fsm 0 cover_branch 0 vlog_noload 0 vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 4 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
364 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_3 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/boards/de1_board/sim/src/tb_dut.v
365 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_3 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1239838051 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options +incdir+../../../src compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 1 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
366 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_4 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_ram.v
367 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_4 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} last_compile 1238115511 cover_fsm 0 cover_branch 0 vlog_noload 0 vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 9 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
368 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_5 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_registers.v
369 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_5 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 cover_fsm 0 cover_branch 0 vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1238019418 folder {Top Level} cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_order 10 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
370 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_6 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_mem_bank_1.v
371 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_6 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 cover_fsm 0 cover_branch 0 vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1238019418 folder {Top Level} cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_order 5 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
372 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_7 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_top.v
373 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_7 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1239905312 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 12 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
374 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_8 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_mem_bank_2.v
375 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_8 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} last_compile 1239838062 cover_fsm 0 cover_branch 0 vlog_noload 0 vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 6 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
376 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_9 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_mem_bank_3.v
377 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_9 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1239838063 vlog_noload 0 cover_branch 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 7 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
378 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_10 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/boards/de1_board/src/boot_rom_0.v
379 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_10 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 vlog_noload 0 cover_branch 0 folder {Top Level} last_compile 1238534422 cover_fsm 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 14 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
380 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_11 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/boards/de1_board/sim/src/tb_top.v
381 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_11 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1238111450 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options +incdir+../../../src compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 0 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
382 |
Project_File_12 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_peripherals.v
383 |
Project_File_P_12 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 cover_fsm 0 cover_branch 0 vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1238019418 folder {Top Level} cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_order 8 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
384 |
Project_File_13 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/boards/de1_board/src/boot_rom_1.v
385 |
Project_File_P_13 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 vlog_noload 0 cover_branch 0 folder {Top Level} last_compile 1238534422 cover_fsm 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 15 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
386 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_14 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/boards/de1_board/src/boot_rom_2.v
387 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_14 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 cover_fsm 0 cover_branch 0 vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1238115510 folder {Top Level} cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 16 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
388 |
Project_File_15 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/boards/de1_board/src/top.v
389 |
Project_File_P_15 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1239838052 vlog_noload 0 cover_branch 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options +incdir+../../../src compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 2 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
390 |
Project_File_16 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/boards/de1_board/src/boot_vector_rom.v
391 |
Project_File_P_16 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 vlog_noload 0 cover_branch 0 folder {Top Level} last_compile 1238534422 cover_fsm 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 13 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
392 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_17 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/boards/de1_board/sim/models/sram/IS61LV25616AL.v
393 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_17 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} cover_branch 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1219274282 vlog_noload 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_enable0In 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 voptflow 1 cover_optlevel 3 vlog_showsource 0 vlog_hazard 0 toggle - vlog_0InOptions {} ood 0 cover_noshort 0 vlog_upper 0 compile_to work vlog_options {} compile_order 17 cover_expr 0 dont_compile 0 cover_stmt 0
394 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_18 = C:/qaz/_CVS_WORK/units/or1200_soc/src/soc_boot.v
395 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_File_P_18 = cover_toggle 0 vlog_protect 0 file_type verilog group_id 0 cover_exttoggle 0 cover_nofec 0 cover_cond 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 cover_fsm 0 last_compile 1238545534 vlog_noload 0 cover_branch 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_enable0In 0 cover_excludedefault 0 vlog_disableopt 0 cover_covercells 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 cover_optlevel 3 voptflow 1 ood 0 vlog_0InOptions {} toggle - vlog_options +incdir+../../../src+incdir+../../../../../src compile_to work vlog_upper 0 cover_noshort 0 compile_order 3 dont_compile 0 cover_expr 0 cover_stmt 0
396 |
21 |
qaztronic |
Project_Sim_Count = 0
397 |
Project_Folder_Count = 0
398 |
Echo_Compile_Output = 0
399 |
Save_Compile_Report = 1
400 |
Project_Opt_Count = 0
401 |
ForceSoftPaths = 0
402 |
ProjectStatusDelay = 5000
403 |
VERILOG_DoubleClick = Edit
404 |
VERILOG_CustomDoubleClick =
405 |
SYSTEMVERILOG_DoubleClick = Edit
406 |
SYSTEMVERILOG_CustomDoubleClick =
407 |
VHDL_DoubleClick = Edit
408 |
VHDL_CustomDoubleClick =
409 |
PSL_DoubleClick = Edit
410 |
PSL_CustomDoubleClick =
411 |
TEXT_DoubleClick = Edit
412 |
TEXT_CustomDoubleClick =
413 |
SYSTEMC_DoubleClick = Edit
414 |
SYSTEMC_CustomDoubleClick =
415 |
TCL_DoubleClick = Edit
416 |
TCL_CustomDoubleClick =
417 |
MACRO_DoubleClick = Edit
418 |
MACRO_CustomDoubleClick =
419 |
VCD_DoubleClick = Edit
420 |
VCD_CustomDoubleClick =
421 |
SDF_DoubleClick = Edit
422 |
SDF_CustomDoubleClick =
423 |
XML_DoubleClick = Edit
424 |
XML_CustomDoubleClick =
425 |
LOGFILE_DoubleClick = Edit
426 |
LOGFILE_CustomDoubleClick =
427 |
UCDB_DoubleClick = Edit
428 |
UCDB_CustomDoubleClick =
429 |
Project_Major_Version = 6
430 |
23 |
qaztronic |
Project_Minor_Version = 5