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<TITLE>iwidgets2.2.0 User Commands - menubar</TITLE>
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6 |
<H1>iwidgets2.2.0 User Commands - menubar</H1>
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16 |
menubar - Create and manipulate menubar menu widgets
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
<STRONG>menubar</STRONG> <EM>pathName</EM> ?<EM>options</EM>?
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
itk::Widget <- menubar
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
<STRONG>activeBackground</STRONG> <STRONG>borderWidth</STRONG> <STRONG>highlightBackgroundpadY</STRONG>
32 |
<STRONG>activeBorderWidth</STRONG> <STRONG>cursor</STRONG> <STRONG>highligthThicknessrelief</STRONG>
33 |
<STRONG>activeForeground</STRONG> <STRONG>disabledForegroundhighlightColorwrapLength</STRONG>
34 |
35 |
<STRONG>background</STRONG> <STRONG>foreground</STRONG> <STRONG>padX</STRONG>
36 |
37 |
See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
Name: <STRONG>helpVariable</STRONG>
44 |
Class: <STRONG>HelpVariable</STRONG>
45 |
Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-helpvariable</STRONG>
46 |
47 |
Specifies the global variable to update whenever the
48 |
mouse is in motion over a menu entry. This global vari-
49 |
able is updated with the current value of the active
50 |
menu entry's <STRONG>helpStr</STRONG>. Other widgets can "watch" this
51 |
variable with the trace command, or as is the case with
52 |
entry or label widgets, they can set their <STRONG>textVariable</STRONG>
53 |
to the same global variable. This allows for a simple
54 |
implementation of a help status bar. Whenever the mouse
55 |
leaves a menu entry, the helpVariable is set to the
56 |
empty string {}. The mainwindow(1) associates its
57 |
helpstatus and its menubar in this fashion.
58 |
59 |
Name: <STRONG>menuButtons</STRONG>
60 |
Class: <STRONG>MenuButtons</STRONG>
61 |
Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-menubuttons</STRONG>
62 |
63 |
The menuButton option is a string which specifies the
64 |
arrangement of menubuttons on the menubar frame. Each
65 |
menubutton entry is delimited by the newline character.
66 |
67 |
menubar .mb -menubuttons {
68 |
menubutton file -text File
69 |
menubutton edit -text Edit
70 |
menubutton options -text Options
71 |
72 |
73 |
specifies that three menubuttons will be added to the
74 |
menubar (file, edit, options). Each entry is translated
75 |
into an add command call.
76 |
77 |
The <STRONG>menuButtons</STRONG> option can accept embedded variables,
78 |
commands, and backslash quoting. Embedded variables and
79 |
commands must be enclosed in curly braces ({}) to
80 |
ensure proper parsing of the substituted values.
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
The <STRONG>menubar</STRONG> command creates a new window (given by the <EM>path-</EM>
89 |
<EM>Name</EM> argument) and makes it into a <STRONG>menubar</STRONG> menu widget.
90 |
Additional options, described above may be specified on the
91 |
command line or in the option database to configure aspects
92 |
of the menubar such as its colors and font. The <STRONG>menubar</STRONG> com-
93 |
mand returns its <EM>pathName</EM> argument. At the time this command
94 |
is invoked, there must not exist a window named pathName,
95 |
but pathName's parent must exist.
96 |
97 |
A <STRONG>menubar</STRONG> is a widget that simplifies the task of creating
98 |
menu hierarchies. It encapsulates a <STRONG>frame</STRONG> widget, as well as
99 |
<STRONG>menubuttons</STRONG>, <STRONG>menus</STRONG>, and menu <STRONG>entries</STRONG>. The menubar allows
100 |
menus to be specified and referenced in a more consistent
101 |
manner than using Tk to build menus directly.
102 |
103 |
<STRONG>Menubar</STRONG> allows a menu tree to be expressed in a hierachical
104 |
"language". The <STRONG>menubar</STRONG> accepts a <STRONG>menuButtons</STRONG> option that
105 |
allows a list of menubuttons to be added to the menubar. In
106 |
turn, each menubutton accepts a <STRONG>menu</STRONG> option that specifies a
107 |
list of menu entries to be added to the menubutton's menu.
108 |
Cascade entries also accept the <STRONG>menu</STRONG> option for specifying a
109 |
list of menu entries to be added to the cascade's menu.
110 |
111 |
Additionally, the menubar allows each component of the menu-
112 |
bar system to be referenced by a simple <EM>menuPathName</EM> syntax.
113 |
The menubar also extends the set of options for menu entries
114 |
to include a <STRONG>helpStr</STRONG> option.
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
A <EM>menuPathName</EM> is a series of component names separated by
120 |
the `.' character. Each menubar component can be referenced
121 |
via these <EM>menuPathNames</EM>. <EM>menuPathNames</EM> are similar to widget
122 |
pathNames in Tk. Some correspond directly to a widget path-
123 |
Name (components of type <STRONG>menu</STRONG> or <STRONG>menubutton</STRONG>), others
124 |
correspond to a menu entry type. Every widget and entry in a
125 |
menubar can be referenced with the <EM>menuPathName</EM> naming con-
126 |
vention. A menubar can have four types of components:
127 |
128 |
<STRONG>frame</STRONG>. A menubar holds exactly one frame which manages
129 |
menubuttons. The frame is always signified by the `.'
130 |
character as the path name.
131 |
<STRONG>menubutton</STRONG>. A menubutton corresponds directly to a Tk
132 |
menubutton. See menubutton(n).
133 |
134 |
<STRONG>menu</STRONG>. A menu is attached to a menubutton and
135 |
corresponds directly to Tk's menu widget. A menu is
136 |
always signified by the <EM>menuPathName</EM> ending with the
137 |
keyword <STRONG>menu</STRONG>. See menu(n).
138 |
139 |
<STRONG>entry</STRONG>. An entry corresponds directly to Tk's menu
140 |
widget entries. Menus consist of a column of one line
141 |
entries. Entries may be of type: <STRONG>command</STRONG>, <STRONG>checkbutton</STRONG>,
142 |
<STRONG>radiobutton</STRONG>, <STRONG>separator</STRONG>, or <STRONG>cascade</STRONG>. For a complete
143 |
description of these types see the discussion on
144 |
145 |
146 |
The suffix of a <EM>menuPathName</EM> may have the form of:
147 |
148 |
<EM>tkWidgetName</EM> Specifies the name of the component, either a
149 |
<STRONG>frame</STRONG>, <STRONG>menubutton</STRONG>, <STRONG>menu</STRONG>, or an <STRONG>entry</STRONG>. This is
150 |
the normal naming of widgets. For example,
151 |
.file references a <STRONG>menubutton</STRONG> named <EM>file</EM>.
152 |
153 |
The <EM>menuPathName</EM> is a series of segment names, each
154 |
separated by the '.' character. Segment names may be one of
155 |
the following forms:
156 |
157 |
<EM>number</EM> Specifies the index of the the component. For
158 |
menubuttons, 0 corresponds to the left-most
159 |
menubutton of the menu bar frame. As an exam-
160 |
ple, .<EM>1</EM> would correspond to the second menu-
161 |
button on the menu bar frame.
162 |
163 |
For entries, 0 corresponds to the top-most
164 |
entry of the menu. For example, .file.0 would
165 |
correspond to the first entry on the menu
166 |
attached to the menubutton named <EM>file</EM>.
167 |
168 |
<STRONG>end</STRONG> Specifes the last component. For menubuttons,
169 |
it specifies the right-most entry of the menu
170 |
bar frame. For menu entries, it specifies the
171 |
bottom-most entry of the menu.
172 |
173 |
<STRONG>last</STRONG> Same as end.
174 |
175 |
Finally, menu components always end with the <STRONG>menu</STRONG> keyword.
176 |
These components are automatically created via the -menu
177 |
option on menubuttons and cascades or via the <STRONG>add</STRONG> or <STRONG>insert</STRONG>
178 |
179 |
180 |
<STRONG>menu</STRONG> Specifes the menu pane that is associated with
181 |
the given menubutton prefix. For example,
182 |
.<EM>file</EM>.<EM>menu</EM> specifies the menu pane attached to
183 |
184 |
185 |
For example, the path .<EM>file</EM>.<EM>new</EM> specifies the entry named
186 |
new on the menu associated with the file menubutton located
187 |
on the menu bar. The path .<EM>file</EM>.<EM>menu</EM> specifies the menu pane
188 |
associated with the menubutton .<EM>file</EM>. The path .<EM>last</EM> speci-
189 |
fies the last menu on the menu bar. The path .<EM>0</EM>.<EM>last</EM> would
190 |
specify the first menu (file) and the last entry on that
191 |
menu (quit), yielding .<EM>file</EM>.<EM>quit</EM>.
192 |
193 |
As a restriction, the last name segment of <EM>menuPathName</EM> can-
194 |
not be one of the keywords last, menu, end, nor may it be a
195 |
numeric value (integer).
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
The <STRONG>menubar</STRONG> command creates a new Tcl command whose name is
201 |
<EM>pathName</EM>. This command may be used to invoke various opera-
202 |
tions on the widget. It has the following general form:
203 |
204 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <EM>option</EM> ?<EM>arg</EM> <EM>arg</EM> ...?
205 |
206 |
<EM>option</EM> and the <EM>arg</EM>s determine the exact behavior of the com-
207 |
208 |
209 |
In addition, many of the widget commands for menubar take as
210 |
one argument a path name to a menu component. These path
211 |
names are called <EM>menuPathName</EM>s. See the discussion on <STRONG>MENU-</STRONG>
212 |
213 |
214 |
The following commands are possible for menubar widgets:
215 |
216 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>add</STRONG> <EM>type</EM> <EM>menuPathName</EM> ?<EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM> <EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM>?
217 |
Adds either a menu to the menu bar or a menu entry to a
218 |
menu pane.
219 |
220 |
If additional arguments are present, they specify
221 |
<EM>option</EM>s available to component type <STRONG>entry</STRONG>. See the man
222 |
pages for <STRONG>menu</STRONG>(1) in the section on <STRONG>ENTRIES</STRONG>.
223 |
224 |
If <EM>type</EM> is one of <STRONG>cascade</STRONG>, <STRONG>checkbutton</STRONG>, <STRONG>command</STRONG>,
225 |
<STRONG>radiobutton</STRONG>, or <STRONG>separator</STRONG> it adds a new entry to the
226 |
bottom of the menu denoted by the prefix of <EM>menuPath-</EM>
227 |
<EM>Name</EM>. If additonal arguments are present, they specify
228 |
options available to menu <STRONG>entry</STRONG> widgets. In addition,
229 |
the <STRONG>helpStr</STRONG> option is added by the menubar widget to
230 |
all components of type entry.
231 |
232 |
<STRONG>-helpstr</STRONG> <EM>value</EM>
233 |
Specifes the string to associate with the entry.
234 |
When the mouse moves over the associated entry,
235 |
the variable denoted by <STRONG>helpVariable</STRONG> is set.
236 |
Another widget can bind to the helpVariable and
237 |
thus display status help.
238 |
239 |
If the type of the component added is <STRONG>menubutton</STRONG> or
240 |
<STRONG>cascade</STRONG>, a menubutton or cascade is added to the menu-
241 |
bar. If additional arguments are present, they specify
242 |
options available to menubutton or cascade widgets. In
243 |
addition, the <STRONG>menu</STRONG> option is added by the menubar
244 |
widget to all menubutton and cascade widgets.
245 |
246 |
<STRONG>-menu</STRONG> <EM>menuSpec</EM>
247 |
This is only valid for <EM>menuPathName</EM>s of type <STRONG>menu-</STRONG>
248 |
<STRONG>button</STRONG> or <STRONG>cascade</STRONG>. Specifes an option set and/or a
249 |
set of entries to place on a menu and associate
250 |
with the menubutton or cascade. The <STRONG>option</STRONG> keyword
251 |
allows the menu widget to be configured. Each item
252 |
in the <EM>menuSpec</EM> is treated as add commands (each
253 |
with the possibility of having other -menu
254 |
options). In this way a menu can be recursively
255 |
256 |
257 |
The last segment of <EM>menuPathName</EM> cannot be one of
258 |
the keywords <STRONG>last</STRONG>, <STRONG>menu</STRONG>, <STRONG>end</STRONG>. Additionally, it may
259 |
not be a <EM>number</EM>. However the <EM>menuPathName</EM> may be
260 |
referenced in this manner (see discussion of <STRONG>COM-</STRONG>
261 |
262 |
263 |
Note that the same curly brace quoting rules apply
264 |
to <STRONG>-menu</STRONG> option strings as did to <STRONG>-menubuttons</STRONG>
265 |
option strings. See the earlier discussion on
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>cget</STRONG> <EM>option</EM>
270 |
Returns the current value of the configuration option
271 |
given by <EM>option</EM>.
272 |
273 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>configure</STRONG> ?<EM>options</EM> <EM>value</EM> <EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM>?
274 |
Query or modify the configuration options of the
275 |
widget. If no <EM>option</EM> is specified, returns a list
276 |
describing all of the available options for <STRONG>pathName</STRONG>
277 |
(see <STRONG>Tk_ConfigureInfo</STRONG> for information on the format of
278 |
this list). If <EM>option</EM> is specified with no value, then
279 |
the command returns a list describing the one named
280 |
option (this list will be identical to the correspond-
281 |
ing sublist of the value returned if no option is
282 |
specified). If one or more option-value pairs are
283 |
specified, then the command modifies the given widget
284 |
option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the
285 |
command returns an empty string.
286 |
287 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>delete</STRONG> <EM>menuPathName</EM> ?<EM>menuPathName2</EM>?
288 |
If <EM>menuPathName</EM> is of component type <STRONG>Menubutton</STRONG> or
289 |
<STRONG>Menu</STRONG>, delete operates on menus. If <EM>menuPathName</EM> is of
290 |
component type <STRONG>Entry</STRONG>, delete operates on menu entries.
291 |
292 |
This command deletes all components between <EM>menuPath-</EM>
293 |
<EM>Name</EM> and <EM>menuPathName2</EM> inclusive. If <EM>menuPathName2</EM> is
294 |
omitted then it defaults to <EM>menuPathName</EM>. Returns an
295 |
empty string.
296 |
297 |
If <EM>menuPathName</EM> is of type menubar, then all menus and
298 |
the menu bar frame will be destroyed. In this case
299 |
<EM>menuPathName2</EM> is ignored.
300 |
301 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>index</STRONG> <EM>menuPathName</EM>
302 |
If <EM>menuPathName</EM> is of type menubutton or menu, it
303 |
returns the position of the menu/menubutton on the
304 |
menubar frame.
305 |
306 |
If <EM>menuPathName</EM> is of type <STRONG>command</STRONG>, <STRONG>separator</STRONG>,
307 |
<STRONG>radiobutton</STRONG>, <STRONG>checkbutton</STRONG>, or <STRONG>cascade</STRONG>, it returns the
308 |
menu widget's numerical index for the entry correspond-
309 |
ing to <EM>menuPathName</EM>. If path is not found or the path
310 |
is equal to ".", a value of -1 is returned.
311 |
312 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>insert</STRONG> <EM>menuPathName</EM> <EM>type</EM> <EM>name</EM> ?<EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM>?
313 |
Insert a new component named name before the component
314 |
specified by <EM>menuPathName</EM>.
315 |
316 |
If <EM>menuPathName</EM> is of type <STRONG>Menubutton</STRONG> or <STRONG>Menu</STRONG>, the new
317 |
component inserted is of type <STRONG>Menu</STRONG> and given the name
318 |
name. In this case valid <EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM> pairs are those
319 |
accepted by menubuttons.
320 |
321 |
If <EM>menuPathName</EM> is of type <STRONG>Entry</STRONG>, the new component
322 |
inserted is of type <STRONG>entry</STRONG> and given the name <EM>name</EM>. In
323 |
this case, valid <EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM> pairs are those accepted
324 |
by menu entries. <EM>Name</EM> cannot be one of the keywords
325 |
<STRONG>last</STRONG>, <STRONG>menu</STRONG>, <STRONG>end</STRONG>. Additionally, it may not be a number.
326 |
However the <EM>menuPathName</EM> may be referenced in this
327 |
328 |
329 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>invoke</STRONG> <EM>menuPathName</EM>
330 |
Invoke the action of the menu entry denoted by <EM>menu-</EM>
331 |
<EM>PathName</EM>. See the sections on the individual entries in
332 |
the menu(1) man pages. If the menu entry is disabled
333 |
then nothing happens. If the entry has a command asso-
334 |
ciated with it then the result of that command is
335 |
returned as the result of the <STRONG>invoke</STRONG> widget command.
336 |
Otherwise the result is an empty string.
337 |
338 |
If <EM>menuPathName</EM> is not a menu entry, an error is
339 |
340 |
341 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>menucget</STRONG> <EM>menuPathName</EM> ?<EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM> <EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM>?
342 |
Returns the current value of the configuration option
343 |
given by <EM>option</EM>. The component type of <EM>menuPathName</EM>
344 |
determines the valid available options.
345 |
346 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>menuconfigure</STRONG> <EM>menuPathName</EM> ?<EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM>?
347 |
Query or modify the configuration options of the com-
348 |
ponet of the menubar specified by <EM>menuPathName</EM>. If no
349 |
<EM>option</EM> is specified, returns a list describing all of
350 |
the available options for <EM>menuPathName</EM> (see
351 |
<STRONG>Tk_ConfigureInfo</STRONG> for information on the format of this
352 |
list). If <EM>option</EM> is specified with no value, then the
353 |
command returns a list describing the one named option
354 |
(this list will be identical to the corresponding sub-
355 |
list of the value returned if no option is specified).
356 |
If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then
357 |
the command modifies the given widget option(s) to have
358 |
the given value(s); in this case the command returns an
359 |
empty string. The component type of <EM>menuPathName</EM> deter-
360 |
mines the valid available options.
361 |
362 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>path</STRONG> ?<EM>mode</EM>? <EM>pattern</EM>
363 |
Returns a fully formed <EM>menuPathName</EM> that matches <EM>pat-</EM>
364 |
<EM>tern</EM>. If no match is found it returns -1. The <EM>mode</EM>
365 |
argument indicates how the search is to be matched
366 |
against <EM>pattern</EM> and it must have one of the following
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
Pattern is a glob-style pattern which is matched
371 |
against each component path using the same rules
372 |
as the string match command.
373 |
374 |
375 |
Pattern is treated as a regular expression and
376 |
matched against each component of the <EM>menuPathName</EM>
377 |
using the same rules as the regexp command. The
378 |
default mode is -glob.
379 |
380 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>type</STRONG> <EM>menuPathName</EM>
381 |
Returns the type of the component specified by <EM>menu-</EM>
382 |
<EM>PathName</EM>. For menu entries, this is the type argument
383 |
passed to the <STRONG>add</STRONG>/<STRONG>insert</STRONG> widget command when the entry
384 |
was created, such as <STRONG>command</STRONG> or <STRONG>separator</STRONG>. Othewise it
385 |
is either a <STRONG>menubutton</STRONG> or a <STRONG>menu</STRONG>.
386 |
387 |
<EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>yposition</STRONG> <EM>menuPathName</EM>
388 |
Returns a decimal string giving the y-coordinate within
389 |
the menu window of the topmost pixel in the entry
390 |
specified by <EM>menuPathName</EM>. If the <EM>menuPathName</EM> is not
391 |
an entry, an error is issued.
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
The following example creates a menubar with "File", "Edit",
397 |
"Options" menubuttons. Each of these menubuttons has an
398 |
associated menu. In turn the File menu has menu entries, as
399 |
well as the Edit menu and the Options menu. The Options menu
400 |
is a tearoff menu with selectColor (for radiobuttons) set to
401 |
blue. In addition, the Options menu has a cascade titled
402 |
More, with several menu entries attached to it as well. An
403 |
entry widget is provided to display help status.
404 |
405 |
menubar .mb -helpvariable helpVar -menubuttons {
406 |
menubutton file -text File -menu {
407 |
options -tearoff false
408 |
command new -label New \
409 |
-helpstr "Open new document" \
410 |
-command {puts NEW}
411 |
command close -label Close \
412 |
-helpstr "Close current document" \
413 |
-command {puts CLOSE}
414 |
separator sep1
415 |
command exit -label Exit -command {exit} \
416 |
-helpstr "Exit application"
417 |
418 |
menubutton edit -text Edit -menu {
419 |
options -tearoff false
420 |
command undo -label Undo -underline 0 \
421 |
-helpstr "Undo last command" \
422 |
-command {puts UNDO}
423 |
separator sep2
424 |
command cut -label Cut -underline 1 \
425 |
-helpstr "Cut selection to clipboard" \
426 |
-command {puts CUT}
427 |
command copy -label Copy -underline 1 \
428 |
-helpstr "Copy selection to clipboard" \
429 |
-command {puts COPY}
430 |
command paste -label Paste -underline 0 \
431 |
-helpstr "Paste clipboard contents" \
432 |
-command {puts PASTE}
433 |
434 |
menubutton options -text Options -menu {
435 |
options -tearoff false -selectcolor blue
436 |
radiobutton byName -variable viewMode \
437 |
-value NAME -label "by Name" \
438 |
-helpstr "View files by name order" \
439 |
-command {puts NAME}
440 |
radiobutton byDate -variable viewMode \
441 |
-value DATE -label "by Date" \
442 |
-helpstr "View files by date order" \
443 |
-command {puts DATE}
444 |
cascade prefs -label Preferences -menu {
445 |
command colors -label Colors... \
446 |
-helpstr "Change text colors" \
447 |
-command {puts COLORS}
448 |
command fonts -label Fonts... \
449 |
-helpstr "Change text font" \
450 |
-command {puts FONT}
451 |
452 |
453 |
454 |
455 |
456 |
frame .fr -width 300 -height 300
457 |
entry .ef -textvariable helpVar
458 |
pack .mb -anchor nw -fill x -expand yes
459 |
pack .fr -fill both -expand yes
460 |
pack .ef -anchor sw -fill x -expand yes
461 |
462 |
463 |
464 |
465 |
466 |
Alternatively the same menu could be created by using the
467 |
add and configure methods:
468 |
469 |
menubar .mb
470 |
.mb configure -menubuttons {
471 |
menubutton file -text File -menu {
472 |
command new -label New
473 |
command close -label Close
474 |
separator sep1
475 |
command quit -label Quit
476 |
477 |
menubutton edit -text Edit
478 |
479 |
480 |
481 |
.mb add command .edit.undo -label Undo -underline 0
482 |
.mb add separator .edit.sep2
483 |
.mb add command .edit.cut -label Cut -underline 1
484 |
.mb add command .edit.copy -label Copy -underline 1
485 |
.mb add command .edit.paste -label Paste -underline 0
486 |
487 |
.mb add menubutton .options -text Options -menu {
488 |
radiobutton byName -variable viewMode \
489 |
-value NAME -label "by Name"
490 |
radiobutton byDate -variable viewMode \
491 |
-value DATE -label "by Date"
492 |
493 |
494 |
.mb add cascade .options.prefs -label Preferences -menu {
495 |
command colors -label Colors...
496 |
command fonts -label Fonts...
497 |
498 |
pack .mb -side left -anchor nw -fill x -expand yes
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
504 |
The <STRONG>-menubuttons</STRONG> option as well as the <STRONG>-menu</STRONG> option is
505 |
evaluated by menubar with the <STRONG>subst</STRONG> command. The positive
506 |
side of this is that the option string may contain vari-
507 |
ables, commands, and/or backslash substitutions. However,
508 |
substitutions might expand into more than a single word.
509 |
These expansions can be protected by enclosing candidate
510 |
substitutions in curly braces ({}). This ensures, for exam-
511 |
ple, a value for an option will still be treated as a single
512 |
value and not multiple values. The following example illus-
513 |
trates this case:
514 |
515 |
set fileMenuName "File Menu"
516 |
set var {}
517 |
menubar .mb -menubuttons {
518 |
menubutton file -text {$fileMenuName}
519 |
menubutton edit -text Edit -menu {
520 |
checkbutton check \
521 |
-label Check \
522 |
-variable {[scope var]} \
523 |
-onvalue 1 \
524 |
-offvalue 0
525 |
526 |
menubutton options -text Options
527 |
528 |
529 |
The variable <EM>fileMenuName</EM> will expand to "File Menu"
530 |
when the <STRONG>subst</STRONG> command is used on the menubutton
531 |
specification. In addition, the [<STRONG>scope</STRONG>...] command will
532 |
expand to @scope :: var. By enclosing these inside {}
533 |
they stay as a single value. Note that only {} work for
534 |
this. [list...], "" etc. will not protect these from
535 |
the subst command.
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
Bret Schumaker
541 |
542 |
1994 - Early work on a menubar widget.
543 |
544 |
Mark Ulferts, Mark Harrison, John Sigler
545 |
546 |
Invaluable feedback on grammar and usability of the
547 |
menubar widget
548 |
549 |
550 |
551 |
552 |
Bill W. Scott
553 |
554 |
555 |
556 |
557 |
frame, menu, menubutton, entries, help
558 |
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