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<TITLE>iwidgets2.2.0 User Commands - buttonbox</TITLE>
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<H1>iwidgets2.2.0 User Commands - buttonbox</H1>
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buttonbox - Create and manipulate a manager widget for but-
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<STRONG>buttonbox</STRONG> <EM>pathName</EM> ?<EM>options</EM>?
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itk::Widget <- buttonbox
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<STRONG>background</STRONG> <STRONG>cursor</STRONG>
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See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard
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Name: <STRONG>orient</STRONG>
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Class: <STRONG>Orient</STRONG>
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Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-orient</STRONG>
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Orientation of the button box: <STRONG>horizontal</STRONG> or <STRONG>vertical</STRONG>.
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The default is horizontal.
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Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-padx</STRONG>
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Specifies a non-negative padding distance to leave
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between the button group and the outer edge of the but-
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ton box in the x direction. The value may be given in
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any of the forms acceptable to <STRONG>Tk_GetPixels</STRONG>. The
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default is 5 pixels.
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Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-pady</STRONG>
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Specifies a non-negative padding distance to leave
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between the button group and the outer edge of the but-
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ton box in the y direction. The value may be given in
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any of the forms acceptable to <STRONG>Tk_GetPixels</STRONG>. The
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default is 5 pixels.
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The <STRONG>buttonbox</STRONG> command creates a manager widget for control-
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ling buttons. The button box also supports the display and
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invocation of a default button. The button box can be con-
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figured either horizontally or vertically.
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The <STRONG>buttonbox</STRONG> command creates a new Tcl command whose name
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is <EM>pathName</EM>. This command may be used to invoke various
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operations on the widget. It has the following general
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<EM>pathName</EM> <EM>option</EM> ?<EM>arg</EM> <EM>arg</EM> ...?
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<EM>Option</EM> and the <EM>arg</EM>s determine the exact behavior of the com-
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Many of the widget commands for the buttonbox take as one
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argument an indicator of which button of the button box to
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operate on. These indicators are called <EM>indexes</EM> and allow
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reference and manipulation of buttons regardless of their
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current map state. buttonbox indexes may be specified in
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any of the following forms:
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<EM>number</EM> Specifies the button numerically, where 0
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corresponds to the left/top-most button of the
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button box.
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<STRONG>end</STRONG> Indicates the right/bottom-most button of the
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button box.
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<STRONG>default</STRONG> Indicates the current default button of the but-
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ton box. This is the button with the default
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ring displayed.
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<EM>pattern</EM> If the index doesn't satisfy one of the above
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forms then this form is used. <EM>Pattern</EM> is
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pattern-matched against the tag of each button
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in the button box, in order from left/top to
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right/left, until a matching entry is found.
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The rules of <STRONG>Tcl_StringMatch</STRONG> are used.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>add</STRONG> <EM>tag</EM> <EM>args</EM>
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Add a button distinguished by <EM>tag</EM> to the end of the
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button box. If additional arguments are present they
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specify options to be applied to the button. See <STRONG>Push-</STRONG>
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<STRONG>Button</STRONG> for information on the options available.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>buttonconfigure</STRONG> <EM>index</EM> ?<EM>options</EM>?
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This command is similar to the <STRONG>configure</STRONG> command,
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except that it applies to the options for an individual
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button, whereas <STRONG>configure</STRONG> applies to the options for
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the button box as a whole. <EM>Options</EM> may have any of the
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values accepted by the <STRONG>PushButton</STRONG> command. If <EM>options</EM>
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are specified, options are modified as indicated in the
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command and the command returns an empty string. If no
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<EM>options</EM> are specified, returns a list describing the
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current options for entry <EM>index</EM> (see <STRONG>Tk_ConfigureInfo</STRONG>
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for information on the format of this list).
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>cget</STRONG> <EM>option</EM>
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Returns the current value of the configuration option
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given by <EM>option</EM>. <EM>Option</EM> may have any of the values
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accepted by the <STRONG>buttonbox</STRONG> command.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>configure</STRONG> ?<EM>option</EM>? ?<EM>value</EM> <EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM> ...?
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Query or modify the configuration options of the
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widget. If no <EM>option</EM> is specified, returns a list
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describing all of the available options for <EM>pathName</EM>
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(see <STRONG>Tk_ConfigureInfo</STRONG> for information on the format of
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this list). If <EM>option</EM> is specified with no <EM>value</EM>, then
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the command returns a list describing the one named
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option (this list will be identical to the correspond-
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ing sublist of the value returned if no <EM>option</EM> is
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specified). If one or more <EM>option</EM> - <EM>value</EM> pairs are
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specified, then the command modifies the given widget
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option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the
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command returns an empty string. <EM>Option</EM> may have any
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of the values accepted by the <STRONG>buttonbox</STRONG> command.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>default</STRONG> <EM>index</EM>
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Sets the default button to the button given by <EM>index</EM>.
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This causes the default ring to appear arround the
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specified button.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>delete</STRONG> <EM>index</EM>
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Deletes the button given by <EM>index</EM> from the button box.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>hide</STRONG> <EM>index</EM>
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Hides the button denoted by <EM>index</EM>. This doesn't remove
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the button permanently, just inhibits its display.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>index</STRONG> <EM>index</EM>
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Returns the numerical index corresponding to <EM>index</EM>.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>insert</STRONG> <EM>index</EM> <EM>tag</EM> ?<EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM> <EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM> ...?
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Same as the <STRONG>add</STRONG> command except that it inserts the new
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button just before the one given by <EM>index</EM>, instead of
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appending to the end of the button box. The <EM>option</EM>,
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and <EM>value</EM> arguments have the same interpretation as for
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the <STRONG>add</STRONG> widget command.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>invoke</STRONG> ?<EM>index</EM>?
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Invoke the command associated with a button. If no
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arguments are given then the current default button is
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invoked, otherwise the argument is expected to be a
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button <EM>index</EM>.
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<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>show</STRONG> <EM>index</EM>
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Display a previously hidden button denoted by <EM>index</EM>.
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buttonbox .bb
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.bb add Yes -text Yes -command "puts Yes"
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.bb add No -text No -command "puts No"
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.bb add Maybe -text Maybe -command "puts Maybe"
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.bb default Yes
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pack .bb -expand yes -fill both
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Bret A. Schuhmacher
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Mark L. Ulferts
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buttonbox, pushbutton, button, widget
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